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Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
Cloaked in the guise of integrity,
This devil gives no ****,
Blood and sorrow are his philosophy,
And behind that toothy grin, a sinister plan;

Greet all with an indifferent silence,
Never utter what cannot be referenced,
Keep all prying eyes behind the fence,
And curious cats be early silenced;

They pooled the sheet over their senses,
Sold the idea mainly on mendacity
Not many saw through their pretenses,
And foretold of an untold atrocity.
63 · Jul 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
A ******* estate of,
Might is right where,
Gentleness is weakness and,
Violence takes it all.
63 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
What the mind sees,
And the eyes interprete,
The great mystery of the cosmos,
Perception versus deeper conviction.
63 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
Floating on the breeze of love,
Warm currents from above,
Nothing can weigh me down,
Or shoot my feelings with a frown.
63 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
A most horrible defilement,
Forced entry into government,
Taking away resources with pleasure,
Ruining forever, a priceless treasure.
Many African countries are under military or civilian dictatorships, many for decades on end. SHAME.
63 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
How is it possible,
For you, my love,
To find in me worthiness,
Something trustworthy of your affections?
62 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
In the days boredom tucked me in,
And all I was busy with was laziness,
Many visions visited my idleness,
And innovations, today, I'd already seen.
62 · Feb 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Bound by mind,
Bound by thought,
Bound by vision,
Bound by lack;

So I sell my sovereignty,
And give away all my rights,
Turn in my opportunities,
And auction all my needs;

At every campaign rally,
I am here, sweaty,
And they are there, jolly,
Same cyclical untruths;

But do I care?
I am in love with them,
My tormentors-in-chief,
Enslaved to serve.
Nigerians will go to the polls to elect a president for the next four years. They really have a choice between two old horses and a couple fresh faces - for those who've accepted cruel fate, they'd take whatever comes in form of handouts, peanuts and wait out the next four years in abject penury.
62 · Mar 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Through many images they came to worship,
Paying obeisance to his lordship,
Although many are the doors,
There is but one entrance.
62 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
Anger mixed with fear,
Is recipe for frustration,
One screams revolution!
And the other turns a deaf ear.
62 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
He gave us the good,
But I must find better,
For years I misunderstood,
Why he wasn't a goal getter;

Now a father myself,
I see with different eyes,
Be true to thyself,
Even if others see lies.
My Father died on May 22, 2016. He was 80. I still hurt.
62 · Jul 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
Taking their rightful,
Place on the wrong,
Side of historical,
And perceived curses.
62 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Ridden by the high and mighty,
Drawn by the low and downtrodden,
To do with as they well please,
Not minding anyone they displease.
To the highest bidder!
62 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
All I am,
Today, yesterday was made,
For tomorrow, by him,
Out of love, and humble foresight.
I believe the greatest thing my father bequeathed me is education, more formal than informal, and an exposure to the world of computing.

My father died on My 22, 2016. He was 80 yeas old. And I still hurt.
62 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
A most horrible defilement,
Forced entry into government,
Taking away resources with pleasure,
Ruining forever, a priceless treasure.
Many African countries are under military or civilian dictatorship, many for decades on end. SHAME.
62 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Dirt poor, low life lackey,
The son of nobody,
Gutter rat, poverty hugger,
Hardly a warm meal to eat;

But blessed by fate,
With power to stir minds,
Wielding instruments of revolution,
The gates of authority swing open;

Carried on the shoulder of the impoverished,
Feet washed in their blood,
Backed by their relentless hope,
And annointed by their faith;

Alas! Comrade turned traitor,
Refusing to yield the people's mandate,
Trampling on the same spirits,
That oiled your rise to prominence.
Many freedom fighters later become freedom killer's when they taste the perks of power and become drunk in its corruption.
62 · Mar 2020
CORONA. (1.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
The world is a vulnerable place,
All that's needed is a slowing pace,
Anything to restrict global movement,
And watch how economies become insolvent.
COVID-19 exposes the world's underbelly. Many countries have become vulnerable as tourism takes a big hit.
62 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
You and me,
Separated by love,
We can not get around it,
So, we wonder, from afar.
62 · Nov 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2019
All around and about me,
The rat race for breakfast or dinner,
For as far as the eyes can see,
Our chances for robust peace grows thinner.
62 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Don't expect any from the living,
The dead only accept their fate,
In the realm of the quick,
Only wanting more cures their craving.
62 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
Be good to get into heaven,
Forgive, everyone, seven times seven,
Turn the other cheek to your accuser,
Flee, quickly, from your lustful seducer.
62 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
If we actually did stand,
Every time we felt like taking a seat,
We would have saved time otherwise,
Spent on benevolent knees.
62 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
Silence cut through thick expectation,
Minds already at wits end hopeful,
For some favourable mention,
At least the cup can be half full;

