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46.3k · Jan 2012
Friendship (My 100Th Poem)
Friendship is to trust
Friendship is having the kindness to help
Friendship is giving to others without thinking
Friendship is being there when someone need you
Friendship can be just a smile that brightens your day
Friendship is giving more than you expect to receive
Friendship is listening
Friendship is offering your opinion when you think you need to
Friendship can be many things
Friendship is different for everyone
Friendship could be holding a hand for support
Friendship is lending your shoulder to cry on
Friendship is mellow
Friendship is giving back
Friendship is only taking that what you need
Friendship can be that voice of reason you give
Friendship could also be a boost of encouragement when it’s needed
Friendship stands the test of time
Friendship is show in many different ways
Friendship can be everlasting
Friendship is not always an easy thing
Friendship is hard to break apart
Friendship is strong
Friendship should never be taken for granted
Friendship is meant to be shared with all
Friendship is free and rewarding to share
Friendship can be unforgettable
Friendship is priceless to many
Friendship is a secret never to be told
Friendship is not having to say sorry but do
Friendship is not judging no matter what
Friendship is to share, the joy and the fear
Friendship is someone to run too when things are tough
Friendship is a hand to hold when things are so rough
Friendship is someone to laugh with not at you
Friendship is just knowing they are there
Friendship is very personal
Friendship is all of these things and many more
This is are how I see friendship
To have a true Friend is the best thing to achieve
We all have one but it may take a very long time to find them.

For You Kiwi, Thank You So Much X
9.1k · Dec 2011
If you feel insecure
You are not being Yourself
You are only lying to Yourself
5.4k · Dec 2011
Anger fills my heart and soul
Anger takes a mighty toll
Anger lessens but can never leave
Anger you hope to never receive,
Anger stays forever within
Anger acts with the might of all sin
Anger is deadly to all around
Anger gets mad at the thought of sound
Anger is the thoughts in my head
Anger that’s mine all should dread
Anger for me is different from you
Anger you see tells me what to do
Anger will sit and whisper in my ear
Anger he sits and tells me all that you fear,

He is here
He’s here to stay
Anger is the hole
In which we lay
Anger is
And Anger will
Always be with us

He is in me, and he is in you
He can make you do
What he wants you to
Anger will make you
Make you cry
Anger can make you
Want to die
Anger can make you
Go insane
Anger….. ... A blood filled rain
No more anger
No more…..
Walk to the bright light
Shinning through that door…
Not knowing what’s in store
But even then
Anger lives on
But you… nevermore
4.5k · Dec 2011
Your Approach...

Mine eyes behold
The view you're gracing
Your beauty unfold
My heart starts racing

Your Encroah...

The tension grows
While towards pacing
Your radiance flows
It's fear I'm bracing

My Abroach...

The entrancement
Has my mind failing
Your smile's enhancement
Sends my heart sailing

My Reproach...

I'm Insecure
My secret endure
4.4k · Nov 2011
True beauty
True beauty is in the way he laughs
True beauty is in his eyes
True beauty is how he acts
True beauty is inside
True beauty is unseen
True beauty is only felt
True beauty is not mean
True beauty is himself
True beauty can't be cruel
True beauty is bare
True beauty within you
True beauty is always there
True beauty means true love
True beauty can't be baked up
True beauty is the flight of a dove
True beauty has no flaws
For True beauty is all that matters after all
4.4k · Dec 2011
Your Eye's
I remember
Vividly those serene eyes,
Shining bright,
Emotion in them
Sparks my blood to rise

Thy teary eyes divine,
Speak with love and tenderness,
Eyes, a million stars in them
The picture of innocence.

Eyes seeking me -
Like that first dew,
On the new viridescent blade of grass.

Your eyes my matinal star
Your eyes my middays sunshines,
Your eyes my vespers twilight,
Your eyes an oceanic depth,
Your eyes my autumnal hues,
Your eyes wild jasmines
Fragrant at nights,
Like that sunflower
Gazing the afternoon sun.

Let the peacocks vauntingly dance,
Let the nightingales melodiously sing,
Let the flora and fauna flourish,
Like spring in prosperity,
In felicitation,
Let me always
Through Your Eyes
4.2k · Nov 2011
Look at me,
it's not my true identity
I have a covert identity,
i wonder if you'd ever see,
my thoughts, my deeds
are all that makes me
but something I may do
may not describe me.

My true identity
has fled me,
fled me to another
to my friends and family
my true identity
is all that makes me.

So lost deep inside
if its not for my soul
i would'd be lost again
my true identity
is hard to see.

