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83 · Mar 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Woke up feeling no less older than last night,
But this sunrise opened wider my insight,
Life is a beautiful gift,
And amazingly some do not get the drift.
I am 38 today.
83 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
Wondered if I'd have stayed hidden,
Kept everything behind sealed lips,
Because this fruit's forbidden,
And such act has burned many ships.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Never before has shame borne a new meaning,
The eyes failing to convince vision,
Seeing now is disbelief,
For all they are, and will be, is a terrible lie;

Right from the tarmac of the airport,
Greeted by stink and algae, rot and disrepair,
Gun toting men in military fatigues,
And a jumble of rickety trolleys;

Across dirt strewn medians,
Road blocks mounted by zoned out operatives,
Dusty highways dotted with gaping holes,
And terrible bypasses hewn into tired looking rocks;

Struggle across makeshift bridges,
Old railway tracks, abandoned,
Dark bends and dangerous loose surfaces,
Overgrown shrubs, perfect hideout for highway rogues;

The joy on our faces,
Whenever we arrive safe,
Glad to be off the hot, stinky deathtraps,
Of the north-south-east roadways.
A journey from north-central through south-south and south-east of Nigeria can only be best imagined than experienced.
82 · Aug 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2020
Lend your power,
Only, to those things,
That expressly matter,
To you, and to other beings.
82 · Jul 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
We don't want to be mistakes,
But oft life happens,
When the unplanned becomes us,
The no option than to live.
82 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
For the sake of boo boo,
I have to do, do,
All egos aside,
I care, only, to please her pride
82 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
A crowd of hypocrites,
Sitting behind hard or soft keyboards,
Came down ******* the superstar,
They threw all sorts of damaging words;

The state brought it's full weight,
Went in for the guilty verdict,
Made a show of the proceeding,
Slapped a fine and community service;

But another went afoul the same law,
Breached protocols meant to save lives,
Disregarded all safety rules,
Even flouted a presidential directive;

They simply turned a blind eye,
Choosing to prosecute a fry,
And letting off the lion and his pride,
Helped on by the folly of flippant masses.
A popular Nigerian actress has been fined, she and her famous husband, N100,000 and community service for hosting a party amidst Coronavirus COVID-19 14-day Presidential stay-at-home order.

Once the video of their reveling surfaced online, the whole of Nigeria went into an **** expressing vitriol.
81 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Whence art thine brownskin cast?
Down to the pits of ignominy and scorn,
Isn't thine form after the divine's?
And portions of glory adorning thine existence?

So, why play the fool,
To they that once were savage,
Whose history is replete with blood,
And orgied in the corpses of hunched maidens?
The black race has become the scorn of the earth. Yet when we research history, we find those that crossed the oceans with imports of foreign deceptions, had worse history of barbarism, cannibalism & fetishes only best imagined.

Whereas in the days before Christ, black people had universities where other races came for knowledge acquisition.

Wake up black people!
81 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
So he took my innocence from me,
And frightened me into muteness,
He went to town mocking my silence,
Saying there's not much that I can ever be.
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2019
The velvety breeze of the desert,
Caressed my bronze skin,
It's golden shimmer called out alluringly,
The silky smoothness ran through my fingers,
And danced seductively under my aching feet.
81 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
One thing only, that I ask,
That the people of state,
Remember the time of need,
How they left you to bleed;

Turned their backs on you,
Manufactured beneficiaries,
Profited from your need,
Out of stupidity and greed;

Don't forget in a hurry,
Lest in time all get blurry,
Abandoned you to your need,
Took everything, and your seed;

And gave you much excuses,
Why you must suffer,
Cast because of tongue and creed,
Deaf and blind to your very need.
The Nigerian government simply are uninterested in making life bearable for Nigerians during this pandemic.

COVID-19 has further revealed the unadulterated wickedness in high places.
81 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
The sun, it rises upon my defeat,
And sets deliberately upon my immense sorrow,
Daily I wallow in miserable agony,
Drown I, a thousand times, in cheerless wantonness.
81 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Looting money is an unnatural affair,
May be out of fear,
Or a deeper handicap,
Not unlikened to stuffing loads of crap.
81 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
On this side of the equator,
Are lone wolves and gunmen,
But on the other side,
Are terrorist **** of the ****** earth!
In what appears to be a watering down, the American news media never refers to perpetrators of heinous massacres by the very same nomenclature they hang around the necks of those in the same line of callous business. WHY?
81 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
The cancer continues to eat away,
But they continue to merry and pray,
The People of State continue in agony and pain,
But they love the irony for their gain.
The Nigeria system creates monsters that feed on the blood of the innocent; only for their nepotic and despotic rulers to turn around and hunt these unfortunate beings for sport. Sad.
80 · Feb 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Thrown into wailing and sorrow,
Day suddenly turns dark,
Many a heart broken,
And many more shattered;

Father against his daughter,
Mother despises her son,
Uncle fights his nephew,
Aunt derides her niece;

Neighbourhoods at war,
Communities at daggers drawn,
Hamlets in peril,
Towns go up in flames;

