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Dec 2011 · 2.4k
Perfectly Imperfect
I fell in love with you
the moment i laid my eyes on you
not by the way you dress
or how you look

But when i looked into your eyes
I knew at that moment
that i loved you

There was something
in those beautiful eyes of yours
something real, something true

I could see it clearly in your eyes
see the truth of you
the truth others are to blind to see

The perfectly imperfect you
they see the dark
while all i see is the light

The perfectly imperfect you
they see all of your mistakes
while all i see is how
those mistakes make you human

All i see is the perfectly imperfect you
I love you<3
Dec 2011 · 503
I never expted that I would fall in love with you
before we could ever see how we would be together
before I really had enough time to tell you how I feel
our time has come to an end before it started
I put off telling you that I love you and want to be with you forever
but since you tried to help a freind our time has been cut short
I keep telling myself its not to late to tell you but im not
the one who can deside that now so tell me is it to late
to tell you that I Love You
Dec 2011 · 542
Sadness has struck me
I fought harder and harder
To get the happiness back
I weep frequently
I smile frequently
Happiness is what I want in return
Having her support me
Gave me happiness

Sadness have strikes me
I fought harder and harder
To get happiness back
I wore masks thousand times
I pretend and it hurt
Having him to take off my mask
To reveal the truth out of me
Gave me happiness

Sadness has struck me
I fought harder and harder
To get the happiness back
My heart is shattered
I grabbed a broom to gather it together
I cried
Having her glue my heart back together
Brought me into happiness once again.
Dec 2011 · 874
I need a commitment
Because I'm tired of moving around
From this woman to that woman
With no reason to settle down
Some people say that I'm too particular
And that I carry too much pride
But I'm only looking for a real woman
That's going to make me satisfied
I need the type of woman
That takes pride in her real hair
And when we lay down at night
Her pretty eyes will still be there
I don't need the type of woman
that's always holding out her hands
With payday being the only day
That she claims me as her man
I want a woman that's in my arms
This day well so as the next
So that I can have positive feelings
At any time when we have ***
There's no need for a woman to be my girlfriend
If she's not fit to be my wife
And until a woman takes me that serious
I will remain living a single life
Dec 2011 · 521
Never again
The first time my heart was broken,
I thought I was through.
I swore I’d never love again,
until I found you.
You are the one who makes me complete,
the one I think about everyday.
Every time I’m near you,
I start falling in more than one way.
You may not know this,
but you’ve always had my heart.
I just wanted you to know,
that I’ve loved you from the start.
You make my heart beat faster,
with every breath I take.
I know I’m in love with you,
Trust me, this is not fake.
The first time I fell in love,
She ripped my heart in two.
Forgive me if I seem scared,
I just don’t want to lose you.
The first time my heart was broken,
I thought I was through.
I swore I’d never love again,
until I found you…
Dec 2011 · 594
I aim the gun
Its against my head
One right move
And I'll be dead
Because my only wish
Will never come true
It's not much
All I want is you
But you're so far away
You're not coming back
This pain is too much
Like an aerial attack
Almost like
Noone cared
So suicide, suicide
My new best friend
Suicide, suicide
My final end
Suicide, suicide
You saved me
Suicide, suicide
I'm finally free
Dec 2011 · 642
Moonlight shatters
The crystals disperse
Flakes of winter
Fright's curse

Grey clouds of nowhere
Silver world awakes
To the silver sun beams
To the silver birds of song

Silver world awakes not to pleasure
Not to rhyme
Silver world awakes to sorrow
To the silver tear drop, crying

And with every tear the color fades
And more silver becomes the day
Spindling more silver
The silver devils play

And in my castle I hear the cry
The sharp shrieks of broken delight
The blinding light
The shivering fright

And in my castle I hear the wind
That humbles the calls
That corrodes my walls
The silver hissing wind
Driving nails into my coffin
The silver hissing wind
A dead heart will never soften

Meaningless are my dreams
Evanescent dreams
Grey clouds
Silver world

Faded clockwork, clicks
The hour passes, the hand ticks
And I awake into my dreams
Decadent reality, bursting seams

The clock now stops and forever so
Till I return but I shall not go
Dec 2011 · 1.1k
Tennessee Sweet Heart
oh yes, i'm so happy
cause i get to hear your lies
i'm so happy

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you tell lies on me
i'm so happy

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you call me names
i'm so happy
i'v fame!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you break your promises
i'm so happy
i'm joyous!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you gave me some attention
i'm so happy
i'm in heaven!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause i get to be used
i'm so happy
i'm amused!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you spare me a few minutes
i'm so happy
i must be nuts!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you let me love you
i'm so happy
i'm through with you!

oh yes, if i was so happy
cause of you
i'll be happier
now without you!
Dec 2011 · 366
Sweet American Love
You say we tried
Now we must say goodbye.
Tell me, what’s you definition of trying?
Goodbye, goodbye my dear friend
My feelings for you will never end...

