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456 · Apr 2013
Once upon a nation
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2013
Divided from within,
Torn by rumours and avarice,
Children grow into selfish service,
And hearts are closed to love and sharing.
Nigeria, and the dying vision.
456 · Apr 2013
Skin Bag.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2013
I have stared hunger in the face,
Many a time it breasted the tape,
Left out of breath in this rat race,
Constantly fighting this starving ****.
A time when only momma's love kept us fed and watered.
454 · Apr 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2015
Where were you,
When love threw me lemons;
Tormented by blonde demons,
Where were you?
452 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
"Don't touch me!"
She screamed!!
But her face sweetly beamed,
When I pulled her, very close, to me.
451 · Jul 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2015
Did you see my jaw drop,
And my eyes pop!
Wow, what a creature!
Of unimaginable pleasure.
450 · Jun 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2014
Win, lose or draw,
I kick fear out of the door,
Pick I off of the floor,
Spread my wings, mount up  and soar!
We play argentina today #Brasil2014 #WorldCup
448 · May 2013
365 today.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
This, and not, that,
Friend, girlfriend,
Fated, that is what,
Intertwined until the very end.
Met Adeola on May 27, 2012.
447 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Good cheer, my beloved,
The heavens have you covered,
Make merry, for thine goodly tide,
For ye have been increased, on every side.
443 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
Hard to keep my eyes away,
From the voluptuousness strutting the streets,
*** in stilettos and tight pants,
Rouge lips and screaming cleavages.
442 · Mar 2013
As I am.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
Breathe all over me,
Secure your arms around me,
Say you'll belong only to me,
Build all your love...around me.
442 · Apr 2013
Vashti's Nemesis.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2013
Still I see you in my dreams,
You taunt me, and jeer,
This is more than I can bear,
Thus I go to swim, tonight, the ****** streams.
439 · May 2023
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2023
everything becomes mercurial,
across the land tempers rage,
the king has made his declaration,
subject only to the gods of the land;

for when you fail to truly educate,
the mind absorbs whate'er it will,
discerning between intent and action,
is necessary for reaction or circumspection;

but here we are,
yet again, at the familiar crossroads,
to the right or to take a left about-face,
to kick evil in the rear or kiss the devil.
The new President of if Nigeria, on the day of his inauguration, pronounced that the lingering subsidy on *** (petrol) was gone and all hell has been let loose on the land.

The coming days will be very interesting.
438 · Jul 2023
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2023
Someplace, around the corner,
There, where my mind struggles,
Trying to make sense of it all,
Many questions remain unanswered;

I remember receiving that call,
Out of the blue on that fateful day,
They called out to you, severally,
But you had answered a higher one;

Not a day changes from sunrise to sundown,
That I do not reflect what could have been,
How thoae last minutes actually played through,
Where you in pain, or really felt nothing;

Rest on, my mother,
Friend to all,
Enemy to none,
A beautiful soul like no other.
Two years ago today my Mother passed away in her sleep. Those who gained access into her room, say she laid peacefully like a baby in demise.
Sleep on, sweet mother.
435 · Apr 2021
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2021

Medical tourism;

Ethnic cleansing,

Unease of doing business,
Multiple taxation,
Weak currency,

The shamelessness in high places,
The sycophancy along those corridors of power,
The visible aloofness to pressing needs among the masses,
The sheer policy of deliberate regional disempowerment;

Everything points to worse times,
Only the dead need not worry,
For the living, deafening chimes,
A worrying state of statelessness.
The man returns to the troubles he left behind - did he think that they would have miraculously disappeared?
Nigerians chase their president back from 'deserved rest' in the United Kingdom.
433 · Jun 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2013
Success is a long road,
With many stops and frustrations,
Failure creates unwholesome situations,
But a strong heart is a welcome goad.
433 · Nov 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2013
I stopped looking,
Many moons back,
Then I started hooking,
Up, and around, the lunar  track.
432 · Feb 2013
The victim.
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
In cold blood,
The gourd is broken,
In crimson flood,
It lay crooked and ashen.
Wrong place, wrong time...death never gives a warning.
430 · Jun 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2013
What has love got to do?
Who needs all the drama,
When the script can be torn up?
Leaving you cold, and miserable, at the bus stop.
430 · Aug 2016
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2016
Whence have you fled,
Taking all of me for granted?
But cometh swiftly my wrath,
Like hell on a terrible high.
429 · Sep 2013
Vera, oh, Vera.
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2013
Dark and mysterious,
Petite and precious,
Not met her before,
But she be stuff of folklore.
429 · May 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
Beautiful one; oh, see her shine,
Gracefully, she struts like the gazelle,
Gifted, with proportions that are divine,
This one, she is more than the belle.
429 · Mar 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
You're ever so fine!!
You warm up all the cold wetness,
And spread 'round beautiful, bright happiness.
427 · Mar 2022
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2022
Alarm goes off at three,
And the day, for me, begins.
As usual, the preliminary fixes,
Before the others come awake;

