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897 · Jul 2012
Wasted Love?
I've Finally Done It,
I've Finally Fallen Madly, Deeply And Passionately In Love With Someone...
Someone I Can't Have,
No Matter How Hard I Try There Is No Possibility Of Anything.
I've Been Betrayed By My Own Heart,
My Brain Can't Even Help Me Out This Time Seeing As Its To Clogged Up With Thoughts Of You.
This Feeling So Intense,
I Miss You Every Second, Of Every Waking Moment.
You're Smile Is The Ultimate Endorphin Catalyst,
My Heart Rushes When You're Near.
I Have Purpose With You,
It All Makes Sense.
We Have So Much In Common,
We Share The Same Sick Sense Of Humour,
The Same Music That Most People Don't Understand Or Like.
I've Actually Been Asked If We Were Together,
I Had To Force Myself To Mutter The Unfortunate Answer That Was No,
Then I Get The Even More Bewildering Question, Why Not?
Well The Answer Is Very Simple,
But I Shall Not Say.
It Is Not My Place And If I Did And You Happened To Stumble Upon This It Would Be Up,
There Would Be Awkwardness In The Friendship Leading To It's Demise,
And As Much As It Destroys Me To Only Have You As A Friend I Would Rather Have That Than Nothing At All.
I Just Wish There Could Be A Way To Express My Feeling To You Without Fear,
Without Fear That It Might Back Fire And I Might Lose You Permanently.
The Thought Of Your Love Is Making Me Itch,
Even As I Write These Lines You Haunt And Pollute My Mind,
Never leaving
Always Near And Never Far,
Not One Thought To Be Forgotten.
I Think I Shall Just Have To Wait This One Out,
See Where Your Heart Will Come To Rest And What I Can Do To Assure You I'm The Right Person.
It Seem's Like A Wasted Love I Know,
But It's Not,
I'd Rather Be Like This Than In A Relationship And Unhappy While Thinking Of You.
It's Time To Go Now,
Not That You Will Be Going Anywhere Soon,
I Have A Feeling You Will Be With Me Until The End Of Time.
844 · Nov 2011
Half-asleep. Ever awake
To the terrors
That sleep can bring.
838 · Nov 2011
Angel, Angel
Angel angel, tell me true-
Is his heart as big and true
As his eyes make me believe?
Angel, angel, tell me please.

Angel, secret friends are rare;
Such kindly faces, liars wear-
But he's a different kind, I think-
Would he stay, if I should blink?

Angel angel, nights are long;
All for him, I'd write my songs;
Angel, whisper in his ear-
Tell him: 'Joy- when you are near.'
836 · Jan 2013
The Cold Nights Embrace.
As the snow begins to fall,
As the hope begins to grow.
Our embrace grows tighter,
You finally realise a snuggle wasn't all that hard.
You've began to trust me,
This love is now coming true.
Maybe it will flourish,
A rare mountain flower that comes to be in the cold embrace.
Where is the passion they scream,
We look back and laugh.
I realise that what we share is more than could be told,
I realise that my heart was never cold.
Just on standby,
waiting for you.
826 · May 2012
Could I Be A Dad?
I Have Loved The Idea Of Being A Father,
I Couldn't Wait For My Chance.
Now It's Here I Am Scared,
I'm Worried I Can't Live Up To It,
Hold The Name And Claim My Place.
The Reality Of This Choice Scares Me,
I Hold A Life In My Hand's,
Is It Really Mine To Play With,
It It Really Mine At All?
I'm Scared Of The Reality,
These Choices Shouldn't Be Mine For Year's Yet,
Certainly Not Now.
I'm To Young,
To Weak Willed,
To Irresponsable.
What If I Make The Wrong Choice,
I Can't Support A Child And Wife,
But What Other Option Do I Have.
I Can't Just Simply Ignore The Problem,
I Can't Stick My Head In The Sand Any More.
That Awful Word The One I'm Loathed To Say,
That "Abortion" Word,
Well That's Just Not An Option.
The Only Logical Option Left Is Adoption,
But I'm Not Sure I Could Do That,
Sending My Own Child Away,
To Live With Total Stranger's.
These Choice's,
So Hard To Make,
Which One's Correct.
I Can't,
I Shouldn't Have To,
But I Do,
I Have To Make My Choice Now,
So What Will It Be.
My Mind Is Lost And My Heart Has Run.
I Must Go,
Go And Make My Choice's,
Playing With A Life...
801 · May 2012
Because I Could
I Was The Warrior,
You're Protector,
The Justifier.