Your final words are knives;
The knives you stick in my back.
Now my only antidote is crack,
As I slowly die inside,
I lay beside
The corpse of what use to be.
Now that you are free,
Stay away from me.
Dec 2011 · 1.0k
A friend like you is like no other friend
A friend like you is a friend i dont regret meeting
A friend like you is like a friend i cant scream at or fight with
A friend like you is like having no worries in my life
A friend like you is a friend that i dont want to lose
A friend like you is like being in comfort all day
A friend like you is a friend i always wanted
A friend like you is awesomly awesome
A friend like you is random and funny
A friend like you is a friend that i love to death and i will never let go
A friend like you is a friend i can tell all my secrets to
A friend like you..
A friend like you is like the little sister ive always wanted
A friend that i can go to to tell them whats wrong
A friend like you is like having no dark days because you brighten them up
A friend like you is a friend that opens up my eyes and helps me avoid bad things
A friend like you is a type of friend that laughs at dumb things i say or do
A friend like you is a friend i am proud to call my best friend...
Dec 2011 · 628
One Day More
Have you ever witnessed the apple fall.
Have you experienced love beyond a mortals dream?
Or a look that commands the Stars to shine.
Can you imagine a smile that humbles all that paradise has to offer.
Such a love chose my heart, my dreams,
And turned my darkness, into a new sunrise
Where love opened my eyes to a beautiful new world

That day the heavens witnessed me falling from the tree of love
To be consumed by this girl,
With a voice to grace the silence of any ****** valley
A kiss soft, moist, like the birth of a rainbow
With An embrace to make the bluebells of spring bow their heads
Leaving me with a desire, to stop time,
A moment of love, to last forever.

But lovers fears, led to lovers tears
And the west wind took her away
To a place where another happiness bloomed
And my dreams followed in dusts embrace.

This lost love I keep locked away
Deep within my soul
Now and then it escapes
Consuming me in hopeless longing
A trigger for Suicidal thoughts,
In the darkness, Just before Dawn
A burden to my being, never to be lifted

This love is my only Companion
For when my time comes
I will take this burden with me
A comfort through The Valley of death
A thing of beauty to show God
A love to keep for one day more than Eternity

My long lost Love, My moment in this life.
So remember my tale, and cherish what you have,
Do not pick up this pen, go kiss your love
And forget me.
Perhaps I will find my kiss in eternity.
Dec 2011 · 2.1k
Be Proud of yourself, always
Do not let anything or anyone put you down
Terrible things are always going to happen
but you just have to remember:
Nothing lasts forever

Don't ever hate yourself
Your not perfect,
and you'll never be.
You'll always make mistakes and
everything will somehow go wrong in your life
But isn't that what life's about?
Everybody making mistakes, and then learning from it?

Promise me whoever is reading this piece of poem,
That you'll always believe in yourself and will not give up
and that you'll always believe that your the best,
and not hate yourself.
Don't let anyone or anything put you down
For, once again, no one's perfect

Just be proud of yourself, always
no matter what the circumstances are
Dec 2011 · 970
My Brother is so annoying
My Brother is so sad
My Brother drives me crazy
it makes me wanna go mad.

My Brother makes my father constantly yell
My Brother makes my mother cry
My Brother makes me wanna go die, sometimes...

My Brother is crazy
My Brother is nuts
Sometimes I want to grab him and choke him til' he goes nuts

Someday I may not have my brother
and I hope that day should never come

because surely without him
I will not be the same
Dec 2011 · 606
So alone in my bed
Alone listening to nightly whispers
Alone in my thoughts
Alone standing in court
Alone I stand and fight
Alone I pray for rainbow lights

Alone in the morning I awake
Alone I celebrate my joys
Alone I cry out my sadness
Alone I voice out my fears
Alone in strenght

Alone in wealth
Alone in good health
Alone I try to understand
Alone I seek knowledge
Alone I share what is mine
Alone I try not to be alone
Alone when my time has come, I pass away
Dec 2011 · 4.2k
Your Eye's
I remember
Vividly those serene eyes,
Shining bright,
Emotion in them
Sparks my blood to rise

Thy teary eyes divine,
Speak with love and tenderness,
Eyes, a million stars in them
The picture of innocence.

