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Apr 2019 · 86
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
No, grave, not today,
You won't get the luxury,
Of my permanent residency,
Maybe some other day.
Apr 2019 · 113
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Clad in me best attire,
Of the finest spun wool,
Dressed in nothing to inspire,
Nothing but a golden fool.
Apr 2019 · 58
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
When life throws me bricks,
And cannot, I, turn any tricks,
I stack a pile out of the lot,
And make me a nice looking plot.
Apr 2019 · 75
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Hunger holds me by the scruff,
Life has been so tough,
Nothing I get is ever enough,
Who will give me some stuff?
Apr 2019 · 53
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Things are not how they were,
Plenty baffle the mind,
Madness of the dry kind,
Pushing women and men to savage dare.
Apr 2019 · 78
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Many, many moons ago,
They came with sea prisons,
And now after many seasons,
The people risk all to have a go.
Apr 2019 · 81
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
For the sake of boo boo,
I have to do, do,
All egos aside,
I care, only, to please her pride
Apr 2019 · 85
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
Cowardly gunmen,
Rampaging, pillaging children and women,
But take way their arms,
And they become dung on farms.
Apr 2019 · 92
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
At a point,
Not out of joint,
My journey will take me,
To where I ought to be.
Apr 2019 · 113
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
She actually screamed, "yyyyytttt!"
Half drowsy, in sweaty birthday suit,
I'd been fanning her through the night,
In our terribly hot and breezeless suite.
It's almost 4am WAT and I'd been fanning my two-year-old daughter since 3am after the power went off. Then the standing fan came on and she dreamily, excitedly said, "yyyyytttt!" Every Nigerian child knows how to scream SOME-THING whenever power is restored. It's a big problem Nigerians grapple with, have been grappling with since forever. A country of close to two hundred million people can only generate four thousand megwatt of electricity - only when the grid hasn't collapsed, which is quite frequent. DARKNESS. SHAME.
Mar 2019 · 183
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Her decision could have been,
One way, or the other,
But she brought forth this being,
And none else would I call, Mother.
Happy Mothers' Day, Mom. For all the the sacrifices I'll never be able to repay. SWEET.
Mar 2019 · 148
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Craaaaaaaaash! And whaam!
Everything goes ham!
But after the cast comes off,
It's like riding the biggest surf.
Mar 2019 · 89
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
I've lived with pain,
All my life in disdain,
But now it's summer,
And can only get warmer.
Mar 2019 · 61
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Through many images they came to worship,
Paying obeisance to his lordship,
Although many are the doors,
There is but one entrance.
Mar 2019 · 695
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
The impotence of government,
Exposed on the night most needed,
They perch on trees to tweet untruths,
But cower behind powerful iron bars.
Mar 2019 · 73
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Tears woke me today,
When mother gave me away,
My heart was torn in two,
As I wondered what to do.
Mar 2019 · 102
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Collusion, collusion!
Oh, what a situation!
In god's own nation!
****, what a misconception!
America is a bastion, no doubt. But not perfect. I am not American, far from it. But I thoroughly love the way they put their nation in the spotlight all the time. The excellent use of media to launder their image is unprecedented. PROPS!
Mar 2019 · 71
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
For all sorts,
Things of all kinds,
Used, used, reused,
Different items end up there;

From old pots and spoons,
To second hand cars and trucks,
Even underwear and magazines,
Shipped off to a geographical trash site;

A place unwilling to innovate,
Not akin to creative Enterprise,
Always seeking shortcuts,
Thus remaining the world's refuse heap.
Nigeria imports almost anything imaginable. SHAME
Mar 2019 · 317
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Under the knife he went,
And came up decades younger,
Now he need not fright,
Fearing nothing in plain sight;

She went in with meaty love handles,
And out came a sumptuous hourglass,
So, on with the two-piece bikini,
By the poolside sipping cold tea;

Before, tens and dozens,
Mowed down by jihadist fundamentalists,
Today, tens of thousands are unaccounted for,
Their lot, with this terrible dictator;