Quick check on my vitals,
Nothing seems out of place,
Satchet water, three? No, two,
Then a short visit to the loo;

By the time it chimes five 'o clock,
Cereals for the children and teeth brushed,
Then mommy runs them a warm bath,
And daddy packs the school lunches;

All of these appear routine,
But for us, a way of life,
Going on seven moons,
Simply, the joys of fatherhood;

But I digress, many pardons,
For today another year is added,
The heavens have been merciful,
And reflections are no pastime;

Serious matters become frequent,
Issues of the afterlife more apparent,
Leaving a legacy to be proud of,
And making it beyond midlife;

The Mrs, as usual, with pleasant surprises,
Makes the day more than ordinary,
Pulls all the impossile stops,
Leaving stress to look so secondary;

Going into the new year,
The first without Mom and Dad,
Makes me wonder in, future 'spect,
Now, life has surely begun.
I turned forty-two on March 14, 2022. The first time I would have both parents smiling down through the afterlife. It has been a mixed grill of emotion and hope for a better life for my own family.

Although the country that I call home is not working at the moment, there is this strong belief that these terrible times will not outlive me.
426 · Mar 2016
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2016
Quite oft' we're haunted,
By the choices we make,
The life we wanted,
Over what's at stake.
425 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
I have ruminated,
Many a time,
Over the sheer wickedness,
of men;

With guns the take life,
Not offended, unprovoked;

They fill our eyes,
With painful, hot tears:
parents and loved ones,
left to mourn and grieve;

Where is your humanity?
Elected, employed to guard life,
You take wantonly, brutally;

We shed many a tear,

The day cometh,
When this half-full gourd,
Will spill crimson content,
And hell, in all its fury,
Will have never witnessed,
Such a that;
When the night becomes day...
...and the day be born.
In memory of the slain Nasarawa students killed by soldiers for protesting lack of potable water on Nasarawa state university campus - Feb 26, 2013
425 · Feb 2013
Broken cry
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Each day’s the same,
The night’s wet pillowcase;
The morning brings in the shame,
Same time, every time, same place.
Difficult when the heart's in a very lonely place
424 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
The very reverend bigot,
Shamelessly oblique crackpot,
Says one thing in the light,
And does another at night;
423 · Apr 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2015
The cat's ****,
Thumps the rat's heart,
"Mom, she's been here?"
"Charles, don't play there!"
422 · Feb 2013
Verses inspired by Veracruz
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Hooked on eyes,
That shone like dazzling stars,
These are no lies,
See, here, diamond bars.
I just met this great young lady and she's pretty nice. :)
422 · Apr 2014
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2014
The days I fall hardest,
Are the ones kindest,
And were I to surrender,
Then all go assunder.
422 · Apr 2013
The Burden.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2013
I bear this terrible pain,
Hanging like a terrible yoke,
I cannot see through this ****** pane,
Fate, it has dealt me, this unfortunate stroke.
422 · Apr 2013
Blue Fire.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2013
Locked in a frenzy,
Pores dripping like crazy,
She burns me with oohs! and aahs!
Lifts me far, beyond, the twinkling stars.
422 · Feb 2013
Balls of Steel (Part 2)
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Never known bread or butter,
The comfort of a warm meal,
A very, very distant deal,
What is more real is a cold drink from the gutter,

Now twenty-one, can neither read nor write,
Wise only in ways rather dodgy,
Would lay ambush for money,
Just for a pleasurable night;

Looking back at time wasted,
Old and grey, a gentle smile plays,
Memorable tunes of weather- beaten days,
And all those horrible monsters proudly bested.
Life's not a bed of sweet-smelling roses
422 · Aug 2021
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2021
Pray that the sun rises in the east,
And pray, too, that the earth spins along its axis,
Make supplications that the moon shines at night,
And intercede on behalf of the many rats in the sewers;

Here we are, people of state,
Vagabonds in high places have come again,
Pulling the chord of our collective mentality,
Yanking the chain of our divisive idiosyncrasies;

