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Apr 2018 · 151
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Hunters of vulnerable daughters of Eve,
Preying on weakened virtues,
Randy pedagogues  in the temple of callousness,
Eating forbidden fruits, ripe or unripe.
A lecturer is in the public eye for demanding *** for marks. the disgraced lecturer was recorded on the phone by a female would-be female victim during a negotiation session...Nigeria is currently abuzz over 'tis damining ******
Apr 2018 · 119
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Not by the appearance of my demeanor,
Nor by the shell that adorns my breathing carcass,
Do so by the outcome of my thought processes,
And by the affirmation of my clear prophecies.
Apr 2018 · 157
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Green fatigues too ****** out to even care,
They turn the other way as the people of state are put to knife,
Lazy infantry men without conscience,
Only available to do the bidding of that crazy old geriatric in the rock.
Everyday the mid section of Nigeria is wet with the blood of the innocent and the government pretends not to know what's going on around the food basket of the country...sad.
Apr 2018 · 114
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Shoot me with  affection,
Drown me with devotion,
Strangle me with desperation,
Poison me with dark, dark perspiration.
Apr 2018 · 121
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Children of state in a state of statelessness,
Born into a state of abandonment,
Refused a taste of the state's tastefulness,
Locked in state, the children await their freedom's statement.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Each day I awake to a heart full of affection,
But the sun sets on my bitter countenance,
Because you embrace me with thornful coldness,
And cut me deeply with your loud silence.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Your time has come to its natural end,
Your course has steered itself silly,
Your tongue is disconnected from reality,
Your infamous time among the living will roll into oblivion.
Nigerians are up in arms over a comment by their President obliquely calling the 'uneducated' youth of Nigeria as indolent, rent-seeking and having an undue sense of entitlement...
Apr 2018 · 132
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
In the security of a bubble,
The might of the lowly breeze blows trouble,
Carrying with it ominous foretelling,
Of when things draw closely to a foreboding close.
Apr 2018 · 163
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
The fiend rushed through screaming like a banshee,
Catching the sleepy lawmakers in a terrible fright,
The golden staff of office glittered in prostate silence,
Only to be stolen in rapturous, disharmonious free for all!
Yesterday, 'hoodlums' 'invaded' the 3-arms Zone of the seat of power, stole the Mace of the Senate of the Federal Government of Nigeria and went away with the instrument of authority...shameful acts
Apr 2018 · 150
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
The man with cowries around his neck,
Has thrown a mighty stone in the river of our conscience,
And ripples of hope, once again, begin grow...and grow,
Threatening those geriatrics that have refused to embrace relegation.
Apr 2018 · 180
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Keeping the light on is herculean,
This problem has become overweight,
The people of state ***** around,
Occupied by frustration, fed with prevarication.
Nigeria has invested so much in darkness that having a few hours of electricity has become almost impossible to imagine...
Apr 2018 · 139
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
That geriatric living in the century before this one,
Finds pleasure in shooting off outside the shores,
Shameless old fleabag junkeetting without remorse,
Playing the script of unrepentant fools;

But herein lay the problem,
Because we are coloured by his senselessness,
Made to appear hapless, even hopeless,
At the beck and call of any and every imperial world power;

