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Just when did our expectations
grow so very incredibly grandiose?
This feeling we seem to have developed,
regarding divine personal entitlement?
We want what we want and,
by God when we want it!

If "Selfish" was a Mill Stone,
Most of us would surely wear it,
around our self-absorbed necks.
It's all about me, to hell with the rest!
People, friends we are all in this together,
Maybe it's a test.
"Do unto other's" still works the best.

Then there is the blame game we play,
the old/new too quick to sue game.
What about that?
Slip and fall on your back,
take the money and run, it's a sad fact.
The boss gave you a hard look,
go straight to HR and sue the *****.
Never mind that the poor guy,
has a huge family to feed,
That he was not wearing,
his glasses only focusing his eyes,
and not "hard looking" you.

I don't know, people used to be more civil,
even willing to forgive and forget, now it seems,
All about some windfall from out of the blue.
How to ***** your neighbor before they screws you.
What ever happened to "Live and let Live?"
Come on my brother's and sister's, get over it!
There is a big difference between "Want" and "Need".
And want in my dictionary is spelled "G R E E D"!
Inspired by the Eagles Song "Get over it".
And by the sad observation and recognition of what we are becoming.
 May 2013 Dark Angel
 May 2013 Dark Angel
I want it to storm
Specifically over you
To electrify your sins
Rumble and grumble too

I want you to drown
In the troubles you cause me
Neck high in sorrows
So tall you can't see

I want the sun
To never shine again
Just for you
I'll make sure that happens
 May 2013 Dark Angel
You tell me I'm not passionate
although, I cannot grasp
how you presume this.
Passion is a form of art.
Please tell me which two artists
objects in the exact same way?
Just because we see/do things differently than others does not mean they do them wrong or do not do them at all.  It's called viewpoints and being individuals.
What a simple mess these words can be, are they real or just a breeze
I walk a mile and run for three but then its all over and history
Crazy is the world and crazy is me but none is so lazy as this simple plee
Hush all the noise listen and see, that my one wish is this and you to be free
Why all the fuss and rush and such, when all I want is my destiny
Cant we be still silent and ponder, what it all means to quietly wonder
Stumble we fall but soon and not far its only a quest of our serenity
Humble we are to travel this far to find its a journey for our sanity
Pleased to be back its not done just yet, for theres still that long flight in the sky
Heaven bound I sit in the clouds and find its been a hell of a ride.
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