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Mar 2020 · 46
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
So, let it be known,
That I lived in the times of heroes,
In both sides of the universe,
Whether it be DC or Marvel;

Yes, we need heroes,
Now, more than ever,
In these times of bloodshed and hate,
And diseases of unknown origins;

This is callibg out to you,
Wherever you may be,
Earth needs her avengers,
Heed our prayers, save our souls.
The real world is bereft of real heroes, super humans, ready to battle evil until it surrenders. All we have are soldiers are soldiers of fortunes, ready to do the bidding of the highest paying megalomaniac. SHAME.
Feb 2020 · 35
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
Here I am, still a nobody,
Untill I found somebody,
She allowed me on her body,
And makes me the envy of everybody.
The dream of all.
Feb 2020 · 124
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
There's nothing overly exciting indoors, anyway.
Feb 2020 · 64
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
In the cold of loneliness,
I have suffered neglect,
Dislocated from your love,
Everything has become misaligned.
No love, more problem.
Feb 2020 · 43
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
When expenses throw huge surprises,
No need to wear elaborate disguises,
Call in those old favours,
Don't care about debt filled rumours.
Money is hard to come by; creativity even harder.
Feb 2020 · 77
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
And I have realised a man,
Truly can never,
Be free of his umbilical,
Eternally bound to his mother;

And when he takes a wife,
The vows become another bond,
Too strong, even to contemplate,
Breaking asunder at a whim

And between both women,
A delicate imbalance,
Where it to materialise,
Portends misfortune for the unfortunate;

Thus here I am,
Strongly contemplating,
Whither to be this way,
Or that, and it tears me apart;
Life is neither white nor black, or gray either.
Feb 2020 · 77
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
A welcoming warmth during cold,
A place where love w'll hold,
A cool bide in the day's heat,
A beautiful place for refreshing retreat.
We all need this.
Feb 2020 · 178
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
Hear thou me, tonight, oh Lord,
From the innermost of my recesses,
Give I unto thee, many thanks,
For preserving my life;

For with shalt I have mentioned,
Thy ever loving goodness,
In the less warmly hole of the grave,
Being pleasant food for termite and maggot?

Thus I lift my heart into thee,
As I look ahead unto forty,
Your mercies are supreme,
And I say thou alone art magnificent.
Tonight would have been the last for me if the Lord hadn't guided my vehicle to a safe place as the front right wheel came off..after doing 100km/hr on the highway for over 100km on my way from work tonight. PRAISE!
Feb 2020 · 56
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
It's well within my handicap,
To try and outdo my peers,
Sometimes I receive nauseating jeers,
But most times I get a thundering clap;

I can't relate much,
Love is far from me,
Terrible at daring or lunch,
Or a warm evening by the sea;

They say I'm a savant,
An autistic with amazing gift,
Raised by my doting aunt,
She put in everything, and an extra shift.
Nature compensates.
Feb 2020 · 79
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
Separate yourself from your limitations,
Step back, can you see?
You lived a lie, all along,
Refusing to accept, what you can be.
Once is a while we all need that big hand.
Feb 2020 · 26
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
If there be,
Then all would find,
Peace at the end,
But have we?
Nothing is everything for something.
Feb 2020 · 42
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2020
She has become a shining star,
Now among the Cherubim,
And her wings, never far,
Rejoicing, always, with the Seraphim.
It's the most difficult thing for a parent to bury a child.
Jan 2020 · 56
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
The jump,
Nobody saw it happen,
They turned, all of a sudden,
Bodies falling with a great sad thump!
Finally, WHO declares the novel Wuhan coronavirus a global threat to world health as confirmed cases recorded in the United Kingdom.

Even the uninformed could have seen this trajectory and calculated that it would take less than a month for the virulent strain to reach every continent in earth.

Are we witnessing the first human population culling since the bubonic plague?
Jan 2020 · 40
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Full of energy,
Bursting at every pore,
No, not one moment of lethargy,
Sunny bright at the very core.
Many youths of Nigeria origin living in Nigeria are disillusioned.
Jan 2020 · 68
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
But why are women like this?
Mother never wants to let go,
Wife wants mother-in-law out,
In the middle, without a clue.
It's always a dicey situation in many African homes.
Jan 2020 · 65
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Clothed in this hot thong,
But how did I see?
My mind stripped her long,
Oh, ****! My zipper came free!
Who's the devil here?
Jan 2020 · 33
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Hiding! Right before our very eyes,
Shining bright, dressed in a thousand lies,
The very one that drew tears from us,
Had ridden off on the midnight bus.
Loudly kept secret of what actually befall the King of Pop.
Jan 2020 · 77
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Their diversionary stratagem,
Here you see, there you don't,
Dressing up the tree stem,
To hide decayed root and dying foliage.
The Nigeria government is an illusionist.
Jan 2020 · 31
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Come, break my heart,
I have no use for it,
Set my walls apart,
Here, come have a seat;

You can shoot me in the back,
Take your best shot,
My life is a huge hack,
Job, poorly written plot;

