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57 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
The jump,
Nobody saw it happen,
They turned, all of a sudden,
Bodies falling with a great sad thump!
Finally, WHO declares the novel Wuhan coronavirus a global threat to world health as confirmed cases recorded in the United Kingdom.

Even the uninformed could have seen this trajectory and calculated that it would take less than a month for the virulent strain to reach every continent in earth.

Are we witnessing the first human population culling since the bubonic plague?
57 · Feb 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
It's well within my handicap,
To try and outdo my peers,
Sometimes I receive nauseating jeers,
But most times I get a thundering clap;

I can't relate much,
Love is far from me,
Terrible at daring or lunch,
Or a warm evening by the sea;

They say I'm a savant,
An autistic with amazing gift,
Raised by my doting aunt,
She put in everything, and an extra shift.
Nature compensates.
57 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
There's nothing more magical,
Or absolutely heartwarming,
Than that dreamy chuckling,
That's beyond beautiful, simply angelical.
When my two and a half years old daughter smiles during her sleep, I wonder what shes dreaming about, a far better place, than this present situation, or enjoying a warm hug with the heavenly ones. Which ever or not, it's reassuring that there are little moments such as this one that makes up for the daily struggles of being a father, provider and husband.
57 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Set to default mode,
An unconscious impulse,
To reach for the mobile,
Whenever, and every time.
Nigerians have been conditioned to take out their mobile devices at all times, whether odd or not. Insofar as it has helped bring to the fore many of their societal ills, it has also become an encumbrance to making sound judgement at critical times. DIFFERENT STROKES.
56 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
COVID-19 is no respected of person or status.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
In times of difficulty,
Many reveal themselves,
The true nature is made known,
And put on display for all to see;

But in peace times,
You can make all talk,
Beat your chest at rivals,
Project an image of invincibility;

Then comes a damning curve,
Like the one a pandemic draws,
Showing weakness of inept proportions,
Struggling to make sense of it all;

You see a truly great nation,
Able to export good and evil,
Keeping its core untouched,
Turning tables at every turn;

If humanity makes it,
Albeit battered and bruised,
The ranking of nations will be revised,
To show, now, the true world power.
Countries like Nigeria aren't on this table.
It's the Communists and Capitalists.
Where the Capitalists have gone on to perpetuate a mighty image over the century,  the Communists have arrived and in a mightier fashion.
Nothing has exposed the Capitalists like the COVID-19 pandemic and sent them scampering in all directions.
The Communists alleged to have sponsored a state sanctioned biological warfare that didn't spread to their capital city, simply reached in to their well stocked arsenal and whipped out enough to deal the disease or infection decisive blow.
Now the Communists are offering aid in human or material resources to their biggest rivals, the Capitalists.
56 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
The credibility of the toilet,
Is to be full of **** and ****,
Take both in copious amounts,
And give nothing back, save relief;

Something many of them,
Will never amount to,
All they can ever offer, anyone,
Is a plateful of sorrow and tears.
Nigeria's ruling class, the lot of them, are a special breed of kleptomaniacs, nepotistic bigoted opportunists and unashamed oppressors.

They are full of nonsense.

Nothing, in recent times, has exposed the like the novel Coronavirus. COVID-19 simply revealed how totally dense and they all are. Even those pretending to be eggheads have shown, now, that they're are actually coconut heads.
56 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
This land flows with blood and tears,
For a hundred years,
Vampires and Gremlins,
Have made love to werewolves and cretins.
56 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
The best time to be awake,
Is through the night,
Even if there's no light,
It's okay to binge on that cake.
In Nigeria most times than not there's no power but when it rains, like today,we don't give a heck about it all!
56 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
An untimely occasion presents,
Here given an unprecedented opportunity,
To reshape the entire community,
To stop everything, and begin afresh.
The entire world goes into total lockdown as COVID19 coronavirus threatens the man's existence.
For countries like Nigeria that have never prepared for the worst, only choosing to behave like ostriches in times of danger, it is a unique moment to take stock, recalibrate and restart the system.
55 · May 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
And to those that have died,
To keep our children free,
Our loyalty, around you, is tied,
Always, to water, this freedom tree.
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
How can you, a loud despot,
A tyrant of mean reputation,
Now offer a democratic solution,
To the same problems you quietly  support?
In Nigeria, the oppressed people woke up to need that the convener of a 'revolution now' movement symbolised by orange berets had been abducted by state forces. SHAME.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
The long and unending nothingness,
Bright light or thick black,
Strung by the neck,
Or shot in face, neck and torso;

