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Colm Sep 2022
Noone wants filet minion
And if they do they don't have it

Envy is an occasional thing
Whereas the truth is much more real
And substantial
The set about creations . 5
Colm Sep 2022
Is it wrong
To not want something so easy
As shallow

Is it noble to wait
For something so uncertain
As what you actually want

Knowing isn't having
Just as finding isn't searching
It's just known
The set about creations . 4
Colm Sep 2022
A thoughtful heart
   Wishes for a quiet corner
And thinks
   Not for the potential being or un
But for others warm
   And their tired feet
Though they may never meet
   The intent is pure
And purely kind
The set about creations . 3
Colm Sep 2022
I love the feeling of these words
The dark of night dying to day
The distant hum of summer birds
And the lightning bugs in gloriful sway

Just wishing, hoping, praying that they
The birds, these words, this glow
Will stay

Though they never do
I turn

And they've all gone away
The set about creations . 2
Colm Sep 2022
Give me space and the freedom to feel it out
Into the existence which wasn't meant to be
But would never have been
Without the vision
Without me

I am a selfish, most biased, creator of worlds
The set about creations . 1
Colm Aug 2022
You are
Like cloud
And water
In the breeze

Like stray fodder
You lift
And float
And love
And hover above
The blocking sun
At ease

Until rain
Or snowfall
Or dew
Does fall

You are
As nothing
And yet something
As all
Colm Aug 2022
When my moonlight heart

And cries eternity asleep no more
She says
“you do not know
where you are as of late”

And with a bright flash of light
So her insult speaks
And slowly resonates

And I then
Will inevitably wake
Just to contemplate
moonlight heart
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