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Aug 2016 · 680
Fuck the Weak
Cry Sebastian Aug 2016
Don't waste time on the worthless, the toothless, the "strong"
who plague you with their platitudes, their compliments and songs.
They have no fight or bite and they will drop you like a rag.
Don't entertain the pleasantries of cowardly little nags.

They will never get your madness when your soul is burning low
in the pit of love with Jesus tears as you take it blow for blow.
Never show your darkness burn within as your heart pours on the floor,
they are lazy to go search beyond because "they have seen it all before".

**** the actors and the liars who are always so aloof,
there is always someone better and they're always needing proof.
They will come and steal your thunder and then will leave you laying bare,
and then move on to a "better" soul without a second care.

The clock's too short for cold perfume that curdles in it's pain
and seeps through your fingers like acid rain while you're whispering her name.
Just another of the many that passed by you all those times,
You got too deep and in-lust to see those very warning signs.
Jun 2014 · 660
The Kill
Cry Sebastian Jun 2014
Silent night, traffic lights.
All is calm in the rain.
The Cape wind glides over black river roads.
The watered trees whisper under clouds that bellow.
While it sleeps in heavenly pieces,
while it sleeps in heavenly peace.

This withered night,
the warmth takes flight.
The chill creeps into the sleeping thing.
Glazed eyes fading while lonely lights grow,
the roar of the engine on the tarmac below,
while it sleeps in heavenly pieces,
while it sleeps in heavenly peace.
Dec 2013 · 822
Beautiful Creatures
Cry Sebastian Dec 2013
Beautiful creatures
haunt our past
they glide through our fingers
in memory mists
we are wanting to hold
but they tease our grips

If they could have seen the love that we had
and seen past their eyes of dream that went bad
they would still be here
as tangible as the sun
and waste some time before the day comes to an end

Beautiful things
cause the sadness to grow
the emptiness to show
our hope to dim

We learn by learning to die
leaving beautiful creatures behind
******* in the tears
as the years go by
knowing belonging is for another life not here
and faerie tales are only true far away from here
and when we are buried
we will be as hard as the earth that covers us
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
Moving on
Cry Sebastian Dec 2013
I wish I was a lighter I
that touched the clouds as they rolled by
and on the wings of joy I'd fly
far into the bluest sky

I wish that I had held it strong
held it true as we went along
and when the night came I was brave
and fought the shadows from my cave

But I lost my heart one day
in your smile as you drove away
and madness then consumed my mind
I was wrong, I was blind

because in you hope I saw
false as every time before
and I tried to cage you like a bird
with writing out my pretty words

I wish I was as cold as snow
cooled beneath an arctic wind
with frozen blood that could not feel
and no need to make me heal

I wish that I could see the lies
wedged with wires in my mind
I was not yours and you weren't mine
We are angels of a different kind

I wish that I could fix this mess
my insanity made my deeds digress
because its hard to let go of someone I touched
who told me that she loved me much

If I could go and fix the past
and make it better, make it last
I would be my closest friend
a hero that won in the end

But time can't bend back to repair
it's sealed and done forever there
and we are all just broken clocks
chained within and sealed with locks

And you were just a passer by
on a break, saying hi
And I was looking for a missing piece
or maybe just some pain relief

I've been unfair and been unkind
you did not deserve to see my despair
but you responded with human care
I think somehow you understand

And I will be well in the end
as I always get up again
and I'll try to leave this emo ****
it's a bit of an embarrassment
May 2013 · 600
Unrequited (3)
Cry Sebastian May 2013
Too wired to love,
strange and cold,
she spins her words with threats so cold,
a web of lies that holds him near,
his light is fading into fear.

The crack on the cracked mirror stains her face,
a crooked smile spews disgrace.
She keeps his face in her flower box,
with all the other shattered clocks.

They're all just ghosts that pass on by while,
she breathes to pass the time.
May 2013 · 646
Unrequited (Two)
Cry Sebastian May 2013
Too weird to love,
too strange to hold,
she spins her heart with threads of gold,
to build a web to hold him near,
but he is light years away from here.

