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111 · Jul 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
Between the hours of wee and dawn,
Many a reveler throng,
The house that party built,
To mad in the jolly new year.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
So, what if we talk funny,
And believe in the entitlement of our own ignorance?
We will build a wall to keep you out,
And brag about how we run this friggin world!
111 · Jul 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
Pray that the sun rises in the east,
And pray, too, that the earth spins along its axis,
Make supplications that the moon shines at night,
And intercede on behalf of many rats in the sewers;

Here we are, people of state,
Vagabonds in high places have come again,
Pulling the chord of our collective mentality,
Yanking the chain of our divisive idiosyncrasies;

For many, many seasons they have harvested,
Fruits borne by the motherland,
Furnished their illicit barns with treasures of state,
Fueled their desires with the blood of the children;

Yet a time comes when the seas will roar in tempestuous rage,
The four winds cry out in deafening anger,
Night and day both refuse to do their bidding,
The earth refuse to stomach the wickedness of  their inhumane abominations;

Not too long, oh brethren,
The time is dearly nigh,
That the shackles of our backwardness,
Will turn into tools for our deserved happiness.
Nigerians have bee taken for fools for far too long and the time is here to break free form our tormentors
111 · May 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
There is no one like Hadassah to me,
No matter how pretty she may be,
I have won the only place in her heart,
Where only death can do us 'part.
110 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Moonshine night, seated,
The two of us, whispering sweet nothings,
Wondering what the future held,
Morning! Wake up! Dream!
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2018
And when the two forces locked hands,
Doomsday clocks rolled back many seconds,
On neutral ground both looked not out of place,
As many wondered what it meant, this phase;

The earth went on along its own axis,
The sun greeting the morning from the east,
Surely the stars will twinkle  tonight,
And the moon offering its cold bright light.
As Messrs Kim and Trump shook hands in Singapore today, everything building up to the moment ended in a huge anticlimax of ... what the heck did we think was going to happen? The end of time???!!!
110 · Aug 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2020
The wilderness beckons,
As I journey to be tempted,
By the curves of endless delightes,
Yet, only your love, keeps me grounded.
110 · Jul 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
We think hate, rather,
Than love, toward,
The fellow human, who,
Should not think otherwise.
110 · Apr 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
There's no time than now,
That this country needs a rebirth,
All of the old must die,
To give life to a new beginning;

We just cannot continue like this,
Those dinosaurs have caused enough harm,
They've destroyed well enough,
Turned a bad situation irreversibly worse;

Thus a decaying of all the old ways,
An accelerated putting to death,
All religious bigoted acts of stupidity,
Tribal or ethnic jingoistic anomie;

A nation is coloured by its leader,
Unfortunate if such were defined,
By the idiosyncrasies of religious,
Or backward ethnosocial beliefs;

We are were we are,
Where we're not well,
Wherein we were,
Whereas were we where;

Thus it makes sense to gather,
The lot of these analogue invertebrates,
Offer them a life in exile somewhere,
Where the sun will never shine.
Nigeria must do away with the crop that defined it's sixty-year existence, for it is clear they cannot be part of the next sixty.

Let them that have any sense at all, reason.

Given the things we see during this global COVID19 pandemic local response, it is vivid, even to the visual impaired that the people unfortunate to be at the helm font have a clue.

The year twenty-twenty is a defining curve. Where we to miss redrawing our fate, then all has been lost.
109 · May 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Seemed the spirit was lacking,
But one man kept on attacking,
Then youthful inexperience came knocking,
And it was Hots' for the taking!
In another epic turn of events, Tottenham Hotspurs came from lone goal deficit, then a   two goals deficit, to score three amazing goals against a youthful Ajax side - all three goals by one man - to reach the 2018/2019 UEFA Champions League final; making it an all English affair in Spain next month after Liverpool stunned Barcelona last night! INCREDIBLE DOUBLE COMEBACKS!
109 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
Rhythmic back and forth,
Entire shaft getting frothy,
Eyes roll back, mouthing gibberish,
Releasing gleefully with climatic relish.
109 · May 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
Toothbrushes, ***** old socks,
This business truly *****,
Thought I had the best times with you,
But all I did was play the **** fool.
108 · Mar 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Over two hundred girls many moons ago,
Then over one hundred in the same vein,
While the politics of stupidity serenades their incompetence,
Beer parlour intellectualism fingers the minds of the many keyboard warriors.
After Chiboks girls were captured about fours years ago, Dapchi girls followed suit...and Nigerians are clearly, clearly non the wiser.
108 · Jun 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
There's nothing good found,
In the one different from the rest,
Ready to head west,
While others look north;

