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147 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Are we there yet?
One foot from the brink?
Are our backs flush against the wall?
Can we break through or break out?
147 · Feb 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Cast in the wrong play,
Of life,
Terrible scripts,
Of impoverishment;

But in a parallel reality,
That young mind on cheap highs,
Is a brilliant entrepreneur,
On a low key.
Many young people roaming the many cities of that country called  may have been better employed in productive enterprise in another dimension. It is painful to see many wasting away while those vagabonds in power continue living large on the commonwealth of the people.
146 · Jan 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
She picks up and smashes my old cell phone,
Ears ***** at every text and ringing tone,
Naturally drawn to ones and zeros,
And excited by every four-gee and byte stream combos.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Ofcourse not, mister!
Everywhere your position may take you,
Even your power, too,
But not for the wiser!

Your empty refrains are hollow,
And your dead promises, too,
You do not have a clue,
Want to bribe tomorrow?
144 · Jun 2019
BIAS. (2.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Heaven, it's raining gifts!
Tired after working all shifts,
Dog, will do it in lifts,
Never stalling between gearshifts.
144 · Oct 2017
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2017
Boyfriend, husband, father,
Bae, hubby, daddy,
You may call me freddie,
To me one and to them the other.
143 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Sticky night, power out,
Always been that way,
But during moments of brightness,
Children cannot help but shout!
Nigeria children scream, "up NEPA!" whenever the lights come on after power cut - that can last hours, days, months or years. SHAME.
143 · Dec 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
Oh, what disappointment!
To get to  my destination,
And you quit on me,
You have abandoned me;

Baffles me, truly, it does,
Out here in the cold,
Alone, with the elements for cover,
To have believed you, my lover;

Tears deeply into my recesses,
A place devoted for worship,
Sanctified only for you,
But now, what will I do?
143 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
A million idiots,
Are more powerful,
Than a billion eggheads,
That slept on their senses.
143 · Jan 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
And what's there to be happy about?
Executive stupidity on heartbreaking display?
Immoral Legislative senselessness on constant rotation?
Or Judicial frivolity transfusing decadence all year long?
143 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
Everyone's created equal,
The law is no respecter of anyone,
Build that bridge, tear down that wall!
You're entitled to anything you've won.
143 · Jan 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
But who will bell this monstrous bush cat,
Gorged on the sweats of the lowly trodden,
Whiskers curled in the till of a million poorly afflicted,
And claws on the jugular of the southern dark lady?
142 · Nov 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2019
Can't take it all in!
Too enormous to handle,
If you must ram your bundle,
Then slide the **** thing!
141 · Jan 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
For nine moons and more,
This umbilical connected us,
You, I worshipped with heavenly adore,
Yet, our ways must part thus;

And you must find it,
In your beautiful heart,
Not to feel envy's heat,
But to welcome this new start;

I am a man now,
With a beautiful wife,
A girl and boy,
I'll turn forty in this life,
I, no longer, am your very good toy.
Many mothers find it extremely hard to let go of their sons, even after these boys get married, have children and grey hair!

Mothers, we love you, but we have our own lives to lead now.
140 · Jun 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2018
So she changed tactic,
Rather than engage in fisticuffs,
She allowed her mascara flow into it,
Taking all her emotions downhill;

And from there all defenses shrunk,
The room fell silent, you could hear an atom rub itself,
Done acting her part like a diva,
Everyone took turns blaming one another.
139 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
That geriatric living in the century before this one,
Finds pleasure in shooting off outside the shores,
Shameless old fleabag junkeetting without remorse,
Playing the script of unrepentant fools;

But herein lay the problem,
Because we are coloured by his senselessness,
Made to appear hapless, even hopeless,
At the beck and call of any and every imperial world power;

Give us back our dear mother,
Trapped in the misfortune of your unfortunate marriage,
We will rescue she who gave us ****,
From your ******, malevolent indifference.
I still do not understand why Nigerian leaders hurriedly lick the ***** of so-called western powers...???
138 · Oct 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2019
Here we are,
Living within our horizon,
Oblivious of the beyond things,
Images startling to the senses;