Her cracked mirror cracks her face,
a brave smile to cover disgrace.
She puts his mask in her flower box,
with all the other broken clocks.

They're all just ghosts that pass on by while,
she breathes to pass the time.
May 2013 · 775
Unrequited (one)
Cry Sebastian May 2013
She  swallow the sun, before the days begun,
keeping him in the dark, with her silly little lies.
He prays she finds love and he hopes that it's he.
He's scored  long enough,  he knows it's only in his head.

He watches from afar, while she's beside  him in  bed,
Pretty as a poem he read.
There, but uninvolved, someone is waiting round the bend-
This dream is just a page he read.

He's been here before, an old hand at goodbye,
years are moving on to a safe and cozy night:
where slide shows flicker on walls of unknown photo scrawls
and moments covered in dust,  
dead forgotten trust.

If only she belonged to a wasted life with him:
grounded, broken and free;
with few Hollywood lights hanging on her tree,
a sense of sanity.

She is held like a doll that can never love back,
plastic blue eyes keep him entrapped.
Compromising compassion compels him to her door-
He swears he's been here before...
Apr 2013 · 845
Cry Sebastian Apr 2013
Our clock beating hearts stop dead
Having measured length and breadth
Of love that we held and lost in this hell
Of beauty that faded with senile minds

We long to remember hands that we held
Fresh kisses connecting stories we told
Together for moments but ages apart
Silent night prayers relinquishing love

The ticking ticks on through the hours we wasted
Pointless pursuits to fill up the cracks
Alliances made with time stealing chores
Passion wasted on uncaring bores

But through all the beating I see some unflinching clocks
With broken hour hands spinning their dreams
Mar 2013 · 972
Courage for Life (Song)
Cry Sebastian Mar 2013
Down by the ocean,
under the sea,
no one can find me.
I can be free:
Free from the troubles
that get me down,
floating weightless,
no-one around.

So many treasures
longing to be.
Little sea creatures
talking to me,
telling me secrets
I've never known,
how stars in the water
cause them to glow.

Sotto il mare,
provondo il mare,
the shipwreck is calling,
I'm leaving it there.

Coraggio nella vita.
Courage for life.
Aug 2012 · 2.8k
Cry Sebastian Aug 2012
I can feel her breathe again.

Glimpses of colour glimmer through the shadows of the past,
I see my poetry returning in an orange dress.

We held hands and drank wine in each others souls.
Aug 2012 · 922
Bird X (song)
Cry Sebastian Aug 2012
Bird Fly
into your blue sky.
It is cold here,
Go find the warm sun.
Sell all
that weighs you down dear
for a dream and
so far away.

I'll stay
here in my night sky
where thousands of fireflies
are keeping me dreaming
of a true love,
brave and bleeding,
of a dream and
so far away.

Glistening skyscrapers are calling you on
to your tower of hope and your journey beyond.

May you find your way
from this hollow ground.

Glistening skyscrapers in Eastern skies
where streets are safe and money spins like dice.

But it all fell down
when I kissed your ground,
when you took me home-
oh I knew you'd go.

I'll stay
here in my night sky
where thousands of fireflies
are keeping me dreaming
of a true love,
brave and bleeding,
Jul 2012 · 583
The Well of Tears
Cry Sebastian Jul 2012
There is a well of tears
in the heart of hell,
tempered by the barren years,
filled up with our loss and fears
for moments that we hold so dear.
Mar 2012 · 1.2k
Us Whores
Cry Sebastian Mar 2012
I am just another traveller
that is knocking on your door
staying at your cheap motel
like so many men before.
I’ve been here so many times
it’s easier to ignore-
that innocence has lost its life
and it’s bleeding on the floor.

You are just another pretty face
that led me to her room.
I recognise the same perfume
with a slightly different guise.
When I’m drugged inside your secret place,
it seems that hope’s alive,
but the simplicity of finding you
is only in my mind.
Jan 2011 · 613
The Dark
Cry Sebastian Jan 2011
its easier to be alone in the dark.
When a love song you love is playing on the radio,
it is better not to know.