For me, humble beginnings,
From eating with wooden spatulas,
To dining with exquisite utensils,
Designed and printed in three-dee plastic.
Social Media Challenges have become paradigm altering events that go on to effect some good or further throw gas upon the flames of anti-humane actions. Some challenges actually make sense...and others, well,
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Never before has shame borne a new meaning,
The eyes failing to convince vision,
Seeing now is disbelief,
For all they are, and will be, is a terrible lie;

Right from the tarmac of the airport,
Greeted by stink and algae, rot and disrepair,
Gun toting men in military fatigues,
And a jumble of rickety trolleys;

Across dirt strewn medians,
Road blocks mounted by zoned out operatives,
Dusty highways dotted with gaping holes,
And terrible bypasses hewn into tired looking rocks;

Struggle across makeshift bridges,
Old railway tracks, abandoned,
Dark bends and dangerous loose surfaces,
Overgrown shrubs, perfect hideout for highway rogues;

The joy on our faces,
Whenever we arrive safe,
Glad to be off the hot, stinky deathtraps,
Of the north-south-east roadways.
A journey from north-central through south-south and south-east of Nigeria can only be best imagined than experienced.
Mar 2019 · 37
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
One, warning,
Two, I meant it,
Three, I'll do it!
Tap! Gone!
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
They greeted the millennium with renewed hope,
Welcomed the new era with more expectation,
Military jackboots had been put to the rope,
Civilian turncoats can now tend the plantation ;

So every four years they mount the soapbox,
Preaching prosperity in the clouds,
Telling the People to give away their sovereignty,
Over cheap promises of beds of roses.
Nigerians are in, again, for four years of unbearable hardship under false leadership and perfidious governance.
Mar 2019 · 91
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Eyes open to darkness,
Sweaty night,
In birthday suit,
Waiting on the cockcrow;

Completing another cycle,
The rise and fall of seasons,
Another rung up life's ladder,
Leaving behind, moving on;

I look at my daughter,
Then at her mother, my wife,
And then at this life,
Surely, all can be better.
I am 39 today. Enough said.
Mar 2019 · 69
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Cacophony of colours,
Bombastic bedlam,
Deafening distortions,
Onomatopoeic obfuscation;

All a mumbo,
And annoying jumbo,
That thingamabob,
Or is it a thingamajig?

Things we barely pay mind,
Stuff dancing around the mind's corner,
Clutter of confused emotions,
Just there, causing misdirection.
It's somewhat painful to rise above the constant jamming of high and low frequency characters stopping us from seeing the bigger picture...clearly.
Mar 2019 · 222
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Dreams shattered,
Aspirations asphyxiated,
Hopes extinguished,
Relationships destroyed;

That news everyone dreads,
Like a cold jolt from Hades,
It envelopes all in stiff darkness,
And pours grief plentiful measure.
A big plane fell and killed dozens of people, a good number comprising whole families. It is interesting to note that no great deal of effort has been out into engineering safer landing for planes in distress. Should everyone aboard a big bird perish just because...? SAD.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Bread seeking stomachs,
Half conmen, half charlatans,
Gluttonous holes in round faces
They are the gods of men;

Monarchs in the temple of deception,
Riding on the backs of simpletons,
Rasing the dead from the living,
Tormenting treasuries out of empty purses;

Jerry curled hair and fancy suits,
Luxury boats and four wheeled drives,
Mansions in reserved areas,
Super jets customised for tireless pleasure;

They ***** false altars,
Imprison the weak,
And confound wisdom,
With diabolical manipulation;