Accept who you are
recognize your own beauty
identity isn't a need,
your identity should be your own
a better person you will be known
this is me, this is my identity
my true identity is all full of beauty.
3.8k · Dec 2011
Stop Being Judgemental
Some of us walk through life happy,
some of us walk sad,
some of us walk lonely,
some of us walk mad.

We see glimpses of each other,
and think, 'Their judgment's off, '
but we hide ourselves undercovers,
and hope they'll buy our bluff.

Why do we laugh at anyone,
who shows their true self,
scoff at our brothers and sisters,
who put insecurity on a shelf?
3.6k · Feb 2012
The Truth About The Staffy
Toned, muscular, powerful beasts.
This is the way the world chooses to see.
Outraged, aggression, and dangerous too.
Scared one day, they might bite you.
Not even a second, by the looks, instant fear.
This so called 'reputation' makes us tear.

Continue to breed,
Continue to Buy.
Opt. to put them on a chain so tight.
Opt. to make them fight.
Judging them, at just first sight.
Not bad dogs, just bad owners.
When will the world see the light?

Toned, masculine, powerful features.
Beautiful and intelligent creatures.
Ever so loving, ever so loyal.
So goofy, and eager to please.
Eager to love, Eager for affection.
This is the way the world should see.

A family dog, a protector.
A comedian in ways.
A runway model with natural beauty.
A visitor, for those in pain and lonely.
A caregiver for rehabilitation.
A simple, lasting smile,
A kind that sparks and stays for awhile.
A partner against crime.
A team mate whose there all the time.

A worker, a player to love you at best.
A companion beyond special.
A dog, beyond the rest.
A love, in life, with whatever is next.
A best friend, to say the least.
A Staffies not A beast.
Staffies are the best.
3.1k · Mar 2012
I'm Here
When It Hurt's I'll Hold You.
When It Feel's Like You Can't Go On,
I'll Be There To Make It Worth It.

When You Hurt I've Got Your Back,
We Will Play This Game Called Life,
It Will Never Forget Us.

When It Hurt's, I've Got You.
When It Hurt's,
Call Me And I Will Listen

When It Hurt's Come To Me,
I'll Be Here For You.
I'll Be Your Shoulder Day Or Night.
It's like some sort of joke
giving you something or someone and taking it all away
Is it supposed to be funny?
To want what you can't have
to reach for what you can't grab
Is life really supposed to be this way
to feel your life slip away
day by day I search for what I need
But I will always have that craving
for what I want
but can't have.
I wish I could tell you how much I care,
But all I can do is sit and stare.
I don't know how to explain this pain,
It's driving me crazy,
Not being able to let it out.
I think I'll go insane.
You are special to me,
In so many different way's.
I don't know exactly
What set's you apart from the rest,
But you've stolen my heart,
straight from my chest.
I'm trapped inside my love
I never will be freed
Of the pain I always have,
Of this aching, Biting need.
It hurt's because I miss you,
And the pain will never cease,
It'll never let me forget my love
Never give me peace, I can't change the way I feel
I'll live with it instead.
I loved you then, I love you now
I'll love you when I'm dead.
2.7k · Dec 2011
Heart leaps in wild surpise.
Unforgettable smiles prize.
Forbidden kisses tantalise.
2.6k · Nov 2011
I pleaded with him
For his disposition
To help me out of
My plight and position
He for sure heard me
But perhaps didn’t listen
Wasn’t apparently ready
To help my condition
The pep talk that he gave
And unsolicited suggestion
Made clear that he wanted
Wriggle out of situation
We often have to fight out
Our battles in isolation
2.6k · Mar 2012
Blue Eye's
Beautiful blue eyes full of life
Always a smile even when
there is a lot of pain
I don't know if anyone
has ever seen the fire and passion
thundering right behind those eyes
Blue eyed thunder that's what you are
So full of passion and life
beyond anyone's imagination
Those blue eyes are so captivating
I can't help but to stare into them
Passion for life burning in those eyes
a fire for a love good and true
All stemming from the life you live
Blue eyed thunder how can it be
that your eyes can hold in such a
Always alive with passion and love
Always and forever my blue eyed thunder
2.5k · Dec 2011
Perfectly Imperfect
I fell in love with you
the moment i laid my eyes on you
not by the way you dress
or how you look

But when i looked into your eyes
I knew at that moment
that i loved you

There was something
in those beautiful eyes of yours
something real, something true

I could see it clearly in your eyes
see the truth of you
the truth others are to blind to see

