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Feb 2012 · 2.7k
Cunt Muffin Feb 2012
I danced with a man today.
He had your eyes.
Oh, how those eyes made me weep.
Pure sorrow.
What a strange day it was.
To see your eyes.
Looking into mine.
Feb 2012 · 1.6k
Cunt Muffin Feb 2012
My mind burns

With thoughts of you

You are etched into my brain

And I cannot shake you from my heart

My heart yearns

For you to be near me

Your touch still lingers on my skin

Even after all the days I have been away from you

You are so dangerous

Still, I cannot escape my desire

I have lost myself in others before

And I fear I will do the same with you, my love

I am afraid of being consumed

By such a powerful force

I fear becoming lost

Within your pain

I've been down those dark roads

Many times before, my love

The mystery of the path

Ensures my return

Misery is our only company it seems

As we trod the lonely road

Pain is not far behind us

The future is unknown
Feb 2012 · 2.3k
I've Been Here Before
Cunt Muffin Feb 2012
Weighed down

By dark desires


By the love I have

Unable to keep you

Yet unable to let you leave

I've been here before

My heart is breaking

As I sit here staring at the floor

The tears are back

Burning as they always have

Bitter tears

For wants and wishes and dreams

That can never be

I've been here before

Crushed by promises that were broken

Before they were ever made

Torn apart

By the pain I feel inside

You are my darkest dream

You are my midnight fantasy

I want to go down with you

Into that world beneath the light

I want to slip away into oblivion

To be consumed

By the darkness that follows you

Wherever you go

There is romance

In your tragedy

There is a brilliance

In your despair

I love you and I hate you

I want you and I need you

You are everything

And I am nothing

I have been here before

Lost and confused

Unsure of what to do

Asking a God I don't believe in

For guidance

Screaming in my mind

Grasping for meaning

In something I cannot possibly understand

I have been here before

And it broke my heart

I have been here before

And I lost my mind

I have been here before

And it took the very breathe from me

I cannot go there again

I cannot.
Feb 2012 · 1.0k
Can't Leave
Cunt Muffin Feb 2012
I can't get you out of my head.

I can't get you out of my heart.

I lie and cry in bed,

As your problems tear me apart.

You're everything I ever wanted

And more than I could possibly need.

Your presence leaves me haunted

And fills me with a hunger I must heed.

You're killing me inside

Yet, I can't leave.

You're the place I go to hide;

And you're what I believe.

You are mine and I am yours;

No matter how this ends.

Even when you leave me behind,

My love will never bend.
Sep 2011 · 1.5k
Tearing Yourself Apart
Cunt Muffin Sep 2011
The darkness draws you in

A hidden soul, so pained

A secret sin

The rush of anger leaves you feeling drained

Thoughts swirl around you

Broken dreams and wishes emerge

There's nothing you can do

You can't resist the urge

The need for relief is suddenly so real

Searching for your safety

Fingers brush against cold hard steel

You take a deep breath and hold your arm steady

A gleam of metal

Reflected in your crying eyes

Cutting as deep as you can go

Biting back your anguished cries

Blood drips down your arm

And you receive a sick thrill in your demented soul

From such twisted harm

Tearing yourself apart really does make you whole
Sep 2011 · 1.1k
Losing the Race
Cunt Muffin Sep 2011
I've never tasted such sweet tragedy
In a kiss.
How long can I keep running back to you
Like this?

Your the one I wanted
For all time.
But you're losing the rhythm
I'm losing the rhyme.

We keep running
But we're losing the race.
I know you can't deal
With coming in second place.

The bad times
They're coming.
They're gaining up on us
We're losing the race, my darling.
Sep 2011 · 1.0k
Our Time
Cunt Muffin Sep 2011
Blessings come and go,

Like the waves upon the sea;

And as my heart swells up with love,

I know it's going to leave.

I've seen this all before;

I've seen the seasons change.

It is the winter of our love;

Oh, how we long for sweet spring.

You are the one that I adore,

And I know you feel the same.

The world will dance around the sun,

Perhaps, we'll meet again.
Sep 2011 · 3.8k
Cunt Muffin Sep 2011
I feel your breath

Rolling down my skin,

Like ripples in the pond.

I feel as if I'm floating

And the entire world is gone.

I feel the shivers

Racing up my spine.

Your touch is electric;

I feel divine.
Sep 2011 · 1.6k
Cunt Muffin Sep 2011
Ah, sweet misery.

My true friend,

My one companion.

Always alone

Yet, never without


When happiness falls away

I have you to turn to.

When loneliness is all that's left

I can feel you

Crawling under my skin.


