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402 · Apr 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2013
Death's too much a luxury,
Alive, suffer and gnash your teeth,
Enjoy the wealth of penury,
Wishing yourself hell, whenever you breathe.
402 · Mar 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Mounds of earth, mounds of earth,
Weighing down atrocities of terror,
Cut down in their prime,
Mowed down in their sleep;

One day, farmers,
Carved up, chopped up
The next day, cattle breeders,
Shot down, clobbered down;

A limb for a limb,
Toe for toe,
Mother for daughter,
Son for father,

Mass resting places,
Sit atop the plateau,
Home to many unknowns,
Poor victims of ignorance.
In Nigeria, Fulani cattle breeders and Middle belt farmers have been at war over generations and only more pronounced by political colorations, and the gort stories made prominent by globalisation. There's no genuine intention on the part of government all federal level to stop attacks and repraisals, some state governments appear to profit from the conflict while others are still a loss. But the numbers keep piling. SHAME.
402 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Don't say you don't love someone any more,
When you refuse to let them out the door,
Never give up when you feel you can't continue any more,
What to do is pick yourself off of the sodden floor. know who you are :)
400 · Apr 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2014
Be true to your heart,
Let your head rationalise,
And your intellect theorise,
But you knew right from the start.
399 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
Mass hysteria, a sea of cudgels,
With one mind, they rush forward,
Bearing down on the unfortunates,
That went in search of greener pastures.
Many foreigners, especially of African origin, have become puck targets for randy south africans on a **** of violence and mayhem. Thee xenophobic attacks may have sinister backing from top hierarchy I government that have been recorded on camera siding what could be termed 'foreign cleansing'.
Nigerians are top on the list of targets because they've been accused of snatching girlfriends to stealing business opportunities. Also, they have accussed nigerians of runing the largest drug cartel in their country.

But in a show of nonchalance, the federal government of nigeria has pretended not to have heard or seen the agonising, horrific & bloodcurdling jungle justice meted out on nigerians & nigerian-owned businesses.

It's sad that Nigerians are killed at home and abroad like inconsequential breathing apparatuses. SADLY SHAMEFUL.
396 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
The sun shines on my emotions,
Having gone through your dark tribulations,
Everything meaningful became useless,
But it all made sense, this avoidable mess.
396 · Mar 2013
The Fool.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
Perfect emotional decoy,
And you fell so gullibly,
You became her willing toy,
To be used, and discarded, ever so terribly.
391 · Jun 2021
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2021
Every woody green is as the one before,
Going round in circles, roundabout,
She wanted to be the lead actor,
In a tale her character was written out.
Nigeria struggles with the demons that she let out herself.
390 · Jun 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2014
Odoodun l'a r'omo obi l'ate,
The sun shall rise above you on the next,
Alahurabi ko ni se e li agutan, pa'so esi da,
Eat, be merry, age is but a number.
390 · Mar 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2015
Before they come,
Let me clear all doubts,
You'll make a wonderful mother,
So do not bother;

There to welcome each one,
To assure and give you strength,
Will change diapers,
And bring them slippers;

The nights when they bawl and bawl,
Your man will rock and rock 'em back to sleep,
So, earth's incredible little angels' mother,
No worries, they got a super, super father!
Happy Mother's Day to Future Mom, Ms WinkieBoo  <3
389 · Dec 2017
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2017
The brown of harmattan,
Dry, windy and dehydrating,
But if there be one thing,
Peace from the silent, old noisy fan.
389 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
With you life takes on newer meanings,
Without you, no more...just empty feelings,
Glad Cupid shot me,
And again, with no one else, would I rather be.
Lovers' day 2013
387 · Feb 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Everything went dark,
Cold sweat ran down my face,
Goose pimples as big as grapes,
Teeth won't stop chattering;

But moons before,
I knew no lack,
Meat and drink,
And a warm bed;

Plunged into daily hunger,
Worms threatened to down tools
Faculty refused to coordinate,
Vision played hide and seek;

Hands became detached,
Use of language elusive
Answers refused to come,
And failure became imminent;

Thus began the many travails,
Up the avenue of starvation,
Drawing down stored up resources,
Inching toward scrawny days;

Yes, failure did come,
That semester was dreary,
Cold nights did not help,
Hunger defeated me;

