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Apr 2019 · 134
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Over two hundred girls, taken, many moons ago,
Then more than one hundred, stolen,  in the same vein,
While the politics of stupidity serenades their incompetence,
Beer parlour intellectualism fingers the minds of many keyboard warriors.
Over five years after the Chibok girls were abducted by boko haram, the government of the day grapples with the rescue of hundreds of girls in captivity. Previous government bungled any chances of rescue by jumping on conspiracy bandwagon. SHAME.
Apr 2019 · 376
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
But the rats still give a fuss,
Vermin in defiant show of force,
Too fat to lift a claw,
Did you manicure that paw?
The Nigerian security agencies are in the habit of tagging their intervention operations in the most colourful ways. But hardly produce results akin to these appellations.  SHAME.
Apr 2019 · 71
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Beloved shackles,
Fettered minds,
Hands that never want to swing free,
And feet contented with walking backward.
Apr 2019 · 57
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Where art thine empathy,
In these times,
That tears hath diluted,
Endless gushing of blood?

Rivers of agony,
Drown empty stomachs,
Hopeless vision,
Blinded by frustration.
Apr 2019 · 58
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
The complexes that afflict my sensory synapses,
And the torments that assail my mental I'm balances,
All contribute to the ambivalence of my tough processes,
And the unwillingness of my backside leaving the soft mattresses.
Apr 2019 · 68
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Online, everywhere,
But with great convenience,
And accessibility anywhere,
Comes with even greater vulnerability.
As though putting all things online where a sinister ploy to gain access to everyone,  while selling ease of everything. VULNERABILITY. EXPLOIT.
Apr 2019 · 63
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Here we are,
And you, over there,
Between us a misconception,
But alas! we destroyed the only interpretation.
Apr 2019 · 88
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Nothing enjoys the everlasting,
For one day all comes to finality,
Ask the indestructible Kraken,
The day it set eyes upon the Medusa's head.
Apr 2019 · 52
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Soaked pillow, piles of unwashed dishes,
***** takeaways, chopsticks,
Sunshine hardly kissed this room,
Since his heart was broken in two.
Apr 2019 · 470
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Each crumb a lifesaver,
Eat to your heart's rejuvenation,
Every piece as delicate,
Enticing, even to the most conscious.
Apr 2019 · 98
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Shifting undercurrent,
Mecurial disposition,
Flippant opposition,
Message to incumbent.
Apr 2019 · 272
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Out of will,
Handcrafted, discovered,
Or prayed into existence,
Every thing invented;

Nothing ever created,
To shorten, strengthen,
Or make easier,
Ever turned out better.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Poverty capital of the entire world,
Terrorist haven, sadness lives there,
Blessed with looters in high places,
In that clone, there is no cheer.
It breaks the heart to see so much potential go to waste in a place thoroughly ***** of anything uplifting. Entire generations given to violence as means of survival. Cyclical pilfering of commonwealth by the lineages of the same vagabonds that put progress in chains since before Independence. Nigeria has become the scorn of the cosmos, a reproach to the galaxy and utter disappointment to the universe. SHAME.
Apr 2019 · 67
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
A man whose time has come,
His darkness shines brighter than the morning,
Shadows are always running,
As success is the new morning.
Apr 2019 · 96
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
If you craved it long enough,
To live, breath and constantly agonise,
Even the constellations soon realise,
Reversing a bad situation is not that tough.
Apr 2019 · 502
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
The silent scream of the grave,
Crying for justice,
From equinox to solstice,
Deafening howls that prayers cannot stave.
Apr 2019 · 57
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
When the mind is in frequency with interest,
All thoughts of hunger and thirst remain suspended,
For a brief moment or for a lifetime,
Nothing matters outside what is inside.
Apr 2019 · 57
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Dreadful or uplifting,
First few words...,
Effects, very much long-lasting.
Everyone dreads that one phone call that'll forever change their lives, either for good or bad. TOUGH.
Apr 2019 · 93
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Only he who has the patent,
Will decide the length and breadth of the content,
Whether you live to be thirty,.
Or die mysteriously from being thirsty.
Apr 2019 · 55
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
This land flows with blood and tears,
For a hundred years,
Vampires and Gremlins,
Have made love to werewolves and cretins.
Apr 2019 · 95
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
When fed with the hypocrisy,
And stuffed with copious mendacity,
You can expect smelly idiocy,
From the place common sense never shine.
Apr 2019 · 62
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
What the mind sees,
And the eyes interprete,
The great mystery of the cosmos,
Perception versus deeper conviction.
Apr 2019 · 131
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
This part of the world,
And it's starchy ways,
Everything fattens,
Very heart unfriendly.
Apr 2019 · 71
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Everything well laid,
A bit here and some there,
A wide section, narrowed,
For the mind to see.
Apr 2019 · 77
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Thin lines are fallen,
Along the edges of confrontation,
Oh, why, this nation,
Why art thee so full of downtrodden?

