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May 2020 · 45
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
I looked forward with great expectation,
In anticipation I dreamt,
For months I put shoulder to the wheel,
My heart ached long;

At last, it's here, can feel it all around,
The season of love,
The season of sharing,
Surrounded by fluffy whites;

But alas! A big blow,
Oh, what a way to shatter,
A memorable affair,
Together, with the one and only;

This silent killer,
Life taker,
Dream murderer,
Virus from the pit of hell;

Forced to stay indoors,
Away from love or friendship,
Conversing with the inanimate,
Same routine day and night;

Video calls only go that far,
They don't show beyond the edges,
How do I know, for real,
That you, also, are there alone?

Come away, Coronavirus!
Leave, now, so I can be,
With the one that I love,
Hurry, be on your way!
Adapted from "Alone, The Yuletide is UNSHARED." Penned by me in December 2000.
May 2020 · 62
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
He gave us the good,
But I must find better,
For years I misunderstood,
Why he wasn't a goal getter;

Now a father myself,
I see with different eyes,
Be true to thyself,
Even if others see lies.
My Father died on May 22, 2016. He was 80. I still hurt.
May 2020 · 88
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
A small device created to stand against reason - found in many African countries.
May 2020 · 52
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
In life such desires are made manifest,
Upon ones creativity one invests,
Upon ones intelligence one banks,
Upon ones wisdom is assurance placed;

Do you believe in yourself,
Enough to pull through?
Too you believe in the totality,
Of succeeding without someone somewhere?

Man in all his mortality,
Voices out authority and superiority,
Saying, "come unto me, wealth seekers,"
"And I will make you rich,"

But take time to think through,
Is it all worth it?
Relying on the words of flesh?
And ignoring the words of wisdom?

Man doesn't hold any key,
With which to open wealth's door,
Except that which is given,
By the janitor of endless glories.
First penned in December 2000, edited in September 2001 and March 2002. Modified in 2020.
May 2020 · 66
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Any death diminishes,
One less of our humanity,
Whether remote or personal,
Be known or unknown;

But this one hit home,
A favourite of mine,
A screen gem, no doubt,
Taken, too quickly, without goodbye.
Irrfan Khan has died. Long live Pi!
May 2020 · 51
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Immediately, gradually,
Quickly, slowly,
Temporarily, permanently,
Technically, simply.
Many businesses are forced to stay shut for fear of COVID-19 spread. For economies that rely on heavily on private sector enterprise, it's the worst period in history.
May 2020 · 69
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
COVID-19 has forced many employers out of business, employees out of work. In one of the most horrible times ever experienced by mankind, the world is groaning from the after effects of a global pandemic.
Apr 2020 · 45
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
But first, let's dance,
Happy this is all over,
Given another chance,
To sort out life's matter;

But haven't we endured,
Enough, to let hair down?
For weeks we've been bored,
It's time to hit the town!
Many have drawn comparison with the 1918 Spanish Flu that got many killed in the 2nd Wave of infections. As many cities and countries ease up on their lockdowns, historians have cautioned to be weary of the 2nd wave as COVID19 has the potential to wreak havoc.
Apr 2020 · 56
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
The best time to be awake,
Is through the night,
Even if there's no light,
It's okay to binge on that cake.
In Nigeria most times than not there's no power but when it rains, like today,we don't give a heck about it all!
Apr 2020 · 51
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
She would be his best friend,
And partner in crime,
Never finding fault in his frailty,
Always compassionate and loving,

He would be by her side,
Never complaining about her beauty,
Completing her in every way,
And always being proud of her.
Apr 2020 · 36
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
Singular overwhelming revelation,
There are coconut heads in power!
Apr 2020 · 62
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
While the poor become poorer,
The rich, unfortunately, become richer.
Apr 2020 · 50
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
Saving for the rainy day,
For Nigerians, a debatable matter?
Apr 2020 · 57
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
If Nigerians aren't any wiser,
Then it's really, and truly, over!
Apr 2020 · 57
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
Brother, sister, you may not need,
A building called church, to gather.
Apr 2020 · 57
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
You may need,
To seek another lover.
Apr 2020 · 44
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
Two would have gone in,
And come out, three or more, altogether.
Apr 2020 · 44
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
Many relationships,
Would have been put asunder.
Apr 2020 · 42
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
#COVID19Nigeria #CoronaVirusInNigeria #lockdownextension
Apr 2020 · 54
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
You will wage the greatest battles,
Of this life, not with hardware,
But a crises of contending emotions,
Feelings struggling to gain prominence;