When help came,
All hope had expired,
But just,
And it was sweet, very sweet.
There's no middle-class in Nigeria, so when individuals find themselves at the wrong end of the spectrum, then, only the grace of the gods could sort them out.
So when I found myself in university at the mercy of goodwill, everything seemed to fall apart for me until my father received his first pay after over seventeen months of unpaid pensions by the Nigerian government. He gave me five thousand naira that day and told me how he slept on cardboard boxes, under a bridge until he was attended to by the military pension board in 2005. My father is no longer with us but he rekindled hope in me that year. And I made him proud by receiving a worthy bachelor's degree in science. STRONG.
387 · Oct 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2013
She talks up a storm,
And scratches like a tom,
First time I saw her,
I knew we would never be at par.
387 · Jan 2021
BY 2023.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2021
Beyond the gates of that year,
Consider the heavens played a part,
Be you lucky to have crossed,
A crossing quite significant into a new start;

Because not many will be there,
Not a few succumbed to our fears,
Of the sheer wickedness of the past,
Eight horrible years of blood and tears;

Whether it be a fortune,
Only time will indeed unfold,
For there's actually something here,
A better story waiting to be told.
To every Nigerian reading this in 2023 sometime after February and then in May, congratulations on being alive to see what may be a rebirth. It is my earnest prayer that Nigerians all stood for something and didn't fall for anything these demons from the pit of Gehenna sold to you, again, in advancement of their terrible agenda to perpetuate the cycle of injustice and misfortune.
386 · Mar 2023
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2023
The ones that bore me,
They are now no more,
The rest by each other,
They look on, unaware;

The past few moons,
For me have been tempestuous,
Navigating economy subtleties,
Around the harshness of present realities;

Sometimes my heart protests,
Send me a-clutching,
Reminds me in no mean terms,
Each beat is to pampered and nurtured;

Looking around me,
Is there anything lacking,
Yes, certainly there are,
And of course plenty to be grateful for;

So, laying here with my thoughts,
The moonshine barely casting a shadow,
Ticking closer, every second by every minute,
Toward the hour of hearty returns.
I'll be forty-three tomorrow March 14. Those that genuinely celebrate this day, both are no more, but I  make do with the ones here with me reminding me life is only for the living.
383 · Nov 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2013
Firm extensions,
Paired confusion,
Throbbing commotion,
****** illusions.
382 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
The minority lays the golden egg,
And one waddles into Aso Rock,
The crows are on edge,
Threaten to peck him out in a one-way truck.
380 · Mar 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2014
When love is over the sea,
And it is hard to see,
Reason in letting burn,
Feelings for a one long gone;

Even with shut eyes,
And these are no lies,
I behold you,
Glowing in colours fine and true;

But time has worn thin,
That special thing,
For a while, we both shared,
But never said, how, we truly cared;
380 · Apr 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2014
Motorised thunder,
Tearing the forests assunder,
Death lay in their wake,
And the fear, no, 'tis not fake.
Literal translation: Western education is evil. This group has continued to pillage, abduct, destroy and **** innocent Nigerians. They have intensified their terrorist cruelties since President Goodluck Jonathan assumed power. BUT THEY CAN ONLY TRY. THEY CANNOT **** US ALL. WE WILL WIN.
380 · May 2013
SWeet! SWEEt!!
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
I smelled a flower,
It reminded me of you,
The well-formed petals were wonderful,
And the aroma, made me, want to have, a shower.
379 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
They had the luxury,
Of avoiding the unnecessary evil,
But chose to abide with penury,
The height of everything but civil.
The woes of a country must be laid at the feet of her Arrowhead. FACT.
379 · Mar 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
Turn the lights off,
It's time for blind erotica!
Lay, here, on the cold formica,
Won't stop, even, when you've had enough.
375 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Will you allow yourself be used?
A great mind such as yours?
Would you for money go on all fours?
And upon society become terror loosed?

