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98 · Nov 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2019
Counting down contractions,
The little one moments away,
Barring all unnecessary preconditions,
This new bundle will bless us today.
Everything points to labour as contractions become more frequent and less spaced. Awaiting delivery...
98 · Dec 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
Taking my affections for granted,
Laughing in the face of my feelings,
Jailing me in the friendzone forever,
Ignoring my obvious sufferings in this matter;

I can barely face the sun,
Praying the golden ball never comes through,
The darkness has become my companion,
Not interested in any other opinion;

Until I found something quite interesting,
Never knew I had it all in myself,
There, in the corner of my resolve,
The mustard of strength to evolve;

I shall outgrow this phase,
Loving you is not a criminal offence,
Now that I  have turned this corner,
I really do not have any bother.
98 · Aug 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2020
Knowing that people expect,
You to fail should but only,
Spur you to earn pleasing respect,
And shock then into eternal shame, truly.
97 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
By manufactured impracticability,
The made up mountain set before the children of state,
Sacrificed to the demon of abandonment,
Left behind, cursed by the  misfortune of birth.
Young and talented Nigerians are sadly impoverished by the simple reason of being Nigerians.
97 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
If you craved it long enough,
To live, breath and constantly agonise,
Even the constellations soon realise,
Reversing a bad situation is not that tough.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Bread seeking stomachs,
Half conmen, half charlatans,
Gluttonous holes in round faces
They are the gods of men;

Monarchs in the temple of deception,
Riding on the backs of simpletons,
Rasing the dead from the living,
Tormenting treasuries out of empty purses;

Jerry curled hair and fancy suits,
Luxury boats and four wheeled drives,
Mansions in reserved areas,
Super jets customised for tireless pleasure;

They ***** false altars,
Imprison the weak,
And confound wisdom,
With diabolical manipulation;

Many generations fettered,
By spiritual delusions,
Will take many more,
To free the much incarcerated.
Many Nigerians worship men of god that coerce them into parting with meagre living. They have built empires on the backs of the hopeless many. When questions are raised, they shut it down by promising hell fire. But many thinkers are challenging these general overseers, 'daddies and mummies in the lord' that continue to pray on to the gullibility of people abandoned to their fate. SAD
97 · Mar 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
The library is not a place to settle arguments,
The marketplace is not a study centre,
The mind is not a toy to play with,
A woman's heart is certainly not a pickle.
Sometimes silence is the only way to reply noisemakers.
96 · Mar 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
For my dearest little one,
All the wonders the eyes can read,
All the magic the tongue can taste,
Now, is there anything better?
My one year and 3 months old daughter receives her first hard copy library.
96 · Jun 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
The alignment of the stars, today,
Shall be in your favour, all the way,
Creating a shining path, for you,
To live, blossom and remain blessed, all through.
We love you, Mommieeeeeee!
~From Daddy, Daughter & Son.

It's my wife's birthday today!
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2018
It is out of their hands now,
And they know it!
But would rather wish reality away,
Then kneel to pray;

They know not what to do,
It is evident!
But would pretend all is rosy and dandy,
Then lose themselves in uneasy melody;

Come to a crossroad,
Which way to go?!
"Anywhere," but...
The gods forbid, not our lot!

Poverty dressed in handouts,
Give them peanuts,
**** to get a rat's share,
Of this cyclic welfare;

Beyond the horizon,
Looms a worrisome portend,
All will not be well,
Even the simplest fool can readily tell.
Nigeria is now the POVERTY CAPITAL of the entire cosmos! Haaa! The "founding fathers, and mothers" must turn in their graves to see what they left behind reduced to a joke of what it used to be. It is election time and the incumbent party gives out state sanctioned bribes in the name of loans to traders, worthless few nairas that's no better than toilet paper. But the people **** to get their hands on it - they have no choice! They've been fed so much poverty than a meal of something akin to proper diet is welcomed with full zest! SAD.
96 · Jan 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
Every second that passes,
Sitting behind my glasses,
In front of my suitcases,
Tying down my shoelaces;

There is a constant bringing to mind,
Of a certain kind,
Quite visible, even to the blind,
Sure leaves me in a bind;

From the corner of me eye,
Descending from on high,
A portend written the sky,
No need for amateurish spy;

In figures, three of them,
Branching from a stem,
A well known term,
Not unlike an active germ;

Four, One, Nine,
Is it benign?
Be it...mine?
Or the very end, divine?
4:19. Means many to the many, especially those Nigerians. But I see it everytime, like 23. I wonder what it means, even so, now, we are in 2019. CURIOUS.
96 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
The skies fly into a thundering rage,
Flashing angry sparks from cape to coast,
The earth had turned a new page,
As green lands enjoy the yearly roast.
96 · Dec 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
Hunters of vulnerable daughters of Eve,
Preying on weakened virtues,
Randy pedagogues  in the temple of callousness,
Eating forbidden fruits, whether ripe or unripe;

