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91 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
When stars die,
New experiences are born,
When stars are born,
Old experiments don't lie.
91 · Mar 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Excitement at a level,
Pulsing, pulsing...pulsing,
Unable to hold it in,
Bursting, bursting...bursting.
A little bit more...and another cycle is closed.
90 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
Our love will not fit,
Into your closed boxes,
The laws of gravity,
Can't hold us apart.
90 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
They never fail to mix in the sunshine,
Will soak in the rain, even,
Just for a few naira notes,
Will sing and dance all day long.
90 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
I'll dress in my sweet tailored tux,
Top hat, walking stick, and all
Smell better than the loveliest bloom on earth,
And have the best time, all by myself.
90 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
It wouldn't get to me,
Whatever they said or did,
All were in a bid,
To break my smile.
90 · Jul 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
Rainy, beautiful day,
And everything can go wrong,
Like a well crafted song,
Belted awfully in very way.
90 · Mar 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
I've lived with pain,
All my life in disdain,
But now it's summer,
And can only get warmer.
89 · Feb 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
It thus happened upon us,
That fate be kind,
Crowning our heads,
With men of authority;

Many be angry with us,
That we ride in treated vehicles,
Chauffeured by armed guards,
And dining with golden spoons;

But they close their minds,
To the ways of the gods,
That bestow opulence,
Unto whom they so please.
In the defense of the wives of the elites of that country called Nigeria, their husbands are mere puppets.
89 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
In love with their oppressors,
Their poverty sponsors,
Unwilling to break their fetters,
Duped by serial fake love letters.
The Nigeria people are too afraid to demand for better existence from their government. Choosing, always, to take the easy road of 'siddon look' in matters that require spontaneous revolution. SHAME.
89 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
The little one kicks,
Mom knows it's little tricks,
But when it's a little silent,
She offers a little prayer for what the heavens sent.
89 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Nothing enjoys the everlasting,
For one day all comes to finality,
Ask the indestructible Kraken,
The day it set eyes upon the Medusa's head.
89 · Aug 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2020
Yes, you took away our gem,
In such manner, quote gruesome,
With us, this star was awesome,
But you cut short the life's term;

No, you didn't act alone,
Couldn't have been a coincidence,
The accident was as pretence,
To cover up what they had done.
89 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Hypocritical nature of man,
Allows him move closest,
To his God,
When a hair's breadth from death.
89 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Just a little would do,
No need to o'erdo,
I am no ******,
Love gently, easy on the hairdo.
89 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
The beast taketh were it hath not tilleth,
And by force establishes his colonies,
He set his eyes on southern territories,
And will drink and bathe in the bloods of dogs and baboons that he killeth.
It seems a calculated ploy to  recolonise southern parts of Nigeria with foreign elements takes on adaptive colorations as the agenda takes on several different identities. The latest is Rugs. SHAME.
89 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
The treasury is nigh empty,
Oh, what troubling times,
To arise with stomach full of hunger,
And behold my sweet mattress with a heart full of anger.
88 · May 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
To end...or not to end it all,
What other route is there?
This is too much to bear,
Peace, maybe, beyond the wall.
Another Nigerian kicks the bucket in suicide. The increased rate of such deaths may not have been noticed by power hungry politicians only interested in advancing selfish pursuits. But the streets are replete with stories of undergraduates, husbands, teenagers, many people drinking poisonous liquids just to end it all at once.
For plethora of problems they've concluded that there aren't solutions for, they choose to ingest ******, a commonly available pesticide, as permanent solution to whatever plagued them for so long.
Nigerians are fast becoming endangered species. SAD.
88 · Mar 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Stroking these one-o'-one keys,
And making rhymes of the lot,
Comes to me hardly without some thought,
Especially in the cool company of a fresh evening breeze.
In commemoration of World Poetry Day 2018.
88 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
A small device created to stand against reason - found in many African countries.
88 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
How can I trust,
My own beating heart,
Betrayed from the very start,
Even before the very first ******.
In the affairs of man and woman, the heart is largely no to be taken too seriously.
88 · Sep 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2018
To make anything right,
When everything is all wrong,
The more things seem different,
Each time, they are just what they used to be.
88 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
How easy for men,
To fall prey to the guiles of women,
Abandoning proper critical processes,
To simply thinking with their phalluses.
From boxing greats, to TV legends; football idols and Olympian gods, the malefolk have continued to give in to fleshy dictates that result in scandalous events that have 'shocked' the 'world of women'. But will men ever learn to use what's between their ears rather than what's darling between their thighs...hmmn?! SHAME.
87 · Nov 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2019
Selfishness rules by day,
And greed by night,
Things we are denied by right,
Slide into pockets that can pay.
87 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
No, grave, not today,
You won't get the luxury,
Of my permanent residency,
Maybe some other day.
87 · Mar 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Uncalculated, dipping a pinky into a pool,
Calculated, jumping off a skyscraper,
Like a game of high stakes poker,
You deal...or are dealt with.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
And here we are, helpless, hapless,
Struggling with the little things that pleasure the small minded,
Whereas brilliant minds are weighed down by daily living,
Incapacitated by the stupidities of the glutton one per cent.
87 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
But with diabolic intention,
And smiley mischievous disposition,
They hide behind beautiful innuendos,
To leave the vulnerable in unbearable  agonising throes.
86 · Dec 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
Something's not right,
But I may be wrong,
Dancing to an unwelcome song,
As though we were in a silent fight.
86 · Jul 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
Lazy Thursday afternoon,
Room for cuddle and spoon,
Everywhere darkly cold,
Now, into the very warm fold.
86 · Nov 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2018
Erroneously called third world,
Could have been, but once upon a time,
Now no better than a war ravaged sorry excuse,
Overrun by millions of uneducated minors and poorly educated seniors;

