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45 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
But first, let's dance,
Happy this is all over,
Given another chance,
To sort out life's matter;

But haven't we endured,
Enough, to let hair down?
For weeks we've been bored,
It's time to hit the town!
Many have drawn comparison with the 1918 Spanish Flu that got many killed in the 2nd Wave of infections. As many cities and countries ease up on their lockdowns, historians have cautioned to be weary of the 2nd wave as COVID19 has the potential to wreak havoc.
45 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
Many relationships,
Would have been put asunder.
45 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
Two would have gone in,
And come out, three or more, altogether.
45 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
I wear something larger,
As I have acquired a frame, bigger,
The years have added their toll,
But I am on a positive roll;

Everything that my closed eyes have dreamt,
With open reality I have learnt,
That life will give as much as it takes,
No regretting free opportunities and one-night forsakes;

In four decades a lot have transpired,
My father has for four years expired,
Dear mother suffered a grieving stroke,
And many times I have been badly broke;

I found a wife, woman of my rib,
And twice, we have filled our crib,
A boisterous girl, now three,
And a charming boy, four months lovely to see;

So I have considered my days,
And reflected on my ways,
To the owner of my soul, many thanks,
For many never swarm this banks;

As the other half looms large,
Setting off on a greying, more introspectful barge,
I pray the seas be milder, blessed kinder,
Offering fresher courses toward the unknown border.
I turn forty years old today March 14, 2020.
43 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
A Master of many things,
And Jack of most,
A handyman's man,
And envy of all;

By the time,
I was old enough,
Our laundry days were classes,
He taught the lesson of independence.
I learnt how to wash my own clothes from my father, and he never gave another his launder to do for him until he was old and weak. He dies on May 22, 2016. He was 80.

And I still hurt.
43 · Feb 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
She has become a shining star,
Now among the Cherubim,
And her wings, never far,
Rejoicing, always, with the Seraphim.
It's the most difficult thing for a parent to bury a child.
43 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
#COVID19Nigeria #CoronaVirusInNigeria #lockdownextension
43 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Come now, to light,
That a bird in flight,
Caught in a messy fight,
Fell out the sky, the other night;

Mothers, fathers, and uncles,
Daughters, sons, and aunties,
Shared loving goodbyes, sweet hugs,
To meet again over warm mugs;

But alas! With one shot!
Everything came to pieces!
Breaking the hearts of hundreds, lot!
Last moments, unimaginable,
Human error?
Iran unintentionally shot down flight 752 carrying 176 passenger and crew members. They claim it was a direct reation to America's belligerence.
43 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
When  I hear you speak,
While looking at your face,
Difficult to reconcile,
This devil and the holy grail.
42 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
Glory to the most high!
For our mist is gone!
Once, we had fogged up sky!
But now a crystal tone!

Many thanks to lockdown,
Who knew... who knew...,
Took a ride downtown,
'Twas as good as new;

The earth breathes again,
Celestial messages coming through,
Unhindered by polluted refrain,
Everywhere the skies are blue, true;

Sadly, man won't continue this way,
For as soon as this enemy is defeated,
Renewed rat race takes over the day,
And the dark night continues unlimited.
Industrial nations marvel at post lockdown images, after COVID-19 forced many exhaust to go quiet.
In decades, people haven't seen the true colour of their firmament, always covered in dense fog; testament to their unrelenting and powerful industry.

It's a miraculous marvel they'll enjoy albeit for a short while, as the race is on to eliminate COVID19 from the face of the earth.

The year twenty-twenty is indeed a year of interesting occurrences.
42 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Young men across the country,
Are gradually sliding into endangerment,
Commonplace to see criminals in uniform,
Misuse the apparatuses of State;

Against these young fellas,
Already frustrated by a system,
Currently designed to cut them down in their prime,
With no questions asked.
Nigeria's young men are highly at risk of not celebrating their 25th or 30th birthday if they become successful or appear to be successful by the age of 20.

Many undocumented and documented killings of young men by trigger happy police men.

But who will save our young men?
41 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Full of energy,
Bursting at every pore,
No, not one moment of lethargy,
Sunny bright at the very core.
Many youths of Nigeria origin living in Nigeria are disillusioned.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
I was born in a leap year,
I mean, that's not a bad thing,
Could have been worse, my dear,
Like a venomous wasp sting;

But as I've come into being,
February twenty-nines marked fear,
Come to expect some terrible happening,
Something to scratch the world's ear;

The calamities following leap years,
Are far more bizarre, horribly so,
For there's a multiplying of tears,
Reaping four times the evils we sow;

I lost my dear father in a leap year,
Failed high school and had to repeat,
My own mentor drowned my hopes beyond repair,
And my beloved girlfriend broke my heart in a beat;

