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Aug 2020 · 124
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2020
Can't wait to be born,
Can't wait to crawl,
Can't wait to brawl,
Can't wait to return.
When young, we hurry to get older. When older, we miss the younger days.
Aug 2020 · 115
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2020
Government, led by animals,
Government, of animals,
Government, for animals,
Government, sadly unfit for animals.

Nigerians attempt to wake up their sleeping consciences, this day August 5, 2020.
Aug 2020 · 115
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2020
When baby chews feet,
In all its flexibility,
Then I marvel at my inability,
To replicate this simple feat.
Aug 2020 · 81
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2020
Lend your power,
Only, to those things,
That expressly matter,
To you, and to other beings.
Jul 2020 · 110
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
We think hate, rather,
Than love, toward,
The fellow human, who,
Should not think otherwise.
Jul 2020 · 91
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
We're locked down, by order,
The body, none the wiser,
Will crave nourishment,
Of all sorts, moment by moment.
Jul 2020 · 80
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
We don't want to be mistakes,
But oft life happens,
When the unplanned becomes us,
The no option than to live.
Jul 2020 · 90
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
Rainy, beautiful day,
And everything can go wrong,
Like a well crafted song,
Belted awfully in very way.
Jul 2020 · 114
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
Taken, without hope of return,
Unlike the day we are born,
A day to weep and mourn,
Dearly beloved on eternal sojourn.
Iya Jogbo bi Oro aka Emmanuella Pobeni Adepoju delighted me as an undergraduate and jobless graduate then in Lagos between 2002 and 2011. On 102.3fm Radio Continental now Maxfm. Her demise is unwelcome and touched me quite terribly because such talent and great personality shouldn't be the ones to exit he stage too early.

Rest on, beloved.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
A crowd of hypocrites,
Sitting behind hard or soft keyboards,
Came down ******* the superstar,
They threw all sorts of damaging words;

The state brought it's full weight,
Went in for the guilty verdict,
Made a show of the proceeding,
Slapped a fine and community service;

But another went afoul the same law,
Breached protocols meant to save lives,
Disregarded all safety rules,
Even flouted a presidential directive;

They simply turned a blind eye,
Choosing to prosecute a fry,
And letting off the lion and his pride,
Helped on by the folly of flippant masses.
A popular Nigerian actress has been fined, she and her famous husband, N100,000 and community service for hosting a party amidst Coronavirus COVID-19 14-day Presidential stay-at-home order.

Once the video of their reveling surfaced online, the whole of Nigeria went into an **** expressing vitriol.
Jul 2020 · 86
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
Lazy Thursday afternoon,
Room for cuddle and spoon,
Everywhere darkly cold,
Now, into the very warm fold.
Jul 2020 · 58
BLACK. (1.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
When I stand in the shadows,
Of the ancient ruins of,
The grand old pyramids of Egypt,
In the same colours of their makers;

I wonder at the magnificence,
Of my ancestors in all their glory,
As they wrote their legacies,
From everlasting unto the very end.
Jul 2020 · 68
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
It's a race, but what kind?
A selfish one, no?
An economic one, yes?
But why bother?

Because playing out,
Hidden in plain sight,
Or the other way around,
Is corporate pharma warfare;

A renowned template,
For catalysing new prosperity,
Jumpstarting comatose economies,
For the advancement of works greed;

So, here we are,
The bear and the lion,
Their cubs enabling their egos,
Other animals their lab rats.
In the race toward a vaccine for Covid19 the West continues to accuse the Eastern Europe of cyber espionage, criminal attempt to hack their vaccine files. This is coming just as Russia announced breakthrough in human trials.

Who are they fooling?
Jul 2020 · 58
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
The little ants by the edges,
Or the tiny microscopic ticks,
The scurrying roaches along the cracks,
Or the annoying rodents lurking the shadows?
Jul 2020 · 73
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
Moulded in brown,
Built of ebony,
Wired with sinew,
Derived from coal.
Jul 2020 · 75
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
Born in this land,
Suffer in this land,
Die in this land,
Worst tragedy of all kind.
Nigeria. Shame.
Jul 2020 · 62
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
A ******* estate of,
Might is right where,
Gentleness is weakness and,
Violence takes it all.
Jul 2020 · 62
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
Taking their rightful,
Place on the wrong,
Side of historical,
And perceived curses.
Jul 2020 · 51
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
On either side of,
The crimson divide,
Sat two hearts that,
Beat out untruths.
Pretending all is forgiven is the highest form of deceit.
Jul 2020 · 49
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
The month came,
To me, of the same,
Need to feel good,
Again, 'cos I am no wood.
At the red table, many things become scarlet.
Jul 2020 · 54
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
In life such desire manifests,
Upon ones creativity one invests,
Upon ones intelligence one banks,
Upon ones wisdom is placed resilience;