The perfectly imperfect you
they see the dark
while all i see is the light

The perfectly imperfect you
they see all of your mistakes
while all i see is how
those mistakes make you human

All i see is the perfectly imperfect you
I love you<3
2.4k · Jan 2012
That Feeling Of Happiness

Happiness uplifts you
Happiness fills your heart, your mind, and your soul

Happiness gives you the strength you need
Happiness is a great feeling that
Enters your mind
Happiness takes the sorrow away

Happiness fills you life with joy
Happiness makes you feel happy, excited,
And thrilled

Happiness warms your heart
It gives you a sense of relief

Happiness welcomes you

Happiness can be seen by a smile
And in your eyes
Twinkling with shine

Happiness is a very beautiful feeling
Which allows you to enjoy
Every day to the fullest
2.2k · Mar 2012
A Used Nintendo 64
I've Put So Much Into This,
I'm Not Going To Give Up Now.
Your Happy To **** Me,
To Show Me Your Deepest Passion.
But You Wont Let Me In,
What's Your Problem,
Your Afraid Of Being Used,
But Happy To Use Me.
I Knew From The Second That I Set Eye's On You You Were Trouble,
But Being Arrogant I Went On,
Now I Am Sitting Here,
Wondering What Happened.
Why Am I The One With These Feeling's?
What Did I Do Wrong?
You Were My Blue Eyed, Blond Hair Girl,
Most People Would Call You The Perfect Trophy.
I Now Know You To Be The Perfect *****.
Building Me Up Like That Every Time,
So You Could Just Walk Away And Watch Me Tumble Down.
But I Still Can't Give You Up,
You Are My Worst Habit,
That Hook That Got Me Good,
I Need My Fix,
But You Deny It.
Why Do This,
Is It A Game To You?
Because I Feel Like A Used Nintendo 64,
Just Sitting In The Corner Covered In Dust,
Just Waiting For Your New Play Station To Quit On You.
Is That What I Am To You?
Just A Fall Back?
Am I That Thing You Don't Really Want But Just Keep In Case?
Or Do You Want More From Me?
I Don't Know,
This Is Starting To **** Me Now,
These Question's Hurt More Than The Scrutinising Look We Have Shared On More Than One Occasion.
I Want More,
I Need More,
I Need You.
I'm Not Ready To Be Your Little Bit On The Side Or Back Up Any More,
I Deserve More,
No One Deserves This.
Please Be Humane,
Put Me Out Of My Misery!
2.2k · Dec 2011
Aloha I'a Au Oe
Believe in your heart that
something wonderful is about to happen.
Love your life.
Believe in your own powers,
and your own potential,
and in your own innate goodness.
Wake every morning
with the awe of just being alive.
Discover each day the magnificent,
awesome beauty in the world.
Explore and embrace life in yourself
and in everyone you see each day.
Reach within to find your own specialness.
Amaze yourself and rouse those around you
to the potential of each new day.
Don't be afraid to admit
that you are less than perfect;
this is the essence of your humanity.
Let those who love you help you.
Trust enough to be able to take.
Look with hope to the horizon of today,
for today is all we truly have.
Live this day well.
Let a little sun out as well as in.
Create your own rainbows.
Be open to all your possibilities;
all possibilities and Miracles.

Always believe in Miracles.
2.1k · Dec 2011
Be Proud of yourself, always
Do not let anything or anyone put you down
Terrible things are always going to happen
but you just have to remember:
Nothing lasts forever

Don't ever hate yourself
Your not perfect,
and you'll never be.
You'll always make mistakes and
everything will somehow go wrong in your life
But isn't that what life's about?
Everybody making mistakes, and then learning from it?

Promise me whoever is reading this piece of poem,
That you'll always believe in yourself and will not give up
and that you'll always believe that your the best,
and not hate yourself.
Don't let anyone or anything put you down
For, once again, no one's perfect

Just be proud of yourself, always
no matter what the circumstances are
2.1k · Nov 2011
By your side
Take pride,
Take pride for a walk.
Show it off,
Show it everywhere,

People recognize pride
With enlightenment,
Of letting pride be itself.
Be yourself,

