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Mar 2016 · 517
Danni Mar 2016
I'm like a sponge:
the more water,
the more I grow;
the more you squeeze,
the more I shrink.

I can handle the water,
I take what I can and brush off the rest.
I absorb what's needed
and can use that to help others
and apply it to my life.

But squeeze me like a ***** sponge,
everything pours out of me.
I can only take so much
before everything starts to flood -
everything that I ever kept in pours out.

I'm like a sponge.
I can take in a lot,
hold it all in,
but once you squeeze me,
get ready for a ***** flood.
After I wrote this, I realized that it comes across as me crying, but I'm writing about anger.
Jan 2016 · 323
Maybe You
Danni Jan 2016
Maybe you'll see these poems.
And if you do,
you'll probably get mad.
And if you do,
that is not my problem.
Because if you do,
it is not me who said you was you.
Jan 2016 · 444
Push Me Away
Danni Jan 2016
Don't say I stopped being there for you…

Because I'll have you recall the numerous times
I heard you crying
and offered to be there
and asked you what you needed…

and all you did
was push me away.
Jan 2016 · 445
You Never Tried
Danni Jan 2016
You said you'd be there whenever I needed you,
but when I needed you most,
you never came through.

I know it's hard to understand the grieving I'm going through,
but you never tried to understand.

Instead, you just looked at me with judgment,
as if wanting to tell me,
"It was just a baby…move on with your life."
Jan 2016 · 416
Grow Up and Let Me
Danni Jan 2016
If you think I'm the only one in the wrong,
you got another thing coming for you.

You can take your judgmental attitude
towards everything I do

and let me live my life as I do.

And if that involves me doing art
that you don't understand,
then let me.

If it involves me wearing Pokémon shirts
while I play Pokémon,
even though you think it's dorky,
then let me.

If it involves me hanging out with my friends,
even though you don't like them,
then let me.

And if it even involves me hanging out with my boyfriend,
even though you hate him for no legitimate reason,
then ******* let me.

Because I'm not on this planet to be only your friend,
and it's time to grow up and realize that.
Jan 2016 · 262
Baby's Breath
Danni Jan 2016
Everyone is so excited to hear
the baby is near...

but when the baby is here,
and the future isn't clear,

the number of people who steer
clear of your tears...

is larger than you'd fear.
Dec 2015 · 324
Nothing Else
Danni Dec 2015
When all you want is love,
and you're denied that love,
nothing else seems important
or even worth it.
Dec 2015 · 317
Danni Dec 2015
All I needed was for you to stay,
for you to hold me while I cried.

Because all I do is feel alone,
but when you hold me, I feel so much

But it was an inconvenience to you,
so you left me here to cry.

You say you're sorry, and I know you are,
but it's hard to accept your apology

when it comes from you thinking your
        pain and bad mood tomorrow
trump my grief and sorrow.
Danni Aug 2015
I don't care about your purpose, I only care about how it makes some people feel.  If you're going to post something graphic, descriptive, or something that could trigger flashbacks or anything online and your account is connected somehow (via following, facebook friends, or whatever) to someone you know or even don't know who has dealt with what you want to share to make a point like "all men are evil," then you have to reflect on who you are as a person and how dire it is that you share this piece of information.  Is your point so important and "accurate" to prove that you need to put someone in harm's way?  Do you really need to post that video of someone being run over or shot, or killed or wounded in any way?  Do you really need to share that person's **** story?  Do you really need to post that picture of someone's hanging?  Do you really need to post any of that?  If you really feel the need, AT LEAST - okay?  at least? - put it in your settings that someone you may know who is sensitive to whatever you want to post doesn't see it.  You want to make the world a better place?  Maybe start thinking.
Apr 2015 · 410
Start Recording Covers?
Danni Apr 2015
This isn't a poem, as you can probably tell.  (I'm sorry!)  I just need advice!

I'm trying to decide whether while working this summer, I would want to focus a lot on music and how I might want to portray it - like through covers and mashups and all that jazz.