Suddenly, from the far East,
And spreading through the West,
Rises a deadly and unseen beast,
Eating up the elderly and infecting the rest;

It's a few months in,
Tragedies recorded are alarming,
The future is amply frightening,
Yet 'tis mere introduction to horrors we have seen.
The year 2020 will go up in history as quite a horrific one. A pandemic and some greed, all mixed together to unleash wickedness on humanity.
40 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
COVID-19 routine.
38 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Drawing a straight line,
From the affluent,
To those struggling to pay rent,
All stuck in, wine or no wine;

The neglected places,
Have become cherished spaces,
Will now be adorned with rich laces,
For our guests with chubby faces.
For many years the ruling elites have looked to the United Kingdom, United States and other foreign lands for medical care but these are forceful times requiring people stay in their country of origin.

So when the Nigeria presidency, legislative arms are in crisis of COVID19 infection from their gallivanting around Europe and America, they have no other option than to use the very abandoned health facilities they failed to equip over the years.

The cows have simply come to barn.
38 · Mar 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
One, warning,
Two, I meant it,
Three, I'll do it!
Tap! Gone!
38 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Let's take some time to reflect on the ones we have lost in the outgone year(s),
For we'll never see them, again,
To morn them, deeply and without refrain,
For this much we owe them, and rivers of flowing tears;

But, then again, life is a turning wheel,
That continuously, must, keep on moving,
However we may presently feel,
The hustle, must indeed, keep on going;

And as we take on another 365,
Men, take a closer look at yourselves,
Everything depends on you being alive,
So, pick up your health cards from those dusty shelves;

Make it a duty to oil your hinges, men,
Run, cycle, and liven up your waists,
Drink water, eat healthy, but not past ten,
Once in while, lift 'em solid weights;

So, when all is said and done,
Brother, you've one life to live,
Don't wear out your bone,
Ev'r before it's your time to leave.
Yaweh keep us in his Mercy through Yeshua, amen.
38 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Really? Without finances?
Who told you?
Even with all the finances,
Much hatred comes through.
38 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Who do you think you are,
A shooting star?!
What are you doing here,
Lice in my hair?!

Never thought in several lifetimes,
That my heart would lose guard,
And someone with melodious chimes,
Would play this winning card.
When love takes your breath away.
37 · Mar 2020
I. AM.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Going to be forty in weeks,
Still have no clue,
Mother thinks my hair's due,
But not falling for her old tricks;

Midlife crisis is at hand,
Job security tops the list,
Should I join a local band,
Or a ******* at the very least?

A son and a daughter,
Then we close shop,
Both are not a bother,
Unless there's a naughty drop;

Recently rounded up oldies,
1408, Shutter Island and Resident Evil,
Alone, without any cronies,
I'll just try to be civil.
Forty in hours, actually.
37 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Shameless lectern robbers,
Pulpit thieves!
They have no qualms,
Duping the simple of GOD;

In a time of fear and great confusion,
They devise means of wanton avarice,
Taking from the poor and needy,
Unto themselves, ****** gluttons!

Corona, here's an assignment for you,
Pay them a quick visit,
Yes, the ones that see it all,
Now, let's see, if they SEE you coming!
It's a big shame that human beings that have elevated themselves into the position of the oracle of the most high continue to perpetrate and progress in stealing from the people.
Pastors, they call themselves, devising means of collecting all sorts of payments vouched in fancy religious garbs of offerings, tithes and whatnot.
They haven't found unique ways of reaching out to soothe the worries of their flock, bring them comfort in trying COVID-19 times but all they are after is their greedy bellies.
If people the world over don't realise the folly in their service to these pastors of deceit now, then no hope of ever having any sense again, forever.
37 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
One by two, and tens, by the hundreds,
Humans coming down with it,
And before long, there are thousands,
Many dead, and more dying;

****** countries are deflowered,
By the infected from abroad,
Showing no signs at the ports,
Only to manifest a few days after;

But why allow them in?
Coming from tainted lands,
They should remain in situ,
If they cared, any, about their countrymen.
Previously unheard of countries become popular, no thanks to COVID-19.
36 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
Singular overwhelming revelation,
There are coconut heads in power!
36 · Feb 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
Here I am, still a nobody,
Untill I found somebody,
She allowed me on her body,
And makes me the envy of everybody.
The dream of all.
36 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Oh, what time to be alive!
To see, to see! The wicked stumble!
The untouchables believed they'd survive,
In the secret place of their bubble;

Now the story is about them,
Premium the access to the world,
Going thither or whither the globe's stem,
Even where they're not called;

While the poor are behind curtains,
Unsure, restless, hoping against uncertainty,
In the darkness, praying against unseen restraints,
Bound by a shared impoverished humanity;

