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Jun 2019 · 318
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Off with your emotions!
I found a willing love,
Contrary to your machinations,
I have been blessed from above.
Jun 2019 · 188
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
For all the love I spent on you,
The poems and moonlight serenades,
The bunnies and beautiful Christmases,
All of these but you never loved me, too.
Jun 2019 · 294
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
I see what I want to see,
I hear want I want to hear,
You're responsible for your ear,
And whatever makes your cup of tea.
Jun 2019 · 116
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Our hearts have been broken,
And many spirits shattered,
It handed them a token,
Yes, we will take this hard.
The Video Assistant Referee in football matches, especially at the ongoing FIFA Women's World Cup, France 2019; has continued to call for dramatic reactions to unfavorable or favorable overtimes decisions. With many African countries feeling hard done by as most unfavourable calls have gone against their teams, it calls into question, the readiness of African nations to play at the elite levels of the world's most followed sport.
Jun 2019 · 91
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
From behind, not inspiring,
Full frontal equally disgusting,
Breaking the hearts of many,
Booking shows less than funny.
Jun 2019 · 62
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Power down our differences,
Let our potential flow,
Light up our preferences,
Pray, let our love life glow.
Jun 2019 · 143
BIAS. (2.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Heaven, it's raining gifts!
Tired after working all shifts,
Dog, will do it in lifts,
Never stalling between gearshifts.
Jun 2019 · 70
BIAS. (1.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Born with sumptuous advantage,
Can't be locked in a cage,
Monthly goes in a rage,
Yes, wants to cover every page!
Jun 2019 · 47
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Angry man storms about,
Throws tantrums all around,
Access was continuously denied,
To the sweetest thing after warm chocolate.
Jun 2019 · 64
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Charly, Romeo, Alpha, Sierra, Hotel!
A wakeful night,
****! What the hell!
Almost took 'em all on a flight!
Friend just welcomed a set of twins. Been sleeping while driving ever since. Although he has two helps at home, he finds himself dozing off everywhere he seats his ****. LOVELY!
Jun 2019 · 78
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Anytime I pick myself up,
To make something for the girls,
Consciously, I make myself stop,
Thinking like a ******* slave.
Every morning I get up to fix something for my my and daughter. Sometimes I begin to believe I'm actually doing them a favor but when I remember that they are the ones who have done me the best favour ever, I caution my thoughts and replace them with immense gratitude. LOVE.
Jun 2019 · 201
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
What if everything you will ever know,
Was a carefully orchestrated lie?
To tame you until the day you die,
And death only revealed this terrible blow?
Jun 2019 · 156
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Four years isn't eternity,
For the people of this besieged city,
Be brave, make your hearts strong,
It is true, the heavens cannot be wrong.
A lot of Nigerians are gruesomely massacred on a daily basis. The people in power seem to have lost any sense of responsibility and can only offer mendacious condolences.
Jun 2019 · 59
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Shared incompetence,
Centralised failures,
Redundant caricatures,
Secure flatulence.
Jun 2019 · 155
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Thinks he's all that,
Best thing after belly fat,
But he's no better than breaking wind,
Smelly business of the awful kind.
Jun 2019 · 90
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
And every little thing,
Diamonds, tattoos and bling,
That cyber itch to put it out there,
As though anyone actually did care.
Jun 2019 · 187
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Constantly flying in our faces,
To minutest detail,
Even expelleing faeces,
Then they go off the rail.
Jun 2019 · 77
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
It was a simple plan from the start,
And every little detail was in place,
Until you showed your angelic face,
Then the mission became your priceless, beautiful heart.
Jun 2019 · 58
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
My heart was perfectly stolen,
Until you showed up,
You relooted my senses,
And held me hopelessly in love.
Jun 2019 · 56
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
There's nothing more magical,
Or absolutely heartwarming,
Than that dreamy chuckling,
That's beyond beautiful, simply angelical.
When my two and a half years old daughter smiles during her sleep, I wonder what shes dreaming about, a far better place, than this present situation, or enjoying a warm hug with the heavenly ones. Which ever or not, it's reassuring that there are little moments such as this one that makes up for the daily struggles of being a father, provider and husband.
Jun 2019 · 22
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
The lizard swam against the tide,
No tail, no rudder,
Called out to the frog, shame on pride,
Better handicapped then dead!
Jun 2019 · 93
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
No oils, no reds or monounsaturated fat,
Lean everything, nothing but water,
But death's bike couldn't bother,
Running you over right outside your flat.
Jun 2019 · 92
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
On this lifelong journey,
We're a love in progress,
Thanks for this engaging process,
Of deeply and rewarding unfolding story.
My wife turns thirty-two today and she can pass for half that number. I'm unworthy of such a soul. Although she gets me all riled up many times, she's also that anchor that keeps me much grounded. Saves me from myself.
Many more years, Winkieboo.
Jun 2019 · 89
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Just a little would do,
No need to o'erdo,
I am no ******,
Love gently, easy on the hairdo.
Jun 2019 · 211
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
But my wall of impenetrable hatred,
And anti love defenses,
Couldn't stand up to your thoroughbred,
Sweet, delicate and measured advances.
Jun 2019 · 147
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Hot love melted my heart,
Like a knife you ran through,
But you were never true,
Dressed in white, yet wore a black hat.
Jun 2019 · 53
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Uneasiness, tossing and turning,
Suddenly an outburst, howling,
It's midnight and the senses are struggling,
Thoughts fly all over the place, praying.
My two and a half years old daughter suddenly cries out for her sleep, thrashes around and begin these episodes of shivering, goosebumps all over her body, teeth chattering. She'd been fine all day long, although she'd cried a lot while plaiting her hair in the evening, but it's nothing that he mother and myself weren't familiar with. But tonight she scared the **** out of me; my wife, the cool-under-pressur onele, took her from me, wrapped her and held her close while I stumbled all over the place looking for whatnot.