It is better she never smiled
than to go on the roller coaster of intensity.
The problem is that it is only seen in retrospect,
when the heart you wear on your sleeve has bled out all your joy.

Until that time,
you hunt for your own heartache,
and when you think you have healed,
it starts again.
Jan 2011 · 635
Burning Man
Cry Sebastian Jan 2011
when i set myself alight
Come warm your hands by desires fire
Come read in the light
Come watch something spectacular
And smell the fury of burning flesh.

Please take time to reflect on the flames that dance around my imagination
And if you feel inspired,
then come blaze with me.
Dec 2010 · 3.2k
A Sonnet for Abusive Men
Cry Sebastian Dec 2010
Ill rip out your eyeballs as ornaments for my ears,
and inflict on you the nightmares that you dished out for years.
You will live in my dungeon and feed on dry bread
while I feast at a table close to your head.
And for every birthday I'll cut off one finger
and leave it to rot so the smell of it lingers.

You will keep your tongue for the names you'll recite
of the ones that you hurt and treated with spite.
And the day that the terror expires your life
I'll hang you on a lamp pole on the highway in full sight.
And you will be remembered as a pathetic soul
who picked on gentle women you tried to control.

And justice will rise like a bright morning sun,
A coward is dead and his abusing is done.
The imagery in this poem may be disturbing
Dec 2010 · 676
The Queen and the Bear
Cry Sebastian Dec 2010
The queen escaped the city walls
to let the bear come in to play
she was sitting by a river called Deliver just yesterday,
waiting for somebody to come wash all her blues away.

But then his sky came crashing down,
the lies he built just couldn't stay.
He was sitting by a river called Deliver just yesterday,
waiting for somebody to come wash all his blues away.

The queen said I am just a girl
trying to figure out this world.
Dont go sitting by a river called Deliver- it wont make me stay.
You dont even know me, dont throw it all away.

Its dark- but wait until the break of day,
In time we will see the way.
theres a river called Deliver- it will show the way.
When you hear the music, it is when we'll stay.

The bear escaped the city walls,
to let the queen come in to play.
Dec 2010 · 964
My Heaven
Cry Sebastian Dec 2010
I don't want to go to a heaven with a mansion in the sky,
Where streets are made of gold and no one ever dies.
Where the sea has got no fury and and the sky's devoid of rage.
Where there's happiness forever - but nobody gets laid.

I don't want to see a lion have to stuff himself with grass,
but I'd love to see a surfer try to ride on a sea of glass.
Where there's never any challenges and everyone is made,
where there's never any darkness to blow out candles for when I fade.

I know this world is bitter and very often cruel:
billions going hungry with nothing they can do.
People lying stealing cheating form their brothers and their friends.
Conspiracy and ****** across nations never ends.

But my heaven is a treasure hunt to touch a kindred soul,
where heroes fight the system and rise above this hole.
In it nobody is perfect and only some are sort of whole,
there's a million possibilities, and were not always in control.

I love the fight and the bite and finally coming right,
that fragile moments come and go and we don't always know.
Our humanity intrigues me and I love being alive,
Mortality just feeds me and on it's pains I thrive.

I grant you your religion and I honestly don't know,
what will come in the next season when my coffin's buried low.
I see this world through mortal eyes and an obscured and infant mind,
its a dim reflection baby across a universe old and wide.

I still say prayers to Jesus to calm my burning mind,
and when I feel the gentle breezes I believe that God is kind.
But I can't abide the politics and conspiracies of men,
trying to control me by their opinions of how and when.

My freedom's not just an escape hatch from a prison cell,
a list of rules to follow to avoid a burning hell.
Don't manipulate me with threats and 'facts' that I will drop into despair
I've tried the pretty ideals, but I'm no longer there.

If God is love as you do preach then I have nothing to fear,
there's no where I can run where He isn't always near.
I don't need a church or temple to pretend that I am saved,
or formulas and figures or a smiling friendly sage.