And opportunity meets resources,
Things fall into place,
Aboard the wings an eagle,
Off to see the things beyond.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Each day I awake to a heart full of affection,
But the sun sets on my bitter countenance,
Because you embrace me with thornful coldness,
And cut me deeply with your loud silence.
137 · Aug 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2018
Constantly prodding, digging without remorse,
Ripped of all diginifying attributes, and without recourse,
Taking, relentlessly pouring, your sickening abomination,
Laid bare, broken, in a state of defiled contamination.
Nigeria was ***** for the first time in 1957 when colonial masters united kingdom found oil in commercial quantity in Oloibiri in now Bayelsa state. the **** continues today abetted by neo-colonial masters.
137 · Nov 2017
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2017
The silent screams of the grave,
Crying for justice,
From equinox to solstice,
Deafening howls that mere prayers cannot stave.
137 · May 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Wash away my longing,
But steam me first,
Dry me on the bedding,
Then quench my thirst.
136 · Feb 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Moving forward,
While about faced,
A lot of motion,
Without any displacement;

Those who have been,
Still are,
The ones that want to,

A chorus unhappiness,
Few smiley faces,
With stomach full of hunger,
Praying for better times.
Many Nigerians are okay with 'managing' hard times. Those who are not, are too afraid to make the sacrifices - waiting endlessly for their messiah.
136 · Mar 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
The virulent untruth they implanted,
Brainwashed by virulent balderdash,
The greatest mendacity they sold,
Topped, only, by this blatant lie they preached;

After the caucasians had their field day,
Enjoyed their time balkanising the dark continent,
They left them a germ, a true trojan demon,
Couched in the halos of a heavenly mission.
The white man's religion has brought nothing but hardship to already impoverished Africans. Same with the Arabs. Both religions have totally devastated the entire region, creating unnecessary fault lines among Africans.
136 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Why work ever so hard,
For what, really,
All year round vacation to the ends of the earth,
Or a fleet of never before driven, custom, rare wheels?
136 · Nov 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2019
I'm gonna remain like this,
Rooted in this magic space,
Life has happened, once more,
A total gift wrapped in sweetness.
Welcome, son.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
So, what if Allah is the greatest,
And pray five times every day of our lives?
Jihad has its roots in Islam,
And Islam is a religion of peace, most definitely.
134 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Over two hundred girls, taken, many moons ago,
Then more than one hundred, stolen,  in the same vein,
While the politics of stupidity serenades their incompetence,
Beer parlour intellectualism fingers the minds of many keyboard warriors.
Over five years after the Chibok girls were abducted by boko haram, the government of the day grapples with the rescue of hundreds of girls in captivity. Previous government bungled any chances of rescue by jumping on conspiracy bandwagon. SHAME.
134 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
The story of the broom and the umbrella,
Has her children in fives and eights,
The difference is much the same,
A love encounter everybody hates.
The PDP and APC political parties of Nigeria Politics are infamous for delivering so much pain and hardship upon the citizens of that country.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Your time has come to its natural end,
Your course has steered itself silly,
Your tongue is disconnected from reality,
Your infamous time among the living will roll into oblivion.
Nigerians are up in arms over a comment by their President obliquely calling the 'uneducated' youth of Nigeria as indolent, rent-seeking and having an undue sense of entitlement...
134 · Oct 2017
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2017
This land flows with blood and tears,
And for a million years,
Vampires and gremlins,
Make love to werewolves and cretins.
133 · Aug 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2020
The hands moulded by fate,
But turned too late,
For destiny bear you no plan,
To flourish in my glorious clan.
133 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Everyone wrote me off,
They said I wasn't tough,
Enough to make anything work,
They forgot I didn't need their luck.
132 · Dec 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
Under a petty ruse,
Cloaked in plain sight,
Not well hidden,
A sanctimonious deceiver;

Sanctioned by incumbency,
Clever use of state resources,
Bending the rules in favour,
Open abuse of executive latitude;

