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 Apr 2017 dSteine
 Apr 2017 dSteine
internet and polaroids
life's good in pictures
curated priceless moments
 Mar 2017 dSteine
Dana Colgan
Peering through crimson curtains,
Into the life of someone new.
Peeling away their layers,
Until all becomes black, just like you.
 Mar 2017 dSteine
Dana Colgan
Sometimes you don't realise
that all these eyes just distract your mind
with sensations of being unaligned.
 Mar 2017 dSteine
There's a storm inside me
it starts every time I hear your laughter in the night,
when I think about the way we changed
from human beings
to some people who can only share
some words written on a cold page;

it's hard to explain how is it that I miss you
when I've never really had you in the first place
and you wouldn't understand
you see
your heart has long forgotten about feelings like these.


I hear your voice calling my name
I see you before my eyes
even in my dreams I write you in bleeding lines
and in my waking hours
your smile brings raindrops in my coffee
and tears on the shirt I wear
because once you said that you liked it;

spring brings tulips at my doorstep
but it's hard to feel their perfume
to let their scent in my broken lungs;

people tell me that all I have to do
is breathe

but it's hard to breathe without crying.
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