But this shameful act,
Has come at a great cost,
One scape man is now in fetters,
Ruminating over matters of his itchy crotch.
After many hushed up incidences of ***-for-marks, one professor at a foremost Nigeria ivy league school is not in jail. He was unfortunate to have been implicated by a young lady that had the foresight to record conversations between the both of them. In a trial, not in small measure aided by overwhelming media outcry, the judge sentenced the "deacon" to jail for two years for demanding *** from his student. CHANGE HAS COME.
96 · May 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
If today I can't get it,
Or stop by Olympus to grab som'n to eat,
It's just a matter of chance,
And time will create a perfect balance.
96 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
On my way to love,
Heartbreak caught me,
Off guard, and hopeless,
No help, even from above.
96 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
When fed with the hypocrisy,
And stuffed with copious mendacity,
You can expect smelly idiocy,
From the place common sense never shine.
96 · Jan 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
No! Not by any measure!
All of that for their pleasure?!
People wake up, please?!
The State is not at ease;

Easy targets, very easy,
Abducted by pampered terrorists,
Dismembered by bloodthirsty ritualists,
Everyday people, under siege;

But they sit in lofty places,
Make a lot of faces,
Trod on the rights of others,
And give frivolous orders;

Simpletons turn on simpletons,
Coconut heads that know nothing,
Get in useless arguments,
Over senseless debasements;

Get serious, people!
Do not treat as fickle,
Encourage not their gluttony,
Worse, much, than capital felony.
The way those Nigerians have come out to support the same people that have stolen their cooin partrimony and plunged them into eternal impoverishment is heartbreaking to say the least. When will they realise they have been played for fools since 1914?
96 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Suffering is the better part of enjoyment,
For them half a loaf is the best thing ever,
They would diefy their oppressors,
And vilify those with merciful intentions.
The case of Nigeria is a tiring one, they are okay with represive governments, agencies and policies as long as they get to survive the next day. TRAGIC.
95 · Jul 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
Offer me,
Something new,
A thing  beyond,
The boring ordinary.
95 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
I am in water but I have ***** suds blocking my vision,
Surrounded by meaninglessness and so and so,
So much lack in the midst of plenty,
That oft I question, really, what is my life's mission?
95 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
Chew, chew, chew, bloooooooooow,
Filled with nothing, but air,
You should know, life's not fair,
There are pins that make things go pow!
95 · Nov 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2019
If only you knew,
Old romance is sweeter,
Than what modernity blew,
In, to leave many worn and bitter.
95 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Creativity is a plate of hunger and deprivation,
With a cup of agony and frustration,
So we go out and blow ourselves up,
To taste another kind of life other side of the hilltop.
94 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Only he who has the patent,
Will decide the length and breadth of the content,
Whether you live to be thirty,.
Or die mysteriously from being thirsty.
94 · Dec 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
But for no fault of theirs,
Left to circumstances around them,
Shaped by influences that took 'em in,
Ultimately cast into mold of ne'er-do-wells;

Backs turned on reason,
Facing a life of cold embraces,
No warm meals,
Bondless, mere statistic;

They have chosen the path,
To pay in misery's kind,
Dish out as much,
Leave them a taste of they got;

This is the language of their existence,
To engage in violent agitation,
Disobedience pays living stipend,
Opulent lifestyle funded by militancy.
Many of Nigeria's young never have never felt the presence of
a caring government in their lives. All they have ever known is lack
and impoverishment. The things that make life meaningful to them
were never affordable and nobody except their weather beaten parents seemed
care about them, that is if they did at all. Abandoned to fate, they latch unto
any means that will give them desirable ends
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
So it went viral!
Celebrity arrested for illegal possession,
Gun toting and threatening officers of the law,
Also, riding an unregistered conveyance;

Amusing, to say the least,
When news tumbled in,
That a popular face was arrested,
Then paraded like a common criminal;

Social media went into a frenzy,
As videos made the rounds,
Made to lie on the ground,
He and his companions;

But a magistrate has set him free,
Reprimanded and asked to sin no more,
Cleared of illegal possession,
Because he had a license, anyway;

Then we remember, from sometime back,
That this same celebrity is an ambassador,
A popular face for the law,
Wow! Even posed in that uniform!
In Nigeria it is not uncommon for the Police to rough people up, small people, folks who are small enough to get caught in their notorious web of vindictiveness. If you are not BIG enough or don't know BIG people then you likely to be in for unpleasant experiences; especially if you are not in the good books of the vagabond in power.

So Small Doctor, a popular hip hop artist got roughed up by the police and paraded like a common criminal, but unknown to those that made him lie on the road, harassed and effectively disgraced, he is a police ambassador. they claim he used a rifle to threaten a police warden on duty.