Whether they rule you,
Reining them all in,
Or succumbing to the intrigues,
All end in that one place.
Apr 2020 · 77
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
War! War!! War!!!
All around me sin a-blazing,
I run in every direction unseeing,
Looking for that door;

High on a moral ground,
Celebated from corruption,
Hermitted from seduction,
Sprituality all over me wound;

Then came the guns,
Bullets of lustful persuasion,
Sporadic shots of infatuation,
Leads of immorality weighing several tons;

Help me! Please, help me!
My soul cries out for a place,
Where I can see God's face,
Away from this drowning sea.
Apr 2020 · 52
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
These things happen,
Planned or unplanned,
Although nursing one in hand,
Doesn't stop taking a quick stand;

So, in the heat of it all,
The smooth rise and sweet fall,
Whether some got in...,
...or was withdrawn before the rushing;

There was a delay in the flow,
Maybe it's just slow,
The cycle is well into the fourth,
Gives us some food for thought;

The two stripes were telling a story,
Of possible nine months glory,
Admidst lots of emotions, mixed and mashed,
But out the window is having life smashed.
In the fifth month of our new born son, my wife thinks she missed her period...oh, wow!

Between our first daughter and son is three years and this one, if the two stripes from yesterday's test strip is confirmed, means the next bundle of joy will be fourteen or fifteen months younger than the now youngest...yikes!
Apr 2020 · 53
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
The credibility of the toilet,
Is to be full of **** and ****,
Take both in copious amounts,
And give nothing back, save relief;

Something many of them,
Will never amount to,
All they can ever offer, anyone,
Is a plateful of sorrow and tears.
Nigeria's ruling class, the lot of them, are a special breed of kleptomaniacs, nepotistic bigoted opportunists and unashamed oppressors.

They are full of nonsense.

Nothing, in recent times, has exposed the like the novel Coronavirus. COVID-19 simply revealed how totally dense and they all are. Even those pretending to be eggheads have shown, now, that they're are actually coconut heads.
Apr 2020 · 55
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
COVID-19 is no respected of person or status.
Apr 2020 · 74
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
An enemy,
A shadow in the wings,
Waiting to know you.
Many times we perceive reality wrongly.
Apr 2020 · 39
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
COVID-19 routine.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
In times of difficulty,
Many reveal themselves,
The true nature is made known,
And put on display for all to see;

But in peace times,
You can make all talk,
Beat your chest at rivals,
Project an image of invincibility;

Then comes a damning curve,
Like the one a pandemic draws,
Showing weakness of inept proportions,
Struggling to make sense of it all;

You see a truly great nation,
Able to export good and evil,
Keeping its core untouched,
Turning tables at every turn;

If humanity makes it,
Albeit battered and bruised,
The ranking of nations will be revised,
To show, now, the true world power.
Countries like Nigeria aren't on this table.
It's the Communists and Capitalists.
Where the Capitalists have gone on to perpetuate a mighty image over the century,  the Communists have arrived and in a mightier fashion.
Nothing has exposed the Capitalists like the COVID-19 pandemic and sent them scampering in all directions.
The Communists alleged to have sponsored a state sanctioned biological warfare that didn't spread to their capital city, simply reached in to their well stocked arsenal and whipped out enough to deal the disease or infection decisive blow.
Now the Communists are offering aid in human or material resources to their biggest rivals, the Capitalists.
Apr 2020 · 77
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
To the party,
To development,
To common sense,
To everything else;

Coronavirus COVID-19,
Has stripped them,
Down to their inefficiencies,
Revealed! All lack basic competencies;

The people of state bear the brunt,
Of coconut heads acting like eggheads,
Led by an ancient of days,
Too old for many modern ways.
The young people of nigeria groan under the heavy burden of analogue leaders stuck in leadership styles that lead nowhere.