It will be hours later that her condition made a favorable turn and she'd lay in my chest to sleep. THANKS.
Jun 2019 · 115
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Out of this life,
From this existence,
An a amazing wife,
Husband without pretence?

What exactly are we looking for,
Those things we constantly pray about,
That we never fall poor,
Or comfort doesn't kick us out?

Stop to look at the heavens,
And whatever's beneath them,
The vastness of the oceans,
Gold, silver, and every other gem,

For whatsoever a man sows,
That he reaps and not another,
Therefore settle all your vows,
And be at peace with your brother.
The Kingdom of GOD is at hand. SELAH.
Jun 2019 · 132
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Everyone wrote me off,
They said I wasn't tough,
Enough to make anything work,
They forgot I didn't need their luck.
Jun 2019 · 268
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
The same hands that delivered penury,
Can never conceive prosperity,
Have you ever seen the graveyard,
Reject the offerings of the weeping sad?
The present crop of people steering the course of Nigeria will never get her to the shores of greatness and nationhood.
Jun 2019 · 125
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
When confronted by a shift,
Even a slight ruffling,
The core explodes within,
Letting out an unsettling drift.
Chernobyl 1986 comes to mind as I contemplate what must have run through the minds of socialist power mongers that elected to keep a tight grip on their positions rather than help the people in the first few hours of that gargantuan explosion. EVIL.
Jun 2019 · 87
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
How easy for men,
To fall prey to the guiles of women,
Abandoning proper critical processes,
To simply thinking with their phalluses.
From boxing greats, to TV legends; football idols and Olympian gods, the malefolk have continued to give in to fleshy dictates that result in scandalous events that have 'shocked' the 'world of women'. But will men ever learn to use what's between their ears rather than what's darling between their thighs...hmmn?! SHAME.
Jun 2019 · 379
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
They had the luxury,
Of avoiding the unnecessary evil,
But chose to abide with penury,
The height of everything but civil.
The woes of a country must be laid at the feet of her Arrowhead. FACT.
Jun 2019 · 73
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
If you can see me now,
Will you be proud of how,
Things have turned out,
And give us a big shout?
By the time I woke up at thirty, and hadn't realised my dreams of thirteen years back, I could have continued to blame naivety but instead I looked up the road and took in my knapsack. STRONG.
Jun 2019 · 73
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Lessons in defeat,
Get up on those feet,
It is a wake up call,
Get ready, again, to stand tall.
Jun 2019 · 61
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2019
Some things don't just add up,
So, the little guy is on top,
The Nigerian beast laid flat,
Smelled a fist, right from the start.
My brain didn't comprehend what my eyes were taking in after the half Mexican beat the half Nigeria be to clinch those belts.
Since the 'big baby' drugs bust, I just knew these guys were up to something.
Well, there'll always be another time to reclaim lost glory - but this story, is one big irony. STRONG.
May 2019 · 87
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
To end...or not to end it all,
What other route is there?
This is too much to bear,
Peace, maybe, beyond the wall.
Another Nigerian kicks the bucket in suicide. The increased rate of such deaths may not have been noticed by power hungry politicians only interested in advancing selfish pursuits. But the streets are replete with stories of undergraduates, husbands, teenagers, many people drinking poisonous liquids just to end it all at once.
For plethora of problems they've concluded that there aren't solutions for, they choose to ingest ******, a commonly available pesticide, as permanent solution to whatever plagued them for so long.
Nigerians are fast becoming endangered species. SAD.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Spring, wilted rose,
Why she was taken,
Nobody knows,
Too much sorrow, to take in.
A young lady went missing in one of the suburbs of Lagos State, Nigeria. And for eleven days family and friends went by all out. Sadly, her remains were found in a filthy canal, after she was washed away in a flood when attempting to cross a street on a commercial motorcycle.
All hope came to nought as news of her untimely demise filtered in.
Another one on your hands, Nigeria! May her spirit never give all of you that have made motorcycle a major means of transportation in Nigeria and made our roads deathtraps.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
The food went the wrong way,
Like every other policy of theirs,
Children have been left in tears,
Denied the right to laugh and play.
When I look at my daughter, my hear breaks every time; wondering whether I had the right to bring her into this insane society. This country doesn't care about my child. The responsibility to nurture and give her everything necessary to make her succeed is borne by her mother and me. And they expect her to be a patriot in fifteen years time? JOKERS.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
After the ashes,
And all went quiet,
Reality opened new doors,
To emotions never buried.
When my Father died on the 22nd day of May 2016, and I received the distressing call from My Mother, she was wailing uncontrollably and in the midst of flowing tears mentioned that Daddy would never see my first child.