These people leave the mighty criminals that have wrecked that country to pieces, plundered and impoverished 190 million people to go chasing adrenaline junkies. SAD.
94 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Children of  state are cannon fodder for shameless political geriatrics,
Insidious devilish minds that swim in the blood of the innocent,
Feeding fat off the aspirations and hopes of vulnerable minds,
To the further, to the further! All you fiendish maleficent goblins of state.
94 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
No oils, no reds or monounsaturated fat,
Lean everything, nothing but water,
But death's bike couldn't bother,
Running you over right outside your flat.
94 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Back breaking labour,
Rheumatic pay at the most,
Then cold morsels to break evening fast,
Life of the People of State.
One percent of Nigeria lords it over the other 99. But when will the latter reclaim their prosperity?
94 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
I refuse to be painted,
Or even slightly tainted,
By the same brush with which,
Our evil politicians become criminally rich.
93 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Been away for many a moon,
But now back to fatherland,
Then alas! A crack and boom!
Life ends with a wicked shot.
Many Nigerians fear to return to that country because of cases of lawless misfirings by those (poorly) remunerated to protect them. Another lady got shot by crazy policemen just under two years of returning home from living all her life abroad. Sad.
93 · Feb 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Moral uprightness,
In the face,
Of growing hunger,
And hopelessness?

In the face,
Of joblessness,
And disillusionment?

While despots,
In the face,
Of impoverished people,
Sit on their common wealth?
It is well nigh impossible to feel anything close to love for that country Nigeria when the entity doesn't, didn't and will never care for a second. A system rigged to cater for those the colonial masters brainwashed into doing their bidding since 1914 and legalised a charade since 1960. A dysfunctional system that creates bad people can never be populated by good people.
93 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
Precious jewels like you are rare,
In deed, and in every kind way,
You have secured my spirit,
A happy place of unmerited sweetness.
93 · May 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Could be as a result of circumstance,
One situation could lead to happenstance,
Or a conflicted dissonance,
Even a bewildering lack of stance.
Things happen.
93 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
On this lifelong journey,
We're a love in progress,
Thanks for this engaging process,
Of deeply and rewarding unfolding story.
My wife turns thirty-two today and she can pass for half that number. I'm unworthy of such a soul. Although she gets me all riled up many times, she's also that anchor that keeps me much grounded. Saves me from myself.
Many more years, Winkieboo.
93 · Jan 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
Waking up to a bright day,
Whistling about all the way,
Walking with a smart springing,
Working without a groaning;

Wishful thinking, wishing this,
Worthless life, this one,
Worrying about this and that,
Wasting away, after every start.
It is elusive, very much, a life without sorrows. PITY.
93 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
At a point,
Not out of joint,
My journey will take me,
To where I ought to be.
92 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
They cast the die,
It was no lie,
Left me on the lowest high,
Plucked from the damnedest sky.
92 · Dec 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
Mom had barely shut her eye,
Than Sam howled up a storm,
What! But he just ****** me dry!
Oh, slumber, when will I get some?
Respect to all nursing mothers, your labour of love will not go unrewarded,
here on earth.
92 · Jul 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
We're locked down, by order,
The body, none the wiser,
Will crave nourishment,
Of all sorts, moment by moment.
92 · Jan 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
Let's show some flesh,
Some treats here, no ******* please!
Cover that crotch, O.K!
A little buttcrack will be fine;

It's a crazier world,
To get attention, go all out,
To break the superhighway,
Bring on the whole nine!
Nothing g much to add here... whatever makes you less depressed. O.K!
92 · Jul 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
There are the things,
That frighten us,
Into doing things,
That harden us.
92 · Mar 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Eyes open to darkness,
Sweaty night,
In birthday suit,
Waiting on the cockcrow;

Completing another cycle,
The rise and fall of seasons,
Another rung up life's ladder,
Leaving behind, moving on;

I look at my daughter,
Then at her mother, my wife,
And then at this life,
Surely, all can be better.
I am 39 today. Enough said.
91 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
And every little thing,
Diamonds, tattoos and bling,
That cyber itch to put it out there,
As though anyone actually did care.
91 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
****! Pick your plate clean!,
Many hungry mouths in Sudan,
A messy plate isn't a status symbol,
Remember the empty stomachs in Venezuela.
91 · Mar 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Excitement at a level,
Pulsing, pulsing...pulsing,
Unable to hold it in,
Bursting, bursting...bursting.
A little bit more...and another cycle is closed.
91 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
When stars die,
New experiences are born,
When stars are born,
Old experiments don't lie.
91 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
From behind, not inspiring,
Full frontal equally disgusting,
Breaking the hearts of many,
Booking shows less than funny.
91 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
The heart of a woman,
Is a yearning seed,
Seeking fertile ground,
Any other is a lifetime of regrets.
91 · Jul 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
Sunshine filtered through the crack,
And with it a waft of warmbreeze,
I struggled out of the deep freeze,
Only to see everything still in uninspiring black.
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