I have to let you out;

You cannot be contained.

Silver blades break the surface,

And I watch as you snake your way

Across my skin . . .

Staining it so red.

Oh, sweet misery

Don't leave me now;

You're all I have left.

I can feel your warmth

As you pool beneath me

On the ground.
Sep 2011 · 1.4k
Cunt Muffin Sep 2011
Sitting alone in this empty room,

Wondering what's to come.

I don't have much to offer;

Yet, what I have is up for grabs

If they think they want it.

A desolate soul,

Consumed with grief

Over what I had in you.

An empty void,

Looking to be whole again,

Just like I was with you.

And as I watched you walk away

That day --

Broken, on the ground.

I couldn't help but feel this way . . .

I knew the end was coming;

I saw it in your eyes,

Long before that day

When you said goodbye.
Aug 2011 · 870
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
Empty, echoing words
Rushing through my mind.
I love you
I hate you
There is no difference
I want you
I need you
But only for awhile

Blank souls
Grasping for meaning
In a world of nothing
I need to feel you
I need to know you
To feel that I exist
To pretend that I am real

Your lips are my intoxication
You leave me drowning in your touch
I struggle to stay above water
To take in that much needed air
A gasping breath
A shuddering sigh
My heart races
As I slip further away

I sink into my dismal state
And give you complete control
I have no pride
I have no self-respect
I only have you.
You don't love me
But you need me
And I need that.
Aug 2011 · 1.2k
Some Nights
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
There are some nights I think of you

And wonder what might've been

There are some nights I dream of you

And wish upon the stars

There are some nights I remember you

And laugh about good times

There are some nights I miss you

And wish you were in my arms

There are some nights I remember when

You made me feel so low

There are some nights I think of you

And curse you all the more

There are some nights I wonder why

I ever even cared

There are some nights I think about

The lies you fed to me

There are some nights I wish I had

Left you long ago

Then again . . .

There are some nights I think of you

And somehow, I miss you still
Aug 2011 · 1.1k
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
A surge of disappointment

Tinged with regret

Living in torment

Just trying to forget

Yesterday's so far away

But the future looms so near

I don't know what to say

All I know is fear

I don't know what to think of me

I wonder if I'm real

It's becoming hard to see

Where life got its appeal

I think of dying when I'm awake

I die when I'm asleep

I'm so afraid my heart will break

And I begin to weep
Aug 2011 · 994
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
Bent over backwards,

Accepting your pain;

You hurt; I hurt,

It all feels the same.

Running in circles,

Saving you from yourself;

What does it matter?

I can't even save me from myself.

I hate to look in the mirror,

Swallowed by loathing and doubt;

I want to feel needed,

But I feel so left out.

I jump through hoops for you

And get nothing in return;

I try so hard to love you,

But, all of it, you spurn.

I'm down on my knees,

Begging for recognition.

I know you'll do nothing to appease;

Your apathy outweighs my ambition.
Aug 2011 · 755
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
It's bittersweet to say goodbye
But it's too painful to hang on
I don't bother wondering why
I just know that things went wrong

I loved you more than life itself
But I guess it wasn't enough
So I'll put my love back on a shelf
And try to be tough

I'll always remember the good times
And I'll always remember the bad
Maybe I'll find solace in these rhymes
Or maybe I'll just get mad

I put more into this
Than I ever got in return
And now I'm staring into the abyss
Waiting for the tables to turn

I know you love me
Perhaps more than you should
And I suppose it's plain to see
That you did what you could

But the love you've been givin'
Has been hurtin' me deep down inside
And I can't keep livin'
With these cuts in my heart open so wide

I love you
And I know you feel the same
But it'll never be enough to make it through
And we have only ourselves to blame.
Aug 2011 · 2.1k
Not Forgotten
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
Pretty face

Frozen smile
Liquid eyes
Full of pain

She doesn't
Want to be here
She knows
Something's wrong

A giving heart
By the pain
She feels

It isn't her pain
To feel
Her empathy
Is killing her

Tired face
Lost smile
Cold eyes
So empty

She feels nothing
No pain
She is jaded
No pleasure

Her heart is stone
Her mind is cruel
The years
Have taken their toll

Lost soul
By time
Angry woman

Her soul
Is empty
Her eyes are wet

Realiztion dawns
She lost
Trying to forget

Eyes squeezed
Gun to

****** mess
To be cleaned
No one cares
She is gone

A poor soul
Never remembered
Not forgotten
Aug 2011 · 731
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
I look at my body and see the marks of agony upon it,
Red and jagged lines that will never be erased.
I do not feel the pain anymore,
But I will always bear the scars.