I Was A Mere Puppet,
A Side Piece To Your Show,
I Was Nothing.

You Showed Me Everything,
But Only The Thing's I Needed To Know,
So Misinformed.

I Was Easy,
You Knew Which Button's To Press,
I Feel So Cheated.

I Asked You Why,
Why Did You Do This To Me,
Why Would You Do This To Me?

Your Response,
So Cool,
So Easy,
Because I Could.....
801 · Jan 2012
The Victorious Victim
I felt so trapped
all alone
I couldn't do it on my own

I was pushed around
I was called names
hit to the ground

No one seemed to notice
or just didn't care
When I needed someone
no one was there

I cried every night
but no one could hear
Is it normal to live everyday in fear?

On the outside
it would seem like I was tough
On the inside
I was screaming
I’d had enough

It hurt so much
I was in so much pain
I wish it would stop
I'm going insane

I couldn't take any more
I walked out the next day
Expecting it to be my last

That's when it stuck me
When you struck me
Why don't I fight
Fight back for what I'm worth

That was it
You struck me one time to many
I exploded in a fit of rage

Before I regained control
I had destroyed you and your friends
Your ego's and your status
All gone because I fought back

You didn't stand a chance
A guy twice your size
With everything to lose
I felt bad at first

Now I know I did the world a favour
I changed you and your evil way's
You wont hurt anyone again
If I had to go through all that suffering
and humiliation again I would

Because I taught them
The Victim's
To fight back
798 · Jan 2012
Happy New Year
The first of January rolls around
Like clockwork it appears
I find it’s timing most profound
As it brings us each new year

Right on time, It’s never late
Has never ever blown it
Apparently this wise old date
Refuses to postpone it

Drink a toast to January one
For annual consistence
It’s coming means the old year’s done
Let’s drink to it’s persistence
783 · Dec 2011
you can feel it in the air
charged energy wanting release
in the soul a hunger
knows no full or cease,

at night the dreams fuel
more than i could ever tell
desires that burn sun hot
whether from heaven or hell,

so the thought only grows
until it is all to feel
now to do the deed done
flesh turns fantasy real.
778 · Oct 2012
So Lonely.
I'm so lonely,
All I want is a hand to hold,
A heart not so cold.
I'm standing here in the mist,
Looking for a light,
Nothing in sight.
I need a hug,
A reason to live.
As the blade draws deeper,
As the rope grows tighter,
I ask myself,
Will anyone notice?
I've been left,
I've been forgotten,
I'm no longer a friend just a mere acquaintance.
770 · Dec 2011
The Idea
So many ideas you have conceived
Either at work or leisure,
But you have not perceived, the idea of me.
I am the idea, unconceived, the idea of anti reason,
Upheaval-tumaltuous and juxtaposition.