For killing a girlfriend,
Or stealing common patrimony,
For creating a deadly virus,
Or ****** a week old infant.
Should death be the end?
55 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
In the times of forced confinement,
There's only one requirement,
Those four walls, or more,
Protect your from what's beyond the door;

So, all you need do,
Is not be daily blue,
But turn your heart,
And give it a fresh start.
For the foreseeable future, people will be in lockdown around the world. And the only way to survive, fully functional, is to come to terms with reality as COVID19 deals the world a mortal blow.
55 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
You will wage the greatest battles,
Of this life, not with hardware,
But a crises of contending emotions,
Feelings struggling to gain prominence;

Whether they rule you,
Reining them all in,
Or succumbing to the intrigues,
All end in that one place.
54 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Uneasiness, tossing and turning,
Suddenly an outburst, howling,
It's midnight and the senses are struggling,
Thoughts fly all over the place, praying.
My two and a half years old daughter suddenly cries out for her sleep, thrashes around and begin these episodes of shivering, goosebumps all over her body, teeth chattering. She'd been fine all day long, although she'd cried a lot while plaiting her hair in the evening, but it's nothing that he mother and myself weren't familiar with. But tonight she scared the **** out of me; my wife, the cool-under-pressur onele, took her from me, wrapped her and held her close while I stumbled all over the place looking for whatnot.

It will be hours later that her condition made a favorable turn and she'd lay in my chest to sleep. THANKS.
54 · Dec 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
For this could be the last,
Time, I hold you, mother,
So, let none put asunder,
This love, in blood cast.
My mother suffered a mild stroke six months after my father died in 2016, they were married forty-six years. She'll be seventy years old in year twenty-twenty.

She is with me presently to help with her newborn grandson as is the Yoruba tradition.

It's always a dicey situation with her around because of her strong beliefs and strictness. None of which my wife will have.
54 · Jul 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
In life such desire manifests,
Upon ones creativity one invests,
Upon ones intelligence one banks,
Upon ones wisdom is placed resilience;

Upon the strength of ages,
Past, future and present,
Upon the combined forces,
Of goodwill and positivity;

A man may come,
Into his own,
Or lose it all upon,
Some flimsy whimsy negativity.
54 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Things are not how they were,
Plenty baffle the mind,
Madness of the dry kind,
Pushing women and men to savage dare.
53 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Soaked pillow, piles of unwashed dishes,
***** takeaways, chopsticks,
Sunshine hardly kissed this room,
Since his heart was broken in two.
53 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
These things happen,
Planned or unplanned,
Although nursing one in hand,
Doesn't stop taking a quick stand;

So, in the heat of it all,
The smooth rise and sweet fall,
Whether some got in...,
...or was withdrawn before the rushing;

There was a delay in the flow,
Maybe it's just slow,
The cycle is well into the fourth,
Gives us some food for thought;

The two stripes were telling a story,
Of possible nine months glory,
Admidst lots of emotions, mixed and mashed,
But out the window is having life smashed.
In the fifth month of our new born son, my wife thinks she missed her period...oh, wow!

Between our first daughter and son is three years and this one, if the two stripes from yesterday's test strip is confirmed, means the next bundle of joy will be fourteen or fifteen months younger than the now youngest...yikes!
53 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
At the centre of it all,
Is a red, festering offal,
Without bothering to ask,
***** hands take on this task.
53 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
In life such desires are made manifest,
Upon ones creativity one invests,
Upon ones intelligence one banks,
Upon ones wisdom is assurance placed;

Do you believe in yourself,
Enough to pull through?
Too you believe in the totality,
Of succeeding without someone somewhere?

Man in all his mortality,
Voices out authority and superiority,
Saying, "come unto me, wealth seekers,"
"And I will make you rich,"

But take time to think through,
Is it all worth it?
Relying on the words of flesh?
And ignoring the words of wisdom?

