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Feb 2012 · 570
I'm Not Scared
I'm Not Scared Of Dying,
I'm Scared Of Dying Knowing I Haven't Lived,
Not Really.

I'm Not Scared Of Dying
I'm Just Scared Of Dying Old And Alone,
Full Of Bitterness And Regret.

I'm Not Scared Of Dying
I'm Scared Of Everyone Else Dying,
I Don't Want To Be Alone.

I'm Not Scared Of Dying
I'm Scared Of You Dying,
You Are As Much A Part Of Me As My Very Heart And Without You
My Life Is Not Worth Living
Feb 2012 · 678
Giving Up
I Gave Up A Long Time Ago,
It Just Took Me A While To Realise.
I Have Lived My Life Without Living It At All.
Full Of Mistrust, Regret And Bitterness,
I Lived My Life In The Space Of No More That Two Decades.
That May Seem Premature,
But I Have Felt All The Feeling This World Has To Give.
And My Mistake's Outweigh My Triumph's,
My Losses Outnumber My Win's
And Second To None Is The Lack Of My Achievement's.
I Have Nothing To Show For My Short Time Spent On This Earth,
All I Can Pretend To Own Is This False Pretence Of Knowledge,
Or Those Once Loved.
But Not Even My Knowledge Mean's Anything,
For I Know A Little About A Lot,
But Really All That Mean's Is I Know Nothing About Everything.
So I Have Accepted My Life Is No Life At All,
With Nothing Left To Lose I Shall Cary On,
Living My Life,
The Only Way I Know
Alone, Distrusting And Bitter.
Feb 2012 · 499
Our Best Friend
Man rules the top of the food chain but who rules beside man?
Who rules besides man that is both smart and strong?
Who besides man best friend would stick with him till the end?
Who does man talk to when no one else will listen?
Upon listening who shows comfort with face licks and whimpers?
Upon mans pain runs and signals for help?
Hunting, who does man protect with his life?
Upon injury who does man mend up and help?
Who gives good treats and love to one another?
Why do some men use them to fight, can they not fight there own battles?
Though most are kind, why some are mean to man's best friend?
Use the so selfish who gets a best friends trust?
Dogs have very long memories though ours is longer.
Man will be there for pup when he is more then ready to give in.
Feb 2012 · 3.7k
The Truth About The Staffy
Toned, muscular, powerful beasts.
This is the way the world chooses to see.
Outraged, aggression, and dangerous too.
Scared one day, they might bite you.
Not even a second, by the looks, instant fear.
This so called 'reputation' makes us tear.

Continue to breed,
Continue to Buy.
Opt. to put them on a chain so tight.
Opt. to make them fight.
Judging them, at just first sight.
Not bad dogs, just bad owners.
When will the world see the light?

Toned, masculine, powerful features.
Beautiful and intelligent creatures.
Ever so loving, ever so loyal.
So goofy, and eager to please.
Eager to love, Eager for affection.
This is the way the world should see.

A family dog, a protector.
A comedian in ways.
A runway model with natural beauty.
A visitor, for those in pain and lonely.
A caregiver for rehabilitation.
A simple, lasting smile,
A kind that sparks and stays for awhile.
A partner against crime.
A team mate whose there all the time.

A worker, a player to love you at best.
A companion beyond special.
A dog, beyond the rest.
A love, in life, with whatever is next.
A best friend, to say the least.
A Staffies not A beast.
Staffies are the best.
Feb 2012 · 571
To Be Single
In a relationship and I only see happy singles
Now I'm alone and only see happy couples
Funny how we don't appreciate the little things in life
Of course it hits when its gone

They always say it takes getting knocked down twice
to see it coming and feel ready
Yet everytime I'm in a relationship
I fall too fast and too hard
Over and Over again

