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 Aug 2013 CRH
 Aug 2013 CRH
Blue shadows, full moon.
Thick with need, the night consumes.
Nocturnal bloodlust
 Aug 2013 CRH
Kayla Hollatz
these bones have outgrown these thin sheets of skin.
every stretch causes a mark, a blemish.
they fear for the day they will rip,
tear their outer shell,
leaving them

some things are meant to be hidden away.
 Aug 2013 CRH
news to you
 Aug 2013 CRH
i feel that i complain too much
and i probably do
but this is a ******* website
and you're some ******* staring at a screen
thinking that you know me
i'm not trying to be dramatic
but i can do
whatever the **** i want
 Aug 2013 CRH
First Day
 Aug 2013 CRH
Lazy, hazy, dazey days
Are gone again
Time to get back in the fray
Napping will be a sin:((

Grab the briefcase
Run out the door
It's time to get back in the race
Or is it a nuclear war:)

Grab a cup of joe
Stop in the office
Fake a huge HELLO
I'll shake my rallying fist:(

The room is all ready
The papers are out
I'll start to get sweaty
I'll want to shout:()

The gates will squeak open
Warning me that they'll come
I'll get on my knees hopin'
That this isn't the last day one()

The students will pour in
I'll smile and I'll mean it
It's a gift not a curse or a sin
I need to believe it:))

I'll begin my first class
We'll learn about writing
The time will fly past
No one will be fighting:)

Class two will slowly start
It starts rollin' now
In the end it'll be sad to part
'Cause we'll make it somehow:/

I'm blessed to do what I do
Not to sound like a sap
The youth is a gift, it's true
But, only if I could nap:(
 Aug 2013 CRH
 Aug 2013 CRH
i have nothing to say to you.
just let me
shoot you with this lovegun
i know it looks like a sawed-off shotgun
but it'll only hurt afterwards, i swear
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