I've been told I have a nice/lovely/beautiful voice and I love to sing and really never stop.  And I'm almost always listening to music, and I can guarantee you I always have a song stuck in my head (usually Cher's Believe).

I just don't know if I should do it.  Never mind post to the Internet - that time will come when it may.  But I just don't wanna go out and buy a recording microphone, mic stand, a capo for my guitar, and have someone tune and change the strings (because I cannot tune a guitar even if the world depended on it) of my tiny guitar that I'll basically have to spend time learning again.

I really want to, but it's really the money aspect that I'm worrying about.

Should I just do me and go for it and if I really like it, then I can go out and buy all that stuff if I wish?
Mar 2015 · 400
Danni Mar 2015
I am not perfect,
I can be seen as a failure
or even as a disappointment,
but I don’t need you to “fix” me.
Feb 2015 · 401
Danni Feb 2015
I don't know why you love me.
I am the most annoying person on our
How can you love someone like me?

I have more baggage than a person should.
I have more energy than should be
I don't know when to stop,
or I stop too early.

I trust too much,
and I trust too little.
There is never an in between with me.

I don't know why you love me,
and in this poem I tried to find my answer,
tried to hear your voice say it in my head,
and I could hear it,
I just don't know why you said it.
Dec 2014 · 348
No Need
Danni Dec 2014
I'm a brat and I know it,
no need to tell me twice.

I overreact and I'm aware of it,
no need to shout it in my face.
Dec 2014 · 431
Smile to Me
Danni Dec 2014
You are the Mickey to my Minnie,
the Prince Charming to my Cinderella.

You're there for me always,
so I'm never alone.

You smile to me,
and show me the way to go.

You are the Ben to my Leslie,
the Eric to my Ariel.

I know you'll always be there for me,
to smile to me so I can smile too.
Dec 2014 · 413
Danni Dec 2014
If I had known saying goodbye
would be this difficult,
I would have packed
myself in his suitcase.

I just wish that hug never
ended, that he'd still
be holding me in his arms.

When he held my hands,
then tried to pull away,
I only held his hands tighter,
and followed him,
until he could move no more.

I just wish —
I only wish —
I wish he was holding me,
I just want to be holding him.
Dec 2014 · 495
All of You
Danni Dec 2014
My face is covered in salt

because of you.

If love never dies,

then what you had for me

was never love.

I'll see you once more,

call it quits.

The best part of this

is being able

to make a happy song



to get to

know you

was the



I've made

in my life.

God tried to warn me,

and the devil tricked me.

Tears in the shower

caused by a friend,

would rather die

than be hurt again.
Took a bunch of my short poems and put them into one longer poem.
Dec 2014 · 342
You Wonder Why
Danni Dec 2014
You wonder why I hate you
when you send me pictures
of the man who messed up me.

You wonder why I'm upset
when you laugh in my face
and mock my brain.

You wonder why I don't talk to you
when you would play on my deficit
to have a companion to fail with.

You wonder why I reacted the way I did
when all you did was mock me,
make fun of me, and use me.
Nov 2014 · 502
Danni Nov 2014
If love never dies,
then what you had for me
was never love.
Nov 2014 · 267
Danni Nov 2014
The emptiness I feel
is so full of self-hatred,
I wonder if I'm even empty.
Nov 2014 · 260
Alone Together
Danni Nov 2014
Can't wait to be alone,
be away from it all.
Everyone's gone,
or we hate everyone,
or everyone hates us,
and we only have each other.
I only wish this could last forever.

We get the sun, the moon,
the stars, the clouds - all to ourselves.
No one can interrupt us.
No one's here to disturb us.
No one can tell us what to do.
Everyone's gone,
and we've got things to do.
Nov 2014 · 268
Danni Nov 2014
I cannot see myself
with anyone but you.

