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Feb 2019 · 89
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
It thus happened upon us,
That fate be kind,
Crowning our heads,
With men of authority;

Many be angry with us,
That we ride in treated vehicles,
Chauffeured by armed guards,
And dining with golden spoons;

But they close their minds,
To the ways of the gods,
That bestow opulence,
Unto whom they so please.
In the defense of the wives of the elites of that country called Nigeria, their husbands are mere puppets.
Feb 2019 · 255
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Gloomy days are behind us,
The longest nights of fright,
Sweaty inbetweens,
And uncertain mornings;

Today the sun shine,
On her angelic smile,
Ran around on pretty feet,
And gave the warmest embraces.
My two years old daughter fell ill when she began growing new molars. The period, for me, was end-to-end worry, my wife was stronger.

Then she turned the corner and being the bravest two-year-old ever, she did so with vigour and so much Joi de vivre!
Jan 2019 · 169
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
For the loyalty of a child,
Cannot be in doubt,
In the face of uncertainty,
Rest assured;

Where the bond between,
Parent and child is true,
Then trust is not afar,
Belief, even stronger.
When my child woke up restless in the middle of the night and cuddled on my chest, I myself pressed to answer nature's can call, I only could please for her to allow me go; I gave her my mobile phone and said, "hold this for me, I'll be back." Many minutes later, I found her still sitting up, waiting for me; and after she handed me the phone, my two-year old said, "take," then went back to sleep. I was beyond impressed...forever.
Jan 2019 · 417
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
Properly or improperly...connected,
Wired...or rewired,
Banded, disbanded or not,
Augmented in a virtual reality;

The world evolves from evening to morning,
With miracles every sunup,
Brilliant minds vending awesome,
Of things never before seen,

But are these...really?
The ancients, haven't they?
Surely extraterrestrial,
Bifrost, Valhalla... Asgard?
Tech today sees manaybamazing feats of wonder and spectacle that makes you wonder if something out worldly maybe behind such divine inspirations. CURIOUS.
Jan 2019 · 210
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
Take your eye away a second,
Or bat an eyelid,
And you will be sorry,
No story;

For out there roaming,
Is a mean fiend,
Ripping off female *******,
And leaving no tracies;

The story is awash,
In the pubs, on the streets,
Of desperate ritualists,
Getting into ****** fetishes;

That in used *******,
Is DNA for making money,
Deeply set in the fabric,
Is fluid that oils the maeveric;

So, watch out!
Fall not victim,
Of roving lunatics,
And their ***** antics.
In that country called Nigeria, a group of persons are in the prowl looking to steal used female *******. Those caught have alluded to using the lingeries for money ritualists - a dark fetish art of using diabolic practices tonentise spirits to bring in money. You must know that Nigeria dug in unrelenting poverty with no way out, so the young boys devise devilish means of making ends meet.
Jan 2019 · 94
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
Every second that passes,
Sitting behind my glasses,
In front of my suitcases,
Tying down my shoelaces;

There is a constant bringing to mind,
Of a certain kind,
Quite visible, even to the blind,
Sure leaves me in a bind;

From the corner of me eye,
Descending from on high,
A portend written the sky,
No need for amateurish spy;

In figures, three of them,
Branching from a stem,
A well known term,
Not unlike an active germ;

Four, One, Nine,
Is it benign?
Be it...mine?
Or the very end, divine?
4:19. Means many to the many, especially those Nigerians. But I see it everytime, like 23. I wonder what it means, even so, now, we are in 2019. CURIOUS.
Jan 2019 · 92
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
Waking up to a bright day,
Whistling about all the way,
Walking with a smart springing,
Working without a groaning;

Wishful thinking, wishing this,
Worthless life, this one,
Worrying about this and that,
Wasting away, after every start.
It is elusive, very much, a life without sorrows. PITY.
Jan 2019 · 75
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
In my eyes, my eyes,
I see, oh, yes! I see,
Hotter things than can be,
Much colder, even colder than ice;

When too big, too big,
Enormous even by all standard,
And failure a distant thought,
Nothing is large enough to scare;

The little ones that make big things,
So they withdraw their unnoticed labour,
Put down tools and make a protest,
Saying what the heck! We made you!