The people of state are in a frenzy,
Day and night they stand watch,
Not a time to be lazy,
Bonfires pierce the night like a torch;

Criminals are on the loose,
Tiny looking lads called the untouchables,
Ask the vulnerable to choose,
Between life or their valuables;

The otherwise heavy-handed jackboot,
Suddenly has grown light,
They that delight in shared loot,
Miraculously have blended with the night;

So, here we are on another leg,
A journey within four walls,
With nothing, even a happy keg,
To quench the longing in swollen *****
The President of Nigeria has ordered another fourteen days continued lockdown in the face of COVID19 scourge.
In a dispassionate and very robotic countrywide address, the man mentioned everything but how to keep Nigerians from tearing out their hair before the end of an extended lockdown.

Already armed robberies and looting have begun in the suburbs of Lagos and Ogun states. Eliciting community vigilante initiatives.

As usual the Nigeria police have no clue.

Nigerians are now left wondering how the disorganised methods distributing palliatives would suffice over the next fortnight.

Well, Nigerians can only turn to what they know best: prayers; hoping not to die of COVID-19 or by hunger's claims.
April 13 2020
62 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Some things don't just add up,
So, the little guy is on top,
The Nigerian beast laid flat,
Smelled a fist, right from the start.
My brain didn't comprehend what my eyes were taking in after the half Mexican beat the half Nigeria be to clinch those belts.
Since the 'big baby' drugs bust, I just knew these guys were up to something.
Well, there'll always be another time to reclaim lost glory - but this story, is one big irony. STRONG.
61 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
What if humans were sexless,
And had ******* only with the mind?
Then attraction would be perception,
Based solely on antennae selection.
61 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
Shall we then leave behind,
The sins that brought us here,
For innocent hands to inherit,
And further a blood existence?
61 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Nothing works here,
Nothing has, maybe never,
Everything is for a price,
Some things require even more;

When men of the creeks,
Suddenly said goodbye to peace,
And embraced every evil form,
Planting fear into one and all;

All sorts of carrots materialised,
Thick ones, juicy ones, even the strange,
A taste for the better things,
Bigger headache for the authorities;

Who will chain the monster,
On the loose, terrifying all,
Insatiable taste for carrots,
Always wanting more and more?
They want change but keep doing the same things over and over again. SORRY.
60 · Jun 2020
CUTOFF. (1.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
The future is in jeopardy,
As the present erodes all merit,
For the past disappears with alacrity,
In the face of continued discredit;

All know that advances of tomorrow,
Are built on foundations of today,
As yesterday gave us innovations to borrow,
And instructions to put on continuous replay.
The Education sector of the Nigeria state is in danger of advancing mediocrity as they gave set the lowest standards for the workforce of the future.

The unified exams that select prospects into tertiary schools that grades students in four subjects each one hundred marks, now require just twenty-five per cent as pass make for those wishing to get into the college's of education! While others require a mere forty and thirty per cent to gain entry into university and polytechnics respectively.

Anyone with a modicum of commonsense will know that this is a deliberate act to further plunge Nigeria into abysmal economic situations among comity of nations that set higher standards for their future workforce.

At this rate it will be a wonder if there will be a viable country in the next century and if there were, then will be a puppet in the hands of greater powers.
60 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Shared incompetence,
Centralised failures,
Redundant caricatures,
Secure flatulence.
60 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Where art thine empathy,
In these times,
That tears hath diluted,
Endless gushing of blood?