I will break the old piece by piece
and create the new step by step, bit by bit.
i will stop the working of the logic and the reason,
with all the justification.
764 · Mar 2012
Happy Oh So Happy
I'm So Happy, Oh So Happy.
Life's Looking Up And Going My Way.
It Wont Last Long But I'm So Happy,
This Feeling Of Euphoria In Every Breath.
The Smile On My Face With Unusual Contortions.
But It Doesn't Matter Because I'm Happy.
Oh So Happy.
This Feeling Is Easily Related To A Child On A Sugar High,
It's Great Just Sitting Here Giggling Uncontrollably,
Because Life Is Great And I Am Living,
Living A Life For Once Not Just An Excuse.
All I Need Is One More Thing And Then This High Will Last Forever,
I Need Her,
Blue Eye's,
Beautiful Flowing Blonde Lock's,
Sumptuous Lip's ,
Curvaceous Body.
Amazing Personality,
So Fun,
So Caring,
So Kind.
What Could Anybody Else Wish For.
This Is My Happy Love Story.
And I Am Oh So Happy
760 · Aug 2012
The Star.
There are beautiful girls everywhere,
Some are stupid, and won't care,
Some are there just for a day,
Some are easy, some are game,
When you reach a mature age,
You will meet one that is wise,
A girl that is fun and true,
Will not give in, will be hard to rule,
She's not looking for a night,
She's looking for a brave true knight,
Shell refuse to play your game,
With all the players she does the same,
She knows what you're after,
But she'll want forever after,
She will scold you and test you and outwit your play,
If you're looking for easy then expect a delay,
Maybe you should walk away...Hot Shot!
She is pretty, and has a brain,
She will beat you at your own game,
Not only can her beauty captivate,
She has something special, it's called class,
She knows what she wants,
She's a perfect catch,
She is rare and born of the sun,
She will burn you with her rays,
If you catch one hold on tight,
She's a star born of daylight,
Shell be the one to light your night,
But be aware, stars like these are sought by many,
Like pink argyle diamonds, worth every penny,
Their value increases, with time,
So hold on with all your might,
You're in for the ride of your life!
True love that never dies, is the sparkle in her eyes,
She is the one, and will love you for the rest of her life.
745 · Jan 2013
Looking Up
Her Name Is Laura,
Hair So Fine And Brown,
Eyes Like A Walnut.
Her Energy Is Something To Admire,
Her Strength Never Seems To Expire.
She's A Little Crazy,
Yet She's Mine.
Maybe Everything That's Happened Has Truly Happened For A Reason,
I'll Never Know How This Happened,
I'll Never Pretend.
But Today You've Made Me The Happiest Man Alive
745 · Dec 2011
You Are My Pride
Though i don't know what you love.
Though i don't know whether you love to wear jeans,
but what you can't speak I can always read,
I don't know which program you see.
I don't know which novel you read.
But I always get to know when you need me.
Though I don't know what is you favourite accessory,
Which song you hear?
But I always get to know when you are in tears.
May be I don't know which is your favorite subject,
Which is your favorite sport,
But I know you are nothing without my support.
I know when you are angry,
I know when you are sad,
I know what you want,
I know what makes your day.
Maybe I don't know anything,
But still I know what you think.
Who you are,
And what you care about.
As I know our friendship is rare,
Maybe I don't know anything about your likes and dislikes,
But I know you are my pride
743 · Jan 2012
some of us don't understand this phrase
they wanted everything to comes up in a solace
to fix things up right before a daze
where patience is a virtue
one needs to count from one or two
before madness blown you

nobody wants to wait
because every transaction have a date
placing a tag on their gate
figuring it out before its too late
if one individual detonate
a lots of opinion deviate

for the night have to wait the morning light
the groom have to wait his bride in their flight
the birds have to wait the eggs to be cracked
like a passenger have to wait for the next truck
see! simple things can makes us wonder
in this travel of life requires us to ponder
741 · Apr 2012
Miluji te
I always dream of having you
i cant take away the thoughts of you
you make me feel troubled always
that drives me through this uneasiness

a smile of yours touches my heart
that makes me restless at night
i cant take away in my imagination
feels like un unfinished mission

how could i overcome?
if this heart calls you to be my someone
how could i tell you?
do you mind if i love you?

i dont know where it start
i just miss you everytime we part
each day we talk, each time we smile
i always give myself a try

to tell you what this heart feels
takes a lot of time for me to rehearse
how could i tell you?
this heart longs for you?
736 · Nov 2011
Don't Cry For Me
More than a dream
As I stare into your eyes
More than a cover
Overshadowed by your name

Don’t cry for me
Don’t leave me now
Hope surrounds them,
Doubt surrounds me
Am I true?
Fear is life
But you’re fearless
Lost control, keep
Holding on
Don’t cry for me

Flying, you’re flying
As I stay on the ground
And watch
More than a girl
Overshadowed by your name,
Your creations, your foundation

Don’t cry for me
Don’t leave me now
Hope surrounds them
Doubt surrounds me
Am I true?
Fear is life
But you’re fearless
Lost control, keep
Holding on
Don’t cry for me

You used to huddle near me
Warmed by my smile
I knew without a care in the world
You knew me through my silence
You liked me through my faults
You cared for me through my depressions
At some times
You even loved me, without a doubt
But now