So much power,
But do they know?
Of course they don't,
Overworked even to bother;

But the day the sun shines,
On their consciousness,
And they are filled with enlightenment,
Olympus will have to sit up!
Nothing is too big to crumble. Simple.
Jan 2019 · 91
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
Let's show some flesh,
Some treats here, no ******* please!
Cover that crotch, O.K!
A little buttcrack will be fine;

It's a crazier world,
To get attention, go all out,
To break the superhighway,
Bring on the whole nine!
Nothing g much to add here... whatever makes you less depressed. O.K!
Jan 2019 · 95
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
No! Not by any measure!
All of that for their pleasure?!
People wake up, please?!
The State is not at ease;

Easy targets, very easy,
Abducted by pampered terrorists,
Dismembered by bloodthirsty ritualists,
Everyday people, under siege;

But they sit in lofty places,
Make a lot of faces,
Trod on the rights of others,
And give frivolous orders;

Simpletons turn on simpletons,
Coconut heads that know nothing,
Get in useless arguments,
Over senseless debasements;

Get serious, people!
Do not treat as fickle,
Encourage not their gluttony,
Worse, much, than capital felony.
The way those Nigerians have come out to support the same people that have stolen their cooin partrimony and plunged them into eternal impoverishment is heartbreaking to say the least. When will they realise they have been played for fools since 1914?
Dec 2018 · 129
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
How utterly lacking in mind,
Truly missing the meat of the matter,
Bounced around by emperors of a stupid kind,
Failing to make the lives of subjects any better;

Bickering over nothing,
The critters in power chew up everything,
Turning bare buttocks to the people,
Dripping honey from foul mouths;

When will the people get a living wage?
Because you wage war against the living,
Paying just enough to go and die,
Senseless reprobates, enoying others' agonies;

But keep watch! O ye emperors!
For the day of reckoning cometh,
When your billions cannot save you,
From the same dish you served the oppressed.
The fragmented, factional and fictional disorganised labour of Nigeria have agreed to a minimum wage of N30,000 per month just above $80. In a country where lawmakers steal millions of dollars every month as emoluments and allowances. That country is really a joke and those running their affairs are clowns - and do not even get me talking about the docile, lethargic folks that call themselves the people of Nigeria. Sad.
Dec 2018 · 114
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
The problem created by problem makers,
Who call themselves, ridiculously, government,
Is push absurdity down the throat of the people,
And expect anything better than stupidity;

These people create burdens,
Designed only for the vulnerable,
Fetter the impoverished with difficulties,
And pass the blame to others than them;

Laughable, the least,
Ignominious, the most,
Ridiculous, in between,
Mendacious, all around;

Other nations do it,
So, why can't we?
But are you a country?
Please, inform my ignorance;

So, when they place the sleigh before the dogs,
And expect movement is any positive direction,
It only shows the extent of their disillusionment,
The sincerity of the toilet, really.
The present government of the Nigeria state wants to increase tax on the already impoverished folks of that country. It is ironic that this government is not concerned about reduces taxes for smaller businesses that actually pusah the wheels of the economy. It will (not) be surprising that the gullibles will still vote this  particular malevolent people back into power. It is only sad that the cycle of impoverishment will only linger on for as long as the people of state finally wake up into consciousness. SAD.
Dec 2018 · 142
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
Oh, what disappointment!
To get to  my destination,
And you quit on me,
You have abandoned me;

Baffles me, truly, it does,
Out here in the cold,
Alone, with the elements for cover,
To have believed you, my lover;

Tears deeply into my recesses,
A place devoted for worship,
Sanctified only for you,
But now, what will I do?
Dec 2018 · 123
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
But why have they turned out this way?
Wrapped in hypocrisy and utter mendaciousness,
Leading a life of ruin,
Encouraging self-destruction;

General perception does not help, at all,
Painted, everyone, with one lousy brush,
Deep seated dislike, spit on their nationality,
Unwelcome by many, persecuted by more;

