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305 · Mar 2021
collin Mar 2021
cosmetics written on her hieroglyphic lips
whispering, i’m no stranger to danger
always knew she wasn’t new to bad news
patchwork quilt of sunday comics
key and peele
305 · May 2015
the days we live for
collin May 2015
when each cheddar fry
tastes better than the last
and each song on spotify
reminds you of the past
not the bad parts, the ones that spend a discounted rent to live in your heart
you invite the sunshine
and the cool spring breeze
and they show up hand in hand
with diamonds in their teeth
that's when you'll see
you're okay
collin Nov 2019
with every wisp and tail
flickering and disappointing
littering the air with kissed feelings
my sleepy eyes succumb
to shade and lack there of
the flinting glimpses of whisks
my bones are numb
I have become.
304 · May 2015
fuck you bro
collin May 2015
why the **** do you want to be friends all of a sudden?
what kind of ******* fool do you take me for?
maybe you're trying to get close
so you can memorize my strategies
and use it against me.
or did you just want to show off the
stupid giant ******* teddy bear you won
well congrats, i hope it animates and kills you in your sleep
303 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i wonder if her eyes can listen
because they can sure as hell talk
303 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
she lies with eyes
despising the skies
for their soaking surprise
and cataclysmic cries
under a canvas and metal stakes
hammering them with haste
so the wind won't blow it away
each missed stake a mistake
this great escape from the day to day
**was supposed to be fun
303 · May 2015
collin May 2015
the ticking has grown to be quite a nuisance
begging the muscles in my arm
to introduce the bones in my hand
to the face of the clock
298 · Oct 2016
creeping complacency.
collin Oct 2016
i'm afraid of confrontation
so i'll save it some place vacant
to be stagnant. decapitated.
297 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i haven't been my
i finally placed it on
a high
free from eye
in dreams,
i see the image of you
in a nutshell
it seems,
i'm defeated, i need your
295 · May 2015
bubble guts
collin May 2015
you make me uncomfortable
in the most romantic way
295 · May 2015
collin May 2015
one man's dance
is another man's seizure
294 · Jun 2015
working for the weekend
collin Jun 2015
i'm going to dance
i'm going to sing along
i'm going to win more than i lose
i'm talking about beer pong
we're going to laugh
until our cheeks grow new muscles
we're going to defend
each other when the locals want to tussle
they're going to hate us
for generating so much light
they're going to say
we shouldn't have picked this fight
you're going to question
every stumbling thought i verbalize
you're going to wish
for a snooze button on the sunrise
294 · May 2015
bat shit
collin May 2015
there in lies
the reason why
your eyes
have never danced in mine

you're very sensible
and i'm going crazy
294 · May 2015
breakfast club
collin May 2015
you bring the eggs
i'll bring the scrambled
i've been stampeding
through the grocery store
eating all the free samples
293 · Jun 2015
to whom it may concern
collin Jun 2015
the creator can't contemplate
introducing the late
a cavity
just saying
if you could erase it all and retry
now would be a perfect time, big guy
292 · Jul 2022
relatively speaking
collin Jul 2022
a spider in every corner
a crow on every street light
the golden sunset
its brazen rays on industrial style housing
the summer heat subsides this evening
and a breeze rides down, cool relief
in the land of the morning calm
291 · May 2015
about a girl
collin May 2015
keep those words inside
for fear that you might ruin
what's already yours
collin May 2015
i set out to exercise
or exorcise the demons
of the weekend
they were sleeping
they thought they got away with it
what i found in the
earliest hours of the day
was the world glazed
over with golden rays
that say good morning
to the joy and love
and hate hiding in the shade
and scares them all away
as they disperse with the shadows
289 · Dec 2021
collin Dec 2021
i’m allowed to feel things too
said the turtle from his shell
289 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i can see your castle walls
from my bedroom window
i've been hiding under the mattress
counting the lines in the corner
only to put everything in perspective
289 · May 2015
about a girl: the end
collin May 2015
sometimes the trailer is better than the movie
perhaps we'll recast for the sequel
288 · May 2015
we'll sing
collin May 2015
when sentiments don't work
a long neck bottle will be my final resort
288 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
a defining moment
golden as it's rolled
in molten stone and
rose thorns
i'm torn apart but
can't be mad
i didn't see your horns
that's my bad
288 · Nov 2016
collin Nov 2016
not even her
perfect earth
dying alone
the lazy ozone
and blowing O's
**** it i'm done
Fuckkhthis mbiyxvhhhhhhhhhhhhh
287 · Aug 2019
i’ve lost touch
collin Aug 2019
words are like the squiggle in your eye
just out of reach and then they wiggle
then they die
i’m Pretty sure I don’t know how to write anymore.
287 · May 2015
collin May 2015
like the the aliens from avatar
or two dwarf stars
in a telescope from afar
or two violently colliding cars
of which both drivers lost all control
287 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i watched a documentary today
about the rise
to fame
and fortune
and pride
then the violent drug-induced collapse
into an existential depression and
a shallow grave
family and friends joined along
concerned they all gather around
*you've been staring in this mirror
for hours now, please come down
286 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
i feel this solipsistic need
to make you love me
286 · Dec 2021
the road
collin Dec 2021
the cold has become
less like needles in my skin
more like fuzzy ear muffs
i haven’t forgotten
i stopped nodding off
during the lessons
i’ve gotten more attentive
to my own intentions
and things that draw my attention
not to mention, i maintained the heart
in my possession
284 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
i'm counting every breath now
each one bringing me closer to death now
there's a searing pain in my lungs
if they collapsed and i collapsed
i'd become the fortunate son
we're no longer talking in terms of days or weeks or months
but rather minutes and hours
i've lost my will to speak
and the air we breathe is sour
i don't think i'll make it
i want to tell you how i really feel
because it's killing me to fake it
284 · May 2015
collin May 2015
and so the sun set
once again on our story
i will patiently wait 'till morning
to hear your final allegory
283 · Oct 2021
collin Oct 2021
every broken, filthy brick
this wall will fit
between who i think i am
and the worms and dirt and grit
282 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i could
rhyme every word
it would
be absurd
but i could do it
to sound fluent
and appease
these more traditional fans
of poetry
a theme i'll never understand
it seems the mainstream
will always be a dream to me
so i'll stick to my style
and what i've learned
the quickest way to get
my misled emotions on paper
a little bit of obscurity
with a rhyme here and there
to keep myself aware
that i am mediocre at best
281 · Jun 2015
i never really cared
collin Jun 2015
as i pace from this wall to that one
undone with this phone call
i sat, fun was gone and so were you
and you have no clue the solitude
discovered in discovering smothering
can be flattering when your mother
didn't do it enough. another media
for me to subliminally expand on
attention span drawn out and drawn on
i'm gone now a new dawn is sawing
the boards off the window
281 · Aug 2015
collin Aug 2015
idk *** u want from me
280 · Jun 2015
you are gifted
collin Jun 2015
a tiny affliction presented itself
the bottle off the shelf sang
i didn't know there were thorns
on the vegetation where it hangs
a flower. for you. from me.
you kept it