I've heard all the tired arguments I used to preach myself,
and spent years fighting for a cause while my life was on the shelf.
But now I'm slowly building back my heaven to make up for wasted time,
and if anybody asks me- I'm actually doing fine.
Dec 2010 · 771
Driving to Work
Cry Sebastian Dec 2010
Today I drive  in silence
with no song to calm me down.
The only radio playing
is a hole within a hole.
The DJ is a martyr
and the music's harsh and cold,
but my mind is far away from here
with someone I could not hold.

I look through my cracked windscreen
at the rain thats pouring down
and ghosts driving on the highway
to some forgotten town.
My fuel is running empty
but still my engine drones.
My mind is far away from here
with someone I could not hold.
Dec 2010 · 2.0k
Dale and Joan
Cry Sebastian Dec 2010
There was a snail (named Dale)
with a very long tail
who ventured off into the world.
He said to himself
(Dale the snail)
I'd love to meet a bootiful goil.

So in a flash from space,
with mucus running down her face,
came an alien creature called Joan,
She saw a silver line
(it was a snail trail)
and followed it to see where it goes.

And far in ...the distance
she saw in an instance
at the end of the snail trail sparkling in the sun-
A slimy and sweet
creature she'd love to meet
with a shell on his back for a home.

She said:"I do declare,
you look dashing and fair"
as bubbles oozed from her eyes.
Dale just blushed,
as his face lit up,
and said: "aw you're just saying that you sassy young blob of an alien gawjus sweet thing with no hair :)"

She looked at this tiny dream of a slobber,
he was in awe at her globber.
But their hearts sank at their difference in size.
She was glandular large
like a bright yellow barge
and he was as small as a splarge.

A stick insect saw -
the tragedy of it all
and came up with a very cunning plan.
He knew a wizard once
who ate snails for lunch,
they could trick him to changing her small...

As he told them the tale,
their faces went pale
but their love was too strong for the fear.
So they  slithered and shlozzered
to Joan's flying saucer
to find the castle of Wizzy the ****.

The wizard was waiting
with his eyes full of hating
and a knife and a fork in each hand.
There was garlic and salt
that he took from his vault
and he drooled on his beard as he sang:

"Alien Shpeegle
with shnails in shmeegle,
a delightful shurprishe for a man!
Groggy my groach
with shome shlime on my toasht"
and he pranced and danced with his band.

The spacecraft landed,
unexpectant of ambush,
the couple wanderd on in.
Wizzy swung from a rafter
and trapped Dale in a corner,
and said: "My you'll go well with my Shtew!"

Joan got mad
and rolled on to her lad
and ****** the wizard into her goo.
She suddenly felt all tingly
as she turned into a twinky,
there was nothing more she could do.

The Wizard escaped
and poor Dale met his fate,
and was smeared on the twinky sliced in two.
Wizzy gobbled them up
with some glee in his cup,
and then succumbed to food poisoning goo.

So it seemed that it ended
on that dark cold September,
for the lovers who's loving was doomed...
But on a planet far away
at the early break of day
two souls bubbled in primordial stew.

An amoeba named Dale
and an amoeba named Joan
were floating in bubbles of gas,
So deep the attraction
-the magnetized action,
they could now be together at last. 
Jul 2010 · 681
Crazy Jane
Cry Sebastian Jul 2010
Crazy Jane is cold outside,
she dances in the winter pain,
she feels the heat of the cold dark sky,
and the stars that never ask her why.

The chill's a thrill
to her wandering mind,
its what she finds,
it makes her blind.

And nobody will understand,
nobody will take her hand,
and fly with her to an insane land.

Where dreamers rule,
and the seas are cruel,
and the mirrors hide the face of you.

Where we all dress down,
and the kings a clown,
and there are fines
if you ever wear a frown.

She is a mad dame,
and thats her fame,
but at least I know her name.
Cry Sebastian Jul 2010
Tonight the starving children are on my mind,
and how I carry on,
as if I'm blind.

The sorrow is not mine to bare,
so I carry on as if they aren't there.

I ***** and moan about a wounded heart,
how someone stole my dues today.
I stuff my mouth with beer and bread,
and a shallow laugh gongs from the hole in my head.

