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May 2019 · 83
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Don't put me down,
Because I'm female,
Don't tear my gown,
Because you're male.
The Nigerian Police Force in conjunction with some FCT sanctioned operatives under the guise of environmental & social services went rough on young women found at clubs  just before the commencement of the Moslem fasting period. These citizens of Nigeria were incarcerated, allegedly sexually assaulted with clubs & sticks all because they were found in 'ungodly hours' at 'red' spots in Abuja.

They however forgot to arrest malefolk in similar circumstances. HYPOCRITES.
May 2019 · 54
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
And to those that have died,
To keep our children free,
Our loyalty, around you, is tied,
Always, to water, this freedom tree.
May 2019 · 65
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
My insides guide me,
Tell me what and when,
Whether before ten,
Or well past three.
May 2019 · 113
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Between fiery and fun,
Eyes that make heads turn,
She pretends she hates my guts,
Yet  I colour the shape of her thoughts.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Rolling in the hay,
Bright, with warm laughter,
The picture of the us together,
It was magical, in every way.
May 2019 · 51
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
We come, here, for a reason,
Then in a season,
We leave well behind,
All, the beautiful, and the unkind.
May 2019 · 148
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
On this dark road,
Would you ride with me?
Even if fears raised questions,
Would your confidence shut them up?
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
All digital, floating somewhere around cyberspace,
Independent from establishment,
A secure form of tender?
But well suited for malicious ransom.
May 2019 · 168
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Out of a place,
Of scorn and embitterment,
An outpouring of scorching mentions,
From whence came so much adoration.
It is true that to cross a woman is to have a date with the gates of hell itself. FIRE!
May 2019 · 66
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Broken, down,
Or whether it be up,
Before you toss that top,
Stop! Is that a clown?
May 2019 · 65
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Hotter than better parts of hell,
Heathens know not to fraternise,
It's haram to try, even to modernise,
Holier than the devil's backyard, everyone can tell.
May 2019 · 95
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
If today I can't get it,
Or stop by Olympus to grab som'n to eat,
It's just a matter of chance,
And time will create a perfect balance.
May 2019 · 70
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
If we actually did stand,
Every time we felt like taking a seat,
We would have saved time otherwise,
Spent on benevolent knees.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
If only men went for,
What's between the ears,
And not,
What's between the thighs;