I know I shouldn't complain
I've got my freedom
But everytime I see a couple
I regret every last kiss
and every first heartbreaks
Jan 2012 · 492
Who is he?
The question I ask myself every day.
Am I the sweet, bubbly person, who
Makes people laugh and have fun?
But no, I am not.
I hate being the centre of attention,
But I do it any way to at least be noticed.
Am I the lonely guy,
Who hates life and wishes for death every day?
But no, I am not.
I like to live and experience new things
And maybe at one time I hated life
But then I decided that I will make it
What I want it to be.
So If I am not these things,
Who am I?
I don’t know the answer.
For so long I have pretended to be funny,
To be smart, to be perfect
And in all my pretending,
I have lost myself, if I was even myself to begin with.
Jan 2012 · 2.4k
That Feeling Of Happiness

Happiness uplifts you
Happiness fills your heart, your mind, and your soul

Happiness gives you the strength you need
Happiness is a great feeling that
Enters your mind
Happiness takes the sorrow away

Happiness fills you life with joy
Happiness makes you feel happy, excited,
And thrilled

Happiness warms your heart
It gives you a sense of relief

Happiness welcomes you

Happiness can be seen by a smile
And in your eyes
Twinkling with shine

Happiness is a very beautiful feeling
Which allows you to enjoy
Every day to the fullest
Jan 2012 · 801
The Victorious Victim
I felt so trapped
all alone
I couldn't do it on my own

I was pushed around
I was called names
hit to the ground

No one seemed to notice
or just didn't care
When I needed someone
no one was there

I cried every night
but no one could hear
Is it normal to live everyday in fear?

On the outside
it would seem like I was tough
On the inside
I was screaming
I’d had enough

It hurt so much
I was in so much pain
I wish it would stop
I'm going insane

I couldn't take any more
I walked out the next day
Expecting it to be my last

That's when it stuck me
When you struck me
Why don't I fight
Fight back for what I'm worth

That was it
You struck me one time to many
I exploded in a fit of rage

Before I regained control
I had destroyed you and your friends
Your ego's and your status
All gone because I fought back

You didn't stand a chance
A guy twice your size
With everything to lose
I felt bad at first

Now I know I did the world a favour
I changed you and your evil way's
You wont hurt anyone again
If I had to go through all that suffering
and humiliation again I would

Because I taught them
The Victim's
To fight back
Jan 2012 · 666
Happy outside, depressed inside,
I'm sorry if I set you aside,
You are not someone that I can just leave behind,
There's just something going on in my mind.

I act so tough and agressively,
I'm sorry for the attitude I have lately,
I've tried to look over the problem closely,
Too bad all I found was foolishness, sadly.
Jan 2012 · 533
Scarlet Freedom
the anger subsides
the rage fades away
the hate no longer matters
the pain becomes comforting
the blood holds my attention
my mind wonders
leaving reality behind
cut by cut
I am set free
Jan 2012 · 612
I have Finally Found A Cure For These Feeling's
It Was Sitting Next To Me The Whole Time
He's Really Sharp
And Touched Me So Many Time's
Always Caressing My Face

He Told Me What To Do
He Taught Me The Way
He Understood
He Got Deep

Now You Shall Always Be A Part Of Me
I Was Confused To Begin With
But Then It All Made Sense

I Was Never Supposed To Forget You
You Shall Now Be A Part Of Me
Until The Day I Die

Your Name Carved, On This Flesh Of Mine
To Be Together For The Rest Of Time
So In Imperceivable Yet So Open
I Know You Are There And That's All That Matter's

