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218 · May 2015
collin May 2015
wake up to the german sun
you might say son, it's all the same one
but i'm no dunce, i know the sun
we've had fun, we were friends once
then i moved away from the states
that made me stay the same and changed

now all i see is his brother
who shines a billion different shades
Of homesick
218 · Jun 2021
i felt happy
collin Jun 2021
feeling amazing
i graze upon
seeking saline
and saying
out loud
the things i’ve lost
redirecting the pain i felt
the insane i was dealt
matriarchal reign
my adolescent hell
i descend as i dwell
i wish the memories erased
and well, i am still presented
with a text and facetime call
each week, wishing me well
217 · Jul 2015
would you rather
collin Jul 2015
i'd rather be caught
in the cold chaos of war
laying in a broken cot
right next to yours
then in a wind blown
to your front porch
and you're not home
217 · Oct 2023
collin Oct 2023
i had a dream
and the only reason i could believe
it wasn’t real is that you were with me
217 · Apr 2016
collin Apr 2016
with the mentality that i'm
trying to fool myself into believing
i shouldn't care but i do
217 · May 2015
collin May 2015
you thought yourself so subtle
and follies so few
but to be brutally honest, sweetheart
i've met puddles jealous of you
216 · Jul 2015
collin Jul 2015
the impending ending in sight
together for one more night
i can't pretend to know
how the rest of the story goes
but i do know this was the best
weekend of my life
215 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i was busy all morning
organizing thoughts
and upon completion
i dropped the box
214 · May 2015
sunday morning
collin May 2015
my head is a lava lamp
214 · May 2015
the irony in loving you
collin May 2015
like a doctor's list of patients
with obsessive compulsive disorder
filed alphabetically over and over and over
213 · May 2015
collin May 2015
a wise man once sang
and the words uttered still remain true
*it's the freakin' weekend
baby i'm bout to have me some fun
if you don't know what this is a reference to then maybe you need to culture yourself a lil more
212 · Dec 2021
collin Dec 2021
no heart and all thumbs
i’m tired of feeling dumb
scarred wrists and empty cup
i’m tired of feeling numb
211 · Jul 2022
collin Jul 2022
your love used to move smoothly
over the smoking coals of my heart
in no small part due to who i used to be
you tried so hard to sooth the beast
but your dream of redeeming me
returned only with mandatory therapy
and a face full of seething steam

210 · May 2015
this castle
collin May 2015
erecting the walls
knowing the ones who travel
to knock them down
and more valuable than the ones who only call
209 · Jul 2015
collin Jul 2015
***** sheets
nights on repeat
lack of sleep
excess energy
my own enemy
209 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i want to build a castle
that will house all the arousing
words you throw around without
knowing where any of them are going
now you leave me no doubt
that your blouse will have found
it's own way to the ground
by the end of the night
208 · Jan 2023
what’s left of winter
collin Jan 2023
the roads closer to home are still slick
with the tightly packed snow protected
by shadows
but, sometimes, that soft crunch, despite the
danger, is still preferred to the gritty grind
of salt on ice
207 · Oct 2021
collin Oct 2021
as the fluids fade
i feel alone again
207 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i'm drunk with this now
yet not a single drop has
touched my filthy mouth
207 · Jun 2015
i can walk thanks
collin Jun 2015
i've always denied
the offered ride
i'm not sure why
perhaps it's pride
that makes me hide
and shy away
everytime i hear a stranger say
*hey, need a lift?
205 · May 2015
50 shades of blue
collin May 2015
if i was a book
the story would be boring
but you'd love the end
204 · Jun 2022
strike one
collin Jun 2022
like ivory split on wooden planks
she whispered to the cloud
for watering the plant
from the very seeds she planted
204 · May 2015
collin May 2015
this moment is screaming
for you to reach out and touch her
t-rex arms

