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300 · Mar 24
Echoes of a dance
I hope it burns,
But first I hope it makes me forget.
How life swam through my veins an endless death.
I hope it's painless,
falling from dancing,
but I hope I'll feel the last bit of music on me,
If the heart ever stops from beating,
don't let the sadness make you start screaming.
Hug me keep on dancing, keep on pouring drinks,
never let anyone stop from having other swings.
74 · Sep 2022
My lady
crackersandbrie Sep 2022
Tell me lady tell me lady can I be your man.
Take you out on a terrible midnight ran.
Don’t look at me when I put on my shirt,
I can feel your love-stare at its worst.
I have to put a tattoo on my scars,
so I’ll just paint that nights’ stars.
You lady are the love of my life.
I’ll say that just for the kids to hear,
and never mention that I ran out of tears.
I’m telling you, you can’t dare to look me in the eyes,
even when we lay next to one another
and think we won the best love prize.
Oh, how you have the perfect smile,
I’d **** every moment we had,
just to have the real you for a while.

— The End —