Don’t cry for me
Don’t leave me now
Hope surrounds them
Doubt surrounds me
Am I true? Am I here?
Fear is life
But you’re fearless
Lost control, keep
Holding on

Don’t cry for me
Don’t cry for me
Don’t leave me now
Cause you know, deep down
I can’t do this anymore
Don’t cry for me
729 · Dec 2011
I Can't Help But Wait
If i had God's mind
I would choose you because i know i would handle you
But am just human
My mind fails me sometimes and my heart keeps silent
My mind cant conceive and my heart cant discern
And sometimes my eyes work full time while my heart just stays in bed all day
Babe all i can do is wait
Wait on him that sees with divinity
He who sees and defines the future
I can't help but wait

There is a fire that burns in my heart
What i do not know is will it keep me warm through the dark cold nights
Or will it burn my heart to ashes? I wonder!
Your arms around me feel so safe........
But honey....ooh i cant lie i do not know
I do not know what lies behind that hold
It maybe too tight that it strangles
Or too loose to protect
I can't help but wait

I look at you and my heart tells me to hold on a little longer
But why? ..............why do i fight with my emotions
When this should be the easiest decision
How come it feels so wrong yet so right?
Does love even matter anymore, does it remember am alive
Does love consider, does it come to the unlovable?
Does it last for eternity?
I cant love you just for a lifetime
I wanna love you for eternity
But why do i feel lost?
I can't help but wait

I have trusted before, loved before, cared for before
But it never lasted
Betrayal.........fear of getting hurt, my tender heart can't handle it
I have given and been misused but i held on
Now my cords are rotting the line looks loose
Will i fall?
I do not know if this is another unsafe zone, another mis-use
With my heart so tender i can't try anymore
I can't help but wait
Wait on Him and Him alone
I can't help but wait
716 · Mar 2012
I Need To Make Some Change's,
This Person I'm Becoming Is Just A Mere Reflection Of The Person I Once Was.
Soon Enough People Will Recognise The Fact That I'm A Fake,
That All I Want Is Approval.
Desperate For Attention,
Physical Or Emotional,
Becoming That Every Person Hates,
Taking Advantage Of Many,
Truly Loving The Few.
I'm So Angry,
Angry All The Time.
I Struggle Not To Lose It Sometimes,
I Don't Want You To See That.
That's Who I Used To Be,
But I'm Losing Who I Am,
And The Only Thing To Fill That Void Is Me,
The Old Me.
No One Liked The Old Me,
I Was Trouble,
I Can't Go Back To That,
Fighting Everyday,
Trying To Justify Everything I Did With Lies.

I Think It's Her,
She Has A Effect On Me,
She Aggravates My Very Inner Being,
She's Like My Full Moon.
I Can't Trust Myself Any More,
I Have To End This,
But I Don't Know How,
The Answer's Are Lost On Me.
I'm Scared,
The Thought Of The Old Me Scares Me,
All My Friends Having To Meet What I Once Was,
They Don't Deserve That,
I Must End This,
But How?
Thank you my gel
I awake to your kiss
Your words in my ear
Telling me its time

Thank you my love
For taking in a broken man
Redeeming his heart
With your sweet touch

A fairytale day shall ensue
Every time I'm close too you
We are each others Fix
Our love is of hope and lust to make the perfect mix
700 · Mar 2012
If I Close My Eyes Really Tight
I See Her Face
If I Look A Little Closer I See Her Smiling
Her Big Blue Eyes I Love To Gaze Into
If I Lie In Silence I Hear Her Heart Beating
The Warmth Of Her Breath On My Neck
Wondering If She Can Heal My Aching Heart
Resting My Heavy Body
Feeling Like A Ton Of Bricks
Wanting Her To Come Back To Me
Feeling Like Sleeping Beauty
I Don't Want To Wake Until You Come Back To Kiss Me
Want You To Hold Me Close
I Know One Day You Will Be Back To Love Me
It Wont Just Be A Daydream
699 · Dec 2011
in silence, shadow, and shame, i am alone screaming your name,
if only you knew how much i love you,
but in the dark i must remain.
698 · Sep 2012
Here we go again
A love thought lost was rekindled today,
It was a beautiful thing,
An electric like atmosphere surrounded us.
I don't know what I've done,
This was done and gone,
We were leaving each other alone to get on with our own lives.
But seeing you tonight,
It reminded me of the past,
the tender moments we shared.
What have we done,
What has this become?
I am so confused,
My feeling for you seem true but can they really be,
I don't want to be burnt again.
I've said my good-byes already,
this isn't fair.
But I still love you cheeks,
That figure so divine,
Your nature more than kind,
Your beautiful eyes,
Beautiful accent.
I don't think there is a part of you that I don't love,
Even down to that cute little mole on your bottom that you hate,
This has to be the most beautiful accident I have ever experienced.
I have a feeling it won't last,
But I shall cherish it while it does,
You shall without a doubt occupy my mind every waking moment,
And I will hold you in my heart for what time you choose to remain.
698 · Dec 2011
Moonlight shatters
The crystals disperse
Flakes of winter
Fright's curse