Upon the strength of ages,
Past, future and present,
Upon the combined forces,
Of goodwill and positivity;

A man may come,
Into his own,
Or lose it all upon,
Some flimsy whimsy negativity.
Jul 2020 · 85
NAIRA. (2.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
Unfit women deliver,
Babies to be sold,
Into any fold,
Just for some paper.
Jul 2020 · 83
NAIRA. (1.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
As worthless as it becomes,
Increasingly is hard to get,
The struggles of stable incomes,
Stacked against the failed goals set.
Jul 2020 · 65
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2020
They act one way,
But reveal another,
They say good today,
But really do not bother;

Thiers is a milky mirror,
Reflecting good intentions,
Whereas behind the door,
Lay unimaginable tribulations;

Once out of the womb,
The state clothes poverty,
People pay their way to the tomb,
Accompanied by all sorts of uncertainty;

Thus empty husks await,
Liberation at the borders,
Stuck here, tolerating what fate,
Over there, better opportunity reorders.
The Nigeria state enables extortion, regression, repression, depression, oppression, disillusion, suppression and overall backwardness.

The vast majority of people in Nigeria wish they were not born there, many claim they love the country but are actually stuck there in hypocrisy.

If offered an opportunity, many will denounce citizenship and announce loyalty to the better climes even if he'll offered any of such.
Jun 2020 · 59
CUTOFF. (1.)
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
The future is in jeopardy,
As the present erodes all merit,
For the past disappears with alacrity,
In the face of continued discredit;

All know that advances of tomorrow,
Are built on foundations of today,
As yesterday gave us innovations to borrow,
And instructions to put on continuous replay.
The Education sector of the Nigeria state is in danger of advancing mediocrity as they gave set the lowest standards for the workforce of the future.

The unified exams that select prospects into tertiary schools that grades students in four subjects each one hundred marks, now require just twenty-five per cent as pass make for those wishing to get into the college's of education! While others require a mere forty and thirty per cent to gain entry into university and polytechnics respectively.

Anyone with a modicum of commonsense will know that this is a deliberate act to further plunge Nigeria into abysmal economic situations among comity of nations that set higher standards for their future workforce.

At this rate it will be a wonder if there will be a viable country in the next century and if there were, then will be a puppet in the hands of greater powers.
Jun 2020 · 69
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
Such crass hypocrisy,
Coming from high society,
Blaming nomenclature,
For their inane nature;

Calling a pig,
A bad dig,
Just to roast it,
And save your own meat;

The movement has responded,
Just as the street would have wanted,
A total boycott of your brand,
To garnish your garri with enough sand.
A flight owner in Nigeria recently wrote a letter of apology when queried for flying a popstar and reality show star to the country's capital for a drive-in concert that saw people violate the presidential taskforce on COVID-19 directives against crowding.

In their own wisdom, the business owner labelled the passengers that used his heat USELESS PEOPLE and that got the MARLIANS riled up, calling for a total boycott of their airline services.

The hypocrisy in that country called Nigeria is second to none anywhere in the world.
Jun 2020 · 95
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
The alignment of the stars, today,
Shall be in your favour, all the way,
Creating a shining path, for you,
To live, blossom and remain blessed, all through.
We love you, Mommieeeeeee!
~From Daddy, Daughter & Son.

It's my wife's birthday today!
Jun 2020 · 79
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
Ignorance in the face,
Of overwhelming evidence,
Of immediate and pressing danger,
Taking over the area around the Niger;

Choosing to pick teeth,
In colourful filial exposures,
In recline with relaxed ambience,
Belatedly, recorded, expressing untruths;

Fons et origo,
Awash with innocent blood,
Awash in the ashes of thy brethren,
After much negotiated patting on the back;

Your psychedelic reactions,
Beyond lip service,
Beyond insensitivity,
Deserves everything but continuity.
The penchant of the president of Nigeria to EXPRESS SHOCK at every avoidable calamity bedeviling the country has raised concerns across the world.