Man doesn't hold any key,
With which to open wealth's door,
Except that which is given,
By the janitor of endless glories.
First penned in December 2000, edited in September 2001 and March 2002. Modified in 2020.
53 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
A lesson in tragedy, to understand comedy,
A lesson in calamity, to understand tranquility,
A lesson in hunger, to appreciate bumper,
A lesson from fire, to appreciate water.
52 · May 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
We come, here, for a reason,
Then in a season,
We leave well behind,
All, the beautiful, and the unkind.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Give love to family,
And cheer those that aren't,
Make merry all, together, happily,
Offer peace to them that can't.
You can only do so much.
51 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
She would be his best friend,
And partner in crime,
Never finding fault in his frailty,
Always compassionate and loving,

He would be by her side,
Never complaining about her beauty,
Completing her in every way,
And always being proud of her.
51 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Fire arose from his eyes,
And every sinew quaked and trembled,
Each strike thundered and rumbled,
Forcing the breaking of many ties;

She had no idea, no, not one,
Love had found her at last,
Only to leave her this fast,
A few moons and they were done.
Increase in cases of
51 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
Saving for the rainy day,
For Nigerians, a debatable matter?
51 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Immediately, gradually,
Quickly, slowly,
Temporarily, permanently,
Technically, simply.
Many businesses are forced to stay shut for fear of COVID-19 spread. For economies that rely on heavily on private sector enterprise, it's the worst period in history.
51 · Jul 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
On either side of,
The crimson divide,
Sat two hearts that,
Beat out untruths.
Pretending all is forgiven is the highest form of deceit.
50 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Nothing ever suffices,
In fact, all fall short,
Constant, unrelenting demand,
For this, this and that, and that!

Root of all evils,
Genesis of all wars,
Origin of all maleficence,
Beginning of all ends.
Every bad thing is traceable to greed.
50 · Jul 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
The month came,
To me, of the same,
Need to feel good,
Again, 'cos I am no wood.
At the red table, many things become scarlet.
50 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
No one can tell my story,
Any better than I experienced them,
Those cold and trembling nights,
When my body ate it's own fat;

Felt abandoned by my parents,
Left to the mercy of strangers,
That took me in, forgot to feed me,
Watched me shrink to the bone.
Between the years 2002 and 2007, my whole life was led one day at a time, many times hunger shook me like a fever, felt betrayed by my parents for sending me into the world to find mercy in the home of strangers.
49 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Under the hardship of poverty,
And persistent lack of anything comfortable,
The people have turned a brutal lot,
Not minding whether their leaders perish;

But why blame them?
All they have known is impoverishment,
From cradle to grave is a struggle,
With no affection from the top;

The people attend rotten hospitals,
Learn, if at all, in crumbling schools,
Move around in rusty public transport,
And are buried in overgrown graveyards;

And when the forces bless their tormentors-in-chief,
With ailments of Eastern origins,
And cannot go to Western lands for cure,
The people are glad, and dance to karma's melodious rhythms.
Unconfirmed rumours are rife that Nigeria's president, vice president, chief-of-staff to the president and a number of aides may likely be infected by COVID19.

The word on the street is that the old men in power may just be getting a tatse of their own medicine as they are forced to use the neglected health facilities they budgeted humongous sums for over four to five years.

And the people are generally in expectation of the worst for their leaders that have never shown them any form of concern in previous times.

Interesting times indeed.
48 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Wounded by life's knocks,
She built a wall around her heart,
To guard against disappointing shocks,
Yes, that was a good start;

Until he came with a smile,
Some kind of magical style,
And pictures of walking down the isle,
Vowing, never to leave her, in a messy pile.
Sometimes it takes a lot of courage.
48 · Feb 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Why ask,
When offered,
Without coercion,
Or manipulation?

