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245 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i'll name this laziness ADD
he will justify my inability to get **** done
244 · Sep 2015
how did you become so much
collin Sep 2015
it was so much easier to pretend
i didn't care when
*i didn't
244 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i'm not okay
but it's easier to lie
242 · Jul 2015
starry night
collin Jul 2015
sandpaper eyes
the stars all cry
in harmony
i'm sleepy
and if i don't find a bed soon
i'll curl up neatly under the moon
and allow her to sing me
to sleep and dream of you
241 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
the weather is getting nicer
as we stay up later and the sun
won't set until we're done
being sober. he says goodnight
and sinks beyond the skyline
i think i can manage a couple more drinks
in my mind there's not enough
to make me forget
241 · May 2015
hello, my name is...
collin May 2015
i want you to know that
everything i've ever wrote
is rotten to the core
ok? and i want you to know
that i want you more and more each day
and each said day is even more
beautiful when he wears your face
on his chest as a name tag
and if you're scared by a big mean dog
i'll bite him
and if someone tells you that you're wrong
i'll right him
and if someone says you're not that hot
i'll fight him
241 · May 2015
t swift can't save me now
collin May 2015
you ever have one of those days
where everybody is in your way
and everytime you hear someone say
"hey, are you okay? you look ******"
you get the urge to rip off their ****
and be them with it..
yeah well it's been about a week now
240 · Feb 2014
cheap drinks
collin Feb 2014
continue to feel
but forget the words you hear
love is not real, fool
239 · May 2015
body of work
collin May 2015
there's been a terrible accident
it's mangled and unrecognizable
and bleeding out
236 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
we sat in the cold
wet grass painting
the **** of my pants
the stars stared back
locked in a contest
at what point does late
turn into early?
this question resonates
too many meanings
for me to answer each one
234 · Dec 2021
hindsight is my only flaw
collin Dec 2021
a new sun’s lamenting golden rays
lay waste to cemented golden days
a fresh perspective levels everything
like laser beams careening  through yesterday
i realize now this is not
who i was meant to be
234 · Feb 2022
collin Feb 2022
i hate you
splitting beds with me
spitting lies through teeth
gritted against other men beneath
your sheets, uncertainly
lack of self esteem. in me.
you never denied it
when i said you cheated
233 · Apr 2022
tongue tied
collin Apr 2022
waiting for responses
despondent correspondence
doctrine traditionally dictates dialogue
a little less lack luster
i pray i can make a statement
with at least every other word i muster
233 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
there isn't an inch of skin
on this worn down body
that isn't stricken with pain
scabbed over and gaudy
with every motion i shout
and doubt my convictions without
knowing anymore what they're really about
i see a door called death and it seems
the easiest way out
231 · Jul 2015
collin Jul 2015
it's a bad morning
for battling things borrowed
you'll have to try again tomorrow
230 · Nov 2023
collin Nov 2023
that’s a mighty long neck bottle
fits just right in my hand
feels better going down
to the sound of the house band

if i had a nickel
i’d buy a real fancy car
for every night i spent drinking lonely at a bar

the flood i drank has washed away
everyone i’ve ever loved
i catalogued everything you say
and i replay it when i’m drunk

if i had a nickel
i’d buy a real fancy car
for every night i spent staring lonely at the stars
listening to too much country?
230 · Jun 2015
her mind
collin Jun 2015
he walks watching like a hawk
for potholes he'll mark with chalk
for the next dude
230 · May 2015
leave me alone
collin May 2015
you hold my attention
for ransom, long after
you've walked away
your laughter lingers
dancing on my fingers
in a way that's so seductive
i forget everything i learned in school
whenever your name is mentioned
if only i was lucky enough
to be cursed with dementia
230 · May 2015
collin May 2015
a light pole looked back at them
from the top a hill
that's where you'll wait for me*
little did he know,
that's also where they would deliver his eulogy
230 · May 2015
blink oneightyou
collin May 2015
i stand up
make my way to the door
pat down my pockets once more
that's everything
puzzled i paused
my eyes look to my forehead
as if to find the answer
i feel like i'm missing something
then with smile and chuckle i
it's you
i miss you
230 · Jul 2021
collin Jul 2021
speak to me in a tone
blanket me in the concept
of not being alone
supposed to be in love
it feels like that except
the trust and comfort and other stuff
that makes love…well love
230 · Oct 2016
collin Oct 2016
she kept talking about larry david
it was destiny for me to give in
229 · May 2015
collin May 2015
the sky rolls it's weary eyes
almost as if to say
he's watched me make the same mistake
day after day
and he's tired of seeing me fail
229 · May 2015
sorry, bro
collin May 2015
she seemed to feel the need
to be pretty drunk
to sleep in your bunk
she must not like you that much
229 · May 2015
new jersey princess
collin May 2015
my eyelids seem to be obese
yet tonight, under these sheets
i'll wait for sleep to find me
i gave up looking for it a while ago
229 · May 2015
a vegabond
collin May 2015
the ides of my youth
i saw 8 different towns
each kept a piece lost
228 · May 2015
collin May 2015
you're* the thing i wanted
not the thing i needed
the way your eyes could ****
one day you said you loved me
           but unfortunately,
228 · Nov 2023
in the smoke
collin Nov 2023
you sit under the sun
and the golden shine is one
with the beauty of your skin
and you don’t believe
how beautiful you are