People Have Said I'm Going Mad, My Mum isn't Sure If I'm On Drug's Or Depressed
I Know Now Though That They Are All Wrong, My Problem Is You
In The Meaning That I Don't Have You And I Never Can
Jan 2012 · 46.6k
Friendship (My 100Th Poem)
Friendship is to trust
Friendship is having the kindness to help
Friendship is giving to others without thinking
Friendship is being there when someone need you
Friendship can be just a smile that brightens your day
Friendship is giving more than you expect to receive
Friendship is listening
Friendship is offering your opinion when you think you need to
Friendship can be many things
Friendship is different for everyone
Friendship could be holding a hand for support
Friendship is lending your shoulder to cry on
Friendship is mellow
Friendship is giving back
Friendship is only taking that what you need
Friendship can be that voice of reason you give
Friendship could also be a boost of encouragement when it’s needed
Friendship stands the test of time
Friendship is show in many different ways
Friendship can be everlasting
Friendship is not always an easy thing
Friendship is hard to break apart
Friendship is strong
Friendship should never be taken for granted
Friendship is meant to be shared with all
Friendship is free and rewarding to share
Friendship can be unforgettable
Friendship is priceless to many
Friendship is a secret never to be told
Friendship is not having to say sorry but do
Friendship is not judging no matter what
Friendship is to share, the joy and the fear
Friendship is someone to run too when things are tough
Friendship is a hand to hold when things are so rough
Friendship is someone to laugh with not at you
Friendship is just knowing they are there
Friendship is very personal
Friendship is all of these things and many more
This is are how I see friendship
To have a true Friend is the best thing to achieve
We all have one but it may take a very long time to find them.

For You Kiwi, Thank You So Much X
Jan 2012 · 568
What's The Difference
death life
love hate
what's the difference
they all end the same way
people live then they die
people love then they hate
people smile then they they cry
its like reading a book only backwards
it just never makes any sense
death life
love hate
what's the difference
they all end in the same way
Jan 2012 · 456
Loving A Friend
Love between friends is
So hard to live with because
You can't be yourself no matter
How hard you try so you cry yourself
To sleep by the pain of loving a friend.
Love between friends is the unwise thing
To do because in the end you'll break yours
And his heart into a million pieces and the
Friendship will be over within minutes.
Jan 2012 · 1.3k
No, I'm Not Perfect
I'm Not Perfect, I Cant Be What You Want Me To Be,
Yes I Use Dishonesty,
I Can't Figure Myself Out,
When All You Do Is Shout.
I Can't Look Forward To The Future,
When All You Do Is Remind Me Of The Past.
I Don't Want To Grow Up Too Fast.
But I'm Maturing Beyond My Age,
And At This Stage,
I'm Sick Of Trying To Satisfy You.
And All I Wanna Do;
Is Let Go Of Everything You Want Me To Be;
I Guess That's The Key,
To Let Go of You.
And Be Myself and Stay True.
Jan 2012 · 431
Love I Will Lie
You see my sweet tears as they fall from my eyes.
You hear the shaking in my voice as I lie.
You know my words are empty of all truth.
You beg for honesty so you beg me for proof.
I obviously can't give you the simple thing you ask.
I lie to you because it is a very important task.
I must not tell you how I really feel.
I will be perfectly honest, it makes my mind reel.
How I wish that I ment it when I said I didn't care!
How I wish it wasn't my heart trapped in this snare!
How I beg and plead for you to simply let my heart go...
How I wish to tell you, all that you wish to know.
Sometimes I dream of you and I together.
Sometimes I fantasize that we will last beyond forever.
Sometimes I find myself crying until I fall asleep.
It is because of the truth. the reality, that I weep.
We can't go on for much too long...
Your heart is bound to sing another song.
Your smile can't hide the thoughts in your mind.
Your thoughts would hurt but you are much to kind
To speak them aloud, to let them leave your head.
You care for my feelings but you wonder if you should leave instead.
That's why I tell you that I don't love you.
That's why I do everything that I do.
You WILL leave me soon enough.
As always thought my heart was tough
But, I know that if things continue
I wont't be able to stand to lose you.
So instead I'm setting you free.
So instead I'm not letting you return to me.
So instead I will live out my life alone.
So instead my heart with pain will grow.
Jan 2012 · 589
Like Crazy
I think of you
Is it you or is it me
Who is missing the other the most
I find it kind of funny
Me always yearning
I miss you
I would kiss you
I want you with me here tonight

