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352 · Nov 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2015
Shameless outpouring,
Of crocodile mourning,
Two faced human beings,
Putting out shameless things.
351 · May 2023
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2023
Tragedy struck the day,
Death stole you away,
From our lives forever,
To see you, again, never;

But only in my dream,
Our conversations stream,
Yet they feel ever so unreal,
How, how will I deal?

Now seven years gone,
The sadness still weighs a tonne,
Try, and I do, to make light,
But see the tears I fight;

Sleep on dear father,
And say hell to our mother,
The days will be long,
Yes, as I try to stay strong.
It's been seven years my father made his way back to his maker. It's a burden I'll live with, finding strength in the lessons that he left behind.
350 · Sep 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2014
Will he arise, another,
To give us a bother?
Will he, now,  be stronger,
And fearlessly move across the border?
350 · Feb 2013
You only DIE once.
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Better it is today,
My life to lay,
For a course worthy,
Than a cowardly history.
350 · Mar 2013
No more.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
No, mother,
Do not be afraid,
Here I am, the man, that you have raised,
You can go to sleep, smiling, now, with no bother.
348 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Out of dark holes they come,
Half breeds with little minds,
Cavernous, monstrous kinds,
Shuffling around for meaty some.
Sometimes, we're not different from the think-less undead.
348 · Dec 2013
Scarlet by the Corner.
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2013
And reality punched me in the face,
As my eyes lost their innocence,
Several shapes clothed in naked lace,
Beckoning to men, and without  preference.
For the first time in my adult life I encountered prostitutes by the roadside..and was left stunned, and for many hours afterwards, I pondered why they chose to trade in flesh...
347 · May 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
It's a done deal,
Here's the king's seal,
And when the bells peal,
No worries about the next meal.
346 · Oct 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2014
Constantly you set me tests,
And everytime I ask, why?
Tongue in cheek,
You keep me in the dark;

You reach out into my past,
To ignite dead flames,
To stoke old affections,
And dig up buried affairs;

This box of trouble,
Pray I, you can handle,
These entities are powerful,
Relentless, they stop at nothing;

Once upon a season,
I made a wrong turn,
It is the same road,
And the portends have not changed.
343 · May 2013
Tumble Trail.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
The tears that rolled,
Down my face,
Gathered hot pace,
Because, my love, had been sold.
342 · Mar 2013
Mother of mine.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
The days we had nothing,
We went to bed smiling,
Never did you make me feel unwanted,
Thanks, mummy, heaven's most blessed.
Happy Mothers' Day
342 · Feb 2013
On my knees...
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Drop your wings,
I need you here,
Heaven may care,
But I have our rings.
342 · Sep 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2014
This strain is wicked,
And has a mean carrier,
She evaded the barrier,
And showed our weak head.
Ebola Virus Disease ravages parts of Africa's west, including Nigeria.
341 · Sep 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2014
In times of harvest,
Or long periods of arid rest,
Each to its season,
To be engaged, and with plenty of reason.
341 · Apr 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2013
Bear with me, my sweetness,
My heart is tied to another,
There just cannot be another,
Farewell, but forgive me this mess.
341 · Mar 2013
Alone...and Lonely
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
Abide with me, my pretty one,
Give breath, to my dying soul,
This pain is taking its toll,
For I fear, the grave, will shut out the sun.
341 · Oct 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2013
The afternoon is still,
And like cold steel,
Only works when applied,
That I love you, I have not lied.
340 · Jan 2015
JOY LOBO (Part 1)
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
Who killed him?
The Professor?
Or the rope's pressure?
339 · Feb 2013
Two cents...a piss.
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Thoroughly enjoyed this piece
And when the world's in constant search for peace,
They do so with steely silver piece,
What kind then, actually, is this ******, restless peace?
337 · May 2013
Day Two
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
Unchained consciousness,
Freeing my thought processes,
Walking the path,
Avoiding His wrath.
Day two
By His side
337 · Nov 2013
The Job.
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2013
Trapped within invisible walls,
For two lunar years,
Toiling, daily, in tears,
Listening to annoying *****;