People can judge
and say all they want,

but I will never stop loving you.
Nov 2014 · 868
Danni Nov 2014
I'll miss you
until you're in my arms

Until I know you're mine

Until I see your beautiful face

Until I hear your laugh

You make this all so
worth it,

and I can't wait
to look into your eyes
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
oh no
Danni Nov 2014
oh, you might read this?
oh no,
looks like i don't give a ****.

guess i should apologize
for pouring my feelings out there.
guess i'm overreacting again.

oh well.
Nov 2014 · 293
Why Should I
Danni Nov 2014
I was going to do it on my own,
but I was rudely interrupted.
I mean, I've tried before,
but you never got it.

I'm sorry,
not sorry.
Enlighten me.
Why should I apologize?
Nov 2014 · 240
Danni Nov 2014
I can take something of yours
and put it against you.

I'm gonna take what you love most
and put an end to it.
Nov 2014 · 806
What Did You Expect From Me
Danni Nov 2014
What did you expect from me
when I'm crying,
and you know every reason why?

What did you expect from me
when you claim to understand me?
It is clear through your tone
that that's what you think,
but I sure as hell can tell you:
you don't know.

What did you expect from me
when you walked into my room
like you owned it?

What did you expect from me
when you say I overreact,
then insult me in any way possible?

What did you expect from me?

What do you expect from me?

I can tell you what to expect.
But maybe that might be an "overreaction."

I don't answer to you.
Good bye,
and good riddance.
Nov 2014 · 687
Danni Nov 2014
to get to
know you

was the biggest

I've made in my life.
Oct 2014 · 355
I Don't Know How
Danni Oct 2014
I don't know how
we're going to spend
an entire weekend together
when the past two nights,
you've made me feel like ****.

You should be able to tell me
I don't want to
without hesitation
like I do for me and you.

I don't know how
we're going to spend a weekend
when you keep making
me feel like ****.
Oct 2014 · 413
Burning Wasn't Enough
Danni Oct 2014
I burned myself,
because my Catholic conscience
got the better of me.

I told myself it's what
God wanted.
I've a touched a man

and let him touch me
before exchanging our vows.
I'll wear my veil

to hide my guilt
and my shame.
I'll hide my burns.

Burning myself
wasn't enough,
no water hot enough.

Red splotches covered me,
I wasn't satisfied.
I don't deserve to look

My mistakes must be

because I tell myself
I'm a *******
and I want to burn this ****.
Oct 2014 · 283
The Best Part
Danni Oct 2014
The best part of this
is being able
to make a happy song
Oct 2014 · 315
Danni Oct 2014
Why can't I be normal?

On or off,
something's off.
Too upset
or too crazy.
There's never an

Either way,
people question
why I am
the way I am.

Sometimes I wonder,
What's the point
of going on?

I'll be dishonest with you,
and tell you
I feel accepted all the time.

The only one who gets me
lives two hours away,
and I'll be honest,
and tell you this,
he should be expecting
a call from me today.
Oct 2014 · 402
I Forgot
Danni Oct 2014
I forgot how
you keep me
up at night.
Ignore my fatigue,
and drag me
to the wee
of the morning.

I forgot how
you keep me
from eating.
The thought of food
makes me want to *****
anything inside of me.

I forgot how
you make me
realize how
full of flaws
I really am.

I remembered how
you can help me,
but is it worth this
pointless depression
that drags me through the day,
day by day?
Oct 2014 · 340
Your Kiss on My Cheek
Danni Oct 2014
I can't help but
stare at the picture
where you kiss my cheek
in the middle of your show
and think that maybe
for once
I've got something going for me.
I'm not a failure.
Oct 2014 · 2.8k
Adore You/Thinking Out Loud
Danni Oct 2014
Wondering where you've been all my life.
Take me into your loving arms.
I just started living.
Darling, I will be loving you till we're 70.
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars.

When you say you need me,
know I need you more.
Place your head on my beating heart.

I'm scared.
Oh, so scared.
But when you're near me,
I feel like I'm standing with an army
of men armed with weapons.

Maybe we found love right where we are.

I love lying next to you.
I could do this for eternity,
you and me.

When my hair's all gone and my memories
I know you will still love me the same.

