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Donald Trump,
you will never make
America great again.
the American Dream is dead.
and people like you,
are the ones who killed it.
Smoking my camel blues
Trying to get over you
I feel death when you stand close and
Time is a *****
And she's ******* me over.
I will stay sober
because the taste of wine,
reminds me of your lips.
begin drinking more water to cleanse me of sin.
hoping to make me pure.
i just want to forget her.
the one who made me remember that -
all the times
I felt like dying
made me more alive.
i don't want Death to put her arms around me
i want the Oregon air
to swallow me whole
so i can feel beautiful
and free
i will not wait to feel alive
i will feel that way as soon
as i am breathing in oregon's air.
I am alive.
I am free.
I am alone.
i can be me.
poems written at 1 a.m.
stars are falling from my ceiling
i am becoming duller.
there are galaxies on my bedroom floor
I step on their bodies,
unaware of the harm I do.
there is stardust inbetween my toes
and i feel it in every step I take.
i miss the comfort of not being alone.
i keep scraping my knees,
and it hurts when i try to pick myself up
but i do.
just to look at the
which i find beautiful but
when i look at them in awe,
i seem to forget some of them
are actually dead.
dead but getting credit for being alive
just to my naked eyes.
i assume everything is fine.
i do not ask
nor think.
would just rather accept.
it’s just easier that way,
to think seeing is believing.
As of late, they're starting to show
What are they you say? I don't know
I see black horns and red wings
Like bats out of hell with loose strings
I say to myself that I can handle,
But I can't help it but to leave a candle
Oh please don't let them fly
So may I ask? Are there demons nearby?
© 2011 Xilhouette

— The End —