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May 2015 · 320
Nothing Like
don’t don’t don’t you think I should be more vicious?
Would I not love to eat you to shreds?
Once upon a time, I rode a pony and brought the king back your ******* head.

He said he did not even know you,
or care that you were dead.

won’t won’t won’t you just sit pretty?
Or just keep laying around in bed.
Are you an actor or an ashtray?
I cannot remember what you said.

Oh my god, we are so fragile!
Look how easily you bled!
I just wanted to touch a sunset or see a spaceship,
but you had other plans instead.
May 2015 · 591
Lost Cat
I am not sure how to save you this time, scared chickadee,
running away from home at the first sign of an angry mother or the
inherent need for some fresh air.
now, the path back escapes you and all the lamplights are beginning to turn on.

is this the freedom they speak of?
you hope not, but it seems like it is.

I looked for you in all the alleyways and down every dumpster,
we just found the skin you shed throughout instead.
if you were my lizard, I would leash you,
but alas, you belong to the sewers now, the earth floor and that big lake.

and I could never put you back together, Humpty Dumpty,
though I will never stop trying,
collecting every piece hoping to recreate anything that would remotely resemble you.

— The End —