With pride,
By your side,
But most of all smile.
Smile with PRIDE
2.0k · Dec 2011
Merry Christmas
Kisses under the mistletoe, holly, Santa's list,
Rudolph's red nose aglow,
Sleigh bells ringing,
A donated toy, presents galore beneath the glistening tree,
The rich, soft scent of green pine, wreaths to behold, angels above,
A wish made upon a star,
The wise men's gifts from afar, the drummer boy,
Satiny ribbons, big red velvet bows,
My hollyberry dishes,
Wondrous white fallen, holiday snow
With lights at night - a shiny, sparkling fairyland show! ! !
Christmas time magically brings dreams about heavenly things
Back to life again.
Boxes of candy are ready to go
Except for the bows - a must for shoppin'
Around the world Santa, driven by reindeer,
Will stop for good kids Christmas eve night.
Soon I'll get some seeds the scarlet cardinals and other woodland birds to delight.
Christmas carols were played past years
On our piano
With two old fingers and more.
My grandpa who had a heart of gold could play songs by ear at his memory's door.
Days have long ago gone by since
My grandfather so dear to us
Told me how they use to put
Wax candles on the window sills
And the tree - to light Christmas's way.
Around the deep, magnificent boughs, too, a scallop trim with splendor
Made by hand from strung popcorn and pure ruby cranberries, danced along its adorned, lovely strand.
A glorious tree it must have been!
Grandpa didn't have a red Christmas stocking.
He got a piece of chocolate
And an orange in his sock
Early Christmas morning.
Wishing you all a snowy, Merry Christmas
Filled with sweet dreams of sunshiny days
Tops my list like winter's cherry cheeks
On children whose laughter brings cheer while they play! ! ! !
1.8k · Mar 2012
Happy Birthday Mum
Happy Birthday to You
I Give All Of My Love To You
With Many Wishes For You
I Hope Happiness Finds You
And May All Of Your Birthday Wishes Come True

Happy Birthday Mum
You Are The Bomb
1.6k · Nov 2011
Can't Breath, Nervous, Stuttering.
Tingling, Butterflies Fluttering.

Must be Dreaming, In Denial.
Standing next to you with an uncontrollable smile.
1.5k · Nov 2011
Scotty has a girlfriend,
But Scotty likes to wear dresses..
Is he gay?
Of course not! He loves girls!
underneath his bed,
there's a box full of secrets..
secrets so big;
it's impossible to keep em'.
What would she do..
if she found out he's been with another guy?
She'd break his neck,
as she runs to the corner to cry!

sexually confused!
Scotty doesn't know,
he's sexually confused!

She walks into her high school class,
people can't help but stare.
They don't know what it is;
blue eyes?
dark hair?
Nope. It's what's going on,
the thoughts inside her head..
It's this other girl..
"She snuck into my bed!"

sexually confused..
her peers don't know it yet,
but we're all sexually confused!

Nick has a secret,
you see hes got this fetish.
All he does is
sit around and act it.
He sneaks into his sister's room,
and tries on her clothes..
He walks around the house,
in her skirts and underwear.

Sexually confusd,
he's sexually confused!
It started with being dared to wear a pair..
look what happened,
now he's sexually confused!

Claudia's depressed because
her feelings are always surpressed.
She burries her mind with drugs,
never admiting her passion,
she's made fun of for the way she's dressed.
There's this girl, you see,
she's got dark hair and blue eyes..
they can't be together,
because well..
us sexually confused like to hide.

Sexually confused..
You see once they know,
you know, that you're sexually confused-
you'll be taunted, made fun of,
a victim of verbal abuse.
sexually confused!
Am I sexually confused?
1.4k · Jun 2012
The Blue Oyster Dress
You Wore That Dress,
It Took My Breath,
It Hugged You,
So Tight.
That Beautiful Iridescent Shine,
Such A Complement To Your Figure,
To Your Eye's.
Your Lips So Full,
Eye So Blue,
You Lit Up The Room.
I Miss You,
It Was Cruel,
But I'm Glad You Are Happy.
You Deserved Better And He Is The Best.
I Still Remember The Time We Danced In The Rain,
The Way That Little Dress Stuck To Your Leg's,
The Way It Went See Through,
I Could See Your Underwear,
What Little It You Were Wearing,
I Miss Those Time's,
You Can't Say We Didn't Have A Good Time.
The Time We Just Lay In Bed Together,
We Didn't Speak,
We Didn't Have To,
The Connection So Intense.
All I Can Think Of Is You,
But I Can't Speak When You Are Near,
You Still Make My Heart Leap Into My Throat.
I Wish I Could See Those Dresses Once More Though,
To Be Blessed By The Sight Of Such Beauty Is Rare,
That Beautiful Two Tone Dress.
I Miss You But This You Shall Never Know,
It Is Time For Goodbye,
To Say Goodbye To My Friends,
My Job,
And That Little Ball Of Fuzz Maya.
It Feel's So Final,
It's Like The End Of A Chapter,
So Let's Write A New Script.
1.4k · Dec 2011
Pain Is My Friend
pain is my only gain,
pain is my friend,
pain so deep and cold,
i feel at home with the dark pain,