Perhaps the world,
Would be less complicated,
But again, what's life,
If not what kills man
May 2019 · 227
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Somewhere in the centre,
I drew the present and past together,
And no matter how many times the coin was thrown,
It landed on a future full of the terrible unknown.
Apr 2019 · 117
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Foolishness galloping geometrically,
Uncommon sense nowhere near,
But the buffoonery of greed,
Towers all else astronomically.
Nigeria's population has crossed the 200 million mark in 2019! With 80 million children out of school, poorly educated or without of ever getting any kind of is evident, even to the sightless, that only something more revolutionary than a miracle can forestall an impending doom. SAD.
Apr 2019 · 61
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Don't expect any from the living,
The dead only accept their fate,
In the realm of the quick,
Only wanting more cures their craving.
Apr 2019 · 95
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Suffering is the better part of enjoyment,
For them half a loaf is the best thing ever,
They would diefy their oppressors,
And vilify those with merciful intentions.
The case of Nigeria is a tiring one, they are okay with represive governments, agencies and policies as long as they get to survive the next day. TRAGIC.
Apr 2019 · 80
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
On this side of the equator,
Are lone wolves and gunmen,
But on the other side,
Are terrorist **** of the ****** earth!
In what appears to be a watering down, the American news media never refers to perpetrators of heinous massacres by the very same nomenclature they hang around the necks of those in the same line of callous business. WHY?
Apr 2019 · 78
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Charity ended there,
All they are, an will be,
Stashed in foreign lands,
The very, very clever fools.
Many Nigerian elites, ruling class people have this unrepentant appetite for hiding things abroad. Many looted resources have found their ways into the financial systems of first world countries but to the detriment of the fatherland. SHAME.
Apr 2019 · 74
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
So, how far would you go,
To experiment your own conviction?
How far down river would you row,
To experience reality of the other's  contrition?
Apr 2019 · 90
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
When stars die,
New experiences are born,
When stars are born,
Old experiments don't lie.
Apr 2019 · 126
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Seated on very high places,
The untouchable ones,
Unseen by the blindfolded bearer,
Of delayed unequal decisions.
Apr 2019 · 135
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Why work ever so hard,
For what, really,
All year round vacation to the ends of the earth,
Or a fleet of never before driven, custom, rare wheels?
Apr 2019 · 75
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Pretty as a picture,
But harbours an ugly secret,
She's a human waste collector,
****** and **** on for dollars.
They're used to satisfy fetishes of rich Arabian animals. They demean female folk for their own inane pleasures: a sick and dastardly fetish. For a couple of thousand dollars, these women sell dignity to the dogs. Out of desperation or an unknowingly harmless fun seeking adventure, many end up being *******, goldenshowered or beastialised. But it's all fun you until that which makes you human questions your sanity. STROKES.
Apr 2019 · 109
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Moonshine night, seated,
The two of us, whispering sweet nothings,
Wondering what the future held,
Morning! Wake up! Dream!
Apr 2019 · 74
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Unnaturally alluring,
Enticing, designed to be,
Then every cell disagrees,
Metastasising is every weird degree.
Apr 2019 · 79
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Simple solution to your complication,
Reach for a tall glass,
Whenever cravings hold your senses,
Tough, but works e'ry time.
Apr 2019 · 159
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Big, ugly brute,
Largely misunderstood?
Destroyer of lives,
With a deathly snap!
Apr 2019 · 71
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Presented in plain sight,
For all eyes to see,
Yet you're flying a kite,
Trying hard to drain the entire sea.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
At it's very teary end,
The game takes a grip,
Of those jostling for thrones,
The dead have their final say.
Apr 2019 · 99
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
The older woman smiled,
As I was seated at work,
"You remind me of my father,"
"Your receeding hair's beautiful."
Apr 2019 · 118
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Coming closer to your fire,
Makes my resistance tire,
All my denials surrender,
To your fiery, wonderful thunder.
Apr 2019 · 72
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Thinking laterally from this point,
Or diagonally up a steep incline,
Thinking vertically, ascending,
Or descending without losing the nuts and bolts of this matter.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
In the crypts of Winterfel,
Lay the bones of men that fell,
A rich harvest for Whitewalkers,
Day of doom for living talkers.
Apr 2019 · 46
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Bless me with your aroma,
Capture my senses with your magic,
Wrap me in your divine allure,
Lock me up in eternal damnation.
Apr 2019 · 142
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
A million idiots,
Are more powerful,
Than a billion eggheads,
That slept on their senses.
Apr 2019 · 121
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Holding the bundle of joy,
Swaddled in my mother's wrapper,
Only one though came to mind,
Father of a daughter, me? Goodness!
I remember the first time that I held my daughter back in 2015. It was surreal, magical, dreamlike. I still look at her, today, tugging at my beards, pulling my ears and screaming, "Daaaaaaaaaddie, I want water!"  And think to myself that I actually do not deserve this honour.

*TIWATOPELODOOLUWA in Yoruba means, "We are thankful to God."
Apr 2019 · 194
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
On av free fall,
Faster, faster, faaaaaaster!
Then you catch me,
Sloooooow meeeee doooooownnnnn, with your love.
Apr 2019 · 70
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Before the jack came down,
And the green went up,
Life was just bearable around town,
Today, however, the hardship won't stop.
Apr 2019 · 78
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
For some reasons,
Only known to them,
He would amount to nothing,
The lines wouldn't fall in pleasant places;

But the universe thought different,
The stars aligned perfectly,
And fortune smiled on him,
Then he shone,  brighter, than a billion diamonds.
Apr 2019 · 68
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Higher life form,
Lower form of life,
Might is right,
But what right has might?
Apr 2019 · 99
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
It is that little thing inside all of us,
That makes us want to deliver the biggest impact,
Whether taking a life or granting wishes,
That power to make that life changing decision.
Apr 2019 · 146
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Are we there yet?
One foot from the brink?
Are our backs flush against the wall?
Can we break through or break out?
Apr 2019 · 65
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Carroty hair,
Ginger beard,
Hour glass figure,
Snow White teeth;

There are no children starving?
Adults living in cartons?
Nations rising against nations?
Apr 2019 · 63
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
The earth is a prison,
No place to go,
Other than to the grave,
Down, down, down below.
Apr 2019 · 63
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Running my tongue over grime,
Unpleasant coarseness meets the senses,
Wall to wall discomfort,
Nothing prepares for a very stinky affair.
Apr 2019 · 77
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
How convenient, for you,
To do the things you do,
No conscience at all,
Not caring whether I rise or I fall.
Apr 2019 · 152
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
In the pursuit of nothing lost,
What then can be found?
But what indeed comes around,
Is a love story painfully gone bust!
Apr 2019 · 143
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Sticky night, power out,
Always been that way,
But during moments of brightness,
Children cannot help but shout!
Nigeria children scream, "up NEPA!" whenever the lights come on after power cut - that can last hours, days, months or years. SHAME.
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