Still they go around bearing arrogance,
Like the world owes them entitlement,
Sometime tangible, because they are,
Never bothered by what people think.
That country called Nigeria reminds me of America and Britain in the days of yore, lawlessness is the order of the day and crass looting of the treasury the mainstay of the ruling elite. SAD.
Dec 2018 · 98
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
Taking my affections for granted,
Laughing in the face of my feelings,
Jailing me in the friendzone forever,
Ignoring my obvious sufferings in this matter;

I can barely face the sun,
Praying the golden ball never comes through,
The darkness has become my companion,
Not interested in any other opinion;

Until I found something quite interesting,
Never knew I had it all in myself,
There, in the corner of my resolve,
The mustard of strength to evolve;

I shall outgrow this phase,
Loving you is not a criminal offence,
Now that I  have turned this corner,
I really do not have any bother.
Dec 2018 · 95
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
Hunters of vulnerable daughters of Eve,
Preying on weakened virtues,
Randy pedagogues  in the temple of callousness,
Eating forbidden fruits, whether ripe or unripe;

But this shameful act,
Has come at a great cost,
One scape man is now in fetters,
Ruminating over matters of his itchy crotch.
After many hushed up incidences of ***-for-marks, one professor at a foremost Nigeria ivy league school is not in jail. He was unfortunate to have been implicated by a young lady that had the foresight to record conversations between the both of them. In a trial, not in small measure aided by overwhelming media outcry, the judge sentenced the "deacon" to jail for two years for demanding *** from his student. CHANGE HAS COME.
Dec 2018 · 116
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
"It's not the original,"
"And that is final!"
"You...are you sure?"
"Yes, that's not pure!"

Excellent responses in deflection,
To items in post reflection,
Those things they want to wish away,
They tag and dismiss in a horrible way.
The proliferation of "fake news" has got many notable figures either reaching for elaborate lawsuits or suiting up and dishing out in similar kind. You fake news me, I fake news you. While most pranks or idiocies find their way into mainstream public spaces, a number of serious affairs are swept, unfortunately, into the bin of fake news. INTERESTING.
Dec 2018 · 90
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
See them, see how they raise their voices,
See the way they gesticulate and pontificate,
They highlight monsters from across the sea,
And condemn the critters across the deserts;

But they fail to look at themselves,
Bloodied history of mass massacres,
Forced occupation of foreign lands,
And state sanctioned sovereign assassinations;

These ones can only fool fools,
Not four-eyed discerning minds,
That see through their criminal mendacity,
And characteristic self adulating oratory.
The land of the free and home of the brave - America - has stopped arms support to Saudi Arabi over the killing of Journalist Kashoggi, a citizen of Virginia. The lawmakers that reached this resolution mouthed their "values and principles" as underlying reasons for reaching the "landmark" decision.

Then one wonders why this same uncle sam, big brother of the world, that has not stopped toppling governments and causing mayhem across the world would stand on a pedestal of integrity to denigrate a country for engaging in acts not alien to the stars and stripes. HYPOCRITES.
Dec 2018 · 98
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
Emperors of State cultivate hate on a scale,
Expect reverence from the victims of their wickedness,
Pitiable handouts unfit, even for illegitimate born,
Let alone the People of State;

Because something is better than nothing,
These young ones are forced to abdicate pride,
Stoop to get some scoop,
Or embrace perpetual indolence;
Nigeria's administrators at all tiers or arms of government continue to take their people for fools, they dole out ridiculous pittances and them "startup packs" or "empowerment", more of the later; and for those sensible enough to see through these deceptive acts, they decline to be part of the hypocrisy.
Those tin gods live in such opulence only Pharaohs, Caesars, Emperors and Kings were or are known for. But they convey poverty wrapped in elaborate ceremonial distribution programmes to those too weak to refuse their disguised malevolence. Someday Nigeria's young folk will arise to seize the reigns of governance and permanently keep those vagabonds occupying Olympus out of power
Dec 2018 · 93
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
But for no fault of theirs,
Left to circumstances around them,
Shaped by influences that took 'em in,
Ultimately cast into mold of ne'er-do-wells;