i love pain pain is my friend,
pain will bring back my love,
pain will give me life once again,
pain so deep and cold,
is the only way i can have,
my love and my friend,

pain is the worlds friend,
pain shows us if we do wrong,
pain shows us who we are,
pain is not only in the dark,
but in the light as well,

pain is so deep and cunning,
pain can show me who i am,
pain shows the world who we are,
pain is my only friend,

with out love theres pain,
with out anyone theres pain,
with out the sun with out the moon,
theres pain so as you can see,
pain is with us and always will be,
pain will never leave its a marriage,

its a soul and a part of you,
that will never leave,
pain is my friend and it is your too....
We live in a 'democracy'
And kid ourselves that we are free -
Beware then of the BBC,
The British Brainwashing Conspiracy!
They want to tell us what to think
And, sure enough, their motives stink.
But be careful if you would defy
The Servants of the Secret Lie,
Corruption and hypocrisy
Are multiplying endlessly,
And they'll ruin you if they suspect
1.3k · Feb 2013
My First Love
Didn't have a clue until I met you,
I used to feel so alone and blue,
I didn't know what love was until I met you.

This feeling is new to me,
This feeling of happiness and glee,
So happy you chose me.

This may seem Cheesy,
Maybe A little Corny,
But It's because I love you and you do this to me!
1.3k · Feb 2013
The problem and the cure
You like seeing me sweat,
You're a ***** who get's wet off seeing me fret,
You're power over me a prominent threat.

You're the ***** who likes mind games,
Constant fear and pains,
You're constantly on the prowl for possible gains.

You're the reason I live,
Constantly willing to give,
Forever willing to forgive.
1.3k · Jan 2012
No, I'm Not Perfect
I'm Not Perfect, I Cant Be What You Want Me To Be,
Yes I Use Dishonesty,
I Can't Figure Myself Out,
When All You Do Is Shout.
I Can't Look Forward To The Future,
When All You Do Is Remind Me Of The Past.
I Don't Want To Grow Up Too Fast.
But I'm Maturing Beyond My Age,
And At This Stage,
I'm Sick Of Trying To Satisfy You.
And All I Wanna Do;
Is Let Go Of Everything You Want Me To Be;
I Guess That's The Key,
To Let Go of You.
And Be Myself and Stay True.
1.3k · Dec 2011
Within my sight
Black turns to light
It knows no other
For life, is its lover
And in its heart
All mystery departs
As fantasy is, and was
Man's ultimate flaws
1.3k · Feb 2013
Demons banished in September,
Friends lost in January,
An Angel found in February.  

Fate may be more than a dream,
Karma more than a wish,
Hope may have its place still.

I was living life on a fibre of a rope,
But you gave me hope,
You cut my rope and gave me a place on yours.
1.2k · Dec 2011
I Will Die Alone
i had hoped that they would forgive me

but now my wrist poor out my hearts convictions

and under these sad condisions
i think that they would let me die alone

but thats what i get for thinking because
there hate has grown

please let me go on alone

let me sing this sad song
let go my chains so i can go wrong

please let me be misrable in my own cloud of hate
let me decide my own fate

dont make me heal
now i can feel
let me go home

ill bleed from the bone
ill die alone
ill bleed the deepest crimson
only then will my soul be let go from this prison

ill let all my tears flow
because then you will know

that soon this pain will brake me
and that your god has allready thought to forsake me

and when you wake tomarrow

because you will know that even though you stand here next to me
i am not there
i dont kare

you will come to my grave
you will think your self so brave

i dont kare
because im not there

this is the last time im going to say it
1.2k · Dec 2011
Tennessee Sweet Heart
oh yes, i'm so happy
cause i get to hear your lies
i'm so happy

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you tell lies on me
i'm so happy

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you call me names
i'm so happy
i'v fame!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you break your promises
i'm so happy
i'm joyous!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you gave me some attention
i'm so happy
i'm in heaven!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause i get to be used
i'm so happy
i'm amused!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you spare me a few minutes
i'm so happy
i must be nuts!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you let me love you
i'm so happy
i'm through with you!