Of a different shade,
And not to be confined,
To the averageness of existing,
Without actually living, fully.
Colours are what they are.
108 · Aug 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2020
If goodly people were,
To turn to evil work,
Then nothing ought to stand,
In the way of evil lending to good.
107 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Garri and groundnut issues,
Nonsensical palaver,
But what's the matter,
With eggheads pretending not to be coconut heads?
Garri is processed cassava paste, baked at high temperature to dry free flowing grains. It's a staple in Nigeria.
107 · Jan 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
Herb for the brethren!
Nature provides their need,
You come with your scale and blade,
But authority never belonged to the wig.
106 · Feb 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Sun has set on charred remains,
Of an unfortunate fellow,
Happened upon the wrong place,
At the most importune time,

The birds tell one tale,
And the rats another,
But the mob wanted blood,
And ended another life needlessly.
Reminiscent of the lynchings of the 1800's and 1900's in America, and many other inhumane acts of recklessness in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, Nigerian have taken theirs in a another dimension that defies logic. This week, another person has been burnt to death on the assumption of being a robber. The young man was at a bus stop when a mob jumped him, called him "thief!" bludgeoned him,  threw car tyres around him doused him with petrol, and burned him to ashes.

Cases of such barbarism are not alien, many times premised on the incompetence of  law enforcement agencies, people would rather effect their own kind of justice rather than wait out civil jurisprudence. SAD.
106 · Mar 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
But the rats still give a fuss,
Vermins in defiant show of force,
Too fat to lift a paw,
Did you manicure that claw?
Despite the deployment of troops to the Middle Belt North Central region of Nigeria, fulani herdsmen invade, destroy farmlands, spill the blood of the people there.
106 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Twenty-two and one ball,
Green spread, markings of white,
Netted uprights joined by a bar,
Dizzying delight of moments of brilliance.
105 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Everyday the sun rises over dead bodies,
Infants, little children and the innocent,
Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers and the sinners,
And when the sun sets, it closes, on a worthless lives.
105 · May 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
Wait, when was she hardly a pillow's length?
As she lay asleep, curled up, now several feet longer,
Then I reflected on the miracles of this life,
And how awesome such moments can truly be.
My daughter is 17 months old and on this children's day, it's just amazing how big she has become...
105 · Dec 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
In the little lies we tell,
To make the other see,
Those things we want,
In that special way;

The elaborate tales we share,
To create that picture,
Every other has fantasised ,
And daily longed for;

It is presenting a manifesto,
To captivate and engage,
Selling sand to Bedouins,
Or water to Atlanteans;

Sides of the same coin,
There is a prize to be had,
The means matter less,
The end, however, is worth every gimmick.
As far as that country is concerned, the love of politics isn't different from the politics of love. Nigeria, infamously described as a **** hole country by  President Donald J. Trump, mirrors everything illogical about anything anyone might think of. And that is really sad.
105 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Chasing tattoos, dreadlocks and bling,
These ones don't know a thing!
They take life at the pull!
Of a trigger meant to protect all!

Dregs of the force, idiotic,
Drunken, high on narcotic,
Dressing inordinately, oozing,
Dreadfully unamusing,

They create a ****** mess,
Harbingers of sadness,
Candidates of the hottest parts of hell,
Deserving, one and all, the same horror they constantly sell.
Enough to make any sane mind livid! They have killed another innocent young Nigerian, again! The Nigerian Police Force is a terrible security agency that has demonic officers up and down its rank and file. Infamous units created to fight armed robbers have become roving task masters shaking down anyone that looks good or dressed fly. Arbitrary killing, torturing or maiming hapless people is their stock in trade and nobody from the president of that country to governors of states across the federation have said or done anything tangible to put a permanent reign on the bloodsuckers. The unsettling peace of the graveyard may just indicate a ****** revolution around the corner. INEVITABLE.
105 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
I am son of this soil,
Planted in its richness,
No **** can choke my identity,
The minerals fuel my everlasting.
105 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Yellow, hugging dark recesses,
Sold to impoverishment and lack,
Praying daily for nemesis,
Never willing to take the knife by the jack.
Nigerians are generally cowed by fear of the unknown.
104 · Aug 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2020
A teaspoon of doubt,
And a tablespoon of suspicion,
A generous amount of affection,
And a truckload of loyalty.
104 · Jul 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
Nothing inspires here,
All there is, is fear,
Of hunger and penury,
Every evil more than legendary.
104 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
This  supernaturally occurring piece,
Of magically designed wonder on two feet,
Brings to me everything, and peace,
So, to drown in this love, is a welcome feat.
104 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
Tattered dreams inflicted my senses,
They robbed me of sweet sleep,
I lay awake, midnight, trembling,
Fearful of the shameful morning.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
So, what if Jehovah is the one true God,
And we all are descended from Abraham, our father?
Genius comes to us naturally,
And the holocaust is not a figment of our collective imaginings.
103 · Jan 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
He just rolled out a poorly prepared script,
ingFailed attempt at ignite hope in anyone,
Streaming his **** and bull story in perpetual darkness,
Simply wasted megabytes of cheerless nonsense.
103 · Mar 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Too many bright ones roam the streets in hungry frustration,
Locked out of opportunities to earn rich places in history,
This is the heartbreaking and mournful story,
Of rottenness and backwardness of a failing, contrived nation.
103 · May 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
When I first met you years ago,
I had this strange, strange feeling,
I knew no what it meat at the time,
But I hated you for it, why?

