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 Oct 2013 Dallas jozwick
I am empty
I have nothing to give
And this feeling prevails in me
Affecting how I live

Something is hurting
Deep inside of me
And there is no direction
In the chaos, the insanity

Something is aching
Perhaps behind my eyes
But everything is okay
lies, lies, lies

Something is throbbing
In the recesses of my brain
And I reach and reach
And find nothing but pain

Something is tired
Ready to be put to rest
Knife at my throat
One last breath

Something is hurting
A dull, aching pain
And I'd give anything
Never to feel again

Something's hurting
Can you help me?
Something's hurting
Make it stop, please.

Something's fed up
Blood down my arms
Something's crying
With only itself to harm

Something is empty
Just a bag of organs and blood
Something is wondering
If it really could

Something's resolving
Something's got a gun
Something's going on
Something's finally won

Because Something's hurting
And nobody cares
And when Something's fading fast
Who will be there?
 Oct 2013 Dallas jozwick
Sadness is dwelling in my mind
Anger is swelling in my heart
The thought of suicide sounds like a fantasy
Almost close enough to touch
But yet too dangerous to hold

As my heart melts into nothingness
and my desire to communicate diminishes
My walls of safety have been stripped from my soul
As my happiness begins to swiftly deteriorate

With every ******* blow of rejection bruises me more
screaming I punch the brick wall till my knuckles bleed
angry at myself
how could I be so **** stupid
My innocence and yearn for safety completely obliterates those thoughts of logical thinking
I am becoming this monster with open wounds that he keeps lashing at with his steel whip
As I whimper crawling towards him
But he keeps hitting harder
My body shaking, trembling
The wound deepens and gushes out blood at an intense rate
but I still am crawling as fast as I can to his arms
in hopes that he will hold me when I reach him

hoping he is satisfied that I took each intense beating and still crawled to him
hoping to be wrapped in his warm arms against his stone cold heart
Praying as hard as I possibly can that he does not drop me as he has done numerous times before. If he drops me that recurring painful crawl to him will begin once again.

Tears soaking my body and his black t shirt.
And when I look up his face, it is hard and emotionless, I push myself as close as I can into my creator. The one that turned me into something so vulnerable. Something so monstrous. But at this point there is no turning back he has every part of my mind controlled. With the snap of his fingers he can have me down on the floor begging for his attention.

My grip around his torso tightens as I feel his muscles twitch. As I look up to his eyes they begin to show the soul of the devil. As his head tilts down to mine and kisses my lips hard. With every part of my body coming alive for those brief moments, screaming with short lived happiness. He releases and looks into my eyes. For a moment, I see hope but then his eyes turn to hate, and he shoves me back to the floor, bruising not only my body but my soul, but the pain only makes me need him more. He runs towards me and at this point I think he is going to help me and hold me. No more crawling to him with open, ****** wounds. But just as he gets to me, he throws the steel whip into the darkness, and starts to batter my body with his fists. Breaking my bones and cracking my skull, blood gushing from places all over my body, but the pain is pushed away by my need for him.... but now he is leaving me ****** and broken and when he Is finished... I just crave him more.
 Oct 2013 Dallas jozwick
Insanity is again creeping back into my life
Making me cold, making me angry
It's beginning an uneasy strife
Within me. Am I too clingy?

Too clingy to the word hate?
Too much attached to insanity?
Is everything becoming too much to contemplate?
All I seem to do is soak my mind in pure vanity.

A word that represents worthlessness
Something I begin to over obsess
Turning myself into a monstrous mess
My happiness I begin to suppress

But it's like I'm dead now
Pushing everyone away
To try to bring one being closer to me somehow
As optimism sits on the shelf to decay.

Recurring dreams of sudden death,
A crash, burn crave
The kind that makes you gasp for a breath
Instantly bringing you to your grave

The desire for a terrible accident
To obliterate yourself entirely
A fantasy no one can prevent
As you race for an end intently

Watching your whole life fall apart,
But doing nothing
Silently you pray that it stops, your heart,
Your life, you continually keep crushing

Until your last breath is taken
And that flash of light turns to pure darkness
This mindset won't be shaken,
Till you finally lay lifeless.
 Oct 2013 Dallas jozwick
 Oct 2013 Dallas jozwick
I either like girls or
older men and I guess
that's not okay to some
people, hell, it's not even
okay to myself, but I can't help
that I like the way girls look with
their ******* off or the way men
look when they have a 5 o'clock

I really like the way he wiped my tears
away and they way she always was the
little spoon and the way he held my shoulder
and the way she just knew when i was sad and the
way he just showed me how the shadows are in
different colours of light...

*******, i guess im bi, but
hell i could be wrong.
 Oct 2013 Dallas jozwick
Do not look for your youth in me
All you will find is a grayed wizened tree
In the middle of the forest, hollow and empty
Surrounded by lush, younger, greener saplings
Amara Pendergraft 2013
The science around dreaming, states that each night
we dream a dozen dreams...
but we only remember the one we wake up from

So for exactly 34 days I've tried to dream...
tried to dream about you, about us...
I remember each night when you said good-bye
how playfully you will add your command
that I should dream about you

and now...
after exactly 34 days of trying
and 1 day of crying...
I finally did

I dreamed about you
I dreamed we kissed
I dreamed I was in your arms once again
that you lay next to me, in my arms
and in my dream...
my world was at peace
even when disaster struck... I knew I was okay
because I still had you

and when I woke up this morning
I rushed to my phone to text you...
to share my excitement with you...
to say...
"I FINALLY dreamed about you,
and it was AMAZING"

but then I saw your last text...
the one that shattered my world
dancing over my incomplete textbox
... mocking me with its words , like daggers

"I'm sorry, but I'm over it. It's not going to turn me off anymore ...
I just think that, maybe... maybe we should take a break"

A lonely tear ran down my cheek,
was never met by 'n mate
although he hoped, he dried before,
was killed by the wait

The news of my dream was like a pack of angry wolves
or a front page story that got moved to be lost in the folds of the paper
aching to burst out and be heard... and be appreciated...
but to whom can I tell these dreams??

You don't want to hear from me
My parents don't want to hear about you
My friends don't want to hear anything other then their love
to who will I spill my soul...

so I will write you a message on a pretty piece of paper...
and burn it when next I smoke

when darkness comes and the city takes to life
I will climb on the roof and holler it to the masses...

... hoping that maybe...
just maybe...
one will holler back.

and maybe...
just maybe...
that one will be you
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