It is sad that while many other countries in the same age range as Nigeria have gone on to become self-sufficient in many industrial, technological and educational aspects of their existence, Nigeria has gone on to breed over ten million children out of school and eight times that underemployed or unemployed.

COVID-19 sheds new light on what the future can be like - the kind that takes full advantage of technology and industry.

Question is that will Nigerians still throw their future away by the next election cycle or make a radical one-eighty-degree turn away from greed and stupidity?
Apr 2020 · 62
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
Silence cut through thick expectation,
Minds already at wits end hopeful,
For some favourable mention,
At least the cup can be half full;

The people of state are in a frenzy,
Day and night they stand watch,
Not a time to be lazy,
Bonfires pierce the night like a torch;

Criminals are on the loose,
Tiny looking lads called the untouchables,
Ask the vulnerable to choose,
Between life or their valuables;

The otherwise heavy-handed jackboot,
Suddenly has grown light,
They that delight in shared loot,
Miraculously have blended with the night;

So, here we are on another leg,
A journey within four walls,
With nothing, even a happy keg,
To quench the longing in swollen *****
The President of Nigeria has ordered another fourteen days continued lockdown in the face of COVID19 scourge.
In a dispassionate and very robotic countrywide address, the man mentioned everything but how to keep Nigerians from tearing out their hair before the end of an extended lockdown.

Already armed robberies and looting have begun in the suburbs of Lagos and Ogun states. Eliciting community vigilante initiatives.

As usual the Nigeria police have no clue.

Nigerians are now left wondering how the disorganised methods distributing palliatives would suffice over the next fortnight.

Well, Nigerians can only turn to what they know best: prayers; hoping not to die of COVID-19 or by hunger's claims.
April 13 2020
Apr 2020 · 110
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
There's no time than now,
That this country needs a rebirth,
All of the old must die,
To give life to a new beginning;

We just cannot continue like this,
Those dinosaurs have caused enough harm,
They've destroyed well enough,
Turned a bad situation irreversibly worse;

Thus a decaying of all the old ways,
An accelerated putting to death,
All religious bigoted acts of stupidity,
Tribal or ethnic jingoistic anomie;

A nation is coloured by its leader,
Unfortunate if such were defined,
By the idiosyncrasies of religious,
Or backward ethnosocial beliefs;

We are were we are,
Where we're not well,
Wherein we were,
Whereas were we where;

Thus it makes sense to gather,
The lot of these analogue invertebrates,
Offer them a life in exile somewhere,
Where the sun will never shine.
Nigeria must do away with the crop that defined it's sixty-year existence, for it is clear they cannot be part of the next sixty.

Let them that have any sense at all, reason.

Given the things we see during this global COVID19 pandemic local response, it is vivid, even to the visual impaired that the people unfortunate to be at the helm font have a clue.

The year twenty-twenty is a defining curve. Where we to miss redrawing our fate, then all has been lost.
Apr 2020 · 41
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2020
Glory to the most high!
For our mist is gone!
Once, we had fogged up sky!
But now a crystal tone!

Many thanks to lockdown,
Who knew... who knew...,
Took a ride downtown,
'Twas as good as new;

The earth breathes again,
Celestial messages coming through,
Unhindered by polluted refrain,
Everywhere the skies are blue, true;

Sadly, man won't continue this way,
For as soon as this enemy is defeated,
Renewed rat race takes over the day,
And the dark night continues unlimited.
Industrial nations marvel at post lockdown images, after COVID-19 forced many exhaust to go quiet.
In decades, people haven't seen the true colour of their firmament, always covered in dense fog; testament to their unrelenting and powerful industry.

It's a miraculous marvel they'll enjoy albeit for a short while, as the race is on to eliminate COVID19 from the face of the earth.