The light has burned out,
The future is quenched,
Many felled by bullets,
Others hacked to pieces;

The make the headlines,
Blood spilled unnecessarily,
They leave loved ones behind,
And a country unwilling to change.
Yet again many have died during the 2019 presidential election in  Nigeria. The cost of previous bloodshed have never been atoned for, now this. Women hacked into pieces, young folks hit by stray bullets, ballot box snatchers mobbed to death. The principal actors pretend everything is okay until karma happens, and it will. SHAME.
80 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Simple solution to your complication,
Reach for a tall glass,
Whenever cravings hold your senses,
Tough, but works e'ry time.
80 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
Homeless, sleeping under the skies,
Hungry, scavenging among rotten piles,
Naked, shivering in the wild,
Sick, hanging on to dear life.
80 · Dec 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
Gruesome, gory happenings in the land,
One day, one dismembered body,
Young boy, teenage girl, old woman,
Just any unlucky fellow would do;

So, as the Yuletide rolls in,
And the lust for money fills the air,
Maddened fiends take to dark alley ways,
To make a killing to pleasure their desires,

This fetish is about a crazed notion,
That offering cadaver to the devil,
Brings instant riches and wealth,
Often promoted by lazy myths and indolent legends;

No one is safe,
Anymore than we truly were,
But the season triples in the letting of blood,
Enriched by psychopaths running amok;

Everyone prays here,
Like they have any other choice,
Their safety is in the hand of GOD,
As security agencies continue in perpetual failure.
Ritualistic murders of people have risen to all time highs this period in Nigeria. Daily the people are confronted by pictures of people beheaded and body parts taken for whatever reasons. It is unfortunate that the Nigeria Police only rushes to parade suspects and never taken painstaking time to actua;;y investigate reasons behind these unholy acts. Christmas and New Year celebrations are around the corner and many will go to evil lengths to just to make an impression. SAD.
80 · Feb 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
Separate yourself from your limitations,
Step back, can you see?
You lived a lie, all along,
Refusing to accept, what you can be.
Once is a while we all need that big hand.
80 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
The noisy calm shook the placid hall,
Eggheads in randomized order,
Knocking over spirited coconut heads,
Assembling to Brownian zigzaggedness.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
If only men went for,
What's between the ears,
And not,
What's between the thighs;

Perhaps the world,
Would be less complicated,
But again, what's life,
If not what kills man
79 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
Wallowing in the ruins of failure,
Fate has left me no joy,
Deserted by all goodwill,
I am here, alone and destitute.
79 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
I'll pay you back,
Trust me, I'm beyond your attack,
For every help you got for free,
I'll double it, and then times three.
79 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
For some reasons,
Only known to them,
He would amount to nothing,
The lines wouldn't fall in pleasant places;

But the universe thought different,
The stars aligned perfectly,
And fortune smiled on him,
Then he shone,  brighter, than a billion diamonds.
79 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Charity ended there,
All they are, an will be,
Stashed in foreign lands,
The very, very clever fools.
Many Nigerian elites, ruling class people have this unrepentant appetite for hiding things abroad. Many looted resources have found their ways into the financial systems of first world countries but to the detriment of the fatherland. SHAME.
79 · Dec 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
I'd rather not doubt,
Your good intentions,
Even ignore my perceptions,
Of what you're truly about.
79 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Anytime I pick myself up,
To make something for the girls,
Consciously, I make myself stop,
Thinking like a ******* slave.
Every morning I get up to fix something for my my and daughter. Sometimes I begin to believe I'm actually doing them a favor but when I remember that they are the ones who have done me the best favour ever, I caution my thoughts and replace them with immense gratitude. LOVE.
79 · Mar 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
But we are not at war,
This peace of ours demands too much blood,
Life has become an easy offering,
To the gods of acrimony and senseless aggrandisement.
Daily we see and hear killings, bloodshed of civilians, soldiers and the like in Nigeria and I wonder when we became lesser than human i our daily interactions???
79 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Many, many moons ago,
They came with sea prisons,
And now after many seasons,
The people risk all to have a go.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
They greeted the millennium with renewed hope,
Welcomed the new era with more expectation,
Military jackboots had been put to the rope,
Civilian turncoats can now tend the plantation ;

So every four years they mount the soapbox,
Preaching prosperity in the clouds,
Telling the People to give away their sovereignty,
Over cheap promises of beds of roses.
Nigerians are in, again, for four years of unbearable hardship under false leadership and perfidious governance.
79 · Jun 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
Ignorance in the face,
Of overwhelming evidence,
Of immediate and pressing danger,
Taking over the area around the Niger;

Choosing to pick teeth,
In colourful filial exposures,
In recline with relaxed ambience,
Belatedly, recorded, expressing untruths;

Fons et origo,
Awash with innocent blood,
Awash in the ashes of thy brethren,
After much negotiated patting on the back;

Your psychedelic reactions,
Beyond lip service,
Beyond insensitivity,
Deserves everything but continuity.
The penchant of the president of Nigeria to EXPRESS SHOCK at every avoidable calamity bedeviling the country has raised concerns across the world.