Grey clouds of nowhere
Silver world awakes
To the silver sun beams
To the silver birds of song

Silver world awakes not to pleasure
Not to rhyme
Silver world awakes to sorrow
To the silver tear drop, crying

And with every tear the color fades
And more silver becomes the day
Spindling more silver
The silver devils play

And in my castle I hear the cry
The sharp shrieks of broken delight
The blinding light
The shivering fright

And in my castle I hear the wind
That humbles the calls
That corrodes my walls
The silver hissing wind
Driving nails into my coffin
The silver hissing wind
A dead heart will never soften

Meaningless are my dreams
Evanescent dreams
Grey clouds
Silver world

Faded clockwork, clicks
The hour passes, the hand ticks
And I awake into my dreams
Decadent reality, bursting seams

The clock now stops and forever so
Till I return but I shall not go
I will walk with you without going astray
Even if hardships ahead they lay
I will give you a loving hug everyday
No matter whether the sky is sunny or gray
I will shield you when harm comes your way
You must not be hurt come what may
I will make your days happy and gay
For your fears I will try to allay
I will remember the days to buy you a bouquet
‘Till I’m old and my memory is in disarray
I now only have this to convey
That I love you and my love is here to stay.
694 · Apr 2012
My Realisation
I've Been Promising To Protect You,
I Said I'd Give Everything To Save You.
Then It Hit's Me I'm The One Causing This Pain,
What Do You Do When You Realise You're The One Causing The Pain,
Causing The Pain You Promised To Protect Against.
I Love You Cheeks But I Can't Do This,
I Promised To Protect You From Everything,
I Didn't Realise That One Day That Would Mean Me,
So Now I'll Do It,
I'll Give My Heart For You.
I Hoped That You Would Be My Heart,
That I Could Be Our Armour,
But I'm Suffocating You,
This Armour Wasn't Made For You.
I Loved You More Than Word's Can Tell,
I Still Do And I Have A Feeling That These Feelings Wont Dwindle Any Time Soon,
But That's The Reason I Have To Go,
I'm Going To Protect You,
Going To Protect You From Myself,
Here's My Heart,
Here's My Final Speech,
Please Don't Forget Me,
What We Shared Had Been Dreamt Of Through The Age's,
But Every Fairytale Has To End Somewhere And I Guess It's Our Time.
So Goodbye Cheek's,
The Last Few Months Have Been The Best Of My Life,
I Hope You Enjoy The Rest Of Your's.
678 · Feb 2012
Giving Up
I Gave Up A Long Time Ago,
It Just Took Me A While To Realise.
I Have Lived My Life Without Living It At All.
Full Of Mistrust, Regret And Bitterness,
I Lived My Life In The Space Of No More That Two Decades.
That May Seem Premature,
But I Have Felt All The Feeling This World Has To Give.
And My Mistake's Outweigh My Triumph's,
My Losses Outnumber My Win's
And Second To None Is The Lack Of My Achievement's.
I Have Nothing To Show For My Short Time Spent On This Earth,
All I Can Pretend To Own Is This False Pretence Of Knowledge,
Or Those Once Loved.
But Not Even My Knowledge Mean's Anything,
For I Know A Little About A Lot,
But Really All That Mean's Is I Know Nothing About Everything.
So I Have Accepted My Life Is No Life At All,
With Nothing Left To Lose I Shall Cary On,
Living My Life,
The Only Way I Know
Alone, Distrusting And Bitter.
666 · Jan 2012
Happy outside, depressed inside,
I'm sorry if I set you aside,
You are not someone that I can just leave behind,
There's just something going on in my mind.