Many generations fettered,
By spiritual delusions,
Will take many more,
To free the much incarcerated.
Many Nigerians worship men of god that coerce them into parting with meagre living. They have built empires on the backs of the hopeless many. When questions are raised, they shut it down by promising hell fire. But many thinkers are challenging these general overseers, 'daddies and mummies in the lord' that continue to pray on to the gullibility of people abandoned to their fate. SAD
Mar 2019 · 207
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Moonlight activities, nostalgic,
The days of our childhood,
Looking forward, every evening,
To folktales, to those lores of old.
Growing up in the 1980's was a joyful time. NOSTALGIC.
Mar 2019 · 96
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
The library is not a place to settle arguments,
The marketplace is not a study centre,
The mind is not a toy to play with,
A woman's heart is certainly not a pickle.
Sometimes silence is the only way to reply noisemakers.
Mar 2019 · 90
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Excitement at a level,
Pulsing, pulsing...pulsing,
Unable to hold it in,
Bursting, bursting...bursting.
A little bit more...and another cycle is closed.
Mar 2019 · 115
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
A group of morons,
Weilding all sorts,
Chased the lot,
Men, women, old ones;

Threatened blood if they thumbed,
Even killed a few to make true,
Burned their timid decisions,
And dared any opposition;

Cowered into submission,
They handed over their sovereignty,
Resigned to generational servitude,
And an unending cyclical incompetence.
Nigerians, the ones able to think straight, although weak to make any kind of change, wonder when they will be saved from the claws of oppression and who will save them? TOUGH LUCK.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
In the town of blind fools,
The one eyed idiot may rule,
In a country of perpetual nincompoops,
The lifeless buffoon will reign.
Enough said. SHAME.
Mar 2019 · 403
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Mounds of earth, mounds of earth,
Weighing down atrocities of terror,
Cut down in their prime,
Mowed down in their sleep;

One day, farmers,
Carved up, chopped up
The next day, cattle breeders,
Shot down, clobbered down;

A limb for a limb,
Toe for toe,
Mother for daughter,
Son for father,

Mass resting places,
Sit atop the plateau,
Home to many unknowns,
Poor victims of ignorance.
In Nigeria, Fulani cattle breeders and Middle belt farmers have been at war over generations and only more pronounced by political colorations, and the gort stories made prominent by globalisation. There's no genuine intention on the part of government all federal level to stop attacks and repraisals, some state governments appear to profit from the conflict while others are still a loss. But the numbers keep piling. SHAME.
Mar 2019 · 135
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
The virulent untruth they implanted,
Brainwashed by virulent balderdash,
The greatest mendacity they sold,
Topped, only, by this blatant lie they preached;

After the caucasians had their field day,
Enjoyed their time balkanising the dark continent,
They left them a germ, a true trojan demon,
Couched in the halos of a heavenly mission.
The white man's religion has brought nothing but hardship to already impoverished Africans. Same with the Arabs. Both religions have totally devastated the entire region, creating unnecessary fault lines among Africans.
Mar 2019 · 73
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2019
Nothing to scream about,
Or throw vein popping tantrums,
Nothing to sulk about,
Or break fragile eardrums.
Caring for and loving, unconditionally, a twenty-seven-month-old girl is nothing I've ever experienced in my lifetime, although I'd cared for my niece a decade ago, this is nowhere near waking up and living with my champion.
Feb 2019 · 525
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Now the mold is set,
And the dawn broken,
The cost of aloofness,
Is to be rewarded with less;

Refusing to make effort,
Apathy in the face of oppression,
Choosing to mind other things,
Throwing the future to the dogs.
The much educated elites and eggheads of the south of Nigeria very much take a back seat when it comes to taking tough decisions. The figures released by the electoral umpire's showed the predominantly illiterate north displayed overwhelming class in returning the incumbent. SHAME.
Feb 2019 · 163
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
At what cost, your Excellency?
What toll has your triumph taken?
Your glory at the expense of lives,
Dancing over a sea of blood.
Nigerians have decided, albeit unwittingly, to remain with the embarrassment of an incoherent geriatric. SHAME.
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Looking at the heart wrenching image,
Moved my whole being to tears,
Laying lifeless, bloodied,
Entry wood to her temple;

The husband craddling her head,
Tearfully looking down,
At the love of his life,
Never again to cheer his home;