Backs turned on reason,
Facing a life of cold embraces,
No warm meals,
Bondless, mere statistic;

They have chosen the path,
To pay in misery's kind,
Dish out as much,
Leave them a taste of they got;

This is the language of their existence,
To engage in violent agitation,
Disobedience pays living stipend,
Opulent lifestyle funded by militancy.
Many of Nigeria's young never have never felt the presence of
a caring government in their lives. All they have ever known is lack
and impoverishment. The things that make life meaningful to them
were never affordable and nobody except their weather beaten parents seemed
care about them, that is if they did at all. Abandoned to fate, they latch unto
any means that will give them desirable ends
Dec 2018 · 131
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
Under a petty ruse,
Cloaked in plain sight,
Not well hidden,
A sanctimonious deceiver;

Sanctioned by incumbency,
Clever use of state resources,
Bending the rules in favour,
Open abuse of executive latitude;

But do the people care?
Too impoverished to mind,
Would readily be had,
Even for a few grains benevolence.
The ruling party in Nigeria has cleverly devised a means of buying votes toward the 2019 elections by disbursing stipends to traders: market women and men; in the names of TraderMoni and MarketMoni. Softloans of ten thousand and hundred thousand naira respectively offered petty traders without collateral. This state backed daylight use of state funds ti bribe potential voters of that particular bloc comes weeks to elections in 2019. This is no different from outright exchanging money for votes, only cleverly wrapped in doling out pittances.
Dec 2018 · 104
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
In the little lies we tell,
To make the other see,
Those things we want,
In that special way;

The elaborate tales we share,
To create that picture,
Every other has fantasised ,
And daily longed for;

It is presenting a manifesto,
To captivate and engage,
Selling sand to Bedouins,
Or water to Atlanteans;

Sides of the same coin,
There is a prize to be had,
The means matter less,
The end, however, is worth every gimmick.
As far as that country is concerned, the love of politics isn't different from the politics of love. Nigeria, infamously described as a **** hole country by  President Donald J. Trump, mirrors everything illogical about anything anyone might think of. And that is really sad.
Dec 2018 · 148
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
Good title for a Nollywood flick,
Script writers assemble!
One week to belt out a wobble,
But try not to get into trouble;

So, rumour around town,
That a Sudanese man is Aso Rock!,
Wonders shall never cease in that country,
But what effrontery!

"Well, could be fictional, this matter,"
"Don't take it literally,"
Posited a recent opposition egghead,
Playing advocate for the other coconut head;

That country is in trouble,
Caught in several problems,
There seems no respite in sight,
Even with assurances from the president, the other night;

Hell, what's the difference anyway,
The real one was no better,
The people of state should accept their fate,
Now, before it is too late.
IPOB says Buhari, the Nigeria president is cloned. The president said that it is the real self. Washington Post said that that is what a clone would say, anyway. Shehu Sanni said that the matter shouldn't be taken literally. And Nigerians wouldn;t just let it go.
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
So it went viral!
Celebrity arrested for illegal possession,
Gun toting and threatening officers of the law,
Also, riding an unregistered conveyance;

Amusing, to say the least,
When news tumbled in,
That a popular face was arrested,
Then paraded like a common criminal;

Social media went into a frenzy,
As videos made the rounds,
Made to lie on the ground,
He and his companions;

But a magistrate has set him free,
Reprimanded and asked to sin no more,
Cleared of illegal possession,
Because he had a license, anyway;

Then we remember, from sometime back,
That this same celebrity is an ambassador,
A popular face for the law,
Wow! Even posed in that uniform!
In Nigeria it is not uncommon for the Police to rough people up, small people, folks who are small enough to get caught in their notorious web of vindictiveness. If you are not BIG enough or don't know BIG people then you likely to be in for unpleasant experiences; especially if you are not in the good books of the vagabond in power.

So Small Doctor, a popular hip hop artist got roughed up by the police and paraded like a common criminal, but unknown to those that made him lie on the road, harassed and effectively disgraced, he is a police ambassador. they claim he used a rifle to threaten a police warden on duty.