Eyes seeking me -
Like that first dew,
On the new viridescent blade of grass.

Your eyes my matinal star
Your eyes my middays sunshines,
Your eyes my vespers twilight,
Your eyes an oceanic depth,
Your eyes my autumnal hues,
Your eyes wild jasmines
Fragrant at nights,
Like that sunflower
Gazing the afternoon sun.

Let the peacocks vauntingly dance,
Let the nightingales melodiously sing,
Let the flora and fauna flourish,
Like spring in prosperity,
In felicitation,
Let me always
Through Your Eyes
Dec 2011 · 291
Well I'm sorry but I am who I am,
And most of all,
I'm sorry, I'm not sorry.
I’ve morphed myself into a trance as I search for my friend
I find him in a drawer, shining silver and sharp
While lifting it I remove the safety cap
And as I draw it across me, I feel nothing
I finally get what I deserve, a slice, a cut, a tare
But it’s not enough
I pull and press the skin apart and together
I bleed
I drift
I’m not finished, I’m addicted
I go again, and again, a hundred times if that’s what it takes
I can’t feel it
What’s happened, what’s wrong, what did I do
I never wanted to be this way
And while it disgusts me I feel releaved
I no longer feel sorry for things I’m not sorry for.
Dec 2011 · 455
To Count Loss As Gain
To see all the wonders of this world
You must stay permanently in love,
With the firmament, the rocks and stars;
The ocean's rhythmic tidal caressings.

Don't let another day go by
Without paying homage to love,
Though it savage the heart, and give up your secrets
Counting each loss as the gain, of new vision..
I wish I could tell you how much I care,
But all I can do is sit and stare.
I don't know how to explain this pain,
It's driving me crazy,
Not being able to let it out.
I think I'll go insane.
You are special to me,
In so many different way's.
I don't know exactly
What set's you apart from the rest,
But you've stolen my heart,
straight from my chest.
I'm trapped inside my love
I never will be freed
Of the pain I always have,
Of this aching, Biting need.
It hurt's because I miss you,
And the pain will never cease,
It'll never let me forget my love
Never give me peace, I can't change the way I feel
I'll live with it instead.
I loved you then, I love you now
I'll love you when I'm dead.
Dec 2011 · 375
My mind recall's the essence of your touch
Although I try to forget , I see you when I close my eyes
Your warmth and gentleness have engulfed my soul,
They illuminate even the darkest shadows of my being.

The forbidden love I have for you will not die,
Neither time nor man can stop my heart from beating,
My lips speaking your name.

Do not turn from me
For if I can be nothing more to you..
I desire just one breath that you take
To feel you completely, to be in your heart for one moment.

Perhaps one day you will treasure me
Hold me, Never leave me
Proving to me that my love is not in vain.
Dec 2011 · 398
These Word's
I don't know how to say this,
The word's walking through my mind.
I can't put pen to paper,
The sentence I can't find,
For the feeling's deep inside my heart.
I pray to god above,
For the right words to tell you,
How much I have fallen in love
Dec 2011 · 497
Never, Never Land
Every time we embrace,
I go to that faraway place.
When we walk hand in hand,
I'm in never, never land
Dec 2011 · 2.7k
Heart leaps in wild surpise.
Unforgettable smiles prize.
Forbidden kisses tantalise.
It's like some sort of joke
giving you something or someone and taking it all away
Is it supposed to be funny?
To want what you can't have
to reach for what you can't grab
Is life really supposed to be this way
to feel your life slip away
day by day I search for what I need
But I will always have that craving
for what I want
but can't have.
Dec 2011 · 514
What I Can't Have
It’s only been a few days but I’m losing my life
I can’t cope without you, I turn to my knife
You’re bringing me down, but you make me high
You make me laugh and then you make me cry

I’ve tried to forget, but I’m addicted to you
Sometimes I neglect, the things I should do
I know you pain me and I need to get out
But the hold you have is making me doubt

