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 May 2013 CRH
Wind in my face
Struggling to breathe
Pedaling and free
 May 2013 CRH
Flying (Haiku)
 May 2013 CRH
Gravity and graphite
Over fifty miles per hour
I'm flying
Really enjoying cycling again. It is freedom. It is flying!
 May 2013 CRH
Some find God in church.
My pew has wheels and holy
Sweat. I cleanse my soul.
 May 2013 CRH
i keep my hands held close to my sides
for fear that if i dare stretch them too far
i may burn my fingers upon the edge of the stars--
       (i suppose the fear i know is just a side effect of
       having lost things i've loved far too long
       and loving things too lost to play along)
found this in my drafts.  i really like the first three lines, not sure about the last, though.
 May 2013 CRH
they told me happiness would
come, if only i'd look

                                     (but i am tired of searching
                                      only to find nothing)
today is my birthday.  i feel old and at the same time no different at all- strange how that is, isn't it?
 Apr 2013 CRH

Playing both
red and blue.

If you own all the railroads is there really any point in travelling?
You'll just stay in your own hotel.
Sick, pervert.
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