These people leave the mighty criminals that have wrecked that country to pieces, plundered and impoverished 190 million people to go chasing adrenaline junkies. SAD.
Dec 2018 · 79
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
Gruesome, gory happenings in the land,
One day, one dismembered body,
Young boy, teenage girl, old woman,
Just any unlucky fellow would do;

So, as the Yuletide rolls in,
And the lust for money fills the air,
Maddened fiends take to dark alley ways,
To make a killing to pleasure their desires,

This fetish is about a crazed notion,
That offering cadaver to the devil,
Brings instant riches and wealth,
Often promoted by lazy myths and indolent legends;

No one is safe,
Anymore than we truly were,
But the season triples in the letting of blood,
Enriched by psychopaths running amok;

Everyone prays here,
Like they have any other choice,
Their safety is in the hand of GOD,
As security agencies continue in perpetual failure.
Ritualistic murders of people have risen to all time highs this period in Nigeria. Daily the people are confronted by pictures of people beheaded and body parts taken for whatever reasons. It is unfortunate that the Nigeria Police only rushes to parade suspects and never taken painstaking time to actua;;y investigate reasons behind these unholy acts. Christmas and New Year celebrations are around the corner and many will go to evil lengths to just to make an impression. SAD.
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2018
It is out of their hands now,
And they know it!
But would rather wish reality away,
Then kneel to pray;

They know not what to do,
It is evident!
But would pretend all is rosy and dandy,
Then lose themselves in uneasy melody;

Come to a crossroad,
Which way to go?!
"Anywhere," but...
The gods forbid, not our lot!

Poverty dressed in handouts,
Give them peanuts,
**** to get a rat's share,
Of this cyclic welfare;

Beyond the horizon,
Looms a worrisome portend,
All will not be well,
Even the simplest fool can readily tell.
Nigeria is now the POVERTY CAPITAL of the entire cosmos! Haaa! The "founding fathers, and mothers" must turn in their graves to see what they left behind reduced to a joke of what it used to be. It is election time and the incumbent party gives out state sanctioned bribes in the name of loans to traders, worthless few nairas that's no better than toilet paper. But the people **** to get their hands on it - they have no choice! They've been fed so much poverty than a meal of something akin to proper diet is welcomed with full zest! SAD.
Nov 2018 · 286
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2018
They have created incompetence,
And turned around to mock their creation,
Rather their weep for their useless contraption,
They continue in their perverse indolence;

Look at what has become of this ex imperial colony,
Daily I see the contrivance of neo elite monsters,
Destroying the whole to empower shameless critters,
With evil relish, they gobble up our common patrimony;

Barely working, all in disarray,
The rich fly away to comfort,
Leaving the poor in pain and distraught,
Only to pray ceaselessly, for a better next day.
I came across this video of a kangaroo open interview for would-be teachers in Cross River State Nigeria in which applicants where mocked by a panel of nitwits that ordinarily should be shoe shiners at a bus park. For reasons the clowns found amusing, they laughed at the inability of a graduate of a Nigeria University that could not articulate a sentence on a whiteboard. Rather than weep for  the broken system that produced the otherwise unfortunate fellow, they proceeded to jeer and taunt the applicant.

This is what Nigeria has become, a bad oven that produces poor pastries then turns around to blame the product for being half baked. SAD.
Nov 2018 · 73
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2018
Getting in trouble,
Taking stick,
Breaking back,
Always grounded;

When I was older,
Alone, I would ponder,
Each time I remember,
Playing the problem solver;

It never ended well,
I would come up short,
Beaten down, for standing up,
In detention, fantasising freedom;

They called themselves friends,
But wanted only benefits,
Like leaving all the ***** dishes,
After a sumptuous sunday dinner.
I have never bothered much about their current predicament, no, not until they began taking sides with the generation that has kept them impoverished. The same people that have only benefited from the benevolence of Nigeria but have poured copious amounts of malevolence upon later generations. Elections are few months away and they will again spill blood to give their oppressors free reign to flog more sufferings into their already bent, misshapen backs. SAD.
Nov 2018 · 791
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2018
Strange place, even stranger times,
Every unfit thing, strangely finds its place,
But in kleptopia strangers become bedfellows,
The strangeness all the more welcoming;

