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 Nov 2013 Dan C
Taste Of Sin
 Nov 2013 Dan C
when the lust kicks in
your whole world spins
hoping for a taste of sin
© Natali Veronica 2013.

short but whatever. xo
 Nov 2013 Dan C
Kylie Wallen
 Nov 2013 Dan C
Kylie Wallen
Falling in love
Is a scary, scary thing
But what's scarier
Is falling in love with the pain

It starts to feel better
Little by little
And changes you
From strong to brittle
 Nov 2013 Dan C
Blunts And Friends
 Nov 2013 Dan C
Quality friendship time
rolling cigs and
lighting blunts
drinking wine
having fun
living quite a bit
for the hell of it

I love my friends
I love my blunts
I love my ***** shots
and wine glasses
I like laughing loud
and speaking my mind
all while I'm high
and having fun

My friends make life hilarious
they make me smile
when times get rough
I feel so very fine
when I'm here with them
they make me feel okay
when life leads me
the other way
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Spending time with my loves. Happy me!
 Nov 2013 Dan C
Shari Forman
I just want to recieve that letter,
Of acceptance or rejection.
 Nov 2013 Dan C
Tears fall from my eyes
An unhappy little surprise
When the causation is unclear
And my rock is no longer here

An overbearing sadness
A disgraceful neglect of bliss
A torn sense of sanity
Cannot stand their sympathy

Frustration creeps in
A war I never win
Uncontrollable thoughts quickly flood
The only desire I have is to evoke blood

Why I cry is a mystery
Time-travel back into my history
Search for the beginning, the start of it all
The primary moment of despair that led to my downfall

Leave me to cry into a scattered slumber
As my insomnia persists to encumber
Constant nightmares slice up my sleep
A tedious life I am suffering to keep
 Nov 2013 Dan C
Never used to show emotion
Always kept it within
But the more I grow
The more I found
That my feelings
Were hard to hide
And conceal

I feel your words
Crawl into my mind
Almost every night
I sit awake thinking
If I should embrace you
Or leave this flame behind

My thoughts are of you
You do captivate me
Just never knew what to do
When it came down to
Loving someone
With all of me
And the passion
I keep within

I always day dream
Catch my breath
When it gets too hot
It's just weird to feel
All of these emotions
Which for years
I always held inside
Need to bite my tongue
Before I overstep the mark
And cross the line
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Nov 2013 Dan C
Brand New Chapter
 Nov 2013 Dan C
memories stick around
but they become
easier to ignore
easier than before

your face does still matter
but it's gotten easier
to not always remember
the days we crashed
into a depressing slumber
your eyes are still precious
but I've learned how to cope
and not fall right under
under your spell
like I used to
I guess I can say
that I'm getting
right over you

memories are cherished
but the present isn't
we changed and so much
I cannot stick around
I'm too good enough
I am so much stronger
but I used to be weaker
but clarity made me wiser
we were never meant to be
as a whole, us together

your everything wasn't pure enough
I can't give to someone who always takes
but never seems to give a lot back
I lost so much, went out of my lengths
just to keep your heart beating
just to keep you near me
but this time, I'll be leaving
I hope you'll be good
right here without me
but of course you will be
I am a stranger
you never loved me
but sometimes
I know you do
even though you
never took the chance
to prove your worthyness
sometimes I believe you
and tell myself I'm not over this
but it's time to be moving on
but you'll always be
the one who
took my heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Nov 2013 Dan C
Emily Tyler
I'm having one of those days
Where my thoughts go South
And breathing gets tough
And icicles stick to my
Vocal chords
And the snow is so thick
That my blood striped hand
In front of my face
And eventually
After a while
I need a map
To find my way back
But I'm so far South
That my fingers are too frigid
To make a snowman.
And my mind's too numb
To think South anymore.
 Nov 2013 Dan C
Montana Bigelow
i hate the memories
because i hate crying
and i break my promise every **** day to try and be happy for once
but nothing ever works for me

love is a *******
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