oh yes, if i was so happy
cause of you
i'll be happier
now without you!
1.2k · Nov 2011
it's funny how hello is always accompanied with goodbye
it's funny how good memories can start to make you cry
it's funny how forever never seems to last
it's funny how much you'd lose if you forgot about your past
it's funny how “friends” can just leave when you are down
it's funny how when you need someone they never are around
it's funny how people change and think they're so much better
it's funny how many lies are packed into one “love letter”
it's funny how one night can contain so much regret
it's funny how you can forgive but not forget
it's funny how ironic life turns out to be
but the funniest part of all, is none of thats funny to me
1.1k · Nov 2011
To An Absent Father
you never expect these words to come out my mouth.
slurs come out as a whisper but to you they shout.
only you and I can understand what this conflict is truly about.
your mind tries to stand firm as a blade of grass in a tornado of doubt.
naturally your physical expression shows your dismay and your intellectual drought.
but for you my verbal assault will never end, you had your chance, you dug your grave for you theres no way out.
I hope my words pierce your heart like a knife.
i hope these words cause you many years of mental strife.
cause God only knows the kind of role you played in my life.
no matter how vague this message might be, we both already know its too late for me.
But this message truly isn't meant to hurt you.
its to make you aware on the outcome of your actions on one child of two
hears my plea, but im not telling you what to do. reach that title called
grab it, and take your cue.
1.1k · Jun 2012
Spontaneous Abortion
I Loved The Thought Of Being A Father,
I Wasn't Sure If I Was Ready To Make That Step But My Name Was Called,
I Felt Sure I Was Ready Then,
Cherishing The Thought.
Now I've Been Told,
Been Told That We Had A Abortion.
I Was So Confused,
How Could She Do This To Me Without Consultation.
That's When The Doctor Told Me,
Your Baby Is Dead.
I Swear In That Fraction Of A Second My World Crashed Down,
My Heart Withered And All Signs Of Hope Had Wilted.
I Didn't Realise That It's Not A Miscarriage Any More,
"We Changed The Name".
Could Have Fooled Me.
Now I'm Left,
Left Here On My Own,
She's Gone,
My Child Gone,
Love, Hope, Gone.
What Am I Left With Now.
I Feel Empty And Incomplete,
What Is This Feeling.
I Never Knew My Child,
So Why Do I Feel This Way,
I've Been Told I Would Make A Great Father And I Thought That Now Was My Chance.
How Wrong I Was.
I Want My Chance,
It's Not Fair.
All You Ever Hear Of Is Drugged Up Teen's Getting Pregnant,
And Here I Am Working,
Paying My Taxes,
Doing My Bit For The Community And Trying To Help.
But I Am The One Who Has My Child Taken Away,
In What World Does That Make Sense,
How Is This Fair.
That Child Would Have Been Loved And Cared For,
I Would Have Done Everything Possible To Provide What That Child Wanted And Needed,
Now They Have Taken Him Away.
I Hope That Wherever That Sweet Little Soul has Gone Is Better Than This Place,
No Worry Of Money,
I Pray To The Heaven's To Look After My Child,
If Not There Shall Be No Hell That You Could Imagine Worse Than The One I Will Make You Experience.
So On This Sombre Note,
I Leave You,
That Out There Is My Child,
Most Likely Living A Better Life Than I Could Have Provided.
Now I Know What Pain Mean's.
1.1k · Dec 2011
A friend like you is like no other friend
A friend like you is a friend i dont regret meeting
A friend like you is like a friend i cant scream at or fight with
A friend like you is like having no worries in my life
A friend like you is a friend that i dont want to lose
A friend like you is like being in comfort all day
A friend like you is a friend i always wanted
A friend like you is awesomly awesome
A friend like you is random and funny
A friend like you is a friend that i love to death and i will never let go
A friend like you is a friend i can tell all my secrets to
A friend like you..
A friend like you is like the little sister ive always wanted
A friend that i can go to to tell them whats wrong
A friend like you is like having no dark days because you brighten them up
A friend like you is a friend that opens up my eyes and helps me avoid bad things
A friend like you is a type of friend that laughs at dumb things i say or do
A friend like you is a friend i am proud to call my best friend...
1.0k · Nov 2011
My hero
my hero, my hero didnt have any special powers,
because my hero didnt fight
my hero didnt have any wings
because my hero didnt fly
my hero didnt have any special costumes
because my hero didnt like any heroes
my hero is different to any kind of superhero's

my hero is just an ordinary human being
my hero makes me smart
my hero changes my future
my hero makes me know something
because my heroes is a Friend.
god bless you.
1.0k · Dec 2011
A Curse And A Gift
Don’t know how we’ve don’t without it….,

But there’s no doubt about it….,

We’re stuck with The Gift And The Curse Of Technology….,

It’s a sick situation…., both a jinx and an inspiration….,

But we’re stuck with The Gift And The Curse Of Technology.