Give us back our dear mother,
Trapped in the misfortune of your unfortunate marriage,
We will rescue she who gave us ****,
From your ******, malevolent indifference.
I still do not understand why Nigerian leaders hurriedly lick the ***** of so-called western powers...???
Apr 2018 · 170
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
They found themselves sewn together by imperial threads,
And a century later they are clawing desperately at the seams,
But the crown seems oblivious of their frustrations,
Only choosing to gawk disparagingly at their hopeless haplessness.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Thinking backward as though free,
Shackled by a sense of delayed satisfaction,
That somewhere beyond the end of the ocean curve,
Is some place where life never ends.
Apr 2018 · 74
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Blood chilling howls of the children of state float into nothingness,
Merchants of destruction revel in the trade of wanton killings,
Powers and principalities celebrate a marriage of economic convenience,
Deaf, blind and mute to the daily anguish of the people of state.
Four years after the abduction of over 200  #ChibokGirls Nigerians are non the wiser...sad.
Apr 2018 · 94
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Children of  state are cannon fodder for shameless political geriatrics,
Insidious devilish minds that swim in the blood of the innocent,
Feeding fat off the aspirations and hopes of vulnerable minds,
To the further, to the further! All you fiendish maleficent goblins of state.
Apr 2018 · 85
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
From this ***** hath thine come,
And with mine hearth wouldst I cherish every moment with you,
My sinews and better years will nourish and nurture your needs,
And colour your days with brilliant sunshine and magical blue skies.
Apr 2018 · 94
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Creativity is a plate of hunger and deprivation,
With a cup of agony and frustration,
So we go out and blow ourselves up,
To taste another kind of life other side of the hilltop.
Apr 2018 · 149
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Fear  wrapped itself around the hearts of the children of state,
Daily cowed by hunger, starved of enlightenment and forced by repression,
The horizon is widely bleak and uninspiring, spirit anchored to a hopeless future,
Chained to empty promises, they float aimlessly in airless skies;

The way out is obvious even to the unsighted,
That in one accord lay the keys to soaring freedom,
Taking the seat of power by force,
And daming the consequences to achieve the ultimate utopia.
Apr 2018 · 94
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
I am in water but I have ***** suds blocking my vision,
Surrounded by meaninglessness and so and so,
So much lack in the midst of plenty,
That oft I question, really, what is my life's mission?
Apr 2018 · 98
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
We want everything now, now!
Why go slow, slow?
The earth is on a sluggish revolutionary spin,
Takes twenty and four hours too long to make this happen;

We need to make this money sharp, sharp!
No time to take it small, small,
Cannot grow grey on the waiting queue,
Will do what must to get this green done.
Apr 2018 · 88
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
The treasury is nigh empty,
Oh, what troubling times,
To arise with stomach full of hunger,
And behold my sweet mattress with a heart full of anger.
Apr 2018 · 134
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
The story of the broom and the umbrella,
Has her children in fives and eights,
The difference is much the same,
A love encounter everybody hates.
The PDP and APC political parties of Nigeria Politics are infamous for delivering so much pain and hardship upon the citizens of that country.
Apr 2018 · 76
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Do not love too much not to get hurt,
Keep the wall up enough to jump over,
For many wander the streets of insanity,
Not of needles, of powders or of tablets.
Mar 2018 · 86
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Uncalculated, dipping a pinky into a pool,
Calculated, jumping off a skyscraper,
Like a game of high stakes poker,
You deal...or are dealt with.
Mar 2018 · 897
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Owo epo ni ara'ye n ba en la,
Bi eje ba ta si die, se ni won a poora,
Ki enikeni ma tan ara re je,
Ko si eniyan ire mo l'aye.

