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478 · Apr 2014
Your Blue Eyes
DarlingChild Apr 2014
Dear Braylin, my dearest sister
never did I think
that you were ever possible
Never did I wonder what'd it be like
to feel your hand wrapped around my finger
Never did I feel strange about leaving to visit my father
Because my little bea,
never did I think that you were ever possible.
I used to be satisfied with our cousins
running around after them like they were little princesses
Only now I see-though I love them without question-
Now I see that they can't compare.
Darling you are beyond any princess that could compare.
I knew from the moment I saw you that you'd be special.
I'd been waiting by those doors for half an hour when I finally saw you
You were screaming and covered in white but I didn't care
I couldn't think
As we all crowded around the window
to watch as my stepfather-your daddy-cleaned you up nice
I felt tears in my eyes, but I pushed them back
when our brother held me for the picture, I wanted to push him away
I was so mad at him
I was mad because I was scared
scared that he would put you down like he does me
I still am
But I won't let you hurt
I'll be there when you cry
I wipe the tears away from your eyes
Eyes that I soon found out were blue- like mine.
Only your's are darker, a deep dark blue like the deep ocean
I could stare at your eyes, your face, your beauty forever.
That's what I thought- the first time I held you
As the tears finally streamed down my face, and everyone laughed
Everyone laughed, but I didn't care for once
All I could think of was the miscarriages that mommy had
So many babies she lost
I had tried to not get my hopes up with you
but my worries were in vain
here you were, sleeping in my arms
they all talked about how I'd gotten you to quiet down
they were impressed
I wasn't very surprised
It seems almost like a common thing now
not that I can calm you down- you're so adorably spoiled-
but that I can connect with you
that you love me
I know you do, like I've never known anything before
never did I imagine that you were possible
but here you are, and here I'll stay
It makes me sad to think, in just four years
I'll have to leave- I've never liked thinking about growing up
but you make it even worse
When I start college, you'll be only four years old
What if I can't always be here?
What if I miss something?
What if you forget me?
Don't ever forget me, Bea.
I'll never forget you, I'm staying strong for you
I'll go out, and live, and make a future for myself
Because I want you to have everything you want in life
and I want to be one to help with that.
Never did I think you were possible
But looking into your deep blue eyes,
I know that anything is possible
I'll prove it.
I'll make me dreams come true
no matter how impossible they seem
We thought you were impossible
now look where we are.
**Nothing is impossible
Little old thing for my sister. It's not that good, not to mention the grammar errors but whatever.
351 · Feb 2014
Just one more...
DarlingChild Feb 2014
2:29 a.m.
Just one more cut the girl thinks to herself for the sixth time that night.
She slides the small razor across her upper thigh
What a sight
she thinks with a sigh.
2:32 a.m.
Her clock blinks red
like the blood that's bubbling up from her leg
2:34 a.m.
It's Valentine's Day
Is all that comes to mind before
just one more cut
2:35 a.m.
One more slice
because what's the harm?
It feels so nice
but never on her pretty, pale arm.
2:36 a.m.
Just one more go
Because the blood comes out just a little too slow
2:38 a.m.
She was fourteen that year
and nothing seemed right...
2:40 a.m.
So she snatched up her razor that was oh so dear
to use on herself, on that cold, cold night
2:41 a.m.
the red numbers keep flashing
tick tock tick tock
for every second, her resolve was dying
all because of that never-stopping clock
2:43 a.m.
just a couple more scars
really why not?
she's come this far.
9:34 a.m.
her brother finds her dead
curled up in a ball
in her nice, warm bed
9:35 a.m
her brother screams and looks to the covers
they're covered in red
he screams again and calls for their mother
who sees all of those ****** scars now carved into her leg
9:41 a.m.*
a single scar in the most unlikely of places
her pretty pale arm, so beloved by she
one last slice to end her life
down the river, down the stream
Okay, so this is my first poem and I'm not really sure how I did. :I
I messed up on the rhymey part some, but whatever... Plus I need to work on my descriptive writing and my ability to get into deer, dark roles.
319 · Feb 2014
Waiting Room
DarlingChild Feb 2014
Sitting still in an empty room, waiting for nothing to happen tomorrow. My life has been a waiting room, I watch as people rush through with their big emergencies their nows, leaving me behind, waiting. I wait for so long, but am met with only more waiting. I have forgotten what I am waiting for, what do I expect to meet me when my name is called? It seems as though I am the only one left waiting. I am the only one left without a story. Can't I be rid of the waiting? Can't something happen to me? Something unexpected and unplanned? I need something- or someone, to through me off the waiting list and take me to now. To forever take me away from tomorrow, from next week, next year, next century. Take me to a place where there is no time, yet there is no waiting. I am sick of waiting.
311 · Apr 2014
Since then...
DarlingChild Apr 2014
Since then, I've been better.
Looking back now
I realize just how sad I made myself.
I should have been letting them in
I should have been trying to be happy.
But I realize now that I wanted to feel sad.
Feeling sad, it was my poor excuse at a now.
I wanted to be something, so I became a monster.
Only it was too late that I realized I always have been.
Now that I'm letting them in,
I feel happy.
I feel slightly less lonely.
There are still those days,
when too many things are running through my head.
All I can think is, "get your razor."
And I'll wait, until it's dark in my room,
until the sun has gone down.
It doesn't happen as much anymore.
They friends.
Friends that I was keeping at a distance before,
Afraid that they'd leave as soon as I let them in.
But they're still here, they're still the same.
Only now there's less hurt.
Before it was hurt, witty words and playful fists.
Empty threats and I hate you's.
Now we have more hugs,
because I finally hugged back.
And she was so surprised.
Now he smiles at me, and I feel butterflies.
But I also feel shame.
Because he used to belong to her.
Even before he did.
They were best friends for years, she'd loved him....
Does she Love him still?
Do I?
Because naturally, as soon as one problem is resolved,
Another must come.
Sooo, this is just kind of a random piece of whatever. I didn't really know where I was going with this and I still don't really know what it is....hmm...

— The End —