Benevolence without bitterness,
Philanthropy without prejudice,
Charity without complaints,
Mercy without malevolence.
Nigerians call for accountability over seventy million naira donation toward the treatment of a one year old baby with holes in his heart that, sadly, died before medical intervention could be reached abroad. SHAME.
48 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
There'd have been a tectonic shift,
In the balance of World Power!
48 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Angry man storms about,
Throws tantrums all around,
Access was continuously denied,
To the sweetest thing after warm chocolate.
47 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
The day begins as a dark thought,
Even the sun cannot burn through,
The hours bear down on the familiar hurt,
Ending in a cascade of pain truly blue.
47 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Bless me with your aroma,
Capture my senses with your magic,
Wrap me in your divine allure,
Lock me up in eternal damnation.
47 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
So, let it be known,
That I lived in the times of heroes,
In both sides of the universe,
Whether it be DC or Marvel;

Yes, we need heroes,
Now, more than ever,
In these times of bloodshed and hate,
And diseases of unknown origins;

This is callibg out to you,
Wherever you may be,
Earth needs her avengers,
Heed our prayers, save our souls.
The real world is bereft of real heroes, super humans, ready to battle evil until it surrenders. All we have are soldiers are soldiers of fortunes, ready to do the bidding of the highest paying megalomaniac. SHAME.
47 · Feb 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
What say you, now, brethren,
That on the most exalted,
Is seated an impostor-in-chief,
Presiding over the affairs of men?

A husk filed with foreign bones?
A box projecting alien mumbo-jumbo?
An ear refusing to hear?
A lost mind?
Rumours were awash that the president of Nigeria is a clone from Sudan. FUNNY.
47 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Growing up was lonesome,
Didn't believe I was awesome,
In fear of everything,
Self esteem was nothing.
Different times, now.
46 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Every one easily recognisable face,
Has come down with the virus,
From Norway to Australia, an alarming pace,
Isn't this a circus?

Like an oblique propaganda,
Set to cause global apprehension,
It employs celebrities into its agenda,
Just to further heighten a campaign of confusion;

Europeans have caught it,
Footballers, too,
People of colour can get it,
Even world leaders, too;

Thus the story unfolds,
Of how the world unites in terror,
Panic, fear in great manifolds,
Grips the planet in total horror!
How those celebrities have been coming down with COVID-19 leaves more questions than answers in my mind.
The latest is a black man of European descent. After famous footballers have been infected and some achieving remarkable recoveries.

The leadership of certain countries have been infected, others exposed. In one huge play of sorts, this thing gradually finds a stage to present one of the biggest, globally organised tragedies, of the modern era.
46 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Some lines were never crossed,
Like staying out ridiculously late,
Or going out on a flimsy date,
These two were clearly stressed;

And they shaped the future,
Becoming a recluse of sorts,
By the widow, acknowledging social reports,
At forty, contemplating a life tour.
My father died on May 22, 2016. Another casualty of Nigeria's inhumane medical system. He was 80.
46 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
I looked forward with great expectation,
In anticipation I dreamt,
For months I put shoulder to the wheel,
My heart ached long;

At last, it's here, can feel it all around,
The season of love,
The season of sharing,
Surrounded by fluffy whites;

But alas! A big blow,
Oh, what a way to shatter,
A memorable affair,
Together, with the one and only;

This silent killer,
Life taker,
Dream murderer,
Virus from the pit of hell;

Forced to stay indoors,
Away from love or friendship,
Conversing with the inanimate,
Same routine day and night;

Video calls only go that far,
They don't show beyond the edges,
How do I know, for real,
That you, also, are there alone?

Come away, Coronavirus!
Leave, now, so I can be,
With the one that I love,
Hurry, be on your way!
Adapted from "Alone, The Yuletide is UNSHARED." Penned by me in December 2000.
46 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Perhaps the people are incapable,
Of producing anything good,
They'd do anything for food,
Even everything stinkingly improbable;

For how can one explain,
The corruption at the tower,
How the prominent, with disdain,
Treat the commoners they rode to power?
A little power corrupts the mentality of Nigerians at all levels. They simply forget where they're coming from.
45 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
Many relationships,
Would have been put asunder.
45 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
But first, let's dance,
Happy this is all over,
Given another chance,
To sort out life's matter;

But haven't we endured,
Enough, to let hair down?
For weeks we've been bored,
It's time to hit the town!
Many have drawn comparison with the 1918 Spanish Flu that got many killed in the 2nd Wave of infections. As many cities and countries ease up on their lockdowns, historians have cautioned to be weary of the 2nd wave as COVID19 has the potential to wreak havoc.
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