When the sun smiled today,
A new cycle had begun,
The dawn of a new turn,
Time, now, to make some hay.
Marking one year anniversary of starting a new job.
337 · Mar 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
She's dark and mysterious,
Never reveals what she is,
Lust comes to her with ease,
Rejection fills her with loss.
337 · Nov 2013
The Sticker On.
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2013
I believe in forever,
A moment is too short,
No, I will not port,
It's better, much better, together.
336 · Jun 2021
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2021
She drifts atop the slimy waters,
Made bad by years of wickedness,
Clinging to flimsy rafters,
There is no escaping this watery wilderness.
The story of Nigeria is a sorry tale, and only misery loves its own company.
336 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
Oh, well, here we go,
You call one clueless, coconut head,
And the other cannot remember his phone number,
Oh, politics, what a ****** game!
336 · Oct 2016
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2016
Take me a pinch at a time,
Baby, please don't rush,
Feel every grain, every edge,
Tasty, yes, keeps you coming for more.
334 · Feb 2013
To mom & dad with love.
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
May not have given the tools,
Surely, they have made, no fool,
Turned out almost cool,
With common sense, from life schools
334 · Nov 2013
Between the Inbetween.
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2013
I had kept my wits about me,
By penning everything I saw,
Now I am deserted at the shore,
Between sanity and the shallow, grey sea.
333 · Mar 2013
Why Marry? (Part 3)
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
We need each other,
To grow old, smiling, together,
Better halves of one another,
To hold, to love, and to cherish, forever.
Final in the trilogy
332 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
The downtrodden have awakened,
They fear only that they awoke too late,
They have fixed a revolutionary date,
The day their oppressor's noose must be slackened.
Nigerians move to the streets in August 5 2019 in days of rage to force a revolutionary change in the way things have been. POWER OF THE PEOPLE.
331 · May 2016
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2016
Weaned on bullets,
Suckled on blood,
AK47's are loving pets,
And snuffing lives is nothing odd.
329 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
Punch, click, click, punch,
Hit away your frustrations,
You get a zillion mentions,
But never a sensible crunch.
328 · Oct 2022
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2022
Beaten by nature,
Beaten by fate,
Abandoned by the future,
Shackled by hate;

Everything against us,
Nothing works,
All conspire against us,
Nothing works;

Robbers gain entry,
Ransack our spaces,
With brazen effrontery,
Descecrate our ladies;

Kidnappers abduct us,
Demand huge ransome,
We sell the horse,
But ****, regardless the sum;

Terrorists massacre worshippers,
Leave trails of congealed blood,
Whole families in tatters,
Children cry, "why Lord?!"

Soldiers brutalise,
Intimidate and harass us,
Shoot with evident lies,
Then carry on without fuss;

The police betray truly,
Always hostile,
Never friendly,
Quick to open case file;

The government hate us,
From cradle to grave,
They rob us,
Then force us to behave;

The people, non wiser,
Mob and burn one another,
Rather than bond together,
They allow differences tear assunder.
327 · Mar 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
Get away!
From me,
Curse I, the day!
With me, you chose to be.
327 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
The rich become even richer,
And the poor are no better,
Life is a rat race,
And you steal plenty, just in case.
326 · Apr 2016
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2016
Movement beneath the sheets,
Giggles, then ***** oohs and aahs!
Grunts pushing powerful thrusts,
A moment...before the crashing ******.
326 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Fresh, unplucked,
Pure, like the morning dew,
This, she has docked,
Until, with the one, she will do.
326 · Jun 2013
The Movement.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2013
Toward the setting sun,
Orange in the distant horizon,
My mind is set on this journey,
Even if I have no money.
325 · Oct 2013
The North-Easterlies.
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2013
Darker faster,
Twilight quicker,
Hotter longer,
Drier better.
325 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
I am not afraid,
To be honest with you,
My love for you is true,
Sharper, it is, than a two-edged blade.
Veracruz...she knows herself
325 · Oct 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2014
The eyes drink,
Even before we think,
Then we go on and cheat,
Because we are caught in a bogus cleat.
325 · Jun 2013
The Spark.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2013
Not on a platter, no; even of gold,
This black box I yearned from days old,
Though rotten dead, and frigid cold,
Power, will come, yes! from where it is sold.
324 · Mar 2014
47 Kisses.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2014
The wilderness beckons,
I go to be  tempted by demons,
Your love will keep me,
As I journey across the desert and sea.
She kissed me 47 times, each one for everyday, we will be apart.
324 · Aug 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2015
The light caught your eye,
And kept me mesmerised,
Your melody floated by,
And left me hypnotised.
324 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Pray thee, never be incarcerated,
In any of the dank, smelly holes in that country,
And may the angels watch over you,
If misfortune were to befall your unlucky cadaver.
324 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
All in one,
One in all,
Can do much more,
Much more can do.
322 · Oct 2013
The flower.
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2013
One rose, in a field of tulips,
Hot red, hotter lips,
Step in to pluck,
Wish me some luck.
320 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
Out of the green,
Comes this feathery blue,
Shapely to behold,
So captivating and true.
318 · Mar 2014
Zeros and Ones.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2014
The sequence of our emotions,
Is a new tradition,
Packed in discrete portions,
Not a random relation.
318 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Off with your emotions!
I found a willing love,
Contrary to your machinations,
I have been blessed from above.
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