For many, many seasons they have harvested,
Fruits borne by the motherland,
Furnished their illicit barns with treasures of state,
Fueled their desires with the blood of the children;

Yet a time comes when the seas will roar in tempestuous rage,
The four winds cry out in deafening anger,
Night and day both refuse to do their bidding,
The earth refuse to stomach the wickedness of their inhumane abominations;

Not too long, oh brethren,
The time is dearly nigh,
That the shackles of our backwardness,
Will turn into tools for our deserved happiness.
Here we are in Nigeria. The country is running forward facing backward. Shame.
417 · Jan 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
Properly or improperly...connected,
Wired...or rewired,
Banded, disbanded or not,
Augmented in a virtual reality;

The world evolves from evening to morning,
With miracles every sunup,
Brilliant minds vending awesome,
Of things never before seen,

But are these...really?
The ancients, haven't they?
Surely extraterrestrial,
Bifrost, Valhalla... Asgard?
Tech today sees manaybamazing feats of wonder and spectacle that makes you wonder if something out worldly maybe behind such divine inspirations. CURIOUS.
416 · Nov 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2015
Tip toe, tip toe,
And there she goes,
Light feet on heavy *****,
Hugging the night in red nylon tights.
416 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
Hail! Hail!! Haill!!!
The newly born,
On this goodly morn',
Shhhhhhhh, do not wail.
To the KING of all kings.
414 · May 2013
Brown Brown.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
She smells like chocolate,
Like lovely, dark chocolate,
Yes, my taste buds can relate,
To this sweetness nobody can hate.
414 · Feb 2013
The merry times
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
The lights will never go dim,
Birds never stop tweeting,
Love will find you a sweet thing,
And health will complete this awesome team.
happy birthday, Busayo
412 · Nov 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2013
And eventually you find it,
But give all of what you are,
The gods have given you a gift,
At least guard it like you truly care.
411 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
So our grandfathers have gathered,
To pen resolve not to insult,
But barely had the ink dried,
Than a shocker left our jaws slackened!
410 · Feb 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2013
It was fun while we texted,
I enjoyed every tapping bit,
Shame we got to call it quit,
Now I'm gonna find who's nexted.
409 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
A dozen laxatives,
To flush your stupidity,
And no sedatives,
To ease your depravity.
409 · May 2023
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2023
for many ran on fumes,
these few years,
living daily on hope,
and nothing else;

a great number wanted,
but the heavens never granted,
the privilege to see aturn in the tide,
to the dearly departed, sleep on;

and for the quick,
welcome to making history,
a rare opportunity to be amongst,
the countable, the reachable, the available;

whatever it is worth,
the next four can never be as darkly,
as the eight spent in vast backwardness,
time truly deserving to be forgotten;

but for the lessons learnt ,
nothing nostalgic of the cowtostrophic era,
every single element will get what is deserving,
karma always finds a way;

and for the hopeful many,
may your aspirations meet rapid improvements,
because today marks a departure from irreverence,
into days and nights of renewed hope.
Nigeria, the giant of Africa. The largest population of brilliant brown-skin people. The country with resources other nations can only pray, dream for; will be getting a new President today.

Heavens help us.
408 · Nov 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2015
Familiar cocoa trees, carpet grass and banana,
Mango, orange, and good old papaya
Shady cool to roam and play,
And assurances of warm love everyday.
406 · Jun 2013
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2013
Illuminated, only, by a white line of led,
I toss and turn, on the damp bed,
Because the light people prefer solid darkness,
And outside, all there is, is perfect stillness.
406 · May 2013
Day Six.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2013
Liberation glittered on the horizon,
My head pounding crimson,
I could see through the tunnel,
As I floated down the funnel.
Tomorrow ends the beginning
405 · Nov 2015
KOGI (1).
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2015
The charlatan went into fervent mumbo jumbo,
Throwing the crowd into a crazed uproar,
But the stiff remained in cold limbo,
Unperturbed, and oblivious, of their stupid frenzy.
A certain gubernatorial candidate died after the election umpire declared the result of voting inconclusive. Then came a woman spiritualist that claimend to have powers to raise the dead...the rest is history.
405 · Mar 2013
Why Marry? (Part 1)
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2013
Endless nagging,
Her cold tongue wagging,
Never stops wanting,
Always, daily, asking.
404 · Oct 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2015
The fifty-five-year-old toddler,
And her daddy of seventy-two,
Played, "I am a soldier,"
So, what can you do?
Nigeria is 55 and the President is a 72-year-old who was a military coupist that seized power 32 years ago.
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