When you say you love me,
know I love you more.
This is a collaborative poem with lyrics from Miley Cyrus' song "Adore You" and Ed Sheeran's song "Thinking Out Loud"
Oct 2014 · 375
Imagine Love
Danni Oct 2014
Imagine being in love
for twenty years.
Twenty years of loyalty,
promise, and forgiveness.

Imagine being in love
for forty years.
Forty years of honesty,
sharing, and openness.

Imagine being in love
for sixty years.
Sixty years of love
and all its adventures.

Imagine being in love
for all its endeavors.
Oct 2014 · 240
All We Know
Danni Oct 2014
All we know
is we want to be
each other's firsts.
Oct 2014 · 272
Danni Oct 2014
You cried,
and I held you in my arms.
Never wanted to let you go.

Tears of happiness,
the best kind of tears to shed,
built up in your eyes.

I wiped them away,
told you it'll be okay,
just praying for this to stay.
Oct 2014 · 537
Crushing on You So Hard
Danni Oct 2014
The yak-er said,
"Crushing on you so hard"

All I could think of was you.
Sep 2014 · 355
9 in the Morning
Danni Sep 2014
The neighbors' constant bumping
isn't a bother,
even if it is 9 in the morning,
and I should still be sleeping.

But happiness I have not felt
in a while
trumps all.

Need to feel it now
before I find it slipping away.
Sep 2014 · 359
Danni Sep 2014
He still has a grasp on me.
I want to run, but he won't let me.
I want to kiss another, but he won't let me.
This is selfish in a way - I'm afraid.
Don't think about what the good guy feels.
Worry about how he wronged you
and so did he,
oh, and he did too.
Kiss him on the cheek,
it's harmless.
If only it were that easy,
for me,
a selfish, stupid child.
Sep 2014 · 758
A Whole New World
Danni Sep 2014
A whole new world,
a wondrous place I thought
I knew.

What's this feeling I feel?
It's like it's real.

Is this how desire feels?
To want him to hold me
and never let me go?
Sep 2014 · 580
Don't Let Me Write
Danni Sep 2014
I'm trying to refrain from writing,
like I did when I had a monster in my life -
I don't want it to be a mistake,
and look back at how I was a fool
yet again.
Sep 2014 · 2.4k
Danni Sep 2014
Never before have I known
who I've wanted nothing more
than to hold
your hand,
and lean by your
Sep 2014 · 217
This Is Where
Danni Sep 2014
This is where it ends,
this is where it all begins.
Sep 2014 · 438
Waking Up
Danni Sep 2014
Waking up with a smile,
so rare.
Tell me,
how do I do this
Sep 2014 · 312
I Am from the Seas
Danni Sep 2014
I am from the seas
where the harsh winds blow,
where I learned all I know,

where my mother
taught me to accept people
as they are,

where my father
taught me to be me
and to fight for me
when no one else would,

where my teacher
showed me that the me I am
is an okay me to be,

where my friends
very different from me
taught me what it means
to accept all for who they are,

where the birds
sing me good morning
and calm me when I'm not,

'cause the winds hit us hard,
and the power often leaves,
leaving us with each other,
an open community where everyone
and anyone
is welcome.

I am from the seas
where the harsh winds blow,
where I learned all I know.
Sep 2014 · 299
77 Miles
Danni Sep 2014
77 miles to the place
I call home.
No drama,
no ****.
Just family and more.
To grow a smile on my face,
and get away from this place
I abhor.
Sep 2014 · 227
Danni Sep 2014
thanks for putting me
back in my depression.
some friend you are.
Sep 2014 · 652
Tears in the Shower
Danni Sep 2014
Tears in the shower
caused by a friend,
would rather die
than be hurt again.
Sep 2014 · 427
My Driving
Danni Sep 2014
If you're scared to drive with me,
you can tell me.
But if it's because of my ADD,
like I know it is,
instead of the fact that I'm new,
you can kiss rides to the store goodbye.
No, you can't come.
You don't like my driving.
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