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346 · May 2015
black lung and piano tongue
collin May 2015
she woke up way too early
the whole world still is sleeping
deep in the whirlwind
a boy and a girl win
a chance at inevitable weeping

she played the piano
and he smoked a cigarette
it burned at the tip
he yearned for her lips
he's never been a man of regret

he always did what he wanted
she always did what she's told
they met in a daydream
they bet on the home team
like a tornado their story unfolds

he said,"where are you from?"
she said,"the same place as you."
they laugh and they play fight
'til "sleep tight", said this May night
she hadn't the slightest clue

alcohol is quite an aphrodisiac
she fell in love with all that she heard
now cold and despondent
this morning the calmest
and last night was nothing but words
I don't usually do long stories like this so be gentle
345 · May 2015
triplehorn party of two
collin May 2015
all i have
is all you don't want
it haunts me
it taunts me
i flaunted everything
and i flaunted everything
and i flaunted all i've got
and all i got was a naked wall
and a blood clot
stating at the back of my thoughts
i think
yes i do
still have a spot reserved for you
345 · Feb 2022
collin Feb 2022
i want to be where you are
to feel your skin for it’s scars
i want to repair your heart
with greasy hands and spare parts
345 · Aug 2015
dead end
collin Aug 2015
when there's nothing you can do right
and you don't know what you did wrong
and you don't know how to prove
that this is right where she belongs
344 · May 2015
missing Texas
collin May 2015
home is where the heart is
that's the expression
the lesson in never forgetting
everything you've been blessed with
but memory is a funny thing
it's not always on your side
it doesn't always abide with the changing tides
sometimes it writes it's own rhymes
and flies it's kite way too close to the sky
340 · Nov 2023
collin Nov 2023
you make me feel new
truth is, we stole the moon
when we kissed, it’s true
your skin so smooth
and my words like rusted roots
i wish i could spoke
i wish i speaked
i wish i told it
i wish i spoked
i’m broken and weak
and can only speak
of my love for you
in this drunken speech
340 · Nov 2016
collin Nov 2016
if she believe'd that she even cared
i would lie to myself
seriously?i just need anyone to talk to.
.tonight just might be the one
collin Jul 2015
every missed cue
is a miscue
no clue why i miss you
i just do
338 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i'd rather have one friend who's
than a hundred friends who are
ten times out of ten
i'll pick weird over boring
337 · May 2015
return to sender
collin May 2015
grasp a balloon by its pendulous string
ride it to the moon, O glorious thing
marooned across that giant rock
draw your own map so you don't get
take a nap
take a coat
it gets cold
when it turns its back on us