i've never been a hunter
far too content to watch and wait
for the perfect opportunity
to do absolutely nothing
204 · Jul 2015
raising the bar
collin Jul 2015
i don't want to be around
for anything other than
to make you feel better
than you do right now
204 · Feb 2021
collin Feb 2021
i miss the days before the flood
when jokes were funny
when pockets held money
when mornings were sunny
instead of nose runny
tears corroding cheeks
deep canyons out of creeks
resentment when we speak
impaled on mountain peaks
stress is a disease
i miss the day we find a vaccine
203 · Oct 2016
one percent
collin Oct 2016
to the skinny white
staying by the wall
all night
my phone almost died.
203 · May 2015
old news
collin May 2015
you left me obsolete
to lie among the flip phones
and rounded tv's
202 · Jul 2015
collin Jul 2015
your. possessive.
you're possessed
202 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
the clouds write a novel in braille
down the back of my arms
if i could set sail without alarm
i'd be peacefully at sea
without signal so nobody could reach me
202 · May 2015
native hues
collin May 2015
the curtains give this room an orange tint
I sit
cigarette lit
I told you I quit
but sleep soundly, on your pale moon,
as the second of two
bad habits I couldn't kick
201 · May 2015
collin May 2015
that there is someone out there for everyone
is the greatest lie we choose to believe
200 · May 2015
natural causes
collin May 2015
you died upon that pedestal
because i wouldn't let you down
until you stopped being beautiful
200 · Nov 2023
collin Nov 2023
honestly, it’s not so bad
right now
she’s not mad
right now
he’s not sad
right now
if i don’t think about it
198 · May 2015
collin May 2015
all that my receptors are picking up
is the smell of stale cigarettes
the taste of sleepy time tea
and you, the most important of the three
198 · Oct 2016
wild cats
collin Oct 2016
in this hall of women
stripping to get money
to pay their groceries
to eat i found love
198 · May 2015
perfect hair forever
collin May 2015
i've been having this problem
ever since i signed next to the X
superiors jealous
because my combover is the best
197 · Jun 2019
serious fear
collin Jun 2019
i’m scared of the future
****** stares through sutures
pirates who don’t understand who you were
Before the scooters with less wheels
Soon we’re dying to try and live
Slippery thighs with lies within
Skinny kids slithering in to the house slytherin
My kids will begin to wither when
Their eyes see the skin their in
You’re working for a scholarship
sent. fist through mirror.
196 · May 2015
full of it
collin May 2015
it's hard to find anything these days
in a world where it seems everyone is so
happily engaged to be engaged
196 · Jun 2015
last night was amazing
collin Jun 2015
when the sun set on this
tiny german town we set out
we were forced to believe
nothing could stop us
and there was no sadness
or anger or madness or danger
then the sun returned
making a liar of that
recklessly whispering liquor
196 · May 2015
what a beautiful day
collin May 2015
i'd like to take a moment to appreciate
all the energy mother nature is exerting
to give us such a wonderful canvas
to keep the air cool yet shine sun on us
it truly is impressive
she must be exhausted
196 · Jul 2022
you are my sunscreen
collin Jul 2022
i’ll meet you where you might meet me
sandy scales of ocean water become your feet
the only memories of us I felt worthy to keep
skinny jeans and anxiety in corpus christi
you made me forget myself on the beach
195 · May 2015
collin May 2015
there is an uneasy contentment
in knowing exactly what rock bottom looks like
195 · Mar 2022
collin Mar 2022
my eyes meet your baby blue gaze
“nice to meet your face”, they say
my heart keeps a pace
adjacent to a train racing
to replace itself and sound and light
and if he attacks me
i hope it is not tonight
195 · May 2015
sky be the DD
collin May 2015
feet making love to the pavement
as the stars above make a statement
telling us we should go home
but oh no, the night's too young
and the alcohol is too strong

we walked back
four miles up hill
we almost got lost in the thrill
195 · May 2015
collin May 2015
she's a dreamer
i can see it when she talks
her shadow couldn't keep her
from conversing with the stars
she became so far
out of my reach
the price of a peach
194 · May 2015
step away from the screen
collin May 2015
this is so much bigger than you and i
a view of the sky
a difficult sight to find
the only prerequisite being that you stand outside
194 · Feb 2021
San A
collin Feb 2021
gone but not forgotten
a sentiment often lost upon
me for being too cheesy
imagine me, she sees something
i can’t

mirrors lie and every once in a while
you find an avocado that’s not rotten
193 · May 2015
day to day
collin May 2015
it's like stepping out of a warm shower
into a meat locker
192 · May 2015
cap space
collin May 2015
when i tried to make sense
of who's who and what's what
unfortunately, you didn't make the cut
regardless of your cute ****
190 · Jul 2022
a couch and a candle
collin Jul 2022
i see things things i don’t mean
and say things that nobody else does
maybe someone with a college degree
can make sense of this digital buzz

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