(Translation from Yoruba Language into English)
People come around when your hands drip oily goodness,
But thy disappear when those hands become ******,
Let no one ever deceive themselves,
There are no good people anymore, no not one.
Mar 2018 · 124
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Burdened by the gluttony of pudgy fingered politicians,
And their endless breaking of putrefying wind,
She heaved a huge and resounding sigh, very loudly,
And, with unbounding love, laid down the troublesome load.
Mar 2018 · 102
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Too many bright ones roam the streets in hungry frustration,
Locked out of opportunities to earn rich places in history,
This is the heartbreaking and mournful story,
Of rottenness and backwardness of a failing, contrived nation.
Mar 2018 · 82
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Almost, it seemed,
But the more it seemed,
Seemingly, the less it seemed,
Seeming the more it actually seemed.
Mar 2018 · 73
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Between the love making and making money,
Between the rat race and racing formula one machines,
Are moments of quiet confusion,
And times, of noisy calm.
Mar 2018 · 95
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
For my dearest little one,
All the wonders the eyes can read,
All the magic the tongue can taste,
Now, is there anything better?
My one year and 3 months old daughter receives her first hard copy library.
Mar 2018 · 106
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
But the rats still give a fuss,
Vermins in defiant show of force,
Too fat to lift a paw,
Did you manicure that claw?
Despite the deployment of troops to the Middle Belt North Central region of Nigeria, fulani herdsmen invade, destroy farmlands, spill the blood of the people there.
Mar 2018 · 108
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Over two hundred girls many moons ago,
Then over one hundred in the same vein,
While the politics of stupidity serenades their incompetence,
Beer parlour intellectualism fingers the minds of the many keyboard warriors.
After Chiboks girls were captured about fours years ago, Dapchi girls followed suit...and Nigerians are clearly, clearly non the wiser.
Mar 2018 · 83
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
With little dainty feet,
And cute milky teeth,
She takes strong steps forward,
And reverses without facing backward.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
And here we are, helpless, hapless,
Struggling with the little things that pleasure the small minded,
Whereas brilliant minds are weighed down by daily living,
Incapacitated by the stupidities of the glutton one per cent.
Mar 2018 · 78
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
But we are not at war,
This peace of ours demands too much blood,
Life has become an easy offering,
To the gods of acrimony and senseless aggrandisement.
Daily we see and hear killings, bloodshed of civilians, soldiers and the like in Nigeria and I wonder when we became lesser than human i our daily interactions???
Mar 2018 · 87
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Stroking these one-o'-one keys,
And making rhymes of the lot,
Comes to me hardly without some thought,
Especially in the cool company of a fresh evening breeze.
In commemoration of World Poetry Day 2018.
Mar 2018 · 76
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
The past is a bride,
That never completed,
Her wedding ceremony,
Wishing it was a nightmarish affair.
Mar 2018 · 76
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Everything is moving in every direction,
And nothing ever remains in position,
As the clock ticks off with mercurial accuracy,
There is no time for a second look at intimacy.
Mar 2018 · 82
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2018
Woke up feeling no less older than last night,
But this sunrise opened wider my insight,
Life is a beautiful gift,
And amazingly some do not get the drift.
I am 38 today.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
So, what if Allah is the greatest,
And pray five times every day of our lives?
Jihad has its roots in Islam,
And Islam is a religion of peace, most definitely.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
So, what if we are tiny, yellow people,
In love with the tyrants that fetter us?
The powers are moving east, fast,
The oriental shifting of the balance of influence.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
So, what if we talk funny,
And believe in the entitlement of our own ignorance?
We will build a wall to keep you out,
And brag about how we run this friggin world!
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
So, what if Jehovah is the one true God,
And we all are descended from Abraham, our father?
Genius comes to us naturally,
And the holocaust is not a figment of our collective imaginings.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
So, wha' if I got dark pigments,
And my melanin be poppin'?
Hey, 'taint yo' business if my ancestors swung from branches,
Remember, they got bruised and violated, tending yo' **** ranches.
Jan 2018 · 184
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
Emotions arising from the effusions of a redneck,
Driving up blood pressure among the impoverished,
People blinded to the predicament of their unfortunate existence,
Refuse to break the chains but go on a pity party
President D. Trump wonders why people from ******* countries continue to come over to America; and not folks from Norway???
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
Will we look back in sincere amazement,
Of how gullible we had been,
Or in sheer and unforgivable embarrassment,
That we did not truly, honestly, come out clean?
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
Now the earth has completed another revolution,
And with great outpouring of emotion,
And endless international propaganda,
We all wonder where the two hundred and nineteen are???
Written in 2015.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
In a cloud of disbelief and great distrust,
Over three hundred were snatched in the dead of night,
Since, more speculations have characterised their plight,
And put this minority's government on a failed ******.
Written in 2015.
Jan 2018 · 106
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
Herb for the brethren!
Nature provides their need,
You come with your scale and blade,
But authority never belonged to the wig.
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