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170 · Sep 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2020
But you always did ******* away,
Now you want to ride shotgun,
Your fairness is not in your colour,
This I see as you lay, beautifully, beside me.
170 · Jan 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
For the loyalty of a child,
Cannot be in doubt,
In the face of uncertainty,
Rest assured;

Where the bond between,
Parent and child is true,
Then trust is not afar,
Belief, even stronger.
When my child woke up restless in the middle of the night and cuddled on my chest, I myself pressed to answer nature's can call, I only could please for her to allow me go; I gave her my mobile phone and said, "hold this for me, I'll be back." Many minutes later, I found her still sitting up, waiting for me; and after she handed me the phone, my two-year old said, "take," then went back to sleep. I was beyond impressed...forever.
170 · Nov 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2019
There were days I crawled on my dozens,
And set my mandibles to the dirt,
Rejoice, o creatures, at my rebirth!
For today I take up wings to soar among the heavens.
170 · Jan 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2015
If I had my way,
And fate, not any say,
Our daughters would have your eyes,
And every night, not cold as ice.
169 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
Please, don't pity me,
Yours is more precarious,
Yes, love dealt me a huge blow,
But removed the magic in your awesome glow.
169 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
When I try to articulate,
Desperately trying not to gesticulate,
So I pause, step back, and calculate,
Thinking, if It were better, I recalibrate.
The 2019 general elections in Nigeria will end in a two-horse race between the incumbent and a former vice President: the former is perceived to be frugal, the latter extremely benevolent. Interesting.
168 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
The lovelessness breaks the heart,
The outpouring of hatred among The People of State,
The bequeathing of sadness to the generations,
The unwillingness to take a different turn.
Human life is worth no more than pulling grass off the side of the road in Nigeria. Hospitals have become death centres. Doctors and Nurses do not care. Old and young die with reckless abandon. People pay through their noses for their own death
168 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
Here we are,
And the next no more,
In through one door,
And then out in the cold.
168 · May 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Out of a place,
Of scorn and embitterment,
An outpouring of scorching mentions,
From whence came so much adoration.
It is true that to cross a woman is to have a date with the gates of hell itself. FIRE!
165 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
Whence dost thine love sweep me,
Truly, I cannot see,
You make me feel this way, today,
Thence toss me that way, another day.
164 · Feb 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
At what cost, your Excellency?
What toll has your triumph taken?
Your glory at the expense of lives,
Dancing over a sea of blood.
Nigerians have decided, albeit unwittingly, to remain with the embarrassment of an incoherent geriatric. SHAME.
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2019
This lonely bush,
Sticking around the corner,
It's love life needs no push,
For no one will call it brother.
163 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
The fiend rushed through screaming like a banshee,
Catching the sleepy lawmakers in a terrible fright,
The golden staff of office glittered in prostate silence,
Only to be stolen in rapturous, disharmonious free for all!
Yesterday, 'hoodlums' 'invaded' the 3-arms Zone of the seat of power, stole the Mace of the Senate of the Federal Government of Nigeria and went away with the instrument of authority...shameful acts
162 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
The mountains call to me,
With the birds I must be,
Drinking from the crystal pure,
Cannot but fall for the pristine allure.
162 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
When love finds a home,
Or a dog its friend
When a soul finds companion,
And life its true meaning.
161 · Mar 21
A few wealthy men,
Running around with power,
Laughing in the face of poverty,
Dressed in green and white and green;

A few powerful men,
Strutting around with fat wallets,
Sharing promises to the hopeless,
Allocating lies dressed in dishonesty;

A lot of angry people,
Hungry for something to believe in,
Never known a life of meaning,
Desperate for the chance of a lifetime.
Many people around here are either waiting to get into power to acquire stupendous wealth or already in power acquiring wealth stupendously.

With a population alleged to be two hundred million and more, you can imagine the level of frustration among those outside the one percent at the top that will, maybe, never exit the ninety-nine percent at the bottom.
160 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Integrity suffers embarrassingly,
And there is nowhere to hide,
Again, a play for sentiment,
But twice beaten cannot be shyness.
A requirement for  the highest office in Nigeria is to have attended high school ( or its equivalent). The present occupant of the seat is embroiled in issues bordering fraudulent claims of evidence of attendance locked in the vaults of the country's army - after pulling the wool over their faces in 2015, he once again adopts the same stratagem - but who is the commander of the said force, the people ask???
159 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Big, ugly brute,
Largely misunderstood?
Destroyer of lives,
With a deathly snap!
159 · May 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
The blue times are upon us,
Red is all we see,
But yellow is what we are,
Wrapped in black ensemble.
158 · Feb 22
I try, really I do,
Not to bring to mind,
That you are no more,
That I'll never see you again;

Your passive instructions guide me,
And the active one keep me going,
Your memory continues to ginger me!
All of which are clean, clear and unblemished.