I think of you
I am running around
I am saved from the blue
It is you I have found

You are sweet as honey
I really want you now
I find it very funny
How I always try to bow

I am always thinking that I miss you
I would kiss you here tonight
Could it really be us two
Who will catch the light

You are not here, nowhere to be seen
Sweetheart, I miss you like crazy
When You are not alone I might be kind of lazy
This is because I miss you like crazy

I have told you
I have no money
I will hold you
My heart beats faster than before, I do not want to live like this anymore
I want to give you more and more, my love cannot stop
I want to keep you here with me all my life
I would take the flying feather, I would put it in your hair, and I would say that I would love you forever
Nothing in the universe is more beautiful than you, I want you, so come on and show me that You are true

You are not here, nowhere to be seen
Sweetheart, I miss you like crazy
When You are not alone I might be kind of lazy
This is because I miss you like crazy
Jan 2012 · 596
I Miss You
people laugh and people cry
live their lives 'til it's time to die
loving each other until their ends
caring and hating and making amends
sadness and tears seen on everyone's face
knowing your chances to win first place
fear comes from knowledge
so ignorance is bliss
love can start from one simple kiss
one simple kiss is what started it all
very short after, we both began to fall
together forever were the words in our hearts
we were meant to be right from the start
love is forever and I still love you
you may be gone but my feelings stay true
Jan 2012 · 585
Some days I feel I'm drowning
sinking way down low.
Some days I feel like giving up
and think I'd like to go.

But, looking up above me
I see a gleaming light.
I swim and kick and struggle
and push with all my might.

As I break upon the surface
I gasp and gulp for air.
I look all around me
and can't believe what's there.

Floating on the ocean
as far as I can see
lots of coloured lifejackets
waiting just for me.

As soon as I get near one
they wrap themselves around
and pull my weary body
to some safer ground.

'Where do they come from? '
I think I hear you say.
Well, they come from the people
I talk to every day.

People who understand
this journey we are on.
Whether it is short
whether it is long.

So, thank you my friends
that's all I'd like to say.
And, I hope I'll be a lifejacket for you someday!
Jan 2012 · 743
some of us don't understand this phrase
they wanted everything to comes up in a solace
to fix things up right before a daze
where patience is a virtue
one needs to count from one or two
before madness blown you

nobody wants to wait
because every transaction have a date
placing a tag on their gate
figuring it out before its too late
if one individual detonate
a lots of opinion deviate

for the night have to wait the morning light
the groom have to wait his bride in their flight
the birds have to wait the eggs to be cracked
like a passenger have to wait for the next truck
see! simple things can makes us wonder
in this travel of life requires us to ponder
Jan 2012 · 552
To Say Good-Bye
Even though I seem quiet and shy
I have a strength inside of me
I have the strength to say good-bye

If a friend had always been a lie
I would be heartbroken but I realize
I have the strength to say good-bye

Even if someone precious to me dies
My soul will be crying but give me time
For I have the strength to say good-bye

When my soul is lost and I want to cry
Over time I shall heal, for I know that I
Still have the strength to say good-bye
Jan 2012 · 798
Happy New Year
The first of January rolls around
Like clockwork it appears
I find it’s timing most profound
As it brings us each new year

Right on time, It’s never late
Has never ever blown it
Apparently this wise old date
Refuses to postpone it

Drink a toast to January one
For annual consistence
It’s coming means the old year’s done
Let’s drink to it’s persistence
Dec 2011 · 770
The Idea
So many ideas you have conceived
Either at work or leisure,
But you have not perceived, the idea of me.
I am the idea, unconceived, the idea of anti reason,
Upheaval-tumaltuous and juxtaposition.