Can I get through this, can I be free
What will it take, to get me to leave
When will I realise it’s making me down
Can I be strong when you’re not around

You’re just a bad drug that I’ve let in my heart
I’ve got to get through this and keep us apart
I need to regain some control and belief
Give me a month and I’ll feel the relief

The days seem so long but more so the nights
My misery stops me being able to fight
I used to be tough, I used to have fun
I used to be happy, just look what you’ve done

You stripped all my joy and left me in pain
I don’t think I’ll ever be the same way again
I feel so depressed, don’t know what to do
I know what I want but I can’t have you
I will walk with you without going astray
Even if hardships ahead they lay
I will give you a loving hug everyday
No matter whether the sky is sunny or gray
I will shield you when harm comes your way
You must not be hurt come what may
I will make your days happy and gay
For your fears I will try to allay
I will remember the days to buy you a bouquet
‘Till I’m old and my memory is in disarray
I now only have this to convey
That I love you and my love is here to stay.
Dec 2011 · 2.1k
Aloha I'a Au Oe
Believe in your heart that
something wonderful is about to happen.
Love your life.
Believe in your own powers,
and your own potential,
and in your own innate goodness.
Wake every morning
with the awe of just being alive.
Discover each day the magnificent,
awesome beauty in the world.
Explore and embrace life in yourself
and in everyone you see each day.
Reach within to find your own specialness.
Amaze yourself and rouse those around you
to the potential of each new day.
Don't be afraid to admit
that you are less than perfect;
this is the essence of your humanity.
Let those who love you help you.
Trust enough to be able to take.
Look with hope to the horizon of today,
for today is all we truly have.
Live this day well.
Let a little sun out as well as in.
Create your own rainbows.
Be open to all your possibilities;
all possibilities and Miracles.

Always believe in Miracles.
Dec 2011 · 763
you can feel it in the air
charged energy wanting release
in the soul a hunger
knows no full or cease,

at night the dreams fuel
more than i could ever tell
desires that burn sun hot
whether from heaven or hell,

so the thought only grows
until it is all to feel
now to do the deed done
flesh turns fantasy real.
Dec 2011 · 541
What does she want ?
Some days you seem so close
like you stand right before me
But then the next day you seem so far
like each other we can't see,
Each day is like a roller coaster
with my stomach turning upside down
You stand there looking
but yet you don't utter a sound,
I feel so confused and
my heart is being torn at its seams
And every night that I sleep
you seem to linger in my dreams,
Every time I look at you
I forget all my thoughts
And right then and there
it's you that my heart has sought,
Every time I hope
it turns into something bad
So for right now I'll stop thinking
And maybe things won't end up sad.
Nov 2011 · 591
Work is never easy
to do or accomplish

Yet many wish for it
As something very light
That don't need burden
In doing a work or two

Yet many wish for it
As a means to gain
That worth a fortune
In doing so little work

Yet many do not realize
That work need not be hard
For as long as you love work
Then it becomes easy to do

For work if done willingly
And with interest that persist
Then it will be the only solution
To obtain a meaningful and fruitful life
Nov 2011 · 539
I wonder
I can never get my mind off her,
I wonder if she'd mind if i'd,
make her my own,
and never let her go,
hug her tight,
treat her right,
act all polite,
take her on a date,
make sure i'm never late,
kiss her on her lips,
talk about our kids,
Make her feel like princess,
living in a castle,
hope that is not too much hassle,
But i am so blessed,
hope i can be the best,
hold you tight,
have your breast,
on my chest,
pass the test,
Nov 2011 · 816
Half-asleep. Ever awake
To the terrors
That sleep can bring.
Nov 2011 · 499
Sometimes I feel alive
sometimes I feel dead
sometimes my heart hurts
sometimes it's all in my head

Sometimes I feel lonely
sometimes I need my space
sometimes there are no problems
sometimes I've got too much to face

Sometimes things go right
sometimes things go wrong
sometimes I fit right in
sometimes I just don't belong

Sometimes I want to laugh
sometimes I want to cry
sometimes I want to live
sometimes I want to die

Sometimes I want to face life
sometimes I want to be gone from sight
sometimes I want to run
sometimes I want to fight

Sometimes I want to sing
sometimes I want to shout
sometimes I know the asnwer
sometimes I'm in doubt

Sometimes I'm happy
sometimes I'm sad
sometimes I'm scared
sometimes I'm mad

Sometimes I want to win
sometimes I want to lose
sometimes I listen to music
sometimes I watch the news