At times like this I take solace,
In the cheer that you went away gallant,
Not wishing us any bother at all,
Strong, very strong, until the very end.
My father left us on May 22, 2016. He never saw my children, the oldest came in December of the year.

Today, my Dad would have been 88. I miss him very much, every time.
158 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Please, end this reality now,
For the torment of these ****** times are unbearable,
Please, restore the joyful times now,
For we yearn the times so memorable.
Nigeria is at war within; Boko Haram, Fulani herdsmen run amok killing with reckless abandon and the government remains very, very aloof and unconcerned
157 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Green fatigues too ****** out to even care,
They turn the other way as the people of state are put to knife,
Lazy infantry men without conscience,
Only available to do the bidding of that crazy old geriatric in the rock.
Everyday the mid section of Nigeria is wet with the blood of the innocent and the government pretends not to know what's going on around the food basket of the country...sad.
157 · Sep 2020
FIRE! (1.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2020
Hellish, lapping tongues,
Locking up every in its path,
The instrument of devil's wrath,
And creator of things awesome.
157 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Four years isn't eternity,
For the people of this besieged city,
Be brave, make your hearts strong,
It is true, the heavens cannot be wrong.
A lot of Nigerians are gruesomely massacred on a daily basis. The people in power seem to have lost any sense of responsibility and can only offer mendacious condolences.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
Will we look back in sincere amazement,
Of how gullible we had been,
Or in sheer and unforgivable embarrassment,
That we did not truly, honestly, come out clean?
157 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Interesting, almost exciting,
How The People of State have anointed,
One and condemned the other,
Both of the same stock in trade.
The emergence of erstwhile vice president of Nigeria as flagbearer of an erstwhile ruling party in coming 2019 Presidential election has divided the people along imaginary lines; seeing that their present commander-in-chief that promised them change, is of the same ethnic stock
157 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
The many fiends rushed through screaming like a banshee,
Catching the sleepy lawmakers in a terrible fright,
The golden staff of office glittered in prostate silence,
Only to be stolen in rapturous, disharmonious free for all!
Yesterday, 'hoodlums' 'invaded' the 3-arms Zone of the seat of power, stole the Mace of the Senate of the Federal Government of Nigeria and went away with the instrument of authority...shameful acts
157 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
A quick witted confrontation,
May present fast reactions,
But calculated, measured responses,
Far accomplish evident results the whole world sees.
155 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Tyson. Weinstein.
Cosby. Ronaldo.
155 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Thinks he's all that,
Best thing after belly fat,
But he's no better than breaking wind,
Smelly business of the awful kind.
155 · Sep 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2019
From the dark, murky confines,
Of the airless, viscous sanctuary,
Wherein greatness is engineered,
Comes this one the world eagerly  anticipated.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
In a cloud of disbelief and great distrust,
Over three hundred were snatched in the dead of night,
Since, more speculations have characterised their plight,
And put this minority's government on a failed ******.
Written in 2015.
154 · Aug 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2018
Suddenly blenders have become kit and kin,
But we forget our elders made do without,
Modern men and women too fat to lift a finger,
Take shortcuts in blended greens, reds and yellows.
Nigerians have suddenly discovered that they can blend all sorts of fruits in an attempt to keep weight down but they forget the real reason is leading a couch potato life - our forebears lived longer because they moved about more
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
Many moons of dust and drought,
Banished by refreshing rushes,
Cool cataracts cascading, crashing,
Monsoon melodies waking winged *******.
153 · Jul 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
The day gradually chills,
Of a full table and an empty pocket,
Cash zoomed off like a rocket,
Tonight no high stakes, only cheap thrills.
153 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
In the pursuit of nothing lost,
What then can be found?
But what indeed comes around,
Is a love story painfully gone bust!
153 · Aug 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2020
Destiny, she failed to smile,
As you sold me a wrenching lie,
Falling for your sweetened guile,
Absent between accursed thigh.
151 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Hunters of vulnerable daughters of Eve,
Preying on weakened virtues,
Randy pedagogues  in the temple of callousness,
Eating forbidden fruits, ripe or unripe.
A lecturer is in the public eye for demanding *** for marks. the disgraced lecturer was recorded on the phone by a female would-be female victim during a negotiation session...Nigeria is currently abuzz over 'tis damining ******
150 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
The man with cowries around his neck,
Has thrown a mighty stone in the river of our conscience,
And ripples of hope, once again, begin grow...and grow,
Threatening those geriatrics that have refused to embrace relegation.
149 · Mar 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Craaaaaaaaash! And whaam!
Everything goes ham!
But after the cast comes off,
It's like riding the biggest surf.
149 · Oct 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Beggars they are, huddled by the guardrail,
As headlamps make out their shriveled forms,
They have never known love, less brail,
Their fate is one of many norms;