The ceaseless refrain has angered the populace and diaspora, leading to questions bordering around how the country got to this state of hopelessness in the face of internal and external organised terrorism, banditry, criminal defilement of minors, the aged and senseless ******-**** of young women in recent time.
Jun 2020 · 108
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
There's nothing good found,
In the one different from the rest,
Ready to head west,
While others look north;

Of a different shade,
And not to be confined,
To the averageness of existing,
Without actually living, fully.
Colours are what they are.
Jun 2020 · 68
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
They offer a seat at the table,
Something quite irresistible,
Far enough not to contribute,
But close enough to be seen;

This of oft the fate of faces,
Of people with loud consciences,
That appear to be with the people,
But only bidding time for opportunity.
Many activists in Nigeria go quiet after getting plump jobs in the corridors of power. A strategy of keeping their mouths shut while turning them against their former camps.
Jun 2020 · 271
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
And just like that!
A single cowardly shot!
Life given no chance to start,
Another ****** from the lot;

As though, it appears,
Former colonies of Her Royal Majesty,
Have become mindless rippers,
Tearing souls with reckless travesty;

Here the Coronavirus has killed less,
And brutality snuffed out more,
It's all a shameful mess,
Security agencies in ****** galore;

The vestiges of colonisation,
Suppression and marginalisation,
Brutality, segregation and classification,
Kleptomania, nepotism and crass corruption.
Blood of the innocent continue to cry for justice.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
The world is on edge,
And rightly so, too,
From caskets strewn like *******,
To withdrawn funding for WHO;

Like something off a horror story,
What's left is for reanimated dead,
Flesh eating, mindless monsters,
Only lead to the friggin' head!

Pulpit shysters, con men of the cloth,
Boasting, the battle is theirs, not the Lords,
Dared the unseen guest, profanely,
All is well, now, laying between nailed boards;

Somewhere, in the dark continent,
The tropics had all the heat,
Coronavirus surely couldn't stand,
Well seated, many dead, no signs of retreat;

Far East, some crazy, mad scientists,
Playing with their bio toys,
Cook up another RNA weapon,
The Communist, westward, someday deploys;

It's the WWIII,
We eagerly awaited,
Shame, it's fought without explosions,
What a sight! To see civilisations obliterated!

Depopulation strategy of the antichrist,
Yes, he made mention during a talk,
****, he can't even protect his operating system,
From which he made his billions bulk;

Led by an African,
Surely he couldn't be that smart,
Misled the greatest civilisation?
Oh dear! From where do we start?

Our people have never known better,
Good governance is a pipe dream,
Here's another scheme to enrich politicians,
Juicy donations flowing in like a stream;

The big pharms engineered this,
Let loose something to **** millions,
Scramble, make a show, of concern,
Develop a vaccine, rake in the billions.
The truth's out there, somewhere.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
Life is but temporary,
Whether ordinary,
Or with affluence,
What's left is the essence;

For there was a confidante,
Whose opinion was sacrosanct,
Loathed by not a few,
Loved by others that had no clue;

In him was the ruler most pleased,
To direct and plant the right seed,
To direct the affairs of state,
While staying in the light of his shadow.
Nigeria's president has lost his chief-of-staff to COVID-19. The elderly man was an erudite lawyer and administrator infamously perceived to be the head of the government within the government not Nigeria + the Cabal.
His death however comes with a lot of conspiracy theories that he had died two weeks ago or much earlier than that or that he was secretly flown abroad for COVID19 treatment.
May 2020 · 121
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Yes nothing,
Yes high blood pressure,
Yes breakups,
Yes confidence out the window.
The absence of money is the presence of poverty.
May 2020 · 89
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Hypocritical nature of man,
Allows him move closest,
To his God,
When a hair's breadth from death.
May 2020 · 79
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Your time, you have completed,
Indeed, yes, but should have waited,
To hold your grandchildren, both,
Before coursing on fate's boat;

As your strength drew down,
You never grew a frown,
Even on my wedding day,
'Twas brilliant all the way;

So, here I am, calling,
To say you aren't forgotten,
May be physically departed,
In spirit, always, united.
May 22, 2016. Always in our hearts, daddy.
May 2020 · 88
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
How can I trust,
My own beating heart,
Betrayed from the very start,
Even before the very first ******.
In the affairs of man and woman, the heart is largely no to be taken too seriously.
May 2020 · 62
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
All I am,
Today, yesterday was made,
For tomorrow, by him,
Out of love, and humble foresight.
I believe the greatest thing my father bequeathed me is education, more formal than informal, and an exposure to the world of computing.