there's certain stars
never seen from this angle
who have never seen such an angel
and when your host turns a crescent
cast a line back down
i'll take the bait
so i too can drown
337 · Feb 2014
collin Feb 2014
it's 12:22 am but shortly it'll be 12:23
of my life
nobody's gonna get it,
I don't give a ****.
that ones for me.
i wrote this at 12:22 a.m. december 23rd..the day after my birthday. maybe that will help you understand.
337 · May 2015
collin May 2015
everything starts to make sense now
as fatigue takes its seat next to delusion
if i can't sleep, no one can
these hallways bang on pots and pans
336 · Jun 2015
cordially indicted
collin Jun 2015
to put it quite simply
if i could intervene, you see
my mind understands that i should just be your friend
but my heart can't comprehend
*what the **** that means
336 · Apr 2023
collin Apr 2023
ghost kings in the fog
maintaining my momentum
in the monoliths
335 · May 2015
collin May 2015
you asked me one day
"zombie apocalypse, three people
who do you take?"
my first thought was you
so we could repopulate
but that's not what i would say
i'd just laugh and turn away
give you someone else's name
and make up an excuse like
*he's probably good with a blade
collin Feb 2014
i want my hands to play
the role of the cradle to your cranium
while my lips play the protagonist
and yours will be the love interest
the conflict consists of lack of breath and sore jaws
five minute recess and then action
331 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
my dreams are outlandish and inscrutable
and in no way can they be interpreted
trust me, i've tried
331 · May 2015
fire hazard
collin May 2015
my ears begin to burn a bright red
like the leftover embers from someone's
beach front campfire
narrow eyes and paranoid mind says to me
*someone's talkin ****
331 · May 2015
chiming of southern belles
collin May 2015
i hear their teeth
gnashing and chomping
screaming horrid songs
deep beneath a swamp
of shattered dreams
and things i'll never be
a set of self fulfilling prophecies
keeping them at bay would be easy
if i wasn't so ******* weak
collin Jul 2015
cramp in a damp cavern
it's a lamp, not a lantern
not sure if a *** serve cold
is going to hold the old souls
so we can ask the man
with a *** or kettle or pan
on both hands and a bandana
fastened loosely like a noose
he writes in loose leaf
and speaks truthfully
that every fallen sapling
leaves a loose leaf
329 · May 2015
collin May 2015
the window stood open and watching
the curtains danced to the song the late night rain played
your body painted over in constellations
found a hammock in my arms
which give birth to the hands of a musician
they pluck the secrets from your hair
and strum the pain away, serenade
329 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
keep thinking you're never wrong
while you sand down your pedestal
to stand on, you'll stand alone
327 · Dec 2019
still not forgotten.
collin Dec 2019
on some sunny summer day
when the wind slips sleepily on my synapse
the dark grey engravings
of everything you have ever meant to me
warm against the winter memories
of everything else
327 · Dec 2023
her voice
collin Dec 2023
soft, sweet
so curious
in my dreams
when i breathe
i hear it
326 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
cloaked in immense difficulty
the things i really wish i could write
i don't feel much outside of the drumming
the things i do feel are too real
i've always been better at running
326 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
these boots are caked with dirt
i see a morbid lake where a monster lurks
working to maintain his veil of secrecy
a sea of things we never want to see
an ocean of uncertainty
collin Jun 2015
there's mold and dust
what was golden once
now cold and rusted
entrusted with fifth grade kisses
a list of lost kittens and *******
the bed at an unreasonable age
locked away
in a cage
in a cave
in a wave
of soda exploding
opening a lethal dosage
of emotion and
friendship is born again
324 · Feb 2022
collin Feb 2022
let this page be my escape
let the paper make an umbrella
let it scare away the rain
let me only hit my pillow
and not a bottle full of pain
let me wake up in my own bed
let me feel less insane.
323 · May 2015
On a Sunday night
collin May 2015
i fall asleep tonight
with my ability to articulate this moment impaired
just know i had many good moments tonight
we were alone together
i don't know if you were alone with me
but i was definitely alone with you
thank god for auto-correct
323 · Mar 2022
what am i supposed to say?
collin Mar 2022
my brother may leave soon
but he has been gone a while
somewhere west of kyiv
and south of things unsaid
collin May 2015
keep it steady
for if we capsize
and do cartwheels with the blue
it's going to become exponentially
harder for me to love you
321 · May 2015
cue evil laughter
collin May 2015
i met a martyr once who told me
that gingers aren't born
they're spawned from something unholy
*oh but of course
so when these hands collapse your throat
i will sleep with no remorse
disclaimer: i am not a murderer, a just a ginger who doesn't like being called told he's soulless
320 · Sep 2015
perch against the water
collin Sep 2015
the waves keeping crashing
to make a sandscape kaleidoscope
despite the dashing young man
vanishing and politely asking
319 · May 2015
to say the least
collin May 2015
someone mistook my
lacoste for axe or old spice
i was offended
i take pride in the way i smell
319 · Jul 2015
collin Jul 2015
when the checkered flag waves
and the street lights fade
promise me we'll stay the same
and when the roads we've paved
all go astray
promise me nothing inside you has changed
317 · Apr 2022
collin Apr 2022
i closed my eyes
and felt the want sunrise
but i opened my eyes
to see my own demise
317 · May 2015
i woke up sweating
collin May 2015
demons seeping into
my sleeping mind
the bleeding kind
the serene thoughts
deeply caught
fearlessly fought
tooth and claw
til he too was lost
fearfully sought
assistance from heart
a kindling to start
a fire to burn
a desire i deserve
316 · May 2015
collin May 2015
feverishly i
check my inbox for any
sign you are still here
idk what it is with haiku tonight
315 · Jul 2015
collin Jul 2015
she said
not until the streetlights come on
so we laid in her bed
laughing and strong
songs of the future
curb stomped my head
314 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i'm fearful that maybe people were
forced to sit down and read a book
or had to talk to people
i grow anxious and sweaty just
thinking of the implications
the worst part is to imagine that
when bored, they would've gone
outside with a ball or something
*yuck picture that
picture life without technology
313 · May 2015
Indian giver
collin May 2015
a dream, it seems
a whimsical gleam
head and heart form a team
a tyrannical regime
with an evil scheme
an atrocious deed
teach your eyes to see
something just out of reach
it leaves you as you scream
on the edge of your seat
*please, let me keep it
it's all that i need
312 · Jan 2016
collin Jan 2016
in clouds
calming down
climbing the walls
of the compound
louder now
but still,
without a sound
commence the countdown
311 · Sep 2016
collin Sep 2016
so on this
lying desolate
complimentary companionship
slovakia in fortune
uneasy with this future function
the ceiling laughs
it's easier to explain to myself
than anyone else
308 · May 2015
fighter jets
collin May 2015
the cherry sky laughed
it was a beautiful laugh
but only for you
308 · Nov 2021
like a glove
collin Nov 2021
maybe i can do this
maybe this is a good fit
maybe i can glue a few
of these shards of broken mirror
together to make something new
good morning to you, too.
307 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i'm done. i'm finished
i can't compete with this
generation of ignorance
if you like it, put a ring on it
but if you love it, put your **** in it
what no
307 · Nov 2023
collin Nov 2023
i think i built a crane
to lift the things i can’t
a wagon to carry my baggage
a ***** pack for my angst
a tote for all my love
backpack for the parts i hate
i drag these bags around
i take them to the bank
306 · May 2015
about a girl pt4
collin May 2015
i'm drunk
you're drunk
we have so much in common

but you won't remember this
and neither will i
back to page one
306 · May 2015
collin May 2015
time seems to have become aware
of my awareness
perhaps, it's her insecurities that make
her slow down while i'm watching in awe-inspired wonderment
305 · Jul 2015
going once
collin Jul 2015
my mother didn't raise no quitter
cupid has one less arrow in his quiver
but every weekend you float the river
and sell your liver to the highest bidder
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