Sometimes I make decisions
sometimes I'm told what to do
sometimes I find life hard
sometimes so do you..
Nov 2011 · 374
who will gift
love from heart
to be received

as gifts
in return
for gifts

love embraces
receptive souls

love embraces
beating hearts
sharing minds
Nov 2011 · 1.1k
it's funny how hello is always accompanied with goodbye
it's funny how good memories can start to make you cry
it's funny how forever never seems to last
it's funny how much you'd lose if you forgot about your past
it's funny how “friends” can just leave when you are down
it's funny how when you need someone they never are around
it's funny how people change and think they're so much better
it's funny how many lies are packed into one “love letter”
it's funny how one night can contain so much regret
it's funny how you can forgive but not forget
it's funny how ironic life turns out to be
but the funniest part of all, is none of thats funny to me
Nov 2011 · 683
Don't Cry For Me
More than a dream
As I stare into your eyes
More than a cover
Overshadowed by your name

Don’t cry for me
Don’t leave me now
Hope surrounds them,
Doubt surrounds me
Am I true?
Fear is life
But you’re fearless
Lost control, keep
Holding on
Don’t cry for me

Flying, you’re flying
As I stay on the ground
And watch
More than a girl
Overshadowed by your name,
Your creations, your foundation

Don’t cry for me
Don’t leave me now
Hope surrounds them
Doubt surrounds me
Am I true?
Fear is life
But you’re fearless
Lost control, keep
Holding on
Don’t cry for me

You used to huddle near me
Warmed by my smile
I knew without a care in the world
You knew me through my silence
You liked me through my faults
You cared for me through my depressions
At some times
You even loved me, without a doubt
But now

Don’t cry for me
Don’t leave me now
Hope surrounds them
Doubt surrounds me
Am I true? Am I here?
Fear is life
But you’re fearless
Lost control, keep
Holding on

Don’t cry for me
Don’t cry for me
Don’t leave me now
Cause you know, deep down
I can’t do this anymore
Don’t cry for me
Nov 2011 · 778
Angel, Angel
Angel angel, tell me true-
Is his heart as big and true
As his eyes make me believe?
Angel, angel, tell me please.

Angel, secret friends are rare;
Such kindly faces, liars wear-
But he's a different kind, I think-
Would he stay, if I should blink?

Angel angel, nights are long;
All for him, I'd write my songs;
Angel, whisper in his ear-
Tell him: 'Joy- when you are near.'
Nov 2011 · 886
Men And Monster's
How does passion ignite the days
Of the year, and flowers of the rain?
My offering to some is a fellowship,
Into many days of the year, that are rays.
They'd shine for you like capsized boats,
Hollering like monkeys in quicksand.
The day strongly empowers the night
With verses of young damage.
What monster's police this country?
I see verses and symbols of a long time
Going into my heart as one sign.
One makes a man seem in trouble
When one observes him from faraway.
They squirm in from under the clouds,
Opening their messages so enjoyed by
The heart.
Nov 2011 · 993
My hero
my hero, my hero didnt have any special powers,
because my hero didnt fight
my hero didnt have any wings
because my hero didnt fly
my hero didnt have any special costumes
because my hero didnt like any heroes
my hero is different to any kind of superhero's

my hero is just an ordinary human being
my hero makes me smart
my hero changes my future
my hero makes me know something
because my heroes is a Friend.
god bless you.
Nov 2011 · 2.0k
By your side
Take pride,
Take pride for a walk.
Show it off,
Show it everywhere,

People recognize pride
With enlightenment,
Of letting pride be itself.
Be yourself,