Rivers of agony,
Drown empty stomachs,
Hopeless vision,
Blinded by frustration.
59 · Mar 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
It's all comers thriving port,
Where receives all questionable sort,
The white Jesus, blond, blue eyed,
And the point where freedom died;

First came an American man with suspicious payload,
But caught by the eagle eye of an Amazon bold,
Whereas Adadevoh gave her life, to save hundreds of millions,
Ebola disease had no qualms

Just as we thought this too shall pass,
An Italian man skips our terrible defenses,
Who knows how far he had transmitted,
The deadly Wuhan China Corona Virus;

Codenamed COVID19,
The potential annihilator has arrived,
Coconut heads responsible for early detection,
Obviously busy enjoying some unwarranted vacation;

And as the many have taken to prayers,
To ward off evil from their areas,
The charge is to ruling class,
To not confirm theirs is the true natured ***.

How did the Italian man gain entry since the 25th of February only to be found on the 27th of February?

Questions are being asked, but are they the right ones?
It is rightly clear that a bio warfare payload can be delivered into the heart of the most populous black country on earth. Zero defenses.

While the one percent political elite continue to enjoy splurges of affluence at the detriment of the ninety nine percent impoverished ones, it is the prayer of ordinary Nigerians that such tragedies occasionally, if not regularly, visit the architects of their miseries and misfortunes.
59 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
When life throws me bricks,
And cannot, I, turn any tricks,
I stack a pile out of the lot,
And make me a nice looking plot.
59 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
Call her by her words,
Thorns that pricked my confidence,
Every collection of letters uttered,
Scraped anything that made me somebody.
59 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
You took something from me,
And wish to be left with yours?
How degenerate can you be?
****** low life, cursed on all fours.
59 · Jul 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
The little ants by the edges,
Or the tiny microscopic ticks,
The scurrying roaches along the cracks,
Or the annoying rodents lurking the shadows?
59 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
My heart was perfectly stolen,
Until you showed up,
You relooted my senses,
And held me hopelessly in love.
59 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
What! Where? When?!
You don't mean it!
Are you for real?
Can it be true?

The ball kicks the leg,
The cart draws the horse,
The sleigh pulls the dogs,
The chicken...laid by the egg?
It's bedlam in Nigeria at the moment. The same square pegs that are the origins of their present predicament have found themselves the the round hole of government house. MISFORTUNE.
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2019
After forty years local,
A man journeys abroad,
For one week total,
And his horizon becomes a shapely broad.
59 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
The complexes that afflict my sensory synapses,
And the torments that assail my mental I'm balances,
All contribute to the ambivalence of my tough processes,
And the unwillingness of my backside leaving the soft mattresses.
58 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Eat! Drink! be merry, for none knows,
What the morrow delivers,
Maybe a basket full of sorrows,
Or plenteous mirth like many gushing rivers.
We have only one life to lead, live.
58 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
If Nigerians aren't any wiser,
Then it's really, and truly, over!
58 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
You may need,
To seek another lover.
58 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
Brother, sister, you may not need,
A building called church, to gather.
58 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
The dark side of life,
Everything's got a price,
If you can't pay up,
Kindly leave, please.
58 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
****! Pick your plate clean!,
Many hungry mouths in Sudan,
A messy plate isn't a status symbol,
Remember the empty stomachs in Venezuela.
58 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
When the mind is in frequency with interest,
All thoughts of hunger and thirst remain suspended,
For a brief moment or for a lifetime,
Nothing matters outside what is inside.
58 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Dreadful or uplifting,
First few words...,
Effects, very much long-lasting.
Everyone dreads that one phone call that'll forever change their lives, either for good or bad. TOUGH.
58 · Jul 2020
BLACK. (1.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
When I stand in the shadows,
Of the ancient ruins of,
The grand old pyramids of Egypt,
In the same colours of their makers;

I wonder at the magnificence,
Of my ancestors in all their glory,
As they wrote their legacies,
From everlasting unto the very end.
58 · Nov 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2019
Our biases have brought us nothing,
But everything we shouldn't be,
Restricted by the things that ought not,
Trapped in the hypocrisy we call reality.
57 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
There's nothing more magical,
Or absolutely heartwarming,
Than that dreamy chuckling,
That's beyond beautiful, simply angelical.
When my two and a half years old daughter smiles during her sleep, I wonder what shes dreaming about, a far better place, than this present situation, or enjoying a warm hug with the heavenly ones. Which ever or not, it's reassuring that there are little moments such as this one that makes up for the daily struggles of being a father, provider and husband.
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