The authorities of heaven,
Have laid the tables even,
Gifted our oppressors a mighty burden,
Occupied from dawn and beyond eleven.
COVID-19 is proving to be some kind of leveller in Nigeria as the high and mighty have been forced to use the same health institutions they failed to upgrade or fix over the years.
From lawmakers to the son of an ex vice president, the virus has got them in pretty bad situation after junketing around the world on taxpayers funds.
We are all in this, the rich or the poor.
35 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Mamma mia! We're dying!
All around us people getting infected,
The entire country must stay in,
Until the pandemic loses its head;

Children are terrified,
Mothers and fathers in quarantine,
Government, surely they've not lied,
That we all risk arrest and a fine;

But we can't, all, be the worst sinners,
What has the heavens against us?
All over the world there are better revellers,
If we transgressed, surely against milder laws;

This is no joke,
The holiest city, too!
Is this the final stroke?
Sudden judgment, the eternal coup?!
The entire country of Italy, also the Vatican under forced quarantine, as the Italian government battles Corona Virus COVID-19.

Is this how the final days would be, the end of time?
34 · Mar 2020
CORONA. (3.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Panic creeps upon the world,
President's; their wives, footballers and Prime Ministers,
Large social areas have been walled,
Race is on to produce oceans of hand sanitisers.
COVID-19 targets important personalities, as preventive kits makers cash in on large demands.
34 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Hiding! Right before our very eyes,
Shining bright, dressed in a thousand lies,
The very one that drew tears from us,
Had ridden off on the midnight bus.
Loudly kept secret of what actually befall the King of Pop.
34 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
I welcome failure,
Like I bid a departure,
It's always not intriguing,
Until success comes begging.
33 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
This right here,
Is one piece of shocking news,
That a promising young man,
Has sailed on beyond the living;
Menfolk are an endangered species.
33 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Lying on my hands,
The uselessness of it all,
Planting in the fall,
Reaping from flooded lands.
32 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Today, all came to a final,
And each part was total,
You gave up everything,
And amounted to nothing.
Lose yourself, so you can find it.
32 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Come, break my heart,
I have no use for it,
Set my walls apart,
Here, come have a seat;

You can shoot me in the back,
Take your best shot,
My life is a huge hack,
Job, poorly written plot;

So, here I am, vulnerable,
The best chance you ever get,
No, I am undesirable,
Do me quick, and then forget.
Things we say versus what we really mean.
32 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Let the people declare the end of times,
But haven't you had enough?
When will you turn to face the oppressor?
Even with your backs against the wall;

Reality crept upon the wicked,
The ones that gloried in foolishness,
They hid the commonwealth for themselves,
Yet see how useless their hoard has become;

As the crown of thorns rips through them,
Man, woman, old and young,
They struggle, now, like their oppressed many,
In fear of dying, the cowardly false gods;

But the people are silent,
Cowed by years of servitude,
Everyone afraid of something,
Keyboard warriors in solitude;

This chance to press reset,
Take back your stolen destiny,
You see their weakened resolved,
Now, is the time, to rise as one!
There has never been a more opportune time that Nigerians could free their caged affairs. But will they?
All Nigerians do is sit behind keyboards, tapping out their frustrations.
But the times have presented a unique window to push down oppression, make extraordinary demands in extraordinary times, as COVID19 ravages the globe.
Knowing the arrowhead of oppression itself has been gifted this new coronavirus and nowhere to turn, presents a clear shot at the Nigeria of our dreams.
But will the people respond?
31 · Mar 2020
CORONA. (2.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
In what seems like a movie,
Art transforming into life,
The world can't take a selfie,
Thick fear can be cut by a knife.
COVID-19 stops social interaction the world over. Empty flights, tourist destinations and countries quarantined!
29 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Today, all came to a final,
And each part was total,
You gave up everything,
To amount to nothing.
Lose yourself, so you can find it.
28 · Feb 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
If there be,
Then all would find,
Peace at the end,
But have we?
Nothing is everything for something.
27 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Big, hairy, scary thing,
Taking up all the good space,
Foul breath, stinky attitude,
Stomping around like King Kong;

My fears were with me,
They lived within my recesses,
Constantly, each one reminded me,
Daily, of my caged excesses;

But you don't come at my heart,
Breaking down all my defenses,
You never wanted love from the start,
All you brought were mere pretenses.
Hard to recover from a failed relationship founded on misdirection.
25 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
You bother me; yes, you do,
The energy you bring, too,
And who said you're welcome?
Everything, to us, but not awesome.
Some people just don't get it.
23 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
The lizard swam against the tide,
No tail, no rudder,
Called out to the frog, shame on pride,
Better handicapped then dead!

— The End —