I will break the old piece by piece
and create the new step by step, bit by bit.
i will stop the working of the logic and the reason,
with all the justification.
Dec 2011 · 646
I'll Get Through
I know my heart is shattered into a million pieces
I know I've lost something valuable, precious and irreplaceable
I know there will be days when I will cry and break and hurt
But I know too that I am strong enough to get through this
My soul has cried many tears that have failed to heal my aching heart
My mind has screamed many thoughts that have failed to ease my inner pain
All thats left now is to rise up, be strong, sit with the loss and the pain and work through it
For the only way out is through - i can't jump over it or go around it - I have to go through it
I will come out on the other side a wiser, happier person
I will not sit and dwell on this loss and pain
I will grieve, it is necessary, but I will not focus all my attention on the pain
Instead I will focus my attention on getting through it, on looking forward at the bright lights ahead
The world cannot consist only of pain and misery, I refuse to believe that
I will find happiness and joy and cling to every little bit of it with all the strength I have
I will be whole and loved again
Dec 2011 · 448
My Not So Secret Fantasy
When he gave me a smile,
Cupid struck me from a mile.
I walked with rush,
So he wouldn't see me blush.

When I saw him stare,
I acted as if I didn't care.
Though my heart was pounding like Hell,
I tried my best to hide it, so he couldn't tell.

When he approached and said hi,
I turned around and said goodbye.
But before I could take a step away,
He grabbed my hand and asked me to stay.

And from a lips that doesn't lie,
I thought I was going to die,
When he confessed his love.
The LOVE I longed to HAVE.
Dec 2011 · 2.0k
Merry Christmas
Kisses under the mistletoe, holly, Santa's list,
Rudolph's red nose aglow,
Sleigh bells ringing,
A donated toy, presents galore beneath the glistening tree,
The rich, soft scent of green pine, wreaths to behold, angels above,
A wish made upon a star,
The wise men's gifts from afar, the drummer boy,
Satiny ribbons, big red velvet bows,
My hollyberry dishes,
Wondrous white fallen, holiday snow
With lights at night - a shiny, sparkling fairyland show! ! !
Christmas time magically brings dreams about heavenly things
Back to life again.
Boxes of candy are ready to go
Except for the bows - a must for shoppin'
Around the world Santa, driven by reindeer,
Will stop for good kids Christmas eve night.
Soon I'll get some seeds the scarlet cardinals and other woodland birds to delight.
Christmas carols were played past years
On our piano
With two old fingers and more.
My grandpa who had a heart of gold could play songs by ear at his memory's door.
Days have long ago gone by since
My grandfather so dear to us
Told me how they use to put
Wax candles on the window sills
And the tree - to light Christmas's way.
Around the deep, magnificent boughs, too, a scallop trim with splendor
Made by hand from strung popcorn and pure ruby cranberries, danced along its adorned, lovely strand.
A glorious tree it must have been!
Grandpa didn't have a red Christmas stocking.
He got a piece of chocolate
And an orange in his sock
Early Christmas morning.
Wishing you all a snowy, Merry Christmas
Filled with sweet dreams of sunshiny days
Tops my list like winter's cherry cheeks
On children whose laughter brings cheer while they play! ! ! !
Dec 2011 · 5.4k
Anger fills my heart and soul
Anger takes a mighty toll
Anger lessens but can never leave
Anger you hope to never receive,
Anger stays forever within
Anger acts with the might of all sin
Anger is deadly to all around
Anger gets mad at the thought of sound
Anger is the thoughts in my head
Anger that’s mine all should dread
Anger for me is different from you
Anger you see tells me what to do
Anger will sit and whisper in my ear
Anger he sits and tells me all that you fear,

He is here
He’s here to stay
Anger is the hole
In which we lay
Anger is
And Anger will
Always be with us