I know those kids are selfish too,
and want to live just like me and you-
so they eat leaves and stones and sticks that don't satisfy,
until they fade away on a dusty floor,
while their mothers cry until they are no more.

I think about the love I have lost,
now I walk on past while I count my costs.
Too much effort in my busy life,
for guilt trips that will wring me dry.

Its cosy here with my petty doings,
meaningless pursuits and incoherent spewing.
Jun 2010 · 1.0k
Confessions of a Whore
Cry Sebastian Jun 2010
Confessions of a worn out *****,
I swear that he's been here before-
His chunky chorbes and drunken breath,
his after shave that smells like death.
He pitches up after three,
to satisfy his lonely ******.
The leftover ******* of the night,
We share this sickness out of sight.

Confessions of a tired *****,
how I long for an open door.
But there are drugs to pay and bills to eat,
a haze to keep and my face to beat.
My sunken cheeks are racked with lines,
I cover with the shadows that blind,
In the dark I'm beautiful,
when I go down I'm powerful.

Confessions of a former saint,
and the man who's words could make her faint.
Who offered me a brand new world,
and filled my love with heroine.

Confessions of a dreamless sleep,
of days that tick like a foggy mist,
of purpose lost and hope that's fleeting,
of lies and lust and pain that's eating.
Copyright Martin Hugo 2010- From The Law of the Rat
Jun 2010 · 695
Summing It Up
Cry Sebastian Jun 2010
I want to write to immortalize my name,
but my heart is poured out on the ground like wax,
So like Jesus and Solomon and some others,
If I'm lucky,
maybe I could immortalize my pain.

It has all been redone, rehashed, rewritten, and reread, (this included)
and like billions of others,
my world revolves around me,
my instinct and my survival,
wedged in my head.

We are all philosophers, scientists and sheep,
from princes to murderers,
from mothers to sailors,
the remembered and forgotten,
the drunks and the tailors-
We're sincerely believing the delusions we keep.

I think some found truth,
and others found lies,
and some found excuses
for the passions of youth.

But I have favourite things that keep me alive,
the songs and the family and friends that help me pass time,
conquering problems and getting things right,
the fragile ecstasy,
the rare intimacy,

I constantly feel the drain of time running out,
my back is in knots,
I'm tired and in doubt.

I see people I love aging and fading,
and I know we all share it,
our lives are decaying.

My heart has grown hard from the sorrow I've seen,
so many bleeding,
I'm also bleeding.

It's too hard too cry tears for all the begging children I see
they never run out,
we're always needing.

I want to live hope and love in this world,
despite my terminal condition,
my weakness and waywardness,
my incessant betrayal,
there must be some good to flow from this cracked jar.

And I want to walk with you,
none of us are alone here,
this pain belongs to us all.

I will fail from time to time,
in my self-centerdness forget you are mine.

But there will be times when we will touch on eternity.
We will calm the blame with soft whispers of each others names.
We will laugh and clown until our tears have run out.
We will know we belong, pretend that were strong.

In this sense I do live for you, and you for me,
imagine without that what a hell this would be.

And when I die, who knows what will be next?
But I will leave behind some beautiful things.

And if you go before me,
I'll carry you home,
then bury your bones,
then bury your memories inside me
and let them fade with me.
Copyright Martin Hugo 2010- From The Law of the Rat
Cry Sebastian Jun 2010
Fake face Frankenstein,
Your farce is hanging on the line,
your feeble feet will dance the dime,
you are mine.

I'll hang your eyeballs on my ears
and remember all the dripping tears
the nightmares of your lying fears
it's done.

I've roped my world onto my back,
I'm going back,
to the ocean of love and innocence,
where I wont see you, and you wont see me,
And I will remember to forget, and you will forget to remember,
And I will laugh again, and you will keep trapping sailors,
and some will succumb,
but like me others will be done.
Apr 2010 · 937
Our Dark Space
Cry Sebastian Apr 2010
Sit with me in a pitch dark room
and lets imagine bright coloured paintings
on the walls and the ceiling.