Old timers reminisce days of better,
When enough went round to even fly around,
Times when the first world was a backyard trip,
And the currency was more than a generous tip;

So when a big bird drops a returnee,
And welcome is a smelly, darkly terminal,
Lackeys in uniform coercing gratification,
Then confronted by abysmal roads manned by drunken law enforcement;

Nobody needs a lesson in enlightenment,
To figure this rudderless contraption's predicament,
And whether the future will bring turnaround development?
Better pray, like they always do, for better entertainment.
That country Nigeria is gradually losing grasp on reality. Discordant messages put out by vagabonds in charge. Young people are now unrepentant ritualists and cultists - the future unassured. Older people had ruined any chances of a better future, anyway. So they are stuck between a morbid present and drab future. SAD.
86 · Dec 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
Everything has become nothing,
They thought he stood for something,
Now the masquerade is unclad,
And truly, he is quite mad;

Everything is backward,
One peaceful backyard,
Has become a battleground,
Fallen consciences all around;

Everything will come undone,
To this motherland we were born,
And a few will make it theirs?
Heavens forbid! It will end in tears!
The convener of #REVOLUTIONNOW and former #AACPARTY Presidential candidate has been held prisoner by the secret services of the government of nigeria.

Yesterday, after finally tasting freedom since 125 days incarceration, twice the secret services disobeying court order, the freedom fighter was ambushed in court premises, a female judge chased away; the he was brutally rearrested and whisked away.

What a country nigerians live in. SHAME.
86 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Cowardly gunmen,
Rampaging, pillaging children and women,
But take way their arms,
And they become dung on farms.
86 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
A pure mind suffers no conscience,
The goodness of a man's heart,
Oft brings him in proximity,
With men of darkened contrition.
86 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
From this ***** hath thine come,
And with mine hearth wouldst I cherish every moment with you,
My sinews and better years will nourish and nurture your needs,
And colour your days with brilliant sunshine and magical blue skies.
85 · Jul 2020
NAIRA. (2.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
Unfit women deliver,
Babies to be sold,
Into any fold,
Just for some paper.
85 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
The picture I painted,
Of you, in my head,
And what I see before me,
Can only be best imagined.
85 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
The heart of a woman,
Deep, dark and unfathomable,
Only the bravest venture it's depths,
Of innumerable illuminating experiences.
85 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
My disappointments held me,
Captive, for many teary moons,
You see, I wasn't born with any metallic spoons,
None, whatsoever, so I became the best that I could ever be.
84 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
The final third,
Now the intensity glows,
They go in quite hard,
Throwing all sorts of blows;

Because it's do or die,
All lines must fall in,
Failure is boring,
This is no lie.
In Nigeria, the 'ember months have a string significance. It's when some people begin to hurry their hustle in preparation for the last month of the year when they travel to the countryside to show off their acquisitions.
For others, they go off on fervent prayers to forestall the terrible things that come with the last four months of the year. INTENSE.
84 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
A man's deflated ego,
Is a punctured tyre,
That can't take him anywhere,
His confidence wouldn't go.
84 · May 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Don't put me down,
Because I'm female,
Don't tear my gown,
Because you're male.
The Nigerian Police Force in conjunction with some FCT sanctioned operatives under the guise of environmental & social services went rough on young women found at clubs  just before the commencement of the Moslem fasting period. These citizens of Nigeria were incarcerated, allegedly sexually assaulted with clubs & sticks all because they were found in 'ungodly hours' at 'red' spots in Abuja.

They however forgot to arrest malefolk in similar circumstances. HYPOCRITES.
84 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
Overall happiness is elusive,
When components are in distress,
Never expect wholesome happiness,
When the parts are in a depressed mess.
84 · Jul 2020
NAIRA. (1.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
As worthless as it becomes,
Increasingly is hard to get,
The struggles of stable incomes,
Stacked against the failed goals set.
84 · Mar 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
With little dainty feet,
And cute milky teeth,
She takes strong steps forward,
And reverses without facing backward.
83 · Mar 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Almost, it seemed,
But the more it seemed,
Seemingly, the less it seemed,
Seeming the more it actually seemed.
83 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
In the darkness there's a weakness,
Terrifying shadows that feed on fear,
But in the light, it is very clear,
That with brightness comes immense greatness.
Not many are friend with the light.
83 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
Wondered if I'd have stayed hidden,
Kept everything behind sealed lips,
Because this fruit's forbidden,
And such act has burned many ships.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Never before has shame borne a new meaning,
The eyes failing to convince vision,
Seeing now is disbelief,
For all they are, and will be, is a terrible lie;

Right from the tarmac of the airport,
Greeted by stink and algae, rot and disrepair,
Gun toting men in military fatigues,
And a jumble of rickety trolleys;

Across dirt strewn medians,
Road blocks mounted by zoned out operatives,
Dusty highways dotted with gaping holes,
And terrible bypasses hewn into tired looking rocks;

Struggle across makeshift bridges,
Old railway tracks, abandoned,
Dark bends and dangerous loose surfaces,
Overgrown shrubs, perfect hideout for highway rogues;

The joy on our faces,
Whenever we arrive safe,
Glad to be off the hot, stinky deathtraps,
Of the north-south-east roadways.
A journey from north-central through south-south and south-east of Nigeria can only be best imagined than experienced.
83 · Mar 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Woke up feeling no less older than last night,
But this sunrise opened wider my insight,
Life is a beautiful gift,
And amazingly some do not get the drift.
I am 38 today.
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