She left the home that morning,
To oversee elections,
To serve her fatherland,
To contribute her own quota;

But all she got,
Was a bullet to her head,
The robbing of her life,
Abrupt end to an unfolding story;

Two children have lost their mother,
Parents have lost their daughter,
Sibblings have lost their kin,
And a husband his confidant;

Would she like many others,
Be a little statistic,
Some unfortunate incident,
Lost to unending callousness?
A woman was killed while working as an electoral officer in one of Nigeria's bloodthirsty states in 2019 elections. She has left two children and a husband. What's next? SAD.
Feb 2019 · 73
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
You can never get it all,
Everything you ever wanted,
Those things you always dreamt of,
That...complete... package.
Have you seen a unicorn, white, with silver horn? I thought so, too.
Feb 2019 · 387
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Everything went dark,
Cold sweat ran down my face,
Goose pimples as big as grapes,
Teeth won't stop chattering;

But moons before,
I knew no lack,
Meat and drink,
And a warm bed;

Plunged into daily hunger,
Worms threatened to down tools
Faculty refused to coordinate,
Vision played hide and seek;

Hands became detached,
Use of language elusive
Answers refused to come,
And failure became imminent;

Thus began the many travails,
Up the avenue of starvation,
Drawing down stored up resources,
Inching toward scrawny days;

Yes, failure did come,
That semester was dreary,
Cold nights did not help,
Hunger defeated me;

When help came,
All hope had expired,
But just,
And it was sweet, very sweet.
There's no middle-class in Nigeria, so when individuals find themselves at the wrong end of the spectrum, then, only the grace of the gods could sort them out.
So when I found myself in university at the mercy of goodwill, everything seemed to fall apart for me until my father received his first pay after over seventeen months of unpaid pensions by the Nigerian government. He gave me five thousand naira that day and told me how he slept on cardboard boxes, under a bridge until he was attended to by the military pension board in 2005. My father is no longer with us but he rekindled hope in me that year. And I made him proud by receiving a worthy bachelor's degree in science. STRONG.
Feb 2019 · 80
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Thrown into wailing and sorrow,
Day suddenly turns dark,
Many a heart broken,
And many more shattered;

Father against his daughter,
Mother despises her son,
Uncle fights his nephew,
Aunt derides her niece;

Neighbourhoods at war,
Communities at daggers drawn,
Hamlets in peril,
Towns go up in flames;

The light has burned out,
The future is quenched,
Many felled by bullets,
Others hacked to pieces;

The make the headlines,
Blood spilled unnecessarily,
They leave loved ones behind,
And a country unwilling to change.
Yet again many have died during the 2019 presidential election in  Nigeria. The cost of previous bloodshed have never been atoned for, now this. Women hacked into pieces, young folks hit by stray bullets, ballot box snatchers mobbed to death. The principal actors pretend everything is okay until karma happens, and it will. SHAME.
Feb 2019 · 46
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
What say you, now, brethren,
That on the most exalted,
Is seated an impostor-in-chief,
Presiding over the affairs of men?

A husk filed with foreign bones?
A box projecting alien mumbo-jumbo?
An ear refusing to hear?
A lost mind?
Rumours were awash that the president of Nigeria is a clone from Sudan. FUNNY.
Feb 2019 · 61
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Bound by mind,
Bound by thought,
Bound by vision,
Bound by lack;

So I sell my sovereignty,
And give away all my rights,
Turn in my opportunities,
And auction all my needs;

At every campaign rally,
I am here, sweaty,
And they are there, jolly,
Same cyclical untruths;

But do I care?
I am in love with them,
My tormentors-in-chief,
Enslaved to serve.
Nigerians will go to the polls to elect a president for the next four years. They really have a choice between two old horses and a couple fresh faces - for those who've accepted cruel fate, they'd take whatever comes in form of handouts, peanuts and wait out the next four years in abject penury.
Feb 2019 · 46
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Why ask,
When offered,
Without coercion,
Or manipulation?