I put up a brave face until the day of the Wake when I broke down in tears and couldn't control my emotions as I gave a few words about his lifetime.

My daughter will be three by the year's and and I still leak a few tears whenever I remember seeing his outstretched body laying motionless in the casket.
May 2019 · 136
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Wash away my longing,
But steam me first,
Dry me on the bedding,
Then quench my thirst.
May 2019 · 63
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
She floated on my consciousness,
She danced on my hair strands,
She veiled me with ***** darkness,
She taunted me with ghostly waist bands.
May 2019 · 98
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
And reality punched me in the face,
As my eyes lost their innocence,
Several shapes clothed in naked lace,
Beckoning unto men, and without  preference.
May 2019 · 108
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Seemed the spirit was lacking,
But one man kept on attacking,
Then youthful inexperience came knocking,
And it was Hots' for the taking!
In another epic turn of events, Tottenham Hotspurs came from lone goal deficit, then a   two goals deficit, to score three amazing goals against a youthful Ajax side - all three goals by one man - to reach the 2018/2019 UEFA Champions League final; making it an all English affair in Spain next month after Liverpool stunned Barcelona last night! INCREDIBLE DOUBLE COMEBACKS!
May 2019 · 74
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Teeth sunk in the jugular,
With no hope in sight,
Then one, two, the whole herd!
Bravely rekindled hope for one last fight!
May 2019 · 82
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
The proliferation of idiocy,
Calculated time wasting,
Vast amounts of buffoonery,
And targeted efforts at nothing.
May 2019 · 184
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
When the impossible happens,
Even with god on their side,
They believed, never to give up,
Knowing they will never walk alone.
On this day May 7, 2019, Liverpool overtimes a 3 - 0 deficit to trounce Barcelona 4 - 0 (4 - 3 on aggregate) at Anfield, to qualify for the UEFA Champions League final. UNBELIEVABLE!
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
An imp, an intelligent one,
A scholar, well beyond his time,
Both step forward, before,
Their queens turn everything into dust.
May 2019 · 76
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Hardly any good,
What man has ever created,
Guns, explosives, prostitution,
Gangsters in the hood,
Sad, this doom, uncannily initiated.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2019
Standing there, wondering,
Who was staring back at me,
The stranger with the devilish grimace,
Taunting me with a wicked grin.
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