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Oct 2018 · 105
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Yellow, hugging dark recesses,
Sold to impoverishment and lack,
Praying daily for nemesis,
Never willing to take the knife by the jack.
Nigerians are generally cowed by fear of the unknown.
Oct 2018 · 81
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Oct 2018 · 93
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Back breaking labour,
Rheumatic pay at the most,
Then cold morsels to break evening fast,
Life of the People of State.
One percent of Nigeria lords it over the other 99. But when will the latter reclaim their prosperity?
Oct 2018 · 96
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
By manufactured impracticability,
The made up mountain set before the children of state,
Sacrificed to the demon of abandonment,
Left behind, cursed by the  misfortune of birth.
Young and talented Nigerians are sadly impoverished by the simple reason of being Nigerians.
Sep 2018 · 149
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2018
The People of State with fettered willpower,
Can only exert authority on the lowly and weak,
Deriving power by force,
And wailing by right of entitlement.
This is Nigeria: where the poor oppress the poor and the mega rich do not give a rat's behind.
Sep 2018 · 86
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2018
To make anything right,
When everything is all wrong,
The more things seem different,
Each time, they are just what they used to be.
Sep 2018 · 115
Dada Olowo Eyo Sep 2018
Yes, giving up everything?
No, giving up nothing?
Held back by threads of uncertainty,
But propelled by raging dislike for mediocrity.
Aug 2018 · 136
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2018
Constantly prodding, digging without remorse,
Ripped of all diginifying attributes, and without recourse,
Taking, relentlessly pouring, your sickening abomination,
Laid bare, broken, in a state of defiled contamination.
Nigeria was ***** for the first time in 1957 when colonial masters united kingdom found oil in commercial quantity in Oloibiri in now Bayelsa state. the **** continues today abetted by neo-colonial masters.
Aug 2018 · 154
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2018
Suddenly blenders have become kit and kin,
But we forget our elders made do without,
Modern men and women too fat to lift a finger,
Take shortcuts in blended greens, reds and yellows.
Nigerians have suddenly discovered that they can blend all sorts of fruits in an attempt to keep weight down but they forget the real reason is leading a couch potato life - our forebears lived longer because they moved about more
Aug 2018 · 251
Dada Olowo Eyo Aug 2018
Taking my affections for granted,
Laughing in the face of my feelings,
Jailing me in the friendzone forever,
Ignoring my obvious sufferings in this matter;

I can barely face the sun,
Praying the golden ball never comes through,
The darkness has become my companion,
Not interested in any other opinion;

Until I found something quite interesting,
Never knew I had it all in myself,
There, in the corner of my resolve,
The mustard of strength to evolve;

I shall outgrow this phase,
Loving you is not a criminal offence,
Now that I  have turned this corner,
I really do not have any bother.
Jul 2018 · 123
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
I am affected, I must confess,
By the beautiful words you prefess,
In your touch, the gentleness,
And in your embrace, the warm tenderness.
Jul 2018 · 101
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
Good habits,
Are difficult to acquire,
Even more difficult are bad habits,
To retire.
Jul 2018 · 148
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
I have grown love out of nothing,
Then watched it die painfully,
Love has been offered me truthfully,
But I never thought 'twas anything worth falling in.
Jul 2018 · 103
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
Nothing inspires here,
All there is, is fear,
Of hunger and penury,
Every evil more than legendary.
Jul 2018 · 112
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
That no one can give,
That forms from deep, deep within,
That smiles in the face of everything,
That prays when others curse.
Jul 2018 · 110
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
Between the hours of wee and dawn,
Many a reveler throng,
The house that party built,
To mad in the jolly new year.
Jul 2018 · 153
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
The day gradually chills,
Of a full table and an empty pocket,
Cash zoomed off like a rocket,
Tonight no high stakes, only cheap thrills.
Jul 2018 · 71
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
The devil died in my arms last night,
She gave up without a fight,
I had lived with sweaty fright,
Always melting into something light.
Jul 2018 · 94
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
Offer me,
Something new,
A thing  beyond,
The boring ordinary.
Jul 2018 · 91
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
There are the things,
That frighten us,
Into doing things,
That harden us.
Jul 2018 · 90
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
Sunshine filtered through the crack,
And with it a waft of warmbreeze,
I struggled out of the deep freeze,
Only to see everything still in uninspiring black.
Jul 2018 · 117
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
The latest, and most heart wrenching  buzzword,
Oh, whence art thine mercy gone, dear Lord?
In every story all shades of this word greets the eye,
In circumstances of multiple array the people die;