I act so tough and agressively,
I'm sorry for the attitude I have lately,
I've tried to look over the problem closely,
Too bad all I found was foolishness, sadly.
663 · Dec 2011
One Day More
Have you ever witnessed the apple fall.
Have you experienced love beyond a mortals dream?
Or a look that commands the Stars to shine.
Can you imagine a smile that humbles all that paradise has to offer.
Such a love chose my heart, my dreams,
And turned my darkness, into a new sunrise
Where love opened my eyes to a beautiful new world

That day the heavens witnessed me falling from the tree of love
To be consumed by this girl,
With a voice to grace the silence of any ****** valley
A kiss soft, moist, like the birth of a rainbow
With An embrace to make the bluebells of spring bow their heads
Leaving me with a desire, to stop time,
A moment of love, to last forever.

But lovers fears, led to lovers tears
And the west wind took her away
To a place where another happiness bloomed
And my dreams followed in dusts embrace.

This lost love I keep locked away
Deep within my soul
Now and then it escapes
Consuming me in hopeless longing
A trigger for Suicidal thoughts,
In the darkness, Just before Dawn
A burden to my being, never to be lifted

This love is my only Companion
For when my time comes
I will take this burden with me
A comfort through The Valley of death
A thing of beauty to show God
A love to keep for one day more than Eternity

My long lost Love, My moment in this life.
So remember my tale, and cherish what you have,
Do not pick up this pen, go kiss your love
And forget me.
Perhaps I will find my kiss in eternity.
I'm happy,
Happy that we could,
Happy that you realised we should.

We've gotta show the world how it's done,
Show the world the true meaning of happiness,
Show them what true love can be.

From the first touch you could tell,
We set the atmosphere on fire,
What was cold came to life.

We are destined to be,
You and me,
We are what everybody else wants to be.

This is my story,
Protecting you from the dark,
Loving you until the end.

This is my happily ever after,
While it lasts,
A contradiction I know to well.
651 · Dec 2011
In Depth's Of Solitude
I exist in the depths of solitude
pondering my true goal
trying to find peace of mind
and still preserve my soul
constantly yearning to be accepted
and from all receive respect
never comprising but sometimes risky
and that is my only regret
a young heart with an old soul
how can there be peace
how can I be in the depths of solitude
when there are two inside of me
this duo within me causes
the perfect opportunity
to learn and live twice as fast
as those who accept simplicity
647 · Apr 2012
Time To Lay To Rest
My heart more scarred than my wrist,
I'm ready to give up now,
I got my answer and it's not the one that I wanted.
How am I going to do it this time,
Drink myself to death or take a swim,
Maybe I could just go to sleep and never wake up.
I already bleed,
Painting my wall's with crimson,
What will it take this time,
I feel cold,
I feel weak,
Maybe this is it.
This could be my last goodbye.
I don't know what to say,
I love you I always will and will be with you every step you take.
I have to go now I'm going cover up and go down the pub,
sit in that weaved sofa we both loved,
The one we both loved in.
Seem's fitting to lay to rest with a bottle of *** in our favourite spot,
Maybe you will realise then,
realise that everything I ever did was for you.
647 · Mar 2012
Those Smiling Eye's
Blue eyes so full of life
A wonder all of their own
So beautiful and precious
Oh to see those eyes smile
Such a beautiful sight
How I love to look into those eyes
When I look into them
A kind of peace comes over me
Beautiful blue eyes
Always haunting me
...teasing me
Reminding me of what I want...can't have
Why do they haunt me so
When will I be free of them
Constantly held captive by those blue eyes
Beautiful blue eyes
Always there
A reminder of what I want...can't have
Such beautiful blue eyes
Beautiful blue eyes...
646 · Mar 2012
For A Lot Less
I Have Fought For A Lot Less,
So Why Wouldn't I Fight For You,
One Of The Most Treasured People I Have Come To Know,
I Will Stand By You Until The End Of Time.

I Will Be Here Through Good And Bad,
Heaven And Hell Shall Not Separate Me From You.
I Will Fight Until The End.