I need a dark cave to hide me from the sun.
Too much burning beauty,
I'm on the run.

The neon lights,
they loved me true,
they drew me far away from you,
my mind is churned.

I want the freeze,
I want the tease,
to break it down.
I need a slave,
I am a slave,
I am enslaved.

It's because life is so fragile
that the colours are so intense,
that the pain is so immense,
that we love and hate.

This corruption sweetens us,
then prunes us,
then buries us.

Loss teaches us to find,
our honey lies in seconds that tick by,
an eternity of connectedness
that dissipates into the morning fog.

This is the reality we breathe in like shining shadows.

I want to write stars into your eyes,
paint admiration into your mind,
walk an epic movie into your life.
You are honey dripping off a peach of desire.

Come sit with me in a pitch dark room,
Let us be,
Lets sing in a whisper,
in a thick space,
of dreams and desire.

Sit with me,
lets talk some,
for another fragile memory
to be forgotten in time.
Copyright Martin Hugo 2010- From The Law of the Rat
Apr 2010 · 583
Cry Sebastian Apr 2010
I need a dark cave to hide from the sun,
the burning beauty,
I'm on the run.

The neon lights love me true,
they drew me far away from you,
my mind is churned.

I want the freeze,
I want the tease,
to break it down.

I need a slave,
I am a slave,
I am enslaved.
Apr 2010 · 701
Cry Sebastian Apr 2010
I need a dark cave to hide from the sun,
the burning beauty,
I'm on the run.

The neon lights love me true,
they drew me far away from you,
my mind is churned.

I want the freeze,
I want the tease,
to break it down.

I need a slave,
I am a slave,
I am enslaved.
Mar 2010 · 805
The Fringe
Cry Sebastian Mar 2010
Prophets of doom,
dishing out sorrow and gloom,
glorying in their knowledge,
tying weights to burdened souls,
receivers of blackened light and soiled truth,
if they only knew,
there are many others just as they,
spewing lies in God's name,
leading sheep
to a fiery hell.
Mar 2010 · 957
Cry Sebastian Mar 2010

beating body
shaking nausea
wide eyed fear

a trickle down her leg
a trickle down her head
Mar 2010 · 1.0k
Cry Sebastian Mar 2010
She is sick-
an infected rose-
with broken thorns-
ailing beauty-
ready to be discarded-
only good for compost-
Ill meet her there.
Copyright Martin Hugo 2010- From The Law of the Rat
Mar 2010 · 849
The Well Olied Machine
Cry Sebastian Mar 2010
Strong and courageous,
Mind set,
Words and intention impeccable.

Money flows
from talent and desires,
managed in exact
and perfectly planned compartments.

Influencing friends and family,
perfect relationships,
ruling as a king.

I'm a well oiled machine,
in my seldom recurring dream.
Mar 2010 · 752
The Terror
Cry Sebastian Mar 2010
Love lurks like a wounded animal,
starved for affection,
scarred by rejection,
stalking weak minds,
seeing who next will be devoured,
it longs to lift it's prey on the wings of hope,
and drop them down
to it's inevitable conclusion,
Mar 2010 · 830
Cry Sebastian Mar 2010
Mkay so I cant spel,
sue me wat the hel!
Mown like an old gramar
who is stuk in payamas.

Jus leev me an let me be three

sik an tyrd an had enuf
Mar 2010 · 935
The Curse of St Paddy
Cry Sebastian Mar 2010
St Paddy is a devil
with a cruel taste for beer,
last night he beat me on my head
until my vision disappeared.

My eyes are feeling blurry
and my head is a balloon,
I dont know if I'll make it
until this afternoon.

My mouth tastes like a harbour *****
and my breath smells like a sewer
my brain cells are on strike
and my throat is like a skewer.
Mar 2010 · 673
Who We Are
Cry Sebastian Mar 2010
When push comes to shove
were shoved off a cliff
onto rocks of deceit
and foundations that shift.

The face in the mirror
changes all day-
imprisoned by mortality,
bound by decay.

The smiles we laugh with
are losing their teeth.
The love that we find
is destined for grief.