He is in me, and he is in you
He can make you do
What he wants you to
Anger will make you
Make you cry
Anger can make you
Want to die
Anger can make you
Go insane
Anger….. ... A blood filled rain
No more anger
No more…..
Walk to the bright light
Shinning through that door…
Not knowing what’s in store
But even then
Anger lives on
But you… nevermore
Dec 2011 · 1.2k
I Will Die Alone
i had hoped that they would forgive me

but now my wrist poor out my hearts convictions

and under these sad condisions
i think that they would let me die alone

but thats what i get for thinking because
there hate has grown

please let me go on alone

let me sing this sad song
let go my chains so i can go wrong

please let me be misrable in my own cloud of hate
let me decide my own fate

dont make me heal
now i can feel
let me go home

ill bleed from the bone
ill die alone
ill bleed the deepest crimson
only then will my soul be let go from this prison

ill let all my tears flow
because then you will know

that soon this pain will brake me
and that your god has allready thought to forsake me

and when you wake tomarrow

because you will know that even though you stand here next to me
i am not there
i dont kare

you will come to my grave
you will think your self so brave

i dont kare
because im not there

this is the last time im going to say it
Dec 2011 · 1.4k
Pain Is My Friend
pain is my only gain,
pain is my friend,
pain so deep and cold,
i feel at home with the dark pain,

i love pain pain is my friend,
pain will bring back my love,
pain will give me life once again,
pain so deep and cold,
is the only way i can have,
my love and my friend,

pain is the worlds friend,
pain shows us if we do wrong,
pain shows us who we are,
pain is not only in the dark,
but in the light as well,

pain is so deep and cunning,
pain can show me who i am,
pain shows the world who we are,
pain is my only friend,

with out love theres pain,
with out anyone theres pain,
with out the sun with out the moon,
theres pain so as you can see,
pain is with us and always will be,
pain will never leave its a marriage,

its a soul and a part of you,
that will never leave,
pain is my friend and it is your too....
Dec 2011 · 443
Death's Embrace
So alone and incomplete,
without the touch of your hand.
I can almost taste defeat,
without your love.
My breathing slows,
knowing you dont think of me.
My skin grows cold,
thinking what you said last to me.
My heartbeat finally stops,
when I remember your face.
Dec 2011 · 942
Razor Blade Kiss
Trace my skin with your deadly touch
**** me now the pain's too much
Razorblade kisses across my wrists
The cracks in my heart like eternal cysts
Shining steel slick with blood
My arms are drowning in this crimson flood
My wrists are crying
My eyes are too
My scars symbols of this anguish so true
Don't know where to go,
Every way seems to be closed

Don’t know what & who is right
Every word seems to be wrong

Caring is a crime or love is a fault?
All feelings seems to be gone…

Smile, laughters all has disappeard
Left alone, with some unknown fears

Can't help it out, what's going on
Just wondering, why its taking too long? !

Some unsaid words, whispering in my mind
Leaving my face, more to be frown

Let me die or rescue me now
Let unsaid words, said, before

I'll be victim of another dawn….
Dec 2011 · 699
in silence, shadow, and shame, i am alone screaming your name,
if only you knew how much i love you,
but in the dark i must remain.
Dec 2011 · 729
I Can't Help But Wait
If i had God's mind
I would choose you because i know i would handle you
But am just human
My mind fails me sometimes and my heart keeps silent
My mind cant conceive and my heart cant discern
And sometimes my eyes work full time while my heart just stays in bed all day
Babe all i can do is wait
Wait on him that sees with divinity
He who sees and defines the future
I can't help but wait

There is a fire that burns in my heart
What i do not know is will it keep me warm through the dark cold nights
Or will it burn my heart to ashes? I wonder!
Your arms around me feel so safe........
But honey....ooh i cant lie i do not know
I do not know what lies behind that hold
It maybe too tight that it strangles
Or too loose to protect
I can't help but wait

I look at you and my heart tells me to hold on a little longer
But why? ..............why do i fight with my emotions
When this should be the easiest decision
How come it feels so wrong yet so right?
Does love even matter anymore, does it remember am alive
Does love consider, does it come to the unlovable?
Does it last for eternity?
I cant love you just for a lifetime
I wanna love you for eternity
But why do i feel lost?
I can't help but wait