Outside the uneven lines, weeping, wailing,
Many complaining, more agonising,
But within the cesspit of gluttonous philandering,
Merriment upon merriment, endless mirthing;

So they negotiate a rollback,
Of the misaligned circumference of the perimeter,
Try to redraw this untidy arrangement,
Only still at it, many lifetimes after.
Many Nigerians blame the United Kingdom for their woes. Unequally yoking them with tribes and ethnic groups that have little or nothing in common with their own race. For some it's reaping where they have never sown and for others it's sowing endlessly with no hope of a rewarding harvest.
Many call for restructuring, some had tried seceding, only to be held by foreign pegs that want the continued geographical expression remain in a condition of forced alignment. SAD.
Nov 2018 · 85
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2018
Erroneously called third world,
Could have been, but once upon a time,
Now no better than a war ravaged sorry excuse,
Overrun by millions of uneducated minors and poorly educated seniors;

Old timers reminisce days of better,
When enough went round to even fly around,
Times when the first world was a backyard trip,
And the currency was more than a generous tip;

So when a big bird drops a returnee,
And welcome is a smelly, darkly terminal,
Lackeys in uniform coercing gratification,
Then confronted by abysmal roads manned by drunken law enforcement;

Nobody needs a lesson in enlightenment,
To figure this rudderless contraption's predicament,
And whether the future will bring turnaround development?
Better pray, like they always do, for better entertainment.
That country Nigeria is gradually losing grasp on reality. Discordant messages put out by vagabonds in charge. Young people are now unrepentant ritualists and cultists - the future unassured. Older people had ruined any chances of a better future, anyway. So they are stuck between a morbid present and drab future. SAD.
Nov 2018 · 1.3k
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2018
But how else can one explain,
More or less, with disdain,
Frolicking with your oppressors?
Taking selfies with suited emperors?!

At a loss for how quickly we forget,
The many tyrannical years of enslavement,
The ****** of the motherland on a budget,
Killing brilliant minds for continued enthronement;

And fifty-eight years down the poverty line,
Not one thing learned at all,
Only to bow, grovel and crawl,
To a shameless monarchy, cruel and devilishly serpentine.
Just a few weeks after the PM visited that unfortunate country, the Prince Of Wales and duchess of Cornwall visit their erstwhile colony. And it was ridiculous seeing traditional chiefs and celebrities kissing their ***** as though they had come to share salvation. Sheer stupidity to pander to the same people that have set in motion an unending cycle of continuous enslavement via proxies. SAD.
Nov 2018 · 470
Dada Olowo Eyo Nov 2018
When you have a child,
And reality grips your senses,
In moderation and mild,
The scolding and tender defences;

When loves goes cold,
And romance becomes a figment,
But you did as was told,
If only that was the requirement;

When death approaches,
And life has run its course,
No time for presupposes,
Only to fulfil, this one sure curse.
Nothing ever remains the same.
Oct 2018 · 148
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Beggars they are, huddled by the guardrail,
As headlamps make out their shriveled forms,
They have never known love, less brail,
Their fate is one of many norms;

Day and night they are led by children,
Life's gifts wallowing in misery and abandonment,
Left to uncertain fate, will never know a pen,
These ones daily embrace scorn and raging disappointment;

