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Colm Sep 2022
As I walk

Through the mountains of elevated responses to be

I look bout and feel, breathe in and see

A new outward being

Almost proud of, in me

Anew breath, a new earth

As I find newness

Where there was no patience in me


As I walk
Around this time - SJ
Colm Sep 2022
You walked in
And I saw
For a moment struck by falling awe
The same starlight in your eyes
As had been within my dreams as of late
And like that
The morning of not knowing was over
And you were there in the afternoon

I didn't expect such starlight then
Someone once struck me - but I'm glad it passed
Colm Sep 2022
On the days when I
Am aware and awake
And in balance with the world
From each stream to each oceans lake

I swear noone else can contest my sight
Or explain my innate insight
Or see the light as my eyes perceive

Where shadows meet
Both the man-made eaves and the un

I am there in feeling just beyond the chest

It was always me
The set about creations . 10

A mix of self, self reflections, beliefs, and observations about the world which currently holds me. None of these will change the world, but over time these have certainly changed me. For better or worse, I remain. Mr. Constant. (:

Thanks friend.
Colm Sep 2022
Waiting for the Lord

As the soul waits for the wind
As hands wait for the friend
As homes wait for each of these

Small beings no more than the grassy seas
Just as rain is sent by the lord again
So that all of these may grow and be

I **** at accepting gifts
The set about creations . 9
Colm Sep 2022
What if my tongue
Parched from its boredom
Runs out of ink
Or forgets itself
And the ways of penning graphite scenes
Into the reality of lines to be

What if my of
Has come forth only to be
Nothing more than a habitus
Or self reflective mirror
That worships either everything of self
Or of thee

What if our cause
Was already free
And found beside a quiet setting
Where the Idaho deer
Meet, paw, and breed their joys
Dispite of inequities

What if this
All the snow in heaven fell
And all the heat of hell rose up
And all the steam between were trees
And you were me
And we were these

What if is all I ask of me
The set about creations . 8
Colm Sep 2022
I value creation
I care about outcome
I live not for me
But to die everyday
To away from the old ways
I flee
The set about creations . 7
Colm Sep 2022
Before she turns and sees my eyes
Which burn with similar fires
And hopeful truths

Like autumn rolling back her hair
Into a twisted bun
And messy painted summer skies

She keeps her constant gaze abroad
Before she turns
I'm a way to hide
The set about creations . 6
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