There are moments of clarity,
moments of hope,
that slip through our fingers
despite how we *****.
Copyright Martin Hugo 2010
Feb 2010 · 840
Me Pirate Ert
Cry Sebastian Feb 2010
I'm a man of the sea and I have to,
I have to be free.
I'm a sun of a gun with a bottle,
a bottle of ***.
I'm a man on a mission and the mission,
the mission is me.
I man on an edge and on this edge,
I'll end up dead.

Do you know there are blue skies baby?
Do you know that storm clouds save me?

There's a burning horizon and it's calling,
it's calling my name.
There's this burning ambition for gold,
to save me from shame.
Copyright Martin Hugo 2010
Feb 2010 · 1.1k
Wonders Knows
Cry Sebastian Feb 2010
Ayr ye scurvy turnpike,
turn yer eyes from me!
The beauty of yer blizzard blue
tears me flannel heart.

Ye bake me mind into applesauce
that hotly drools on down,
me stomache is dissolvin-
all me courage ye have drowned.

Ayre ye wretched rogue of lies,
no one could be so fair.
Must be an imagination demon
with soft an tender hair.

When yer tongue tangs sharply on me lips
me life is drained and dying.
shut that song of love ye sing
that sets me soul a flyin.

Ayre ye **** banshee
Don't never let me go,
Grip me with yer slender claws
so closely we can gro.

This world can't stop yer fire
were gonna burn it down,
with nights of satin passion
were gonna paint the town.

Ayre me ***** of wonders,
ye know I keep ye dear.
I thank ye for yer nightmares
that ye give me every year.
Feb 2010 · 1.4k
Cry Sebastian Feb 2010

Devoid of

by a dying sun
Feb 2010 · 664
Happy Lifeday to You
Cry Sebastian Feb 2010
When push comes to shove
were shoved off a cliff
onto rocks of deceit
and foundations that shift.

The face in the mirror
changes all day.
imprisoned by mortality,
bound by decay.

The smiles we laugh with
are losing their teeth.
The love that we find
is destined for grief.

There are moments of clarity,
moments of hope,
that slip through our fingers
despite how we *****.
Feb 2010 · 9.1k
Roem wat Laster (Afrikaans)
Cry Sebastian Feb 2010
Met jou patetiese pantomiem teen n God wat jy haat
verkrag jy harte en bevestig sy bestaan.

*** seer voel jou vuiste as jy slaan na die wind?
*** groot voel jou ego met die roem wat jy vind?

Swakelinge swig soos skape voor jou opstand en hype
Jou talent is verduister in verganklike tripe.

Jy is nie die eerste of laaste wat laster,
wat liefde verloor met die haat wat jy koester.

Ons is almal maar net wasems wat verdwyn in die mis
tot verniet gaan ons woede en onheilige twis.

Daar is nog genade terwyl die son skyn
om omkeer te maak van die krakende pyn.
Feb 2010 · 842
Our Day
Cry Sebastian Feb 2010
I remember when this world was formed.

I danced with the sun and you danced with the moon
and the stars danced around this newborn
celebrating her beauty and magnificence.

The sun glowed through my skin
projecting streams onto the Himalayas.
The red became blue and pure
as the dusty water creeped
through granite ledges and Crushed ice-bergs.

Our hair soaked with dew glided with the wind
and planted into the earth spreading our life
your beauty and my strength.

The song you sang made beings rise from clay to hear your wonder.

I remember your sorrow when the killing began,
my rage was a desease infecting them with blood lust.

That terrified time your cancer formed from thier smoke,
their hatred, their hardness.

Were the tears for them for me too?
The offspring I tainted with sorrow?

Tommorow I will burn them with vengeance for my guilt,
I will ******* them and remove thier sustainence!

Stay my hand my love,
I still love my broken children.
Soothe me with your music
may we be happy once again.
Jan 2010 · 815
Light in the Void
Cry Sebastian Jan 2010
It was dark
and I was in a void.

A void?

A void.

A void
blacker and stenchier
than your charcoal little souls...

And then in the night-
I saw a light!

