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Colm Jul 2022
To be had
I don't know where you're at
But this coffee has me
Colm Jul 2022
Run from being
Into un
And find yourself
In nothingness for a time

Don't worry
The clocks always come around
Just like payments due
So are you to bound
Inevitable lol
Colm Jul 2022
Take another pass
Find no (new) hopes to smash
There is nothing left on these shores of mine

All that remains to do - is to laugh
Colm Jun 2022
When you look at me
See not my deeds
But the gravitas behind who I've become

See me and only me
If you please
Boxing Poems . 10

This set was all about short, and sweet, and hard-hitting sentiments. The kind of stuff which means both everything and nothing.

I hope all is well.
Colm Jun 2022
It pleases me to think
That one day I woke up
And with
Whatever coffee I had
The best poetry I would ever sing
And noone heard a sound from me
Not even then
And yet I was free
Completely and indifferently
Boxing Poems . 9
Colm Jun 2022
No Man or intuition
Can see more than a day or two
Into her dream
Not weeks or months or years to spend
Instead all they think of is
"Wouldn't it be nice if"
Boxing Poems . 8
Colm Jun 2022
The only thing you know of me
Is what is not
And therefore nothing

I am not you
And you don't even know yourself

Boxing Poems . 7
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