The scars run deeper than my skin;
They sink into my blood,
They sear my brain,
And they bruise my soul.

My scars tell a story

That words cannot express.

They tell a tale of pain and suffering,

The kind of pain that lets you know you’re real.

The scars are what remind me
That happiness is fleeting;
They tell me that I've been let down before
And that it will happen again.

When I look down at my body
I'm not ashamed of what I see
I cherish all the memories
Those scars gave to me.

I remember the pain, the love, and the tears
That have been with me all of these lonely years.
I remember the good times and I remember the bad.
I remember that loving someone will always make me sad.

I remember that, in spite of all the pain,
There was so much joy;
The only thing that truly hurt
Was having it taken away.
Aug 2011 · 638
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
I look into the mirror
And what do I see?
A lost and lonely girl
Staring back at me.

I see the pain in her eyes
And the hurt in her soul
It's obvious I can't help her
And I can't make her whole

I've spent my life wondering
If joy was ever real
I've wasted time hunting
For something to feel.

I've spent my life searching
For a friend that wasn't there
And I've finally realized
The search is more than I can bear.

Loneliness coupled with misery
It seems that this is all life has in store for me.
I've sought in vain an answer to my existence
I've been waiting so long to be set free.

My chains still bind me
And I'm held to this earth
My life has amounted to nothing.
My existence has been nothing but dearth.

Happiness has eluded me
Pain is my best friend
It seems the only thing I can do now
Is wait for the end.
Aug 2011 · 1.3k
Meaning of Life
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
I’ve been lost for so long now

I’ve kind of forgotten who I am

Am I the badass; am I the lost soul?

Do I have a heart of gold?

.. ..

Been caught up in all the hype

That comes with growing older.

Haven’t really had time to see,

That I have yet to do this successfully.

.. ..

I’m alone in a world

That I don’t understand

I’m burdened by expectations

That I’m not certain I can fill.

.. ..

I wander down a path set in stone

By those who came before me.

I’m not sure I can follow in their footsteps

And become what they expect me to be.

.. ..

Meandering around an empty life

Is certainly no way to live.

There’s no planning for the future

Because what have I to give?

.. ..

I ache to have a purpose

I need to feel alive.

I need to feel

That this existence wasn’t contrived.
Aug 2011 · 823
Breaking Me Down
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
Loneliness is all I know.
It's pervasive
With creeping tendrils
Of despair.
It haunts my days
And disturbs my nights.
I feel the nights grow longer
And watch sleep
As it passes me by.
It slips through my fingers
Like the sands of time
Blowing away on an icy breeze.
My tears freeze before they reach the surface;
And my blood runs cold.

The emptiness engulfs my soul
It's almost enough
To make me whole.
Little silver fills the void;
She makes my blood boil,
And draws crimson emotion to the surface.
She's with me no matter what;
I see reminders of her upon my skin,
And know that I am truly alone.
I'd cry if I could,
But my tears are still frozen.
I'd stop if I could
But my pain is stronger than my will.

There's a beauty in the grotesque
That escapes so many people.
There's a terrifying freedom
In destruction.
Destruction is creation
And I've created much.
There's a horrifying beauty
In the scars upon my skin;
They remind me of what I tried to do
And what I could've been.
I've created memories
That I cannot share
You see . . .
What I've created
Is more than I can bear.

Outside looking in;
And never whole.
My story tears my heart asunder
And sets me apart from those who love me.
I cannot let anyone in;
I cannot let anyone out.
I cling to a thread that's already been broken;
A thread that I took the scissors to a long time ago.
I'm floating away
Wishing for something stable to attach myself to.
I grasp at straws
To no avail.
I cry out
Without a sound.
My heart is breaking
And it's breaking me down.
Aug 2011 · 1.3k
For Now
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
Here I sit,
Another moment passing me by.
What to do
What do to?
I'm forever running
And always being left behind

I peer in at life
Wishing I could be a part of it
Dying to know how it feels . . .
How it feels to be a part of the world
My clock is ticking away
As I put myself through my paces
Taking step after step
And going nowhere

There is nowhere to go
But down
Down into that pool of despair
That calls to me
And lets me know I'm welcome.
I feel the warmth of oblivion
As it courses through my veins
And I long for it

But I can't slip away
There's too much to do
Too much left unsaid
Too many people to leave behind
Too much .  . .
Too much of everything
But not enough of what I need

What do I need?
I wish I knew
I wish I could find it in God
Find it on the street
Buy it from a store
And just make everything okay again
If it ever was okay to begin with.