all the flames and all the fun
you can’t deny the nights we’ve won
i wish to live forever here with you
228 · May 2015
a boy can dream
collin May 2015
the same way you don't appreciate sleep until you go twenty four hours without it
is the way i wish you'd appreciate me one day but i doubt it
228 · Jan 2021
collin Jan 2021
from the womb
the love you exude
similar to seeking
warmth from the moon
228 · Jul 2015
about a girl:season finale
collin Jul 2015
some how i knew
that night would lead to
something amazing
and the amazing was you
after months of silent
adoration i finally told you the truth
overcome with joy
you cried and i was the happiest boy
to know you lied too
how was i supposed to know
you liked me as much as i liked you
you are so ******* cute
so this is an ending of an intro
and the beginning of something new
true story
227 · May 2015
happy mother's day
collin May 2015
22 years ago you bled for me
in the years that followed you led for me
never once have you fled from me
you would find yourself dead for me
before you would find me hurt
and for that i love you
more than words
227 · Sep 2016
part two
collin Sep 2016
i'm sure it was exciting for you
i only wanted to feel something
the sequel is never as good
everything was sold at auction
cold cement my only friend
i wish i had someone to talk to right now
i know this one *****.
collin May 2015
take a moment to save
the way we behave
take a moment to say
we're alive and okay
take a moment to crave
the things you deserve anyway
take a moment to slave
over friends through window panes
take a moment to portray
every feeling on a blank page
take these moments to the grave
because it's been way way way
too long since you've seen a day like today
I hope you all enjoy the refreshing ice cube reference
226 · Oct 2016
collin Oct 2016
i'm digging this sound
deep beneath the ground
asleep with the hounds
i'll keep making my rounds
collin May 2015
i've never been a wasteful person
and this realization makes me fear
that it would be a waste of the first beer
to not have a second
how would i sleep at night
224 · Jun 2015
mi casa
collin Jun 2015
i found a home in your eyes
where i could remain til i die
the colors that surround us will be
as gorgeous as you are to me
222 · May 2015
collin May 2015
the words grow wings
and fly just out of reach
the letters grow gills
and disappear into the deep
as i begin to see
the difficulty
in prolificity
222 · Oct 2022
one day at a time
collin Oct 2022
turning bread into toast
peanut butter and jam
the part I miss the most
veraciously out of hand
I’ve been tying to slow it down
I’ve been counting through my breaths
distance found it difficult
to dwarf the pain that’s left
222 · Jan 2021
locked in
collin Jan 2021
i have yet to decide
my favorite vice
they all taste like the same spices
222 · May 2015
pillow talk
collin May 2015
tripping on floorboards
the door tore open once more
if i could sing, i would
if we had wings, we'd soar
*let's get naked
and explore
221 · Feb 2014
you of the past.
collin Feb 2014
i hate you.
for lack of a stronger word.
221 · May 2015
one of MENy
collin May 2015
it never fails
i wonder if you're this way with every guy you know
pleas tell me you're not
220 · Jun 2015
one for the record books
collin Jun 2015
i've been waiting for this night
this very specific particular night
as long as i can remember
since i saw you in december
at first, i was surprised
when your head met my shoulder
and somehow your eyes met mine
it was probably just right place
right time but it felt so perfect
you are so perfect
i still hear your laugh
as everyone was more drunk than
you and i
220 · May 2015
range day
collin May 2015
while i lay in bed, watching episodes
of the office for the seventh time
you and him stand in the mountains
firing a high caliber weapon
at silhouette targets that might as well be me
219 · May 2015
you are everything
collin May 2015
i want to give you everything
so i sat down
took a deep breath
laid it all out
came to this corny, cliche conclusion
that i would buy you a mirror
219 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
when a mountain cascade
was the only face to put with the name
people seemed to care more for what i had to say
this is a sad day
219 · Jan 2022
VII need an IV
collin Jan 2022
the roman numeral balloons
will soon deflate to meet the floor
of our home and soon you’ll consume
all of me and continue to beg for more
i felt like life would flourish in my skin
your favorite flora in my veins, intertwined
i never think about the end when i begin
but at least sunflowers leave seeds when they
218 · May 2015
collin May 2015
wake up to the german sun
you might say son, it's all the same one
but i'm no dunce, i know the sun
we've had fun, we were friends once
then i moved away from the states
that made me stay the same and changed

now all i see is his brother
who shines a billion different shades
Of homesick
218 · Jun 2021
i felt happy
collin Jun 2021
feeling amazing
i graze upon
seeking saline
and saying
out loud
the things i’ve lost
redirecting the pain i felt
the insane i was dealt
matriarchal reign
my adolescent hell
i descend as i dwell
i wish the memories erased
and well, i am still presented
with a text and facetime call
each week, wishing me well
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