The children of state have become dispensable,
Daily losing our young brains,
The government of state no longer dependable,
Every time rhetoricising empty refrains;

Dear heaven, kindly hear our prayer,
Please, in timely manner,
Before our candles are snuffed out,
Untimely, in gruesome manner!
The killing fields of Nigeria...
Jul 2018 · 110
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2018
Pray that the sun rises in the east,
And pray, too, that the earth spins along its axis,
Make supplications that the moon shines at night,
And intercede on behalf of many rats in the sewers;

Here we are, people of state,
Vagabonds in high places have come again,
Pulling the chord of our collective mentality,
Yanking the chain of our divisive idiosyncrasies;

For many, many seasons they have harvested,
Fruits borne by the motherland,
Furnished their illicit barns with treasures of state,
Fueled their desires with the blood of the children;

Yet a time comes when the seas will roar in tempestuous rage,
The four winds cry out in deafening anger,
Night and day both refuse to do their bidding,
The earth refuse to stomach the wickedness of  their inhumane abominations;

Not too long, oh brethren,
The time is dearly nigh,
That the shackles of our backwardness,
Will turn into tools for our deserved happiness.
Nigerians have bee taken for fools for far too long and the time is here to break free form our tormentors
Jun 2018 · 116
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2018
And what do you do when it all ends in defeat,
And there is no room for retreat,
And the heavens will offer no helping,
And everything comes down to nothing?
Jun 2018 · 139
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2018
So she changed tactic,
Rather than engage in fisticuffs,
She allowed her mascara flow into it,
Taking all her emotions downhill;

And from there all defenses shrunk,
The room fell silent, you could hear an atom rub itself,
Done acting her part like a diva,
Everyone took turns blaming one another.
Jun 2018 · 126
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2018
She was a gift to phallus,
Taking the member wherever,
Eating, swallowing, giving head,
And in the end, impaling on sweet ecstasy.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2018
And when the two forces locked hands,
Doomsday clocks rolled back many seconds,
On neutral ground both looked not out of place,
As many wondered what it meant, this phase;

The earth went on along its own axis,
The sun greeting the morning from the east,
Surely the stars will twinkle  tonight,
And the moon offering its cold bright light.
As Messrs Kim and Trump shook hands in Singapore today, everything building up to the moment ended in a huge anticlimax of ... what the heck did we think was going to happen? The end of time???!!!
May 2018 · 123
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
So, I find sob stories quite the act,
Delivered with so much tact,
Designed to appeal to quick emotions,
Salted by undercurrents of milky simulations.
Almost every living or dead successful media personality has got one of them - yes, sob stories.
May 2018 · 104
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
Wait, when was she hardly a pillow's length?
As she lay asleep, curled up, now several feet longer,
Then I reflected on the miracles of this life,
And how awesome such moments can truly be.
My daughter is 17 months old and on this children's day, it's just amazing how big she has become...
May 2018 · 108
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
Toothbrushes, ***** old socks,
This business truly *****,
Thought I had the best times with you,
But all I did was play the **** fool.
May 2018 · 121
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
And she's all I've got,
Unique being, out of the lot,
Unimaginable personal sacrifices,
Deserving all of life's aromatic spices.
May 2018 · 148
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
There is one one like my lover to me,
No matter what people say,
I have chosen her as my woman to be,
And stand by her everyday and in  every way.
May 2018 · 120
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
There is no one like my woman to me,
No matter how poor she may be,
I will want her enough to make her wealthy,
And love her into a remarkable somebody.
May 2018 · 99
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
There is no one like my queen to me,
No matter how royal she may be,
With my love she becomes a goddess,
Basking everyday in heavenly goodness.
May 2018 · 110
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
There is no one like Hadassah to me,
No matter how pretty she may be,
I have won the only place in her heart,
Where only death can do us 'part.
May 2018 · 120
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
There is no one like my love to me,
No matter how plain she may be,
I have traveled all o'er the land,
Even been to England,
But, there is no one like my love to me.
May 2018 · 209
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
When I first met you years ago,
I had this strange, strange feeling,
But I knew not what it meat at the time,
Then I hated you for it, why?