Hour after hour…., day after day….,

You find yourself…., unable to stay away….,

From the The Gift And The Curse Of Technology….,

Our computer…., our Mobile phone….,

Are just two examples of….,

The Gift And The Curse Of Technology….! ! ! !
1.0k · Dec 2011
My Brother is so annoying
My Brother is so sad
My Brother drives me crazy
it makes me wanna go mad.

My Brother makes my father constantly yell
My Brother makes my mother cry
My Brother makes me wanna go die, sometimes...

My Brother is crazy
My Brother is nuts
Sometimes I want to grab him and choke him til' he goes nuts

Someday I may not have my brother
and I hope that day should never come

because surely without him
I will not be the same
996 · Apr 2012
I am so angry
This hate is so pure
I feel like you are doing something wrong
But I don't know for sure

It's screaming at me to hurt them too
Maybe they are in the right
But I don't know
To stop the tears all I can do is fight

My lungs burn
Because you have this hurt and anger inside
They just don't see it
They are blind

I wish they could feel my pain
But I wish for them never to ask
Because they don't know me
I just keep concealing my feelings under a happy mask

Some days I think I don't care
I'm sick of hiding this fear
How would they understand anyway
I can't even see myself clear

Why bother then
Why even try
I hurt so badly
At night all I can do is cry

It makes me so angry
So mad
I am able to hide my hurting
But they tell the world when they're sad

Can't they do what everyone else does
Pretend their feelings aren't there
For the world to see
For the world to bear
Like me!
Urg! This just isn't fair
So Vicious,
So Vindictive.
This Whole Time You Have Been Conspiring Against Me,
Plotting My Demise With Her,
I Thought You A Friend,
Trusted You Like A Brother.
I Told You My Weakness As A Sign Of Trust Now You Wield It Against Me,
What Have I Done,
I've Created My Very Own Judas.
My Heart Play's Me Fool Once Again,
Trust Is My Biggest Fault,
Now You Shall Use This Gift Bestowed On You To Take What I Loved,
I Gave You Everything You Asked For,
I Shared What No Other Would And That Just Wasn't Enough,
Like A Child Once I Gave You An Inch You Took A Mile.
It Destroys Me That Someone I Loved Could Do This To Me,
What Has The World Come To When You Can Trust The Ones You Loved,
The Ones That You Thought Loved You Back.
You Play Me Like A Fool,
Now You Wish For Conflict,
This Is Unwise For Sure You Know,
There Shall Be No Challenge In What You Try To Present.
I Have Bested You Before,
I Have Fought With And For You,
So Why Question My Capabilities When You Are One Of Few Friends To Have Witnessed Them,
I Am Not Proud Of What I Can Do,
I Just Accept It And Apply My When Needed.
I Do Not Enjoy This,
I Just Do What Is Necessary,
For Soon You Will Rue,
Rue The Day You Opened That Mouth,
Had To Brag About Your Plan For My Demise,
You Would Have Been Better Off If I Had Not Known,
I Wouldn't Have Suspected And You Would Have Gotten Away With It.
Now Though,
You Are Mine,
You Are Forsaken To Damnation,
Now You Shall Water The Ground With Your Tears Of Blood,
You Shall Scream My Name And Beg For Mercy,
But I Have Been Gifted,
Or Cursed Of Which I Am Never Sure,
I Have No Remorse,
I Shall Not Regret My Actions,
You Shall Not Bear Witness To The Privilege Of Mercy,
Only The Weak Show Such Things When In A True Moment Of Power,
I Shall Dominate You,
No Hope Shall Remain,
I Shall Take Everything You Ever Had,
I Shall Show You Everything You Could Of Had.
Then I Will Destroy It All,
I Will Make You Understand,
These Material Things,
They Mean Nothing.
It's Things Such As Friendship And Loyalty That I Cherish,
The Things I Cherish Cannot Be Given Or Taken,
They Can Only Be Earned.
This You Will Learn,
I Shall Dismantle Your Life Around You,
Piece By Piece,
Making Sure You Are Ever Aware Of My Presence,
Of My Work.
You Shall Wished You Had Never Alienated Me,
You Shall Realise I Am The Sort Of Person You Wish Not To Hurt,
The Sort Of Person That You Don't Try And Take For An Idiot.
I Am Very Cruel,
I Am Very Precise,
I Am Vindictive,
I Am The Worst,
I Show No Signs Of Remorse.
I Am The One Who Will Enjoy,
I Am The Sick, Twisted Sadistic Person Who Should Never Have Come To Be.
But Here I Am,
And Here You Are,
Your Times Is Up So Lets Meet Up.
The Game Is Just Beginning,
So Let Me Show You The Ending.
969 · Mar 2012
The Dog's Side
Why Is It When I'm Doing What Dogs Do,
What Dogs Are Designed To Do,
Then I'm A Bad Dog?