I have trusted before, loved before, cared for before
But it never lasted
Betrayal.........fear of getting hurt, my tender heart can't handle it
I have given and been misused but i held on
Now my cords are rotting the line looks loose
Will i fall?
I do not know if this is another unsafe zone, another mis-use
With my heart so tender i can't try anymore
I can't help but wait
Wait on Him and Him alone
I can't help but wait
Dec 2011 · 521
To That Special One
I glance in your direction
You look up to meet my gaze
We hold it for a moment
But I break what seemed to last for days
In fear you knew of my affection

I don't know HOW I looked away
But I did, even though I got lost in your eyes so blue
At any other time to look away would have seemed impossible
I guess I thought you would have seen-
What my eyes seemed to say

Yet I still seem to turn from you
But with a small smile on my face
As I think 'did you like me? -
Even in this case?
Did you have these feelings too?
We live in a 'democracy'
And kid ourselves that we are free -
Beware then of the BBC,
The British Brainwashing Conspiracy!
They want to tell us what to think
And, sure enough, their motives stink.
But be careful if you would defy
The Servants of the Secret Lie,
Corruption and hypocrisy
Are multiplying endlessly,
And they'll ruin you if they suspect
When you deliver judgment
Take off you your heart.
When you fall in love
Take off you your brain.
They both are intruders.
Dec 2011 · 9.1k
If you feel insecure
You are not being Yourself
You are only lying to Yourself
Dec 2011 · 3.8k
Stop Being Judgemental
Some of us walk through life happy,
some of us walk sad,
some of us walk lonely,
some of us walk mad.

We see glimpses of each other,
and think, 'Their judgment's off, '
but we hide ourselves undercovers,
and hope they'll buy our bluff.

Why do we laugh at anyone,
who shows their true self,
scoff at our brothers and sisters,
who put insecurity on a shelf?
Dec 2011 · 424
Time To Move On
Our past was so big
filled with so many dreams
how can you just forget that
your nothing like it seems.

Was what we were
just a big lie
did you mean anything you said
or did you really mean goodbye?

It was so long ago
why can't i forget
I hate myself for loving you
never again will we be legit.

You hurt me so much
you don't even know
when will you grow up
and stop putting on a show.

There isn't any trust
between you and me
nothing to build on
we never were meant to be.

All of our memories
I want to be gone
Why can't I just erase you
from dusk til' dawn.

I hope one day
you realize what you miss
you won't ever again
find such a sweet kiss.

You say we're friends
but im done for good
cuz you don't treat friends
the way that you should.

My heart is mending
the one you decided to break
I never thought in a million years
you'd turn out to be a fake.

You took me for granted
you didn't think twice
you gambled with my heart
like you were rolling dice.

I'm moving on
and ill be strong
one day you'll realize
just how much you were wrong.
Dec 2011 · 651
In Depth's Of Solitude
I exist in the depths of solitude
pondering my true goal
trying to find peace of mind
and still preserve my soul
constantly yearning to be accepted
and from all receive respect
never comprising but sometimes risky
and that is my only regret
a young heart with an old soul
how can there be peace
how can I be in the depths of solitude
when there are two inside of me
this duo within me causes
the perfect opportunity
to learn and live twice as fast
as those who accept simplicity
Dec 2011 · 745
You Are My Pride
Though i don't know what you love.
Though i don't know whether you love to wear jeans,
but what you can't speak I can always read,
I don't know which program you see.
I don't know which novel you read.
But I always get to know when you need me.
Though I don't know what is you favourite accessory,
Which song you hear?
But I always get to know when you are in tears.
May be I don't know which is your favorite subject,
Which is your favorite sport,
But I know you are nothing without my support.
I know when you are angry,
I know when you are sad,
I know what you want,
I know what makes your day.
Maybe I don't know anything,
But still I know what you think.
Who you are,
And what you care about.
As I know our friendship is rare,
Maybe I don't know anything about your likes and dislikes,
But I know you are my pride
Dec 2011 · 456
To Love Life
Life is of essence to me so dear.
Today I must live and tomorrow not fear.
For if I live my life with the fullest intent
Then tomorrow will bring joy as a day well spent.