With pride,
By your side,
But most of all smile.
Smile with PRIDE
Nov 2011 · 4.3k
True beauty
True beauty is in the way he laughs
True beauty is in his eyes
True beauty is how he acts
True beauty is inside
True beauty is unseen
True beauty is only felt
True beauty is not mean
True beauty is himself
True beauty can't be cruel
True beauty is bare
True beauty within you
True beauty is always there
True beauty means true love
True beauty can't be baked up
True beauty is the flight of a dove
True beauty has no flaws
For True beauty is all that matters after all
Nov 2011 · 392
What I can't have
I want him but I can't have him.
He's so sweet and nice.
When I am around him I feel complete.
He makes me smile, laugh, he's there when I need him or when I need anything.
He helps me to get through everything in the past and in my way in the present.
He's a guy that everybody wishes to have.
A guy that would be there for you, he won't lie to you, he's honest, kind sweet, funny, and special.
I want him but I can't have him.
I'l just have to have him as a friend right now
I wish I could be the most special thing that will ever happen in his life.
And that he wants to be with me forever and love me like everybody deserve's to loved.
I want to have him But I can't.
I want to be his partner.
I want to be the one that holds his hand everywhere we go and even around his friends.
And for them to point at me and say he's the one.
Ans be there for him when he needs someone, to cheer him up when he's sad or mad.
And be there for him when he is right or wrong.
The person that would hold him tight, and love him.
Just to be there for him and love him like no other has loved him.
Just to be there for him until the last day of our lifes.
I just want to be his man.
I want him but I can't have him.
Nov 2011 · 2.3k
I pleaded with him
For his disposition
To help me out of
My plight and position
He for sure heard me
But perhaps didn’t listen
Wasn’t apparently ready
To help my condition
The pep talk that he gave
And unsolicited suggestion
Made clear that he wanted
Wriggle out of situation
We often have to fight out
Our battles in isolation
Nov 2011 · 504
The Divide
Although a thousand leagues two hearts divide,
    That love has joined, the gulf is not so great
As that twixt two, who, dwelling side by side
    Behold between, the black abyss of Hate.
Nov 2011 · 400
Just friends
Sometimes I wonder if you know
Exactly how I feel
Our love is not romantic
But still is very real

We’ve held each other and cried out loud
And shared a kiss or two
But every time you walk away
I lose respect for you

You come to me when you feel bad
And everything goes wrong
Always expecting happiness
And to hear a cheery song

I sympathize and pull you close
And try to ease your pains
When the sun comes back, you are gone
‘Til the next time that it rains

I’ll always be here when you hurt
I know you know I’ll stay
But I’m not sure you’d miss me
If I ever went away

Friends in deed are a very rare find
Not too many stick it out
Through the good times and bad
Giving no cause to doubt

So don’t take that friend for granted
Tomorrow you may be alone
With no one around to help you
And pain like you’ve never known
Nov 2011 · 917
Guardian angel
Finally you came, been waiting forever to see
the one who was made perfectly for me
Been looking for too long and decided to give up
and forget about everything
About my gaurdian angel, love of my life,
one person perfectly made for me... My Everything
Now when i look at you, i can see
everything that you mean to me
Love, Affection, Perfection, Protection, Eveything! ... My Gaurdian Angel
Nov 2011 · 452
Now let me help you
You give to me hope
And help me to cope
When life pulls me down
You bring me around

You teach me to care
And help me to share
You make me honest
With kindness the best

From you I learned love
With grace from above
It's for you I live
And I want to give

You are the reason
That fills each season
When I hear love I think of you
You are my world and best friend too

I love you because you are so kind, thoughtful and caring
I love you because you are so pleasant, lovely and sharing
Nov 2011 · 525
The Angel
This beautiful Angel a goddess deemed friend,
Words sweeter than Crimson could ever be,
Flow from the mouth of this angel to me,
Her soul she writes in attempt to free the past,
caged in by thoughts she hasn't anywhere to go,
Thoughts whisper their words to her,
she writes them upon paper,
with Crimson inked by blood.

She's stained the minds of readers,
Her poetry fills with ink, it cuts and bleeds,
This friendship something more,
This angel shall be the light within a world I deemed dark,
This shadows been illuminated,
I can finally see past what I thought to be present.
My arm yet distant shall reach out to you,
consoling every hurt, reversing the empty,
My angel..... this friendship was always meant to be.
Nov 2011 · 486
lost in thought
lost in love
lost in death
lost without love
lost lost lost
im always lost
lost in with the love im with
lost in this world
lost in the way of life
lost in the way we are
lost in the way of crooks
lost lost lost
why is everbody lost
in this world im lost
Nov 2011 · 450
Too late
Sometimes i feel like Ive lost you,
sometimes like we've never met,
at times i find myself remembering,
the things i know i should forget,
sometimes i sit back and wonder,
why I'm still around,
but i know theres gotta be something,
thats lost but will be found,

A confused heart,
cant love for sure,
a confused love,
is something that we endure,
a confused girl,
who's stuck in a state of hate,
cant love a confused boy,
who's apology came too late......
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