The light grew brighter and brighter
and whiter and whiter-
when suddenly I heard a sound...


Chook a puff puff...

Chook a puff puff oh **** its a train!

And that is why I'm here in hell
with all of you.
Jan 2010 · 619
A Prayer to my Pen
Cry Sebastian Jan 2010
Burn these words to hearts and minds,
Run this ink to change the times,
Free the frightened, shackle the strong,
Make them soar and grind them down.

Measure their intent, bury their bones,
Tickle their laughter, sorrow their stones.
Wake up the sleepers, slumber the soldiers,
Render some weak and break down the heartless.

Demolish the walls and place them in vaults,
crush all their chains then mend them with bolts.
Unleash my fury, expel my pain-
Make me immortal and wipe out my name.
Copyright Martin Hugo 2010- From The Law of the Rat
Jan 2010 · 2.0k
Funky Drunky
Cry Sebastian Jan 2010
MacBain splutters,
long winded speeches,
intoxicating stutters.

Whisky reeks volumes on volumes of volumes,
unfathomable mysteries on infallible fumes.

Helga looks hideously **** tonight,
the ghoul in the corner looks up for a fight.
The toilet's transforming into a white telephone,
just one last drink until the drinking is done.

Redshot eyes light another cigarette,
Shooter all round,
and a beer what the heck!

The dance floor is moving like a seasick ship,
We all feel like rock stars defining whats hip.
Jan 2010 · 6.5k
Die Digter -Afrikaans
Cry Sebastian Jan 2010
Trek my siel uit met swart onlogiese krapmerke op my pick n pay strokie.

Breek my fingers af op n hout skryf blad
en hou die honde naby vir die bene wat spat.

Vermergel dan my vellies
en gooi dit op n graf
en se dis vir al die girlys
-dis van papers wat smag.

Edel en opreg is die regter se kaf.
Heilig is die helde van die bars van die nag.
Ons onthou die spoke van Oranje stad,
Ons kleef aan hulle woorde soos n tros vol kak.
Ons hou van die serries en die doef van Jak,
En moenie met my stry nie ek sal jou in pak.

Melodie jou wysie met ewige tone,
mengel mooi jou woordtjies met jou oulike drome.
Hou die fort van veiligheid en nasionalisme,
Wees n patriot en vermoor Anglisisme.

Beskerm jou mother language teen n kombuis taal.
Daar is niks in hierdie wereld wat die taal mag vaal.
Jan 2010 · 1.2k
En Slaved
Cry Sebastian Jan 2010
A slave to hate is free from love,
a slave to mediocrity- free from passion.

A slave to confinement is free from wandering,
a slave to blindness- free from seeing.

We are all slaves,
all free,
all a contradiction.
Jan 2010 · 1.5k
I'm Not Leaving
Cry Sebastian Jan 2010
Come dream with me my love,
Feel what it's like to be young and alive once again.

I know there are dragons and fire and chains,
and the tower you're in has become home and you feel safe in there.

But it's still a prison that holds you,
and I know how you cry through the lonely nights,
and I know all your princes deserted you,
and I know that hope has laid you bare.

How I long to fight for you.

I know I'm only a poor boy,
and I have all my own demons still to face.

But I want to build you a castle of comfort,
a free place where you can wake up to my smile.

I hate the scars they've left on your heart,
and the way the crushed your wings.

I know your strenght is weak my love,
I just need you to say yes and to take my hand.
Jan 2010 · 768
Dark Rose
Cry Sebastian Jan 2010
I pierce my heart on your hidden thorns
and bleed love onto your wounded soul.
Your fragrance is my poison,
your softness- the lie I live by.

Your beauty is fleeting,
but I wont last to see it end.
Jan 2010 · 2.2k
A Sailors Mistress
Cry Sebastian Jan 2010
The energy of the sea has a body of her own.

Breathe her
and be a hundred miles strong.
Touch her
and know where you belong.

Many women are compared to her magnificence,
yet beauty belongs to her throughout all the ages,
and no man can comprehend the depth
of her furious love.

And when all have deserted us,
she still remains.
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