The year twenty-twenty is indeed a year of interesting occurrences.
Mar 2020 · 36
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Shameless lectern robbers,
Pulpit thieves!
They have no qualms,
Duping the simple of GOD;

In a time of fear and great confusion,
They devise means of wanton avarice,
Taking from the poor and needy,
Unto themselves, ****** gluttons!

Corona, here's an assignment for you,
Pay them a quick visit,
Yes, the ones that see it all,
Now, let's see, if they SEE you coming!
It's a big shame that human beings that have elevated themselves into the position of the oracle of the most high continue to perpetrate and progress in stealing from the people.
Pastors, they call themselves, devising means of collecting all sorts of payments vouched in fancy religious garbs of offerings, tithes and whatnot.
They haven't found unique ways of reaching out to soothe the worries of their flock, bring them comfort in trying COVID-19 times but all they are after is their greedy bellies.
If people the world over don't realise the folly in their service to these pastors of deceit now, then no hope of ever having any sense again, forever.
Mar 2020 · 54
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
In the times of forced confinement,
There's only one requirement,
Those four walls, or more,
Protect your from what's beyond the door;

So, all you need do,
Is not be daily blue,
But turn your heart,
And give it a fresh start.
For the foreseeable future, people will be in lockdown around the world. And the only way to survive, fully functional, is to come to terms with reality as COVID19 deals the world a mortal blow.
Mar 2020 · 31
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Let the people declare the end of times,
But haven't you had enough?
When will you turn to face the oppressor?
Even with your backs against the wall;

Reality crept upon the wicked,
The ones that gloried in foolishness,
They hid the commonwealth for themselves,
Yet see how useless their hoard has become;

As the crown of thorns rips through them,
Man, woman, old and young,
They struggle, now, like their oppressed many,
In fear of dying, the cowardly false gods;

But the people are silent,
Cowed by years of servitude,
Everyone afraid of something,
Keyboard warriors in solitude;

This chance to press reset,
Take back your stolen destiny,
You see their weakened resolved,
Now, is the time, to rise as one!
There has never been a more opportune time that Nigerians could free their caged affairs. But will they?
All Nigerians do is sit behind keyboards, tapping out their frustrations.
But the times have presented a unique window to push down oppression, make extraordinary demands in extraordinary times, as COVID19 ravages the globe.
Knowing the arrowhead of oppression itself has been gifted this new coronavirus and nowhere to turn, presents a clear shot at the Nigeria of our dreams.
But will the people respond?
Mar 2020 · 44
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
An untimely occasion presents,
Here given an unprecedented opportunity,
To reshape the entire community,
To stop everything, and begin afresh.
The entire world goes into total lockdown as COVID19 coronavirus threatens the man's existence.
For countries like Nigeria that have never prepared for the worst, only choosing to behave like ostriches in times of danger, it is a unique moment to take stock, recalibrate and restart the system.
Mar 2020 · 49
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Under the hardship of poverty,
And persistent lack of anything comfortable,
The people have turned a brutal lot,
Not minding whether their leaders perish;

But why blame them?
All they have known is impoverishment,
From cradle to grave is a struggle,
With no affection from the top;

The people attend rotten hospitals,
Learn, if at all, in crumbling schools,
Move around in rusty public transport,
And are buried in overgrown graveyards;

And when the forces bless their tormentors-in-chief,
With ailments of Eastern origins,
And cannot go to Western lands for cure,
The people are glad, and dance to karma's melodious rhythms.
Unconfirmed rumours are rife that Nigeria's president, vice president, chief-of-staff to the president and a number of aides may likely be infected by COVID19.

The word on the street is that the old men in power may just be getting a tatse of their own medicine as they are forced to use the neglected health facilities they budgeted humongous sums for over four to five years.

And the people are generally in expectation of the worst for their leaders that have never shown them any form of concern in previous times.

Interesting times indeed.
Mar 2020 · 36
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Drawing a straight line,
From the affluent,
To those struggling to pay rent,
All stuck in, wine or no wine;

The neglected places,
Have become cherished spaces,
Will now be adorned with rich laces,
For our guests with chubby faces.
For many years the ruling elites have looked to the United Kingdom, United States and other foreign lands for medical care but these are forceful times requiring people stay in their country of origin.