The ceaseless refrain has angered the populace and diaspora, leading to questions bordering around how the country got to this state of hopelessness in the face of internal and external organised terrorism, banditry, criminal defilement of minors, the aged and senseless ******-**** of young women in recent time.
79 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Your time, you have completed,
Indeed, yes, but should have waited,
To hold your grandchildren, both,
Before coursing on fate's boat;

As your strength drew down,
You never grew a frown,
Even on my wedding day,
'Twas brilliant all the way;

So, here I am, calling,
To say you aren't forgotten,
May be physically departed,
In spirit, always, united.
May 22, 2016. Always in our hearts, daddy.
78 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Their diversionary stratagem,
Here you see, there you don't,
Dressing up the tree stem,
To hide decayed root and dying foliage.
The Nigeria government is an illusionist.
78 · Feb 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Aye, mine heart is brake in twin,
At the callous mowing down,
Of creatures toiling for daily subsistence,
Piled like logs in hurriedly dug pits;

Unmarked shallow graves dot the landscape,
Burnt mud houses, too,
Unharvested peanuts left for vermin,
To do with as they please.
Many victims of Nigeria's ethno-religious wars are buried without fully accounting for their identities. SHAME.
78 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
War! War!! War!!!
All around me sin a-blazing,
I run in every direction unseeing,
Looking for that door;

High on a moral ground,
Celebated from corruption,
Hermitted from seduction,
Sprituality all over me wound;

Then came the guns,
Bullets of lustful persuasion,
Sporadic shots of infatuation,
Leads of immorality weighing several tons;

Help me! Please, help me!
My soul cries out for a place,
Where I can see God's face,
Away from this drowning sea.
78 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
To the party,
To development,
To common sense,
To everything else;

Coronavirus COVID-19,
Has stripped them,
Down to their inefficiencies,
Revealed! All lack basic competencies;

The people of state bear the brunt,
Of coconut heads acting like eggheads,
Led by an ancient of days,
Too old for many modern ways.
The young people of nigeria groan under the heavy burden of analogue leaders stuck in leadership styles that lead nowhere.

It is sad that while many other countries in the same age range as Nigeria have gone on to become self-sufficient in many industrial, technological and educational aspects of their existence, Nigeria has gone on to breed over ten million children out of school and eight times that underemployed or unemployed.

COVID-19 sheds new light on what the future can be like - the kind that takes full advantage of technology and industry.

Question is that will Nigerians still throw their future away by the next election cycle or make a radical one-eighty-degree turn away from greed and stupidity?
78 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
How convenient, for you,
To do the things you do,
No conscience at all,
Not caring whether I rise or I fall.
78 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Thin lines are fallen,
Along the edges of confrontation,
Oh, why, this nation,
Why art thee so full of downtrodden?

This canvass, black on the inside,
Dripping with blood, all over the frontside,
Unseen hands, or so we see,
Stroking the brushes of doom.
78 · Feb 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
And I have realised a man,
Truly can never,
Be free of his umbilical,
Eternally bound to his mother;

And when he takes a wife,
The vows become another bond,
Too strong, even to contemplate,
Breaking asunder at a whim

And between both women,
A delicate imbalance,
Where it to materialise,
Portends misfortune for the unfortunate;

Thus here I am,
Strongly contemplating,
Whither to be this way,
Or that, and it tears me apart;
Life is neither white nor black, or gray either.
78 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Hey, what happened to you?
And what did I do?
Last time was... can't even remember,
So, are we lost... forever?
78 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
It was a simple plan from the start,
And every little detail was in place,
Until you showed your angelic face,
Then the mission became your priceless, beautiful heart.
77 · Mar 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Everything is moving in every direction,
And nothing ever remains in position,
As the clock ticks off with mercurial accuracy,
There is no time for a second look at intimacy.
77 · Mar 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
The past is a bride,
That never completed,
Her wedding ceremony,
Wishing it was a nightmarish affair.
77 · Feb 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
A welcoming warmth during cold,
A place where love w'll hold,
A cool bide in the day's heat,
A beautiful place for refreshing retreat.
We all need this.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Standing there, wondering,
Who was staring back at me,
The stranger with the devilish grimace,
Taunting me with a wicked grin.
77 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Do not love too much not to get hurt,
Keep the wall up enough to jump over,
For many wander the streets of insanity,
Not of needles, of powders or of tablets.
77 · May 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Hardly any good,
What man has ever created,
Guns, explosives, prostitution,
Gangsters in the hood,
Sad, this doom, uncannily initiated.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Poverty capital of the entire world,
Terrorist haven, sadness lives there,
Blessed with looters in high places,
In that clone, there is no cheer.
It breaks the heart to see so much potential go to waste in a place thoroughly ***** of anything uplifting. Entire generations given to violence as means of survival. Cyclical pilfering of commonwealth by the lineages of the same vagabonds that put progress in chains since before Independence. Nigeria has become the scorn of the cosmos, a reproach to the galaxy and utter disappointment to the universe. SHAME.
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