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Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
If only thine resolve woult split this hackneyed arrangement,
Of decades bound up in  insidious impoverishment,
Cornered to loud silences behind qwerty lines,
Only praying for the day of pleasant places along scentous pines.
Jan 2018 · 143
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
But who will bell this monstrous bush cat,
Gorged on the sweats of the lowly trodden,
Whiskers curled in the till of a million poorly afflicted,
And claws on the jugular of the southern dark lady?
Jan 2018 · 103
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
He just rolled out a poorly prepared script,
ingFailed attempt at ignite hope in anyone,
Streaming his **** and bull story in perpetual darkness,
Simply wasted megabytes of cheerless nonsense.
Jan 2018 · 143
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
And what's there to be happy about?
Executive stupidity on heartbreaking display?
Immoral Legislative senselessness on constant rotation?
Or Judicial frivolity transfusing decadence all year long?
Jan 2018 · 146
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2018
She picks up and smashes my old cell phone,
Ears ***** at every text and ringing tone,
Naturally drawn to ones and zeros,
And excited by every four-gee and byte stream combos.
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2017
But whence hath humanity's milk of kindness,
The drowned hopes and expired ambitions?
Affluence eats up everything but portions of poverty,
Served daily to depressed, frustrated orphans of benevolence and sincerity.
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2017
Where art thine empathy,
In the  times tears hath diluted  endless gushing of blood?
Rivers of agonizing  empty stomachs sleeping rough,
And those missing limbs never to know the warmth of a  loving embrace.
Dec 2017 · 235
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2017
The complexes that afflict  my sensory synapses,
And the torments that assail my mental imbalances,
All contribute to the ambivalence of my thought processes,
And unwillingness of my backside to leave the warmth of my complacent recesses.
Dec 2017 · 219
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2017
The beloved shackles,
Oh, those fettered minds,
Hands that never want to swing free,
And feet always contented with walking forward, backward.
Dec 2017 · 390
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2017
The brown of harmattan,
Dry, windy and dehydrating,
But if there be one thing,
Peace from the silent, old noisy fan.
Nov 2017 · 121
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2017
I seek a harder existence,
Someplace love offers resistance,
And laughter pricey luxury,
And nobody pays mind to a life of penury.
Nov 2017 · 97
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2017
Was pure, and came from a genuine place,
But this angel turned away her face,
So I gave my innocence to other devil,
And daily plead guilty to a heartbreak of evil.
Nov 2017 · 137
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2017
The silent screams of the grave,
Crying for justice,
From equinox to solstice,
Deafening howls that mere prayers cannot stave.
Oct 2017 · 134
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2017
This land flows with blood and tears,
And for a million years,
Vampires and gremlins,
Make love to werewolves and cretins.
Oct 2017 · 144
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2017
Boyfriend, husband, father,
Bae, hubby, daddy,
You may call me freddie,
To me one and to them the other.
Jul 2017 · 192
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2017
Because of you, my father,
My conscience can turn away,
From the things I would rather be,
On to the more pleasant and worthy;

Although you are gone,
The precepts you showed me,
Guide my hand when the sun comes up,
And tucks me in bed, every night, without fear.
Jun 2017 · 744
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2017
"Howdy, how's it going?"
The icebreaker at the time,
Was not a fancy one liner,
But must have caught that beautiful eye;

So the planets have realigned,
To form the third chapter,
In this journey of life,
That will take you to magic filled places;

And as our stars have crossed,
And the heavens bear witness with us,
And praise the gods for their yearly benevolence,
And for a brand new year of jolly, jolly hurrah!