So when the Nigeria presidency, legislative arms are in crisis of COVID19 infection from their gallivanting around Europe and America, they have no other option than to use the very abandoned health facilities they failed to equip over the years.

The cows have simply come to barn.
Mar 2020 · 46
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Growing up was lonesome,
Didn't believe I was awesome,
In fear of everything,
Self esteem was nothing.
Different times, now.
Mar 2020 · 35
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Oh, what time to be alive!
To see, to see! The wicked stumble!
The untouchables believed they'd survive,
In the secret place of their bubble;

Now the story is about them,
Premium the access to the world,
Going thither or whither the globe's stem,
Even where they're not called;

While the poor are behind curtains,
Unsure, restless, hoping against uncertainty,
In the darkness, praying against unseen restraints,
Bound by a shared impoverished humanity;

The authorities of heaven,
Have laid the tables even,
Gifted our oppressors a mighty burden,
Occupied from dawn and beyond eleven.
COVID-19 is proving to be some kind of leveller in Nigeria as the high and mighty have been forced to use the same health institutions they failed to upgrade or fix over the years.
From lawmakers to the son of an ex vice president, the virus has got them in pretty bad situation after junketing around the world on taxpayers funds.
We are all in this, the rich or the poor.
Mar 2020 · 45
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Every one easily recognisable face,
Has come down with the virus,
From Norway to Australia, an alarming pace,
Isn't this a circus?

Like an oblique propaganda,
Set to cause global apprehension,
It employs celebrities into its agenda,
Just to further heighten a campaign of confusion;

Europeans have caught it,
Footballers, too,
People of colour can get it,
Even world leaders, too;

Thus the story unfolds,
Of how the world unites in terror,
Panic, fear in great manifolds,
Grips the planet in total horror!
How those celebrities have been coming down with COVID-19 leaves more questions than answers in my mind.
The latest is a black man of European descent. After famous footballers have been infected and some achieving remarkable recoveries.

The leadership of certain countries have been infected, others exposed. In one huge play of sorts, this thing gradually finds a stage to present one of the biggest, globally organised tragedies, of the modern era.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
I was born in a leap year,
I mean, that's not a bad thing,
Could have been worse, my dear,
Like a venomous wasp sting;

But as I've come into being,
February twenty-nines marked fear,
Come to expect some terrible happening,
Something to scratch the world's ear;

The calamities following leap years,
Are far more bizarre, horribly so,
For there's a multiplying of tears,
Reaping four times the evils we sow;

I lost my dear father in a leap year,
Failed high school and had to repeat,
My own mentor drowned my hopes beyond repair,
And my beloved girlfriend broke my heart in a beat;

Suddenly, from the far East,
And spreading through the West,
Rises a deadly and unseen beast,
Eating up the elderly and infecting the rest;

It's a few months in,
Tragedies recorded are alarming,
The future is amply frightening,
Yet 'tis mere introduction to horrors we have seen.
The year 2020 will go up in history as quite a horrific one. A pandemic and some greed, all mixed together to unleash wickedness on humanity.
Mar 2020 · 49
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
No one can tell my story,
Any better than I experienced them,
Those cold and trembling nights,
When my body ate it's own fat;

Felt abandoned by my parents,
Left to the mercy of strangers,
That took me in, forgot to feed me,
Watched me shrink to the bone.
Between the years 2002 and 2007, my whole life was led one day at a time, many times hunger shook me like a fever, felt betrayed by my parents for sending me into the world to find mercy in the home of strangers.
Mar 2020 · 44
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
I wear something larger,
As I have acquired a frame, bigger,
The years have added their toll,
But I am on a positive roll;

Everything that my closed eyes have dreamt,
With open reality I have learnt,
That life will give as much as it takes,
No regretting free opportunities and one-night forsakes;

In four decades a lot have transpired,
My father has for four years expired,
Dear mother suffered a grieving stroke,
And many times I have been badly broke;

I found a wife, woman of my rib,
And twice, we have filled our crib,
A boisterous girl, now three,
And a charming boy, four months lovely to see;