My heart pounds
As I consider myself
And what I am worth
I don't amount to much
But I still am something
Perhaps that's enough to hold on to
For now . . .
For now.
Aug 2011 · 844
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
I see beauty in the grotesque;
And that's just what you are,
My dear.
Your presence engulfs me;
The pain within you
Makes me shiver.
I taste sorrow
On your lips,
I feel an urgency
In your touch,
And I see a sadness
In your eyes
That takes a hold of me
And will not let go.

I'm drawn to you
Like a moth to a flame.
I watch the emotions
Flicker across your face
As you tell me who you are
And where you've been.
I feel your pain,
And inflict some more,
As I slowly take control.
Aug 2011 · 2.0k
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
I drag the blade across my arm
To see what I can feel
As the blood pools on the floor
I wonder, "Am I real?"

Lost in my insanity
Not sure if I'll escape
As my head spins dismally
I ponder mine own worth

A lost little girl
Alone in the world
With thoughts of death passing through my head
I feel so hurt and cold

Can time heal the pain inside
Or will I forever burn
With unquieted desires that I can barely hide
I suppose I'll never learn

I drag the blade across my arm
And press it further still
As I start to die again
I begin to realize . . . nothing was ever real
Aug 2011 · 682
Ever After
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
It’s gone past loneliness;
It’s become acceptance.
I allow my misery to consume me,
I allow my pain to be my only friend,
I no longer fight to feel relevant,
And I no longer beg to not be left alone.
I’ve given in to the empty silence
And the constant nights at home;
Watching TV in the dark,
Seeing shadows flicker
Across the wall.
A sad and lonely
Pink haze fills the room,
It smells of *** and incense;
Take another hit
And pass it to myself.

My mind drifts to you . . .

I wonder how you’re feeling,
I wonder if I’ll see you again,
I wonder . . .
I wonder.
I think of all
The tears I cried
When I knew
I was in love with you.
How sad a day
To be in love
With the one
That doesn’t love
You too!

And still I gave myself to you . . .

You broke inside of me
And you took my soul away.
I feel the sorrow
Wrapped ‘round my heart,
And the loathing in my gut.
I knew all along
That I was just your little ***** ****.
I dropped to my knees
When my phone would ring,
Ready and eager
To do just about anything.
And, in the end,
As you lay beside me
Dreaming of her,
I turn away
In sorrow
And let a tear
Slip down my cheek.
I love you, dear,
But I mean nothing to you.
I put all my cards on the table
And you pushed them aside;
Now I have nothing
And nowhere to hide.
My heart’s bare to you now
And I’ve given you my all;
But, here I am standing
Alone in my room,
Cursing the day
I thought love was true.
Aug 2011 · 1.7k
Out of Control
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
My love for you is out of control
I cannot help but feel this way
It eats me up inside, baby
And takes my soul away.
I spiral downward again
And wonder where
I might go to.
It hurts me
To go away
From you,
My dear
Aug 2011 · 2.1k
I Love You
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
You crept into my soul
And wrapped your claws around my heart;
I can feel you inside me,
And it's tearing me apart.

I ache for all those things I never wanted;
I burn for things I've never known.
And, as your presence engulfs me,
I truly know what it feels like to be alone.

I sit and think of all the tragedies I've suffered,
And none of them compare to this.
I've been knocked down before,
But never by a kiss.

You hold a power over me
That no one has before.
I wonder how can I ever escape you
When all the pain you've caused makes me want you even more?

My body is on fire whenever you're near,
And the agony grows worse when you're away;
It seems you've got me, body and soul, my dear . . .
I don't know what else to say.
Aug 2011 · 872
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
Keep me in your heart
And forgive me for what I’ve done
I knew from the beginning that we would part
And I’m out of places to run

You brought a smile to my face
And tears to my eyes
But those tears can’t erase
The love I hold inside

You brought light into my life
You made my world a better place
And even in the midst of all this darkness
I will never forget your face

And if we should chance to meet again
Please forgive me for what I’ve done
Your happiness means the most to me
And I’m sure it’s only just begun

I’ve done the only thing I know how
To save you from me
You’ll be happy now
And I’m finally free
Aug 2011 · 772
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
Here I am again,

Caught in my pit of despair.

It all seems so familiar,

It almost feels right to be here.

I sit and watch my blood

Spill forth once more;

God, it's been so long,

But, I know I've been here before.

Looking at the scars

That litter my body,

Remembering the pain that's past;

And adding to my memories,

Because I know nothing else will last.
Aug 2011 · 1.1k
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
Play me a tragic melody;

Sing a song of sorrow.

