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 Mar 2012 Crystal Marie Dreier
My lungs are full of seaweed
Back upon the beach
Waves still reach up to lick
To my feet

Sunset spirals
Seashell seas
Salt crusted fingers
Crack in the heat
Lips bleeding thirst
A touch or kiss

Window latcher
Lightbulb catcher
Lover in a dream
Barefeet on hardwood floor
A warm bed
Above my head
Spiders build a thousand webs
we reach for the cuboards,
we  pull on the fridge,
we twist a cap or two... pop a pill or three.
we're all in need of an escape.
she reached for the cuboards,
she pulled on the fridge,
she popped that pill.
there is no escape.
she turned to a mirror...
does she like what she sees?
so bleak.
she rubs her mascara into her cheeks
as a desperate attempt to hide her tears.
her fears swell.
her dreams shrink.
she thinks,
will i ever be liberated?
Baseball cages
Swing/miss rages
Concentrate; swing through
Sweet spot; PING, phew!
We should have seen the warnings
We should have seen the signs
But you were out there drinking
Getting red from wine

I know I should have been there
We could have had a laugh
You were the life and soul, dear friend
Your time on earth has passed

I wish I could have helped you
You know I really care
As we'll bury you on Monday
On Monday I'll be there

To your favourite song we'll march you
From hearse through the door
I know you'll be there watching
In our hearts for'ver more!
A morning in Hiroshima

In August of the year

I walk towards a tower

with battered walls and naked steel.

The dome is open to the sky

The walls have crumbled down

All else around had been laid waste

This was the zero ground.

In that river there were bodies

burned beyond recall.

Thousands dead around here

And scarce a standing wall

An involuntary Shiva

A chill creeps down my spine

One bomb destroyed this city

A monster born of mind..

We gather to remember-

The mayor says some words

Silence, a bell ringing,

sounds a warning to this world.
A ceremonial remembrance of the day a city died. this is a remembrance of the 50th anniversary of the bombing. Poem 2 in my Hiroshima related trilogy rescued from Poetfreak.
I was sitten @ the trap spot
waitin for a bag and bombers
I can't  wait 4 him to get here
so i wait a little longer
Finally he's here
so I can start feeling good
until tomorrow
so I turn my phone off
and tell them to please
not even bother
I need drugs to ease my mind
because this world is full of sorrows
and i try to cope w/o them
but the devil is a liar
me, I got a couple yamps
and they my ****** till the end
and I know if I got a problem
all I gotta do is call them
I was livin in the Land
and yeah I found a brand new man
and he tricked off yes once again
but oh I love him that's my man
but in a little while
we just gon b friends...If that
oh what to do without him
and my mains locked up again
so I'm gon learn to do without him.
Don't cry, this kiss is a kiss goodbye.
Don't cling, it's time to part.
Don't look at me nor ask me why
I've taken back my heart.

No questioning, no pleading;
No door remains ajar.
No doubt your heart is bleeding
Now, and wounds of love will scar.

Don't hope to ever turn back time,
Nor resurrect the flame
Of what became a pantomime
Of love, in all but name.
© Marcus Lane 2008
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