i know it's not much
a touch of something
my eyes have a mind
of their own now
and only know
your captivating browns
280 · Sep 2016
the orchard
collin Sep 2016
i hope they know me like you did
but they won't
i wish they could hide like you hid
but they don't
i tried to breathe in the wind
but i choked
i wish i didn't drink six
but i joked
i still need someone. nothing has changed.
278 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
you took my heart and ate it
after i divulged to you how much
i truly ******* hate it
278 · May 2015
holy crap
collin May 2015
i may have fallen in love with a stripper
277 · May 2015
collin May 2015
lift your chin, over encumbered soul
this is not the part where you quit
the townsfolk pray for you
the city folk prey on you
277 · May 2015
mr. Fargo
collin May 2015
despite everything
i've frivolously expended
you remain resilient
hang in there, little guy
a poem of my financial status
collin Mar 2019
Well, I know
I thought about cold toes on linoleum
Insincere notes on a podium
Loving them after you scolded them
Sent to bed but still on wooden steps
Telling stories of policies left unsaid
The qualities of bread
275 · May 2015
who fucking knows
collin May 2015
the frustration is indescribable
i say as i attempt to describe it
when you're dissected and spilled
on a table and everything that was
once inside is now out and you
worked very hard to get that way
and nobody sees the masterpiece
in your own mind that you've created

yet you could half-hearted sneeze
and people might gather in mobs
to see the tiny piece of you that escaped
without any effort on your part
275 · May 2015
about a girl pt7
collin May 2015
i sharpened my blade
preparing for this duel
an inevitable loss
but i fought all the same
to keep you from my

275 · Jul 2015
vagabond pt.2
collin Jul 2015
i saw it through tears
in the rear view mirror
i migrated to the great south
at the ripe age of ten
a heavy heart and impressionable mouth
it wasn't long before i picked up a pen
i'd love to write about home
but it's hard to know what that is
when you were living on the road
275 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
he feels the grimy grasp
as god must have given up
nothing seems as fun to him
as it was when he was young
colors have lost their hues
and music has lost its cues
the towers which once were idolized
now don't seem so huge
he would've taken the dive already
had it not been for one question
that plagued the poise of this vagabond
what led to this digression?
but he knew the answer
written in an envelope
and set aflame
275 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
with all due respect,
your unspeakable beauty
is being overshadowed
by everything else you do
274 · Jul 2021
fake it til you make it
collin Jul 2021
i thought i would miss you more
finding peace in realizing my independence
left foot still trips on the steps but it’s wet
so i like to pretend it’s coincidence
273 · Sep 2015
i swear i'll get scared
collin Sep 2015
so what will you do when you're dead
will you find someone else's bed
a softer place to lay your pretty head
a easier way to release a ****** day
or will you make it home again.
273 · Mar 2022
collin Mar 2022
i spent a day away
and after that, all i can say
is i felt the distance like a scab
itching for a hurt you never had

how tucking dumb of me to think my absence
would make your heart grow fonder
imagine my surprise when you found
delight at the sight of me underground
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