The quality of life to each individual
Is what he makes it unless he dwindles
For the most out of life comes from time well spent
As the days on our calendar of life are extent.

If I live today like tomorrow won't come
And make out of life the most joyous of fun
Then if I can live for just one more day
The time that I've spent has not crept away.

So to my fellow philosophers
Who live to love life,
Let not it be said I've loved once or twice
For I'll live my life as I see fit
and from the loves that I'll live in life
I'll be well spent.
Dec 2011 · 4.5k
Your Approach...

Mine eyes behold
The view you're gracing
Your beauty unfold
My heart starts racing

Your Encroah...

The tension grows
While towards pacing
Your radiance flows
It's fear I'm bracing

My Abroach...

The entrancement
Has my mind failing
Your smile's enhancement
Sends my heart sailing

My Reproach...

I'm Insecure
My secret endure
Dec 2011 · 465
No Glory
Memories flashing in my head
From now till
The moment we both said
Sadly how i wish those times were here
Back then seem to be when
You used to really care

Alone with my heart
sadden thoughts in the dark
No help
No one to shine the light
No one even to help me
Through the night

I could use a smile thats bright
To warm my heart
And not sit it on ice
And this ice,
Its cold
Thats why this pain
Is too hard to hold
Thats why when
I come home
Theres no love
Its just cold

What i wanted was simple
I just need you to be honest
And play your role
Why did someone else
Have to tell your story
I had the front seat
Believe you me
There was no glory
Dec 2011 · 520
The Verse Of Love
There are things we need to see,
Like newborn life and ice cream dreams,
All the things that ought to be free,
All the glory of love unconditionally redeems.

There is warmth we need to touch,
Like sunlight streaking through the clouds,
When our obscurity is too much,
The grace of love will beat all odds.

There are scents that take us back,
To campfire smoke and Christmas tree needles,
They remind us of all we lack,
And how surrounded with love we beat our evils.

There are words we long to hear,
When the noise of the world cries without care,
When our monsters have mastered our fear,
A verse of love the world must share.
Dec 2011 · 501
Life And Death
in lifeless death there awaits nothing
yet in deathless life many possibilities dwell
deaths sharp kiss has befallen you
you have eternity, lest tragedy approaches you, to explore
changing will never a worry
kiss the shadows for they are your friends now
flee from sight at roosters crow
love comes from veins contents in warm spurts
thrive in the nights ever beautiful glow
Dec 2011 · 630
A Better Day
I carry in my heart hope of a better day,  
Where  people are free from oppression and children are out of harms way,  

I carry in my heart fantasies of a fearless day,
Where life is deemed as precious  and knives are locked away,

I carry In my heart faith in a new day,
Where compassion and warmth are embedded into the hearts that are led astray

I carry in my heart dreams of a summers day,
Where the sky is the bluest blue and the sun is shining away,

I carry In my heart aspirations of a brand new day,  
Where possessions are valued less than a heart that won't betray,

I carry in my heart belief in a perfect day...
Where every waking moment can take my breath away.
Dec 2011 · 1.3k
Within my sight
Black turns to light
It knows no other
For life, is its lover
And in its heart
All mystery departs
As fantasy is, and was
Man's ultimate flaws
Dec 2011 · 1.0k
A Curse And A Gift
Don’t know how we’ve don’t without it….,

But there’s no doubt about it….,

We’re stuck with The Gift And The Curse Of Technology….,

It’s a sick situation…., both a jinx and an inspiration….,

But we’re stuck with The Gift And The Curse Of Technology.

Hour after hour…., day after day….,

You find yourself…., unable to stay away….,

From the The Gift And The Curse Of Technology….,

Our computer…., our Mobile phone….,

Are just two examples of….,

The Gift And The Curse Of Technology….! ! ! !
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