Draw me in with your sad stories,

And hold me there with the promise of tomorrow.

You have my heart in the palm of your hand;

My soul is yours as well.

I have yet to understand

How it is that I fell.

So in love with you,

Yet, so afraid

Of all the things you could do

With that bewitching serenade.

You promised me a tomorrow

And I'm still waiting for that day.

But, time is something I cannot borrow,

And I don't know if I should stay.

Tomorrow never comes;

I'm trapped in an endless day.

My poor heart succumbs,

And I am here to stay.
Aug 2011 · 703
You Don't Love Me
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
Creeping tendrils of despair

Slither in my brain

Taking away what little joy

You've given to me.

I feel your grasp grow stronger

Around my bruised and broken heart

I fear you're going to shatter

What little I have left.

I dare not breath

Lest your grip should tighten

And destroy what little remains

Of my happiness.

You don't want me

Yet you hold me so tightly

You don't need me

Yet you always come back

You don't love me . . .You don't love me.

You are my darkness

And you are my light

You will save me

And **** me further still.

You are my prison

As well as my key

I just I was what you wanted me to be

I love you

And I hate you

I suppose they're both the same

I'll take the pain

Because it brings me joy

And I'll give you joy

Because it brings me pain

Neither one of us

Will get off this ride

My heart is yours

And you know it

You'll break it

And I'll let you

Because I don't have the strength

To let you go
Aug 2011 · 1.0k
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
You're right next to me,

But I'm all alone;

You fill me up,

But you never make me whole.

I lie in bed

With your arms around me,

All the while knowing

You're dreaming of someone else.

I'd pretend to cry

If I wasn't already playing make-believe;

I let myself drift off to sleep,

Imagining that you care

I dream of what I'll never have

And wonder why that is.

I cling to the dream,

Pretending that it's real.

But when I wake

And look at you,

I feel the dream crash

All around me;

And remorse is all I feel.

I turn and face the wall,

Pretending you're not there;

And drift off to sleep again

Nothing was ever real . . . 
Aug 2011 · 787
In Style
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
My pulse is racing

I can feel your heart beating faster

And faster

As you come closer

And closer

Into my world.

I feel your breath upon my neck

And shiver

As it caresses my skin.

I place my fingers on your chest

And whisper bittersweet words in your ear

As I press my lips to your throat,

And sigh as you pull me near.

Right now I need you.

And right now you need me.

I'm inching closer to your world.

And all of a sudden

Our worlds collide together.

We both go off with a bang.

We're never going to fall in love.

But we'll still go out in style.

A dark and ****** night

A frantic, fast-paced kiss

Our eyes lock as our bodies meld

And we can see a glint of anger,

And passion, and hurt

Deep in each others souls.

I only know you

And you only know me.

There is nothing but the sound of our breathing

Getting faster and faster

As I bring you to the edge.

Your nails scrape across my skin

And my teeth sink into your neck

The pain fuels my passion

And makes me forget;

I cry out in delighted agony

As your hand collides

So violently

With my sensitive flesh.

You fill my void,

And make me feel complete

But, nothing can stay forever.

And soon we separate.

And yet, still I know

Our worlds will come together again

As they always do.

But for right now,

I must simply wait.

Until you need me too.

And when our worlds collide again

It'll feel like we're in love.

And I know that it's just a cruel lie;

But still I cling to you . . .

Because I've always wanted to go out,

In style.
Aug 2011 · 967
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
Can I feed off your soul for just a little longer?

Can I drag you down into my pool of despair?

The feeling of oblivion will last that much longer;

And it makes me feel like you care.

Let me drain you of love and hope;

Mine has already gone away.

I’m finding it more difficult to cope

With each passing day.

My love for you is far from fleeting,

But it is a destructive force;

And it’s been taking a toll since our first meeting,

Leaving your heart bitter and coarse.

Walk away from me and I’ll love you all the more,

Come closer and I’ll **** you further still.

You have nothing to gain from our rapport

But maybe you just come back for the thrill.
Aug 2011 · 669
Cunt Muffin Aug 2011
Dancing with you in an empty room,

Thinking of blood and love.

Will this be good?

I already know it will be sad.

But will it be good?

Reading you

Is as impossible

As reading the wind;

You shift and you change

Without a moment’s notice.

You bring me somewhere I’ve never been

And always bring me back to the start.

There is no yesterday

And no tomorrow;

Only now exists.

Treasure it.

Dancing with you

In an empty room.

Holding you close;

Hoping for the best.

My heart cracks a little

But it shall not be put to rest.

— The End —