Benevolence without bitterness,
Philanthropy without prejudice,
Charity without complaints,
Mercy without malevolence.
Nigerians call for accountability over seventy million naira donation toward the treatment of a one year old baby with holes in his heart that, sadly, died before medical intervention could be reached abroad. SHAME.
Feb 2019 · 77
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Aye, mine heart is brake in twin,
At the callous mowing down,
Of creatures toiling for daily subsistence,
Piled like logs in hurriedly dug pits;

Unmarked shallow graves dot the landscape,
Burnt mud houses, too,
Unharvested peanuts left for vermin,
To do with as they please.
Many victims of Nigeria's ethno-religious wars are buried without fully accounting for their identities. SHAME.
Feb 2019 · 73
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
In the mind of the average,
That corner set much farther,
The deepest recesses,
Set way from the sun;

Patterns of thought,
Configured as fragments,
Not one aligning,
But freely standing;

Malformed decisions,
Incomplete opinions,
Inarticulate perceptions,
Discordant associations;

The children of State,
Rudderless, mindless,
Blown about and around,
Unprepared, unfortunate.
The people of that country called Nigeria are actually not ready to birth a new paradigm, a newer way of governance. But they continue to groan under heavy burdens of penury and sadness; with no hope of anything changing soon. SAD.
Feb 2019 · 124
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
"Oh, does he still love me?"
"Can this be love?"
"Is he tired...of me?"
"But, but, why now?"

Cupid's arrow has come unstuck,
Aphrodite looked the other way,
Everything fades,
Including the magic;

So, when the day started cold,
No flowers, chocolate or cake,
Even cards bearing affection,
All the fuss about lovers' day and the many intrigues surrounding the day St. Valentine initiated the #RedMovement.
Feb 2019 · 136
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Moving forward,
While about faced,
A lot of motion,
Without any displacement;

Those who have been,
Still are,
The ones that want to,

A chorus unhappiness,
Few smiley faces,
With stomach full of hunger,
Praying for better times.
Many Nigerians are okay with 'managing' hard times. Those who are not, are too afraid to make the sacrifices - waiting endlessly for their messiah.
Feb 2019 · 105
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Sun has set on charred remains,
Of an unfortunate fellow,
Happened upon the wrong place,
At the most importune time,

The birds tell one tale,
And the rats another,
But the mob wanted blood,
And ended another life needlessly.
Reminiscent of the lynchings of the 1800's and 1900's in America, and many other inhumane acts of recklessness in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, Nigerian have taken theirs in a another dimension that defies logic. This week, another person has been burnt to death on the assumption of being a robber. The young man was at a bus stop when a mob jumped him, called him "thief!" bludgeoned him,  threw car tyres around him doused him with petrol, and burned him to ashes.

Cases of such barbarism are not alien, many times premised on the incompetence of  law enforcement agencies, people would rather effect their own kind of justice rather than wait out civil jurisprudence. SAD.
Feb 2019 · 147
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Cast in the wrong play,
Of life,
Terrible scripts,
Of impoverishment;

But in a parallel reality,
That young mind on cheap highs,
Is a brilliant entrepreneur,
On a low key.
Many young people roaming the many cities of that country called  may have been better employed in productive enterprise in another dimension. It is painful to see many wasting away while those vagabonds in power continue living large on the commonwealth of the people.
Feb 2019 · 93
Dada Olowo Eyo Feb 2019
Moral uprightness,
In the face,
Of growing hunger,
And hopelessness?

In the face,
Of joblessness,
And disillusionment?

While despots,
In the face,
Of impoverished people,
Sit on their common wealth?
It is well nigh impossible to feel anything close to love for that country Nigeria when the entity doesn't, didn't and will never care for a second. A system rigged to cater for those the colonial masters brainwashed into doing their bidding since 1914 and legalised a charade since 1960. A dysfunctional system that creates bad people can never be populated by good people.
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