Day and night they are led by children,
Life's gifts wallowing in misery and abandonment,
Left to uncertain fate, will never know a pen,
These ones daily embrace scorn and raging disappointment;

So the six blind women,
All from the north,
Summarise our homegrown problem,
Everything we are, everything we are not.
The problem of beggars from the north of Nigeria swarming every capital city of that country has lingered like an unrelenting cancer refusing every known cure and their government really do not care about them or pretend they do not exist. Shame.
149 · Sep 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2018
The People of State with fettered willpower,
Can only exert authority on the lowly and weak,
Deriving power by force,
And wailing by right of entitlement.
This is Nigeria: where the poor oppress the poor and the mega rich do not give a rat's behind.
149 · May 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
On this dark road,
Would you ride with me?
Even if fears raised questions,
Would your confidence shut them up?
149 · Dec 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
Good title for a Nollywood flick,
Script writers assemble!
One week to belt out a wobble,
But try not to get into trouble;

So, rumour around town,
That a Sudanese man is Aso Rock!,
Wonders shall never cease in that country,
But what effrontery!

"Well, could be fictional, this matter,"
"Don't take it literally,"
Posited a recent opposition egghead,
Playing advocate for the other coconut head;

That country is in trouble,
Caught in several problems,
There seems no respite in sight,
Even with assurances from the president, the other night;

Hell, what's the difference anyway,
The real one was no better,
The people of state should accept their fate,
Now, before it is too late.
IPOB says Buhari, the Nigeria president is cloned. The president said that it is the real self. Washington Post said that that is what a clone would say, anyway. Shehu Sanni said that the matter shouldn't be taken literally. And Nigerians wouldn;t just let it go.
149 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Fear  wrapped itself around the hearts of the children of state,
Daily cowed by hunger, starved of enlightenment and forced by repression,
The horizon is widely bleak and uninspiring, spirit anchored to a hopeless future,
Chained to empty promises, they float aimlessly in airless skies;

The way out is obvious even to the unsighted,
That in one accord lay the keys to soaring freedom,
Taking the seat of power by force,
And daming the consequences to achieve the ultimate utopia.
148 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Hot love melted my heart,
Like a knife you ran through,
But you were never true,
Dressed in white, yet wore a black hat.
148 · May 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
There is one one like my lover to me,
No matter what people say,
I have chosen her as my woman to be,
And stand by her everyday and in  every way.
148 · Dec 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
The thousandth but one,
On this journey of four lines,
And although I'm not done,
I rest, a while, from the scribbling climes.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
The world is on edge,
And rightly so, too,
From caskets strewn like *******,
To withdrawn funding for WHO;

Like something off a horror story,
What's left is for reanimated dead,
Flesh eating, mindless monsters,
Only lead to the friggin' head!

Pulpit shysters, con men of the cloth,
Boasting, the battle is theirs, not the Lords,
Dared the unseen guest, profanely,
All is well, now, laying between nailed boards;

Somewhere, in the dark continent,
The tropics had all the heat,
Coronavirus surely couldn't stand,
Well seated, many dead, no signs of retreat;

Far East, some crazy, mad scientists,
Playing with their bio toys,
Cook up another RNA weapon,
The Communist, westward, someday deploys;

It's the WWIII,
We eagerly awaited,
Shame, it's fought without explosions,
What a sight! To see civilisations obliterated!

Depopulation strategy of the antichrist,
Yes, he made mention during a talk,
****, he can't even protect his operating system,
From which he made his billions bulk;

Led by an African,
Surely he couldn't be that smart,
Misled the greatest civilisation?
Oh dear! From where do we start?

Our people have never known better,
Good governance is a pipe dream,
Here's another scheme to enrich politicians,
Juicy donations flowing in like a stream;

The big pharms engineered this,
Let loose something to **** millions,
Scramble, make a show, of concern,
Develop a vaccine, rake in the billions.
The truth's out there, somewhere.
148 · Jul 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
I have grown love out of nothing,
Then watched it die painfully,
Love has been offered me truthfully,
But I never thought 'twas anything worth falling in.
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