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Colm Oct 2022
Peace, quiet.

Wash over me and see these feet -

Not own but owned by others

With joy-filled steps of contentment - leave

And I

Finding nothing but thoughts abound

And a will within to stay sitting down

Feel not their need as is not my need

And I - having all which I could want at hand

Am alone at last in me

I'm free
Colm Oct 2022
Rain falls
Hopes rise
Mountains crumble over lifetimes small

Night skies blink
Struck by waking tides
And waves crash down till no more tall

The humans run and walk their lives
Into beneath, beside, and in
The massive wonders of God alive

And yet so few ever stop to see
To breathe in these
Before their very eyes

Colm Oct 2022
If life is sleep
Then best friends walk into being
Like a glorious dawn
And in your own confusion, you never see
Where they came from or what you did
To deserve to walk alongside
Such a kindred being

You never knew, and you never will

It just is
Colm Oct 2022
Perhaps you are not as you seem
Or perhaps the problem
As it always has been
Resides with me

For I am my not that
As I am not awake
But that too often now I have gone to dreams
And dreams don't die for me

Instead I breathe
And in sleeping
Colm Oct 2022
As I walk

Through the mountains of elevated responses to be

I look bout and feel, breathe in and see

A new outward being

Almost proud of, in me

Anew breath, a new earth

As I find newness

Where there was no patience in me


As I walk
Colm Sep 2022
Battled as a worrier be
I feel berated all around
Not just the wind or the waves
But by what I cannot see

As it is me always been
Always will not hopefully
These constant battering thoughts
Cautious tumultuous as is me

But if I'd speak as I speak
Lean on Gods listening
And just walk into freedom
Be it overtop of the sea

Next, I'm known longer lost
But instead, free to be
Like a sailboat again
Against winds constantly
Most times I, do indeed. Pray for me.
Colm Sep 2022
That horizon
It would've been beautiful
To climb and peek
At its mountain peeks
And at the top to see
All of the breathless heights
Which it would've held

But instead
In the middle of the week
I wed
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