<3 : TOFA
It's Winkie's birthday today! Mother of Christine & Wife of mine. Muah!
May 2017 · 368
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2017
Then mother holds me close to her *****,
Says soothing words I come to recognise,
Prays I may live to blossom,
And find this world friendlier than nice;

It is then I gently open my ****** eyes,
To be shocked by the blinding kaleidoscopic hues,
But mother lovingly sighs,
And joyfully, she sings to me, my favorite baby blues.
May 2017 · 276
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2017
You see the lies slide off his tongue,
Like that bald, bearded singer guy slid into her DM,
The bespectacled minister of mendacity,
And cyber media in a frenzy over their announced engagement;

We have been here before,
History making a case for repeating itself,
The curious darkness that enveloped the airport,
And the magic of that Dubai exchange of vows;

It is two years on this train,
The tracks heading off into the distance,
The origins of this journey we know,
But halfway there the engine sings a different tune;

After holding Nigeria spell bound by their chemistry,
On the sequel of the highest grossing movie in Africa,
We are called to witness the crystallisation of a well hidden romance,
It's always beautiful to behold, something magical;

So here we are on the eves of two great milestones,
A delayed love story playing out real time,
And a commanding life hanging in the balance,
Will the past be dragged into the future
Feb 2017 · 293
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2017
Selfish ******* that cry for ****,
Wombs that never tire to be filled,
Do not stray across the block,
This field, daily, must be tilled!
Oct 2016 · 336
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2016
Take me a pinch at a time,
Baby, please don't rush,
Feel every grain, every edge,
Tasty, yes, keeps you coming for more.
Aug 2016 · 431
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2016
Whence have you fled,
Taking all of me for granted?
But cometh swiftly my wrath,
Like hell on a terrible high.
Aug 2016 · 232
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2016
Fire is never hot enough,
Water can not drown me,
That mountain is but a spec,
And failure is not that tough.
Aug 2016 · 297
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2016
You go left,
When we turn this way,
And rolling over,
Is not how you play.
Jul 2016 · 916
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2016
Edikaikong, Afang, Ofe Olugbo or Miyan Kuka,
Ila Asepo, Fisherman Soup, White soup or Obe Isapa,
As diverse as the tongues that relish these delicacies,
And rich enough to entice all sorts of tasty fantasies.
Nigeria has over 3,000 dialects and 250 ethnic groups...the culinary options are endless.
Jul 2016 · 259
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2016
By the hands of ignorance,
We waste precious,
Life, given, to be nurtured,
And not permanently fractured.
Jul 2016 · 237
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2016
He came around every Thursday for alms,
This old ***** beggar from the North,
Father would host him under the tree,
He never missed his weekly sadaka;

But father breathed his last on Sunday,
Mother was distraught, besides herself,
Everyone said one good thing or the other,
Plenty tears to last his eighty earthly years;

So he ambles in like he would,
Sits under his usual shade,
Then someone says to him, "Baba yamutu..."
And he jumps up in raw exclamation!

Never seen such genuine show of surprise,
He truly expected the old man to live forever,
Much later, in quiet sorrow, pays condolences,
Picks up his satchel and stumbles into the sunshine.
"Baba Yamutu" in the Hausa language means the old man has died.

There's this beggar who has been coming to my father's home since 2002. But my father died on May 22, 2016 on a Sunday. The next Thursday when the beggar came around he heard the news of my father's demise and breaks apart. Of all the show of grief and sense of loss expressed, that of the beggar struck me as the most sincere and true.
Jun 2016 · 246
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2016
The day we are born,
And when our job is done,
Between is a grey mix,
Of fix and break; break and fix.
Jun 2016 · 217
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2016
Angrily, I said no,
Because she broke my heart,
Ten years ago,
And I did not want a restart.
Jun 2016 · 237
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2016
On every fourth cycle,
It puts the sickle,
Out to harvest men,
In hundreds and thousands of ten.
It took my 80 year-old father on May 22, 2016. And I laid him to rest on June 10, 2016. Now, I am fatherless.
Many prominent people have also died this year, and many more will follow suit.
Jun 2016 · 277
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2016
Many roses are,
But your petals rare,
Many wingers be,
But not you, my queen bee;

On the threshold of your twenties,
Just a step before the thirties,
I wrap my love, again, around you,
Just as it was, the day I met you.