Why Is It When I'm Not Doing What Dogs Do,
Denying My Very Nature,
Then I'm A Good Dog?

Sniffing Strangers' *****; ******* Auntie's Leg;
******* To Say 'I Woz 'Ere' - That's What We Were Made For!
Sitting Still And Silent, Make No noise Or Smell,
Wearing Dainty Waistcoats - Just An Evil Joke!

Good Dog, Bad Dog - Why Can't We Decide,
Join Your Debate On The Meaning Of 'Good'?
We Dogs Can Emote And Intuit, Be Logical And Positive!
Philosophical Dogs, Unite!
You Have Nothing To Lose But Your...
Oh, Yes, You've Lost Them Already. ****.
961 · Nov 2011
Guardian angel
Finally you came, been waiting forever to see
the one who was made perfectly for me
Been looking for too long and decided to give up
and forget about everything
About my gaurdian angel, love of my life,
one person perfectly made for me... My Everything
Now when i look at you, i can see
everything that you mean to me
Love, Affection, Perfection, Protection, Eveything! ... My Gaurdian Angel
941 · Dec 2011
Razor Blade Kiss
Trace my skin with your deadly touch
**** me now the pain's too much
Razorblade kisses across my wrists
The cracks in my heart like eternal cysts
Shining steel slick with blood
My arms are drowning in this crimson flood
My wrists are crying
My eyes are too
My scars symbols of this anguish so true
928 · Dec 2011
I need a commitment
Because I'm tired of moving around
From this woman to that woman
With no reason to settle down
Some people say that I'm too particular
And that I carry too much pride
But I'm only looking for a real woman
That's going to make me satisfied
I need the type of woman
That takes pride in her real hair
And when we lay down at night
Her pretty eyes will still be there
I don't need the type of woman
that's always holding out her hands
With payday being the only day
That she claims me as her man
I want a woman that's in my arms
This day well so as the next
So that I can have positive feelings
At any time when we have ***
There's no need for a woman to be my girlfriend
If she's not fit to be my wife
And until a woman takes me that serious
I will remain living a single life
I'm Caught In The Fast Lane,
My Only Companion Your Ice Cold Touch.
So Afraid To Be Who You Really Are You Stay Shut Off And Cold,
Now You Have Me Trapped.
Stuck By Your Side,
Skipping Through Life At A Incredible Rate.
The Only Thing That Can Hurt Us Now Is You,
Your Ice Cold Touch.

Be Confident,
Be True,
Be Yourself.
I Shall Not Judge,
It's Not My Place To Criticize You,
And Even If It Was,
There Is Nothing To Judge,
You Are Pure Perfection.

I Will Be By Your Side Until We Reach The End,
The End Of This Motorway Known As Life.
All I Can Hope For Is That You Leave The Fast Lane,
Take A Slip Road And Adventure,
Take Some Time,
Otherwise Life Will Be Over Before We Can Even Enjoy It.

My Heaven Is Being Here With You,
So I Will Be With You No Matter What,
But Slow Down,
I Can't Enjoy This Time With You When You Are Just Skipping Through.
All I Want Is You,
You And More Time,
These Have Been The Most Amazing Few Month's Of My Life,
But They Have Felt Like Mere Day's,
Before We Know It Our Time Will Be Up And It Will Be Time To Say Goodbye,
And I'm Just Not Ready For That,
That Word Just Does Not Exist In My Vocabulary When I'm With You.
Don't Make Me Say Goodbye,
Not Yet,
Not Ever.
920 · Nov 2011
Men And Monster's
How does passion ignite the days
Of the year, and flowers of the rain?
My offering to some is a fellowship,
Into many days of the year, that are rays.
They'd shine for you like capsized boats,
Hollering like monkeys in quicksand.
The day strongly empowers the night
With verses of young damage.
What monster's police this country?
I see verses and symbols of a long time
Going into my heart as one sign.
One makes a man seem in trouble
When one observes him from faraway.
They squirm in from under the clouds,
Opening their messages so enjoyed by
The heart.
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