But do the people care?
Too impoverished to mind,
Would readily be had,
Even for a few grains benevolence.
The ruling party in Nigeria has cleverly devised a means of buying votes toward the 2019 elections by disbursing stipends to traders: market women and men; in the names of TraderMoni and MarketMoni. Softloans of ten thousand and hundred thousand naira respectively offered petty traders without collateral. This state backed daylight use of state funds ti bribe potential voters of that particular bloc comes weeks to elections in 2019. This is no different from outright exchanging money for votes, only cleverly wrapped in doling out pittances.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
On the road to see my sweetheart,
I stopped by a hedge of red roses,
And lingered for an eternity's moment,
To savour how true love should entrap a man's soul.
132 · Apr 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
In the security of a bubble,
The might of the lowly breeze blows trouble,
Carrying with it ominous foretelling,
Of when things draw closely to a foreboding close.
131 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
This part of the world,
And it's starchy ways,
Everything fattens,
Very heart unfriendly.
131 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
This bridge cannot stand between our love,
I'll take up wings from above,
Run as far as my heart can take me,
Because with you is where I'd rather be.
130 · Dec 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
How utterly lacking in mind,
Truly missing the meat of the matter,
Bounced around by emperors of a stupid kind,
Failing to make the lives of subjects any better;

Bickering over nothing,
The critters in power chew up everything,
Turning bare buttocks to the people,
Dripping honey from foul mouths;

When will the people get a living wage?
Because you wage war against the living,
Paying just enough to go and die,
Senseless reprobates, enoying others' agonies;

But keep watch! O ye emperors!
For the day of reckoning cometh,
When your billions cannot save you,
From the same dish you served the oppressed.
The fragmented, factional and fictional disorganised labour of Nigeria have agreed to a minimum wage of N30,000 per month just above $80. In a country where lawmakers steal millions of dollars every month as emoluments and allowances. That country is really a joke and those running their affairs are clowns - and do not even get me talking about the docile, lethargic folks that call themselves the people of Nigeria. Sad.
127 · Aug 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2020
What influence has the created,
Over their creator?
If you were hired,
Then you can be fired.
127 · Jun 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2018
She was a gift to phallus,
Taking the member wherever,
Eating, swallowing, giving head,
And in the end, impaling on sweet ecstasy.
127 · Apr 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Seated on very high places,
The untouchable ones,
Unseen by the blindfolded bearer,
Of delayed unequal decisions.
126 · Jun 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
When confronted by a shift,
Even a slight ruffling,
The core explodes within,
Letting out an unsettling drift.
Chernobyl 1986 comes to mind as I contemplate what must have run through the minds of socialist power mongers that elected to keep a tight grip on their positions rather than help the people in the first few hours of that gargantuan explosion. EVIL.
126 · Aug 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2019
I lied, every time,
I mentioned some words,
To you, a constant rhyme,
They're true, two edged swords.
125 · Feb 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
There's nothing overly exciting indoors, anyway.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
So, what if we are tiny, yellow people,
In love with the tyrants that fetter us?
The powers are moving east, fast,
The oriental shifting of the balance of influence.
125 · Feb 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
"Oh, does he still love me?"
"Can this be love?"
"Is he tired...of me?"
"But, but, why now?"

Cupid's arrow has come unstuck,
Aphrodite looked the other way,
Everything fades,
Including the magic;

So, when the day started cold,
No flowers, chocolate or cake,
Even cards bearing affection,
All the fuss about lovers' day and the many intrigues surrounding the day St. Valentine initiated the #RedMovement.
124 · Mar 2018
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Burdened by the gluttony of pudgy fingered politicians,
And their endless breaking of putrefying wind,
She heaved a huge and resounding sigh, very loudly,
And, with unbounding love, laid down the troublesome load.
124 · Jul 2019
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
Hello cookie,
Can I taste your honey? heaven,
Please, can I die here?
124 · Aug 2020
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2020
I would rather,
I stayed upright,
Than erupt in temptation,
Of momentary pleasure.
124 · Nov 2015
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2015
Far from my embrace,
Left in this coldly place,
If again, I could touch your face,
And fill this lonely space.
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