Happy Birthday, My Love. My own queen, from heaven above.
My wife celebrates her first birthday as my better half. I pray it be the first of plenty, together in love and good cheer. Hip! Hip!! Hip!!! Huuuuraaaaaay!
May 2016 · 179
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2016
We say our oil,
They say their curse,
That a time will come,
When the pipes will sing no more.
Nigeria's oil rich Niger Delta is a squalid region in the midst of petrodollars. Many pray the oil dries up as other regions discover crude at a time when the black gold keeps hitting all time lows and militants continue blowing pipelines.
May 2016 · 1.3k
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2016
We find love,
Far and above,
Any smelly circumstances,
Or rotten utterances.
May 2016 · 198
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2016
She said she felt inferior,
That the rich and famous guy was not prior,
So she wanted a new birthday suit,
The exact opposite of her bitter truth.
May 2016 · 191
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2016
The more, the more,
Constantly, never stopping,
It is what we prayed for,
All day, to keep on raining, raining.
May 2016 · 190
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2016
From sun up to sun down,
He plays the community clown,
Wipes off the lady's frown,
This talented man about town.
May 2016 · 331
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2016
Weaned on bullets,
Suckled on blood,
AK47's are loving pets,
And snuffing lives is nothing odd.
May 2016 · 261
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2016
Destitute from birth,
They grow to embrace death,
With nothing worth living for,
They take terror on a daily tour.
Boko Haram - western education is evil - is a terrorist group that has killed over 30,000 people across Nigeria since 2009. Over 10,000,000 children of school age between 5 - 19 are almajiri - street children - in the north of Nigeria.
May 2016 · 206
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2016
But as you set sail,
May your spirit never fail,
To hear us hail,
Your daring and steadfast tale.
Lost friends are not forgotten.
May 2016 · 3.1k
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2016
Wailing from across the seas,
But nobody sees,
The relevance of their cries,
Even as it thunders up to the skies.
Nigerians abroad protest over the Fulani herdsmen attacks back in their homeland but to what extent would that help the situation faced by their country folk?
May 2016 · 176
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2016
When love turned the corner,
Into the right partner,
There was a moment,
When magic needed no comment.
Apr 2016 · 700
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2016
The drums of secession,
Beat cold fear across the land,
Visions of peace are in recession,
As the south east threatens to leave the band.
The revived clamour for Biafra & recent killings of Igbos in Enugu by Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria threaten the peace.
Apr 2016 · 258
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2016
Aye! Aye! The planted seed is anchored,
Joyful tiding from the mouth of babes,
For in nine, will come the bloom,
Heralded by two lines on a strip.
Fatherhood is such great feeling.
She told me on April 21, 2016; day prince died.
Apr 2016 · 215
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2016
Closer to my heart,
Than my seventh rib,
Where should I start,
Talking about our love, right from the crib?
Apr 2016 · 326
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2016
Movement beneath the sheets,
Giggles, then ***** oohs and aahs!
Grunts pushing powerful thrusts,
A moment...before the crashing ******.
Mar 2016 · 428
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2016
Quite oft' we're haunted,
By the choices we make,
The life we wanted,
Over what's at stake.
Mar 2016 · 252
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2016
Some, I have liked and loved,
Others,  I have loved and had,
But somewhere, in there, all my emotions dissolved,
Leaving me very cold, miserable and sad.
Mar 2016 · 247
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2016
Almost missed penning,

Something to mark the day,

My thoughts roam very far away,

Happy World Poetry Day to Poets around the world.
Mar 2016 · 239
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2016
Among the clouds raining down,
Delivered after a decade's wait,
His mercies are never late,
Oluwaseunfunmi, mentioned without a moment's frown.
The Turn of Another Season. I am a year older, March 14.
Feb 2016 · 487
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2016
Friendly figure hovers around my warm cradle,
Memories of our walks, holding my tiny hand on the safe side of the road,
Occasional chastisements with the cautionary rod,
Moments I felt love was too difficult to handle;

But growing in mature understanding,
Love meant taking hard decisions,
Not pandering to filial emotions,
Daily praying, guarding and guiding;

My dear old man,
I owe it all to you,
Your great insight has proven true,
Thanks for making me, my own man.
My daddy is 80 years old today! Happy 80th birthday, pops!!
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