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I want to see what it's like to be good.
do you breathe easier?
Can you go through your day
without regrets?
Do you sleep better at night?
Is life easier? Is it better?
I wouldn't know what it's like to be good.
In order to be good,
you have to do things right
Something I'm miserable at, doing things right.
All my tests have A's but there is no homework.
another failed class.
I made her smile today, my mother screamed.
another fight.
A bright morning, and a dark night.
just another dose of black.
Just one more slash.
just one more drop of blood.
Just another sleepless night.
I'm afraid that while my life is mine,
I'll never be good.
Copyright @ Sadie Whitney
Caught in the wire,
Tangled and trying to escape,
From lust and desire,
I need to get back into shape.
Entwined in the thorn bush,
Stabbed and bleeding out,
From malice and reluctance,
I need to patch up these wounds.

Tie me down,
A rope around my neck,
Hanging by a thread,
Holding my last breath to fall again and again and again.
Hang me out to dry,
In the middle of a hurricane,
Battered from the gusts of anger,
It's selfish to feel this pain.
The world is changing,
I know it is.
I can feel the shifting tide of change,
Pulling me further into the vast ocean
Of new laws,
And I am proud to be a part of that change.

But alas I fear the sinister forces of evil that lie beneath the tranquil surface of the water
We must be ready with our nets and our spears to capture and dispose of it
**Otherwise it will be an oil slick which will destroy everything we have slowly and painfully forged with our own two hands.
Life is more
  Than who you are
        The trival lives
           That people lead
              You are way more
         Than what they say
              Don't be scared
                 Of who
             You should be
    No one said
It would be easy
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Wallow in thy self-begotten woe.
You've earned it; you've wrought it upon thyself.

Bask in thy self-inflicted confusion.
You've earned it; you've brought it upon thyself.

Cringe in thy self-loathing angst.
You've earned it; you've sought it of thyself.

Pessimist? Maybe,
but I've had my fill
of swearing by
Benefit of the Doubt.
Sie ist weg;
Ich wünsche ihr das beste
mit allem meinen Herzen.

Nun, ist sie weg.
Jetzt ist meines Zeit.
Nun, ist sie weg.

Wie wäre es damit?

Halte nicht dass das um dich ist.
She is gone;
I wish her the best
with all my heart.

Well, she's gone.
Now is my time.
Well, she's gone.

How about that?

Do not regard this as being about you.
Here's to:
Whiskey, ***, Scotch, and Gin,
*****, Jäger, Wine and Beer.
[These are] Not so sweet as a fair Maidens' lips,
yet Toxins seem the more sincere:

Maybe I'm a cynic, but hey.
It doesn't make it any less true in my experience.

I also don't mean this to be chauvinistic;
it's just my situational-****** luck that this is my perspective and experience thus far.
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