This canvass, black on the inside,
Dripping with blood, all over the frontside,
Unseen hands, or so we see,
Stroking the brushes of doom.
Apr 2019 · 90
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
They never fail to mix in the sunshine,
Will soak in the rain, even,
Just for a few naira notes,
Will sing and dance all day long.
Apr 2019 · 324
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Pray thee, never be incarcerated,
In any of the dank, smelly holes in that country,
And may the angels watch over you,
If misfortune were to befall your unlucky cadaver.
Apr 2019 · 325
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
All in one,
One in all,
Can do much more,
Much more can do.
Apr 2019 · 56
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Set to default mode,
An unconscious impulse,
To reach for the mobile,
Whenever, and every time.
Nigerians have been conditioned to take out their mobile devices at all times, whether odd or not. Insofar as it has helped bring to the fore many of their societal ills, it has also become an encumbrance to making sound judgement at critical times. DIFFERENT STROKES.
Apr 2019 · 42
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
When  I hear you speak,
While looking at your face,
Difficult to reconcile,
This devil and the holy grail.
Apr 2019 · 70
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
There is quiet fire, raging,
A gentle tsunami, rolling,
Silent whirlwind, breezing,
Calm storm, brewing.
Whether satirical or not, stories are rife that that an impostor sits on the hottest seat on the African continent. CLONE? ZOMBOID? BODY DOUBLE?
Apr 2019 · 73
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Many green bottles lying on the ground,
Spilled beverage running down the road,
Piles and piles of ruin,
Litter the the holy landsacpe;

While they find joy is destruction,
But none in their contribution,
Should the state fund their ignorance,
With taxes obtained from abomination?
Some states in Nigeria enjoy wrecking havoc on alcoholic beverage but derive so much pleasure in receiving monthly allocation from other proceeds of the green bottle. HYPOCRITES.
Apr 2019 · 64
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
The parts, in unison,
Every of them, one,
Contributing toward the overall,
Each conviction melting into the other.
Apr 2019 · 59
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
What! Where? When?!
You don't mean it!
Are you for real?
Can it be true?

The ball kicks the leg,
The cart draws the horse,
The sleigh pulls the dogs,
The chicken...laid by the egg?
It's bedlam in Nigeria at the moment. The same square pegs that are the origins of their present predicament have found themselves the the round hole of government house. MISFORTUNE.
Apr 2019 · 61
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Nothing works here,
Nothing has, maybe never,
Everything is for a price,
Some things require even more;

When men of the creeks,
Suddenly said goodbye to peace,
And embraced every evil form,
Planting fear into one and all;

All sorts of carrots materialised,
Thick ones, juicy ones, even the strange,
A taste for the better things,
Bigger headache for the authorities;

Who will chain the monster,
On the loose, terrifying all,
Insatiable taste for carrots,
Always wanting more and more?
They want change but keep doing the same things over and over again. SORRY.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Ofcourse not, mister!
Everywhere your position may take you,
Even your power, too,
But not for the wiser!

Your empty refrains are hollow,
And your dead promises, too,
You do not have a clue,
Want to bribe tomorrow?
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Seated in a half circle,
Around their recycled leader
Men and women of ignominious calibre,
Ruminating over matters of state;

Out of touch minds,
Ancient recluse,
Trapped in stone age idiosyncrasies,
Blind to present shifting paradigm;

Six decades of backwardness,
Circular movement without advancement,
Left behind by peers,
Now poverty capital of the world.
Nigeria boasts of professors aplenty but nothing tangible to show in terms of development.
Apr 2019 · 786
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Special anti stupid squad,
Special anti useless squad,
Special anti buffoonery squad,
Special anti senseless squad;

Getting out of hand,
Daily harassments,
Of people of state,
Existing, but just barely,

Brazen extortion,
Shameless shakedowns,
Illegal raids,
Accidental discharge!

The super highway is lit,
Keyboard warriors are miffed,
Cyber mercenaries want blood,
Digital overlords call for war!

But vagabonds in power care less,
They demonstrate total disconnect,
Throwing around meaningless platitudes,
And high sounding refrains;

But why so many?
Arbitrary creation of demonic units,
Specialising in delivering sorrow,
To ordinary folks in the streets;

Why not ask yourselves,
Reasons the youth are agitated,
Why not make diligent inquiry,
Into rise in criminality;

The answers are not on the moon,
Look around you,
And see the gulf,
Between rich and poor;

A country that boasts,
Of the richest persons on the black continent,
Male or female,
Champions the poverty comity of nations;

Therein lay the solution,
Return to the people,
Their stolen past, present and future,
And see if need be for your SPECIALS.
Only coming to light ever more increasingly, are the heinous acts of poorly trained and mentally deficient police officers of the  Nigerian Police Force special units created to fight armed robbery and cultism. These sadists have now been exposed by citizen reporters to be bloodthirsty, greedy extortionists that arbitrarily raid young men that have tattoos or wear dreadlocks. The discomforting silence of powers that be lends credence to speculations that the rogue officers have backers in high places. Now it is left for ordinary folks to negotiate their existence by giving fire-for-fire or simply bring lame ducks to be picked off at will. ACTION!
Apr 2019 · 104
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Chasing tattoos, dreadlocks and bling,
These ones don't know a thing!
They take life at the pull!
Of a trigger meant to protect all!