I Would Give Anything,
All You Need Do Is Ask.
Nothing Is To Precious That I Wouldn't Give It For You.

Your My Little Cheeky Czech,
That Funny Accent,
Those Beautiful Eye's.
So Inviting And Mischievous.

I Couldn't Ask For Much More,
But I Have To Get You First.
Just Waiting For You To Realise I Am Waiting,
Waiting To Fight For You,
To Love You,
To Be With You Until The End Of Time.
646 · Dec 2011
I'll Get Through
I know my heart is shattered into a million pieces
I know I've lost something valuable, precious and irreplaceable
I know there will be days when I will cry and break and hurt
But I know too that I am strong enough to get through this
My soul has cried many tears that have failed to heal my aching heart
My mind has screamed many thoughts that have failed to ease my inner pain
All thats left now is to rise up, be strong, sit with the loss and the pain and work through it
For the only way out is through - i can't jump over it or go around it - I have to go through it
I will come out on the other side a wiser, happier person
I will not sit and dwell on this loss and pain
I will grieve, it is necessary, but I will not focus all my attention on the pain
Instead I will focus my attention on getting through it, on looking forward at the bright lights ahead
The world cannot consist only of pain and misery, I refuse to believe that
I will find happiness and joy and cling to every little bit of it with all the strength I have
I will be whole and loved again
646 · Dec 2011
So alone in my bed
Alone listening to nightly whispers
Alone in my thoughts
Alone standing in court
Alone I stand and fight
Alone I pray for rainbow lights

Alone in the morning I awake
Alone I celebrate my joys
Alone I cry out my sadness
Alone I voice out my fears
Alone in strenght

Alone in wealth
Alone in good health
Alone I try to understand
Alone I seek knowledge
Alone I share what is mine
Alone I try not to be alone
Alone when my time has come, I pass away
636 · Dec 2011
I aim the gun
Its against my head
One right move
And I'll be dead
Because my only wish
Will never come true
It's not much
All I want is you
But you're so far away
You're not coming back
This pain is too much
Like an aerial attack
Almost like
Noone cared
So suicide, suicide
My new best friend
Suicide, suicide
My final end
Suicide, suicide
You saved me
Suicide, suicide
I'm finally free
633 · Mar 2012
Love's Me, Love's Me Not
She loves me, she loves me not
Is it false, is it true
Cold as ice, warm as sun
Didnt know, once I knew

Then she's calm, then she's wild
Words of love, words of hate
Smiling face, saddened frown
Early love, much too late

Does she love me, does she not
Enemy, or maybe friend
Painful words, soothing kiss
Forgotten not, it's her I miss
632 · Mar 2012
I'm Happy
There's nothing wrong with me
...I'm happy

I live life to wake each day
...And be happy

I want to enjoy it in each and every way
...And be happy

I feel content to be here now
...I'm very happy

To be depressed I wouldn't know how
...Because I'm happy

I walk each day with a smile on my face
...Yep, because I'm happy

I don't like to cry or be sad
...Because my life is happy

I think being miserable, is what makes people lives bad
...So, you guessed it, I'm happy
631 · Jan 2013
Not taking her time
I don't know what to say,
Or even what to do,
All I know is that,
I think I'm in love with you.
But how?
How did you do it?
How did you fill the void in my heart in so little time?
When did you decide it was me all along,
You were waiting to find?
630 · Dec 2011
A Better Day
I carry in my heart hope of a better day,  
Where  people are free from oppression and children are out of harms way,  

I carry in my heart fantasies of a fearless day,
Where life is deemed as precious  and knives are locked away,

I carry In my heart faith in a new day,
Where compassion and warmth are embedded into the hearts that are led astray

I carry in my heart dreams of a summers day,
Where the sky is the bluest blue and the sun is shining away,

I carry In my heart aspirations of a brand new day,  
Where possessions are valued less than a heart that won't betray,

I carry in my heart belief in a perfect day...
Where every waking moment can take my breath away.
Just so happened that a full moon happened to be,
A full moon happened to me,
That peachy beauty powered me all night.
615 · Mar 2012
Good Night
So Drained,

I Need A Break,
Is There A Half Time In This Game Called Life.

I Can't Think Any More,
Everything Is Becoming A Blur.