Do not allow yourself be used,
Let all positive forces be fused,
Render all political bigots confused,
Tell them to use their offspring instead; we are no longer amused.
Political play in my country brings tears on many occasions.
375 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
But the rats still give a fuss,
Vermin in defiant show of force,
Too fat to lift a claw,
Did you manicure that paw?
The Nigerian security agencies are in the habit of tagging their intervention operations in the most colourful ways. But hardly produce results akin to these appellations.  SHAME.
374 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
Puffy and red from boredom,
Visual aches from endless rotation,
Politics in Nigeria is base,
This way or that, a hopeless case.
374 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
My heart yearns for thee,
Oh, my lady of verses,
Take me in our warm caresses,
Now, lest my feet doth flee,

I find in thee passion,
A burning desire,
Ten times stronger than the most potent love potion,
It consumes my heart and sets me afire;

Praying, I beg thee my lady,
Deny me not for this is beautiful,
It is intoxicating like fine brandy,
Take it away, then fall I, badly, into dark sorrow's pool.
374 · Jul 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2015
Don't put me down,
Because I'm female,
Don't tear my gown,
Because you're male.
374 · Apr 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2014
These curves are me,
They please you, or not,
Every voluptuous piece of me,
Will make you grunt.
373 · Jun 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2013
My mind's made up to succeed,
Although my heart flutters,
Excellence is my daily creed,
I beat it ever so loudly, up, unto the rafters.
368 · Nov 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2015
Beady eyed devils,
The very spawns of hades,
They come in bloodthirsty shades,
Like troubling, annoying canker-weevils.
367 · May 2017
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2017
Then mother holds me close to her *****,
Says soothing words I come to recognise,
Prays I may live to blossom,
And find this world friendlier than nice;

It is then I gently open my ****** eyes,
To be shocked by the blinding kaleidoscopic hues,
But mother lovingly sighs,
And joyfully, she sings to me, my favorite baby blues.
365 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
You give me reasons to hate you,
But I am in love with the mishmash,
Held by the strings of your confusion,
Never, ever, to set myself free.
365 · Nov 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2013
The moon was crescent,
Shining on the lake,
It's a chance I must take,
With you, my heaven sent.
364 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
The stars in your smile,
Travel the southern mile,
And whenever I get lost,
I look to your stellar trust.
Thanks Oluchi
363 · Mar 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
Now she's gone,
Hopefully, forever,
Love her, again, NEVER!
My turn, to have some fun.
361 · Jun 2013
First Best.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2013
Nobody smiles at failure,
It is loathed, despised and cursed,
Everybody longs for a future,
Celebrated, envied and embossed.
361 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Spoiled by father,
Now, I'd not feel any better,
No, not until I wear this scent,
Even if it cost me a ****** cent.
360 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
You walked on my love,
And left your magic print,
But nothing has been right,
Since I was broken into pieces.
358 · Nov 2013
Beyond the Aisle.
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2013
Marriage is not a place,
Neither a destination,
It is not salvation,
But finding daily grace.
358 · Apr 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2015
Emotions bubbled from deep within,
Several rings had gone unanswered,
Last night we had an encounter,
And tempers flared with oblique profundity;

Is this what I think,
All we had going,
In one grey night,
Lost, and never to be had?
357 · Nov 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2014
I have frolicked among the ashes,
And I have kissed the bottom of disgust,
Poverty has adorned my back,
And wretchedness become my close companion;

Deserted by goodwill,
I am destitute,
In the ruins of failure,
Fate has left me no joy;

The sun rises upon my defeat,
And sets on my immense sorrow,
Daily I wallow in agony,
Drown I, in cheerless wantonness;

Tattered dreams inflicted my senses,
They rob me of sleep,
I lay awake, trembling,
Fearful of the shameful morning.
355 · Mar 2013
Why Marry? (Part 2)
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
Face of an angel,
Then he hits me with a cudgel,
Every night is a duel,
Nothing I do, I do well.
355 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
And where was your love,
When the entire world turned?
But you claimed ours was eternal,
Yet left me to be burned?
355 · May 2013
Love! Oh, love!!
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
Love is a strong thing,
Mothers labour for it,
Men take the heat,
It defines the human...being.
354 · May 2013
the Parallel
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
Who we are inside,
That inner person,
Those things done without reason,
Evils, desperately, we want to hide.
354 · Mar 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
Gently rock, to and fro,
Deep, kissing the insides,
**** in sharply, freeze the rides,
Clean up, your sweaty brow.
353 · May 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
A good heart,
But in the wrong place,
That beautiful face,
But how did this start?
353 · May 2013
Miss Red.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
So you ****** your way,
All through to the top,
But you could have knelt to pray,
And never suffered a decent drop.
353 · Sep 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2014
Has beautiful another description?
Doth thine form require new naming?
Such magical framing,
Graceful, sublime, in fluid motion.
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