So the six blind women,
All from the north,
Summarise our homegrown problem,
Everything we are, everything we are not.
The problem of beggars from the north of Nigeria swarming every capital city of that country has lingered like an unrelenting cancer refusing every known cure and their government really do not care about them or pretend they do not exist. Shame.
Oct 2018 · 159
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Integrity suffers embarrassingly,
And there is nowhere to hide,
Again, a play for sentiment,
But twice beaten cannot be shyness.
A requirement for  the highest office in Nigeria is to have attended high school ( or its equivalent). The present occupant of the seat is embroiled in issues bordering fraudulent claims of evidence of attendance locked in the vaults of the country's army - after pulling the wool over their faces in 2015, he once again adopts the same stratagem - but who is the commander of the said force, the people ask???
Oct 2018 · 112
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
One says "why?"
And the other, "why not?!"
Both are quite right,
If they saw beyond the fight.
Oct 2018 · 105
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Twenty-two and one ball,
Green spread, markings of white,
Netted uprights joined by a bar,
Dizzying delight of moments of brilliance.
Oct 2018 · 235
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
When you work really hard,
As though the next minute,
Is not a guaranteed linear measure,
And the past is a waste of time.
Oct 2018 · 61
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
You and me,
Separated by love,
We can not get around it,
So, we wonder, from afar.
Oct 2018 · 365
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
You give me reasons to hate you,
But I am in love with the mishmash,
Held by the strings of your confusion,
Never, ever, to set myself free.
Oct 2018 · 117
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Nothing's right with this one,
Everything's wrong, begone!
That day I walked the wrong turn,
With you, I knew that I would burn!
Oct 2018 · 67
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
When I pour the contents of my desperation,
Upon the tormentors of my miserable existence,
Only one outcome is surer than eternal damnation,
They will never stop paying recompense.
Oct 2018 · 168
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
When I try to articulate,
Desperately trying not to gesticulate,
So I pause, step back, and calculate,
Thinking, if It were better, I recalibrate.
The 2019 general elections in Nigeria will end in a two-horse race between the incumbent and a former vice President: the former is perceived to be frugal, the latter extremely benevolent. Interesting.
Oct 2018 · 194
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
When the bird sang sweet tunes,
And the trees sweeter fruits,
Alas! tormentors now glory in their loots,
And The People of State lay die upon hot sand dunes.
Once upon a time Nigeria could care for her people; today, the people do not care what happens to her.
Oct 2018 · 80
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
The cancer continues to eat away,
But they continue to merry and pray,
The People of State continue in agony and pain,
But they love the irony for their gain.
The Nigeria system creates monsters that feed on the blood of the innocent; only for their nepotic and despotic rulers to turn around and hunt these unfortunate beings for sport. Sad.
Oct 2018 · 92
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Been away for many a moon,
But now back to fatherland,
Then alas! A crack and boom!
Life ends with a wicked shot.
Many Nigerians fear to return to that country because of cases of lawless misfirings by those (poorly) remunerated to protect them. Another lady got shot by crazy policemen just under two years of returning home from living all her life abroad. Sad.
Oct 2018 · 156
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Interesting, almost exciting,
How The People of State have anointed,
One and condemned the other,
Both of the same stock in trade.
The emergence of erstwhile vice president of Nigeria as flagbearer of an erstwhile ruling party in coming 2019 Presidential election has divided the people along imaginary lines; seeing that their present commander-in-chief that promised them change, is of the same ethnic stock
Oct 2018 · 155
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Tyson. Weinstein.
Cosby. Ronaldo.
Oct 2018 · 101
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Concocted tribal maligning,
Romancing the victim's mentality,
Handed down hatred, bigotry,
Caught, now, in their own dystopia.
So the Igbos of Nigeria have never found anything worthy about the Yorubas and their eternal enemies the Hausa-Fulanis. But ins a recent twist, a certain Presidential candidate of the Fulani stock and  of a well-known party has chosen one of their own as running mate - and ALL IS SUDDENLY WELL?
Oct 2018 · 167
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
The lovelessness breaks the heart,
The outpouring of hatred among The People of State,
The bequeathing of sadness to the generations,
The unwillingness to take a different turn.
Human life is worth no more than pulling grass off the side of the road in Nigeria. Hospitals have become death centres. Doctors and Nurses do not care. Old and young die with reckless abandon. People pay through their noses for their own death
Oct 2018 · 484
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2018
Nonsensical sense of entitlement.
There's this tribe in Nigeria that has prides itself as being descended from  Jewish tribe and has never stopped wailing about seceding; interestingly, the title of this poem is synonymous with a natural herb some folks get high on :)
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