My father died on My 22, 2016. He was 80 yeas old. And I still hurt.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
The long and unending nothingness,
Bright light or thick black,
Strung by the neck,
Or shot in face, neck and torso;

For killing a girlfriend,
Or stealing common patrimony,
For creating a deadly virus,
Or ****** a week old infant.
Should death be the end?
May 2020 · 93
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Could be as a result of circumstance,
One situation could lead to happenstance,
Or a conflicted dissonance,
Even a bewildering lack of stance.
Things happen.
May 2020 · 62
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Ridden by the high and mighty,
Drawn by the low and downtrodden,
To do with as they well please,
Not minding anyone they displease.
To the highest bidder!
May 2020 · 75
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
To an injustice, what justice?
To torture, what reprisal?
To ******, what reawakening?
To arson, what renewal?

To hurt, what healing?
To war, what rebuilding?
To hate, what love?
To oppression, what expression?

To apartheid, what equal rights?
To racism, what humanity?
To nepotism, what equal opportunity?
To terrorism, what love and affection?

The world over,
Here and there,
Great dehumanisation,
People have been reduced,
To banana peel thrown by the sidewalk;

No significance is given,
To the soul that makes us equal,
Man turns upon man,
At the slightest provocation;

Throats are slit,
Blood is spilled,
Innocent heads, vital organs,
Harvest ed without remorse;

Blood is currency,
Ritualists offer for wealth,
Whether known or unknown,
People vanish, bodies are found;

But where did we go wrong?
We've turned our backs?
On the Almighty,
And faced evil, squarely;

Why do we inflict pain on others,
Throw families into sorrow,
***** life out of human beings,
As though pinching a lit candle?

Oh, what cruelty!
Visited upon the vulnerable,
Left to the whims of the wicked,
And the caprices of the malevolent;

So, will justice come?
Can these damages be repaired?
For all these iniquities,
What price?
Originally penned December 2000, modified September 2001, March 2002, July 2002.
May 2020 · 45
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Dear vulnerable People of State,
I come with pieces,
Of my broken heart on a wooden plate,
But for how long, these wicked policies?

Now we know, yes,
Reasons they gave, no?
Left their mess,
A lot of it, they let flow;

Hiding behind all sorts,
The people languish in lockdown,
Emboldened by haughty retorts,
They leave the vulnerable roam about town;

While they grow in ****** riches,
Their falsehood follows beyond reaches,
As tears wash over several cities,
They keep up their brazen stone faces
Nigeria is a rich country with the poorest people in the world. And COVID-19 has further impoverished the lot of them.
May 2020 · 46
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Perhaps the people are incapable,
Of producing anything good,
They'd do anything for food,
Even everything stinkingly improbable;

For how can one explain,
The corruption at the tower,
How the prominent, with disdain,
Treat the commoners they rode to power?
A little power corrupts the mentality of Nigerians at all levels. They simply forget where they're coming from.
May 2020 · 81
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
One thing only, that I ask,
That the people of state,
Remember the time of need,
How they left you to bleed;

Turned their backs on you,
Manufactured beneficiaries,
Profited from your need,
Out of stupidity and greed;

Don't forget in a hurry,
Lest in time all get blurry,
Abandoned you to your need,
Took everything, and your seed;

And gave you much excuses,
Why you must suffer,
Cast because of tongue and creed,
Deaf and blind to your very need.
The Nigerian government simply are uninterested in making life bearable for Nigerians during this pandemic.

COVID-19 has further revealed the unadulterated wickedness in high places.
May 2020 · 48
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
By the time,
This lockdown is over,
There'd have been a tectonic shift,
In the balance of World Power!
May 2020 · 38
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Really? Without finances?
Who told you?
Even with all the finances,
Much hatred comes through.
May 2020 · 64
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Come, to those that wait,
Hear me, consider fate,
If, truly, you have faith,
Work, quickly, before it's too late.
The grave hosts a lot of unaccomplished waiters.
May 2020 · 43
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
A Master of many things,
And Jack of most,
A handyman's man,
And envy of all;

By the time,
I was old enough,
Our laundry days were classes,
He taught the lesson of independence.
I learnt how to wash my own clothes from my father, and he never gave another his launder to do for him until he was old and weak. He dies on May 22, 2016. He was 80.

And I still hurt.
May 2020 · 45
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
Some lines were never crossed,
Like staying out ridiculously late,
Or going out on a flimsy date,
These two were clearly stressed;

And they shaped the future,
Becoming a recluse of sorts,
By the widow, acknowledging social reports,
At forty, contemplating a life tour.
My father died on May 22, 2016. Another casualty of Nigeria's inhumane medical system. He was 80.
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