I Can't Move Any More,
To Tired To Even Subject Myself To My Bed.

I Thought I Felt Something Today,
I Realised It Was Just Heart Burn From A Dodgy Onion.

I'm So Tired,
Tired Of Everything,
Just Give Me A Break,
A Quick Breather.

I'm So Tired I Can't Even Sleep,
Wearing Me To My Very Soul.

I Just Want To Sleep,
To Sleep Forever.

The Thought Of Going To Sleep Tonight And Never Waking Up,
So Inviting And Promising.

I Finally Made It To The Bed,
My Time Is Up And I'm Ready To Go,
Go Away Forever In A Peaceful Slumber,
Where No-one Can Bother Me,
Ask Me To Help Them When They Can See I Am Struggling Myself .

Goodnight Little World,
I Shall See You Soon,
Sooner Than I Wish.
612 · Jan 2012
I have Finally Found A Cure For These Feeling's
It Was Sitting Next To Me The Whole Time
He's Really Sharp
And Touched Me So Many Time's
Always Caressing My Face

He Told Me What To Do
He Taught Me The Way
He Understood
He Got Deep

Now You Shall Always Be A Part Of Me
I Was Confused To Begin With
But Then It All Made Sense

I Was Never Supposed To Forget You
You Shall Now Be A Part Of Me
Until The Day I Die

Your Name Carved, On This Flesh Of Mine
To Be Together For The Rest Of Time
So In Imperceivable Yet So Open
I Know You Are There And That's All That Matter's

People Have Said I'm Going Mad, My Mum isn't Sure If I'm On Drug's Or Depressed
I Know Now Though That They Are All Wrong, My Problem Is You
In The Meaning That I Don't Have You And I Never Can
611 · Nov 2011
Work is never easy
to do or accomplish

Yet many wish for it
As something very light
That don't need burden
In doing a work or two

Yet many wish for it
As a means to gain
That worth a fortune
In doing so little work

Yet many do not realize
That work need not be hard
For as long as you love work
Then it becomes easy to do

For work if done willingly
And with interest that persist
Then it will be the only solution
To obtain a meaningful and fruitful life
When you deliver judgment
Take off you your heart.
When you fall in love
Take off you your brain.
They both are intruders.
596 · Jan 2012
I Miss You
people laugh and people cry
live their lives 'til it's time to die
loving each other until their ends
caring and hating and making amends
sadness and tears seen on everyone's face
knowing your chances to win first place
fear comes from knowledge
so ignorance is bliss
love can start from one simple kiss
one simple kiss is what started it all
very short after, we both began to fall
together forever were the words in our hearts
we were meant to be right from the start
love is forever and I still love you
you may be gone but my feelings stay true
593 · Nov 2011
Paradise lost
I tell of a tale,
of a paradise lost
before it was found

Cowards they were,
masking what was so plainly
a destiny,
a desire by the heavens

He wouldn't spill,
she wouldn't ask,
but talk of nothing
they did,
till the untold
eloped with the map
to the paradise

till tension,
assisted by time,
paved a forked path;
a lane separately for each

I tell of a tale,
with regret,
of a paradise lost
before it was found
589 · Jan 2012
Like Crazy
I think of you
Is it you or is it me
Who is missing the other the most
I find it kind of funny
Me always yearning
I miss you
I would kiss you
I want you with me here tonight

I think of you
I am running around
I am saved from the blue
It is you I have found

You are sweet as honey
I really want you now
I find it very funny
How I always try to bow

I am always thinking that I miss you
I would kiss you here tonight
Could it really be us two
Who will catch the light

You are not here, nowhere to be seen
Sweetheart, I miss you like crazy
When You are not alone I might be kind of lazy
This is because I miss you like crazy

I have told you
I have no money
I will hold you
My heart beats faster than before, I do not want to live like this anymore
I want to give you more and more, my love cannot stop
I want to keep you here with me all my life
I would take the flying feather, I would put it in your hair, and I would say that I would love you forever
Nothing in the universe is more beautiful than you, I want you, so come on and show me that You are true

You are not here, nowhere to be seen
Sweetheart, I miss you like crazy
When You are not alone I might be kind of lazy
This is because I miss you like crazy
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