So I have considered my days,
And reflected on my ways,
To the owner of my soul, many thanks,
For many never swarm this banks;

As the other half looms large,
Setting off on a greying, more introspectful barge,
I pray the seas be milder, blessed kinder,
Offering fresher courses toward the unknown border.
I turn forty years old today March 14, 2020.
Mar 2020 · 36
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
One by two, and tens, by the hundreds,
Humans coming down with it,
And before long, there are thousands,
Many dead, and more dying;

****** countries are deflowered,
By the infected from abroad,
Showing no signs at the ports,
Only to manifest a few days after;

But why allow them in?
Coming from tainted lands,
They should remain in situ,
If they cared, any, about their countrymen.
Previously unheard of countries become popular, no thanks to COVID-19.
Mar 2020 · 33
CORONA. (3.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Panic creeps upon the world,
President's; their wives, footballers and Prime Ministers,
Large social areas have been walled,
Race is on to produce oceans of hand sanitisers.
COVID-19 targets important personalities, as preventive kits makers cash in on large demands.
Mar 2020 · 30
CORONA. (2.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
In what seems like a movie,
Art transforming into life,
The world can't take a selfie,
Thick fear can be cut by a knife.
COVID-19 stops social interaction the world over. Empty flights, tourist destinations and countries quarantined!
Mar 2020 · 61
CORONA. (1.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
The world is a vulnerable place,
All that's needed is a slowing pace,
Anything to restrict global movement,
And watch how economies become insolvent.
COVID-19 exposes the world's underbelly. Many countries have become vulnerable as tourism takes a big hit.
Mar 2020 · 36
I. AM.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Going to be forty in weeks,
Still have no clue,
Mother thinks my hair's due,
But not falling for her old tricks;

Midlife crisis is at hand,
Job security tops the list,
Should I join a local band,
Or a ******* at the very least?

A son and a daughter,
Then we close shop,
Both are not a bother,
Unless there's a naughty drop;

Recently rounded up oldies,
1408, Shutter Island and Resident Evil,
Alone, without any cronies,
I'll just try to be civil.
Forty in hours, actually.
Mar 2020 · 59
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
It's all comers thriving port,
Where receives all questionable sort,
The white Jesus, blond, blue eyed,
And the point where freedom died;

First came an American man with suspicious payload,
But caught by the eagle eye of an Amazon bold,
Whereas Adadevoh gave her life, to save hundreds of millions,
Ebola disease had no qualms

Just as we thought this too shall pass,
An Italian man skips our terrible defenses,
Who knows how far he had transmitted,
The deadly Wuhan China Corona Virus;

Codenamed COVID19,
The potential annihilator has arrived,
Coconut heads responsible for early detection,
Obviously busy enjoying some unwarranted vacation;

And as the many have taken to prayers,
To ward off evil from their areas,
The charge is to ruling class,
To not confirm theirs is the true natured ***.

How did the Italian man gain entry since the 25th of February only to be found on the 27th of February?

Questions are being asked, but are they the right ones?
It is rightly clear that a bio warfare payload can be delivered into the heart of the most populous black country on earth. Zero defenses.

While the one percent political elite continue to enjoy splurges of affluence at the detriment of the ninety nine percent impoverished ones, it is the prayer of ordinary Nigerians that such tragedies occasionally, if not regularly, visit the architects of their miseries and misfortunes.
Mar 2020 · 34
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
Mamma mia! We're dying!
All around us people getting infected,
The entire country must stay in,
Until the pandemic loses its head;

Children are terrified,
Mothers and fathers in quarantine,
Government, surely they've not lied,
That we all risk arrest and a fine;

But we can't, all, be the worst sinners,
What has the heavens against us?
All over the world there are better revellers,
If we transgressed, surely against milder laws;

This is no joke,
The holiest city, too!
Is this the final stroke?
Sudden judgment, the eternal coup?!
The entire country of Italy, also the Vatican under forced quarantine, as the Italian government battles Corona Virus COVID-19.

Is this how the final days would be, the end of time?
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