Because courage failed me,
The contents of my heart burdened me,
The fiery look in your eyes frightened me more,
Magical beauty wrapped in simple tastefulness;

And after all these years,
I still feel these things in my heart,
And when you looked at me with equal interest,
Everything exploded into a million lovely pieces.
103 · Mar 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Collusion, collusion!
Oh, what a situation!
In god's own nation!
****, what a misconception!
America is a bastion, no doubt. But not perfect. I am not American, far from it. But I thoroughly love the way they put their nation in the spotlight all the time. The excellent use of media to launder their image is unprecedented. PROPS!
102 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
Fire burning cold,
Spirit turning on its own,
Can't see beyond what I'm told,
Oh, what calamity to be thrown.
102 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
For the glory of the team,
Stuck me leg at full steam,
That got me sent the heck off!
But mon dieu! that's some ****** stuff!
102 · Jul 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
Good habits,
Are difficult to acquire,
Even more difficult are bad habits,
To retire.
102 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Concocted tribal maligning,
Romancing the victim's mentality,
Handed down hatred, bigotry,
Caught, now, in their own dystopia.
So the Igbos of Nigeria have never found anything worthy about the Yorubas and their eternal enemies the Hausa-Fulanis. But ins a recent twist, a certain Presidential candidate of the Fulani stock and  of a well-known party has chosen one of their own as running mate - and ALL IS SUDDENLY WELL?
101 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
No one will ever know,
How deeply the pain went,
It is a festering sore,
Never healing, ever open.
100 · May 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
There is no one like my queen to me,
No matter how royal she may be,
With my love she becomes a goddess,
Basking everyday in heavenly goodness.
100 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
It is that little thing inside all of us,
That makes us want to deliver the biggest impact,
Whether taking a life or granting wishes,
That power to make that life changing decision.
100 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
Come closer, my love,
Swear, you came from above,
Nothing on earth can separate us,
Even in heaven, simply thus.
99 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
We want everything now, now!
Why go slow, slow?
The earth is on a sluggish revolutionary spin,
Takes twenty and four hours too long to make this happen;

We need to make this money sharp, sharp!
No time to take it small, small,
Cannot grow grey on the waiting queue,
Will do what must to get this green done.
99 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
The older woman smiled,
As I was seated at work,
"You remind me of my father,"
"Your receeding hair's beautiful."
99 · Dec 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
Emperors of State cultivate hate on a scale,
Expect reverence from the victims of their wickedness,
Pitiable handouts unfit, even for illegitimate born,
Let alone the People of State;

Because something is better than nothing,
These young ones are forced to abdicate pride,
Stoop to get some scoop,
Or embrace perpetual indolence;
Nigeria's administrators at all tiers or arms of government continue to take their people for fools, they dole out ridiculous pittances and them "startup packs" or "empowerment", more of the later; and for those sensible enough to see through these deceptive acts, they decline to be part of the hypocrisy.
Those tin gods live in such opulence only Pharaohs, Caesars, Emperors and Kings were or are known for. But they convey poverty wrapped in elaborate ceremonial distribution programmes to those too weak to refuse their disguised malevolence. Someday Nigeria's young folk will arise to seize the reigns of governance and permanently keep those vagabonds occupying Olympus out of power
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Thinking backward as though free,
Shackled by a sense of delayed satisfaction,
That somewhere beyond the end of the ocean curve,
Is some place where life never ends.
99 · May 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
And reality punched me in the face,
As my eyes lost their innocence,
Several shapes clothed in naked lace,
Beckoning unto men, and without  preference.
98 · Nov 2017
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2017
Was pure, and came from a genuine place,
But this angel turned away her face,
So I gave my innocence to other devil,
And daily plead guilty to a heartbreak of evil.
98 · Nov 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2019
Counting down contractions,
The little one moments away,
Barring all unnecessary preconditions,
This new bundle will bless us today.
Everything points to labour as contractions become more frequent and less spaced. Awaiting delivery...
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