So, here I am, vulnerable,
The best chance you ever get,
No, I am undesirable,
Do me quick, and then forget.
Things we say versus what we really mean.
Jan 2020 · 61
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Dirt poor, low life lackey,
The son of nobody,
Gutter rat, poverty hugger,
Hardly a warm meal to eat;

But blessed by fate,
With power to stir minds,
Wielding instruments of revolution,
The gates of authority swing open;

Carried on the shoulder of the impoverished,
Feet washed in their blood,
Backed by their relentless hope,
And annointed by their faith;

Alas! Comrade turned traitor,
Refusing to yield the people's mandate,
Trampling on the same spirits,
That oiled your rise to prominence.
Many freedom fighters later become freedom killer's when they taste the perks of power and become drunk in its corruption.
Jan 2020 · 28
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Today, all came to a final,
And each part was total,
You gave up everything,
To amount to nothing.
Lose yourself, so you can find it.
Jan 2020 · 29
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Today, all came to a final,
And each part was total,
You gave up everything,
And amounted to nothing.
Lose yourself, so you can find it.
Jan 2020 · 42
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Come now, to light,
That a bird in flight,
Caught in a messy fight,
Fell out the sky, the other night;

Mothers, fathers, and uncles,
Daughters, sons, and aunties,
Shared loving goodbyes, sweet hugs,
To meet again over warm mugs;

But alas! With one shot!
Everything came to pieces!
Breaking the hearts of hundreds, lot!
Last moments, unimaginable,
Human error?
Iran unintentionally shot down flight 752 carrying 176 passenger and crew members. They claim it was a direct reation to America's belligerence.
Jan 2020 · 26
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Big, hairy, scary thing,
Taking up all the good space,
Foul breath, stinky attitude,
Stomping around like King Kong;

My fears were with me,
They lived within my recesses,
Constantly, each one reminded me,
Daily, of my caged excesses;

But you don't come at my heart,
Breaking down all my defenses,
You never wanted love from the start,
All you brought were mere pretenses.
Hard to recover from a failed relationship founded on misdirection.
Jan 2020 · 23
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
You bother me; yes, you do,
The energy you bring, too,
And who said you're welcome?
Everything, to us, but not awesome.
Some people just don't get it.
Jan 2020 · 42
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Young men across the country,
Are gradually sliding into endangerment,
Commonplace to see criminals in uniform,
Misuse the apparatuses of State;

Against these young fellas,
Already frustrated by a system,
Currently designed to cut them down in their prime,
With no questions asked.
Nigeria's young men are highly at risk of not celebrating their 25th or 30th birthday if they become successful or appear to be successful by the age of 20.

Many undocumented and documented killings of young men by trigger happy police men.

But who will save our young men?
Jan 2020 · 82
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
In the darkness there's a weakness,
Terrifying shadows that feed on fear,
But in the light, it is very clear,
That with brightness comes immense greatness.
Not many are friend with the light.
Jan 2020 · 37
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Who do you think you are,
A shooting star?!
What are you doing here,
Lice in my hair?!

Never thought in several lifetimes,
That my heart would lose guard,
And someone with melodious chimes,
Would play this winning card.
When love takes your breath away.
Jan 2020 · 32
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
This right here,
Is one piece of shocking news,
That a promising young man,
Has sailed on beyond the living;
Menfolk are an endangered species.
Jan 2020 · 57
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Eat! Drink! be merry, for none knows,
What the morrow delivers,
Maybe a basket full of sorrows,
Or plenteous mirth like many gushing rivers.
We have only one life to lead, live.
Jan 2020 · 47
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Wounded by life's knocks,
She built a wall around her heart,
To guard against disappointing shocks,
Yes, that was a good start;

Until he came with a smile,
Some kind of magical style,
And pictures of walking down the isle,
Vowing, never to leave her, in a messy pile.
Sometimes it takes a lot of courage.
Jan 2020 · 77
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Hey, what happened to you?
And what did I do?
Last time was... can't even remember,
So, are we lost... forever?
Jan 2020 · 49
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Nothing ever suffices,
In fact, all fall short,
Constant, unrelenting demand,
For this, this and that, and that!

Root of all evils,
Genesis of all wars,
Origin of all maleficence,
Beginning of all ends.
Every bad thing is traceable to greed.
Jan 2020 · 32
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Lying on my hands,
The uselessness of it all,
Planting in the fall,
Reaping from flooded lands.
Jan 2020 · 61
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
In the days boredom tucked me in,
And all I was busy with was laziness,
Many visions visited my idleness,
And innovations, today, I'd already seen.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Give love to family,
And cheer those that aren't,
Make merry all, together, happily,
Offer peace to them that can't.
You can only do so much.
Jan 2020 · 131
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
For nine moons and more,
This umbilical connected us,
You, I worshipped with heavenly adore,
Yet, our ways must part thus;

And you must find it,
In your beautiful heart,
Not to feel envy's heat,
But to welcome this new start;

I am a man now,
With a beautiful wife,
A girl and boy,
I'll turn forty in this life,
I, no longer, am your very good toy.
Many mothers find it extremely hard to let go of their sons, even after these boys get married, have children and grey hair!