Because courage failed me,
The contents of my heart burdened me,
And the fiery look in your eyes frightened me more,
Such powerful beauty wrapped in simple tastefulness;

And after all these years,
I still feel these things in my heart,
So, the day you looked at me with equal interest,
Everything exploded, everything! Into one amazing love story.
Love shouldn't be complicated.
May 2018 · 176
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
Kings have fought for it,
Paupers have died for it,
While many live for its heat,
Others will end up deadbeat.
The entire world revolves around this amazingly deadly weapon owned exclusively by daughters of Eve.
May 2018 · 102
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
When I first met you years ago,
I had this strange, strange feeling,
I knew no what it meat at the time,
But I hated you for it, why?

Because courage failed me,
The contents of my heart burdened me,
The fiery look in your eyes frightened me more,
Magical beauty wrapped in simple tastefulness;

And after all these years,
I still feel these things in my heart,
And when you looked at me with equal interest,
Everything exploded into a million lovely pieces.
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
Many moons of dust and drought,
Banished by refreshing rushes,
Cool cataracts cascading, crashing,
Monsoon melodies waking winged *******.
May 2018 · 121
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
On either side of backward mountain,
Lay two valleys impeding any kind of success,
On this side the people of state are too hungry and angry,
The oppressors of state are gluttons, too satisfied to lift a finger on the other side.
The suppressed masses of Nigeria have to think on empty stomachs, too angry to be innovative and much frightened to even ask for their sovereignty back...
May 2018 · 211
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
Come, have a taste of my difficult life,
Daily I dine on poverty and strife,
My pockets are filled with nothing,
And the harsh cold stiffens everything;

But you sit on the rock,
Ride all day in a cool truck,
Surrounded by linen and fine gold,
And never afraid to grow old;

Deaf to all my frustrations and agony;
Never acknowledging my tearful testimony,
Blind to all my sorrows,
Waiting until I am no better than scarecrows.
The elite ruling class of the Nigerian society pretend all is well form the cosy recesses of the state house, feeding fat off the hardship of the masses...sad
May 2018 · 159
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
The blue times are upon us,
Red is all we see,
But yellow is what we are,
Wrapped in black ensemble.
May 2018 · 116
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
The days are black and all is in disarray,
The people of state are rudderless,
The children of state are lost,
The will of all is faint;

Uninspired by generations of cretins,
Unbelief spreads like cancer,
Uncircumcised vagabonds ravage the innocent,
Undesire serves all a dish of prolonged suffering.
May 2018 · 119
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2018
As a matter of unassuming disposition,
And like a fleck of nothing on the wall,
Unseen, unannounced, unrecognised, unknown,
Prominent enough to not see me all.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
On the road to see my sweetheart,
I stopped by a hedge of red roses,
And lingered for an eternity's moment,
To savour how true love should entrap a man's soul.
Apr 2018 · 157
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
The many fiends rushed through screaming like a banshee,
Catching the sleepy lawmakers in a terrible fright,
The golden staff of office glittered in prostate silence,
Only to be stolen in rapturous, disharmonious free for all!
Yesterday, 'hoodlums' 'invaded' the 3-arms Zone of the seat of power, stole the Mace of the Senate of the Federal Government of Nigeria and went away with the instrument of authority...shameful acts
Apr 2018 · 172
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Conjoined at the middle,
One loved nuts and the other was nuts,
A tale of Ralph and Rudolph,
Cursed by an appendage that bound them apart.
Apr 2018 · 104
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Everyday the sun rises over dead bodies,
Infants, little children and the innocent,
Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers and the sinners,
And when the sun sets, it closes, on a worthless lives.
Apr 2018 · 158
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2018
Please, end this reality now,
For the torment of these ****** times are unbearable,
Please, restore the joyful times now,
For we yearn the times so memorable.
Nigeria is at war within; Boko Haram, Fulani herdsmen run amok killing with reckless abandon and the government remains very, very aloof and unconcerned
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