Dregs of the force, idiotic,
Drunken, high on narcotic,
Dressing inordinately, oozing,
Dreadfully unamusing,

They create a ****** mess,
Harbingers of sadness,
Candidates of the hottest parts of hell,
Deserving, one and all, the same horror they constantly sell.
Enough to make any sane mind livid! They have killed another innocent young Nigerian, again! The Nigerian Police Force is a terrible security agency that has demonic officers up and down its rank and file. Infamous units created to fight armed robbers have become roving task masters shaking down anyone that looks good or dressed fly. Arbitrary killing, torturing or maiming hapless people is their stock in trade and nobody from the president of that country to governors of states across the federation have said or done anything tangible to put a permanent reign on the bloodsuckers. The unsettling peace of the graveyard may just indicate a ****** revolution around the corner. INEVITABLE.
Apr 2019 · 63
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Mindless stumps of evil,
Blind to reason,
Delivering unearthly destruction,
Holy justice.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
The sun, it took a detour,
It went South,
Where all the darkness sparkled,
Then it stayed, for a while;

When the moon strolled east,
It took along the stars,
A blanket of emptiness,
Covering forgotten lands;

The baobab stretches leafy appendages,
Inviting the lonely acacia,
The obeche remembers greeny times,
When the forest was quiet and  homely.
Nigeria has ten million children out of school, may be more, but the reality of it all is that in twenty to thirty years time, that country will real the ****** reward of their negligence. WORD!
Apr 2019 · 72
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
As far as the eyes can sweep,
Over the highs and beyond the lows,
Terrain not at all firmer than most,
Haul in a day's wage of sweat.
Apr 2019 · 111
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Everywhere, hiding in plain view,
Gestures, mannerisms or whatnot,
Clandestine movements, shapeshifters, power women,
Cloaks and mufflers, gentlemen, even rappers.
Apr 2019 · 74
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019

Stopping by this edge,
To smell the spring roses,
In the far distance, commotion,
Carneries dancing in a pond;

Gloomy looking workers,
Slunking off to site,
Tired looking eyes,
Forcing reluctant legs along;

Sprightly children,
Dancing off to school,
Shiney brown sandals,
Stomping dirt roads;

The many governed by a few,
Grains stored up for the few,
Poverty and sorrow for the many,
The little, always available for the many;

Tiny speck, unseen,
Huge beast, terror to the eye,
Soft, fluffy, pleasant to the touch,
Odoriferous, prickly avoided by all;

Black people wake up one morning,
To white people on their shore,
Four hundred years later, across the sea,
Mixed race people face discrimination;

Terrible claws swooping in from above,
Little furry friend darting around for bits of this and that,
Unbeknownst calamity bearing down on silent wings,
Delivered just before the next available hiding place.
Apr 2019 · 82
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
To many, and a few,
This is not new,
Old as anyone can remember,
Cycling from January through December;

Obtaining by false pretence,
Others later coined a preference,
Yahoo! Yahoo!
Yahoo! Plus! with added voodoo;

And from Cairo to Capetown,
Or Freeport through Freetown,
Victims have been left devastated,
Even the smartest outwitted;

Advance fee fraud,
I've got gold in the cloud,
You should be investing?
So, where should I be paying?
Nigeria has gained notoriety for being the host of a number of online and offline scams. Locally referred to as 419 or Yahoo Yahoo, this sometimes elaborate schemes involve as huge as entire life savings to as ridiculous as stuffing blank paper in place of real items hawked around the streets. It has gained that country some infamy but also painted foreign victims as greedy people who'd fall prey to really stupid set ups. CRAZY.
Apr 2019 · 80
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Looting money is an unnatural affair,
May be out of fear,
Or a deeper handicap,
Not unlikened to stuffing loads of crap.
Apr 2019 · 178
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Hold my centre,
Lest apart, I begin to fall,
Prop me up to stand taller,
Or I get kicked around like a clueless ball.
Apr 2019 · 74
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Boyfriend, husband, father,
Bae, hubby, daddy,
You may call me Freddie,
To me, one, and to them, the other.
Apr 2019 · 107
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Garri and groundnut issues,
Nonsensical palaver,
But what's the matter,
With eggheads pretending not to be coconut heads?
Garri is processed cassava paste, baked at high temperature to dry free flowing grains. It's a staple in Nigeria.
Apr 2019 · 93
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
I refuse to be painted,
Or even slightly tainted,
By the same brush with which,
Our evil politicians become criminally rich.
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