Mothers, we love you, but we have our own lives to lead now.
Jan 2020 · 33
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
I welcome failure,
Like I bid a departure,
It's always not intriguing,
Until success comes begging.
Jan 2020 · 80
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Whence art thine brownskin cast?
Down to the pits of ignominy and scorn,
Isn't thine form after the divine's?
And portions of glory adorning thine existence?

So, why play the fool,
To they that once were savage,
Whose history is replete with blood,
And orgied in the corpses of hunched maidens?
The black race has become the scorn of the earth. Yet when we research history, we find those that crossed the oceans with imports of foreign deceptions, had worse history of barbarism, cannibalism & fetishes only best imagined.

Whereas in the days before Christ, black people had universities where other races came for knowledge acquisition.

Wake up black people!
Jan 2020 · 37
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2020
Let's take some time to reflect on the ones we have lost in the outgone year(s),
For we'll never see them, again,
To morn them, deeply and without refrain,
For this much we owe them, and rivers of flowing tears;

But, then again, life is a turning wheel,
That continuously, must, keep on moving,
However we may presently feel,
The hustle, must indeed, keep on going;

And as we take on another 365,
Men, take a closer look at yourselves,
Everything depends on you being alive,
So, pick up your health cards from those dusty shelves;

Make it a duty to oil your hinges, men,
Run, cycle, and liven up your waists,
Drink water, eat healthy, but not past ten,
Once in while, lift 'em solid weights;

So, when all is said and done,
Brother, you've one life to live,
Don't wear out your bone,
Ev'r before it's your time to leave.
Yaweh keep us in his Mercy through Yeshua, amen.
Dec 2019 · 200
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
Dearly beloved,
Yet, here we are, again,
Winding down another year's grind & hustle,
365 daily sweating the bustle;

Forgive me, whither I crossed you,
Mine spirit doth deeply begeth your forgiveness,
Aye, the new year can only get better,
Sharing renewed happiness and plenteous laughter;

Our losses, though they hurt,
Yet all glory to Yahweh all mighty,
Christ, Yeshua, continues to reign,
Constantly soothing our searing pain;

I love and cherish you,
Please find a reason to love me, too,
Never doubt the authenticity,
Toward you, of my heart's clarity;

And as another journey beckons,
Into the the daily unknowns,
Remember, Yeshua will intercede for his own,
As he sits, aright, Yaweh's heavenly throne.
A Yuletide message.

This is my 1000th post & I'm quite humbled with how far I've come. Many thanks to all that have followed,  unfollowed & followed again. May the forces be with you all.
Dec 2019 · 148
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
The thousandth but one,
On this journey of four lines,
And although I'm not done,
I rest, a while, from the scribbling climes.
Dec 2019 · 85
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
Everything has become nothing,
They thought he stood for something,
Now the masquerade is unclad,
And truly, he is quite mad;

Everything is backward,
One peaceful backyard,
Has become a battleground,
Fallen consciences all around;

Everything will come undone,
To this motherland we were born,
And a few will make it theirs?
Heavens forbid! It will end in tears!
The convener of #REVOLUTIONNOW and former #AACPARTY Presidential candidate has been held prisoner by the secret services of the government of nigeria.

Yesterday, after finally tasting freedom since 125 days incarceration, twice the secret services disobeying court order, the freedom fighter was ambushed in court premises, a female judge chased away; the he was brutally rearrested and whisked away.

What a country nigerians live in. SHAME.
Dec 2019 · 74
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
My eyes never beheld,
Ever, such mound of pure bliss,
Pleasures of silky goodness,
Once in, no reason, to leave.
Dec 2019 · 69
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
Always a pleasant experience,
Snuggled up in your field,
Embraced by your magical build,
Free of all, everything, and guilty conscience.
Dec 2019 · 85
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
Something's not right,
But I may be wrong,
Dancing to an unwelcome song,
As though we were in a silent fight.
Dec 2019 · 90
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
Mom had barely shut her eye,
Than Sam howled up a storm,
What! But he just ****** me dry!
Oh, slumber, when will I get some?
Respect to all nursing mothers, your labour of love will not go unrewarded,
here on earth.
Dec 2019 · 216
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
The cheerful, bubbly man?
The one that catches attention?
Yes, the angels took him away,
And we're too shook, to ask, why?
Mr. Mattias Hamo was a man of immense stature, of tremendous timbre and calibre. The last time I saw him was in 2017 when he gave me a lift and some pocket change. He was a frugal man.

His wife was was a senior colleague and elder to me.

He will be greatly missed.
Dec 2019 · 69
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
I have offended many,
That did not deserve any apology,
And attracted a few,
With loveless methodology.
Dec 2019 · 78
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2019
I'